#pleasantvista apartments
gutosimmer · 3 years
~Early PleasantVista Apartments~
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I have news about Early Pleasantview!!!! I finally finished all the builds, and to celebrate, i decided to put up for download one of my builds/Renovations!
It's different 90's aesthetics for each apartment, well ,at least i was inspired by them. There is a grungy apt, a vaporwave apt, a more family home/Full House apt, and one apt inspired by Sabrina the Teenage Witch's room!
Download and Pictures under the cut!
(CC USED) The Sims 2 Store items:
HugeLunatic's Rug fixes:
Sims2Pack Clean Installer:
Download the Apartment here
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Here is the top down view!
And since i can only upload 10 pics, here's the living room of each apartment!
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There it is! I hope you enjoy it!
I want to give credit to @ts2lotmakeoverdb cause i used their guide on cleaning lots! So thanks!
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pleasantlegacy · 3 years
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Danielle is moving in with Beau to a small tudor home they fell in love with. With Danielle’s inheritances they didn’t need a loan to the bank and are going to invest in furnishing the place.
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Alex moved to the renovated, big, old, family home.
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And Lucy rented a flat at Pleasantvista Apartments. Her dad doesn’t feel very comfortable with her moving right away with her fiancé so she’s staying in her own place until the wedding. Maybe it will do her good to live a couple weeks on her own, after living so much time with so many people around. And it’s not like she’s alone. Her parents live just across the park, and a nice to Alex’s place is doable.
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gutosimmer · 2 years
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omg i can't believe that i'm finally done.
~Welcome To Early Pleasantview~
Here is Early Strangetown's lil sibling! The main premise of creation of that first hood, was that a Early Pleasantview didn't exist as a full downloadable neighborhood! So... I went and created one!! It's set 10 years before Pleasantview begins, i know it's not the same as Early Strangetown, but when i was creating this hood timeline i was faced with a problem.
Pleasantview has sims all over town that appear at different main games at the same timeline, so if i would make 20 years before, some sims would be in The Sims 1 Neighborhoods, others would be living in Sims 3 Worlds, so a timeframe that (i think) everyone would be together, would be 10 years prior! And with that, i set it in a general 90's aesthetic, and i took that aesthetic pretty loosely lol, it's difficult with no cc!
Enough rambling, let's get on with the download!
A big reminder! I have the Ultimate Collection, so all EPs and SPs are required for the neighborhood.
CC Needed:
Sims 2 Store, Preorder, Misc items; (For all the sims and houses)
Creature Fix; (For Dina and Nina's alien eyes to work properly)
Invisible Driveway & Extensions; (For the driveway on the Pleasant-Oldie's house)
Go Under Spiral stairs; (For most houses with spiral stairs)
Early_Pleasantview_NHood (NA01)
ALT_Early_Pleasantview_NHood (NE01)
Early_Pleasantview_SUBHOOD (BA01)
ALT_Early_Pleasantview_SUBHOOD (BE01)
If you would like just the lots you can download HERE!
Just to clarify! All sims are genetically correct, the only difference is that the ALT version has custom faces made by me.
If you post your gameplay of the hood, do tag me! I'm super excited to see how the story progresses in other people's game!!
C:\Users\<your username>\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Neighborhoods
UC Users :
C:\Program Files\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Best of Business\EP3\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate
Non UC Users :
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Open For Business\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate
~More info below!~
~Neighborhood Description~
As the families finally settle down, the Golden Years of Pleasantview are only beginning. With peaceful and promising futures, will the townsfolk maintain tranquility, or burst into chaos?
(My recommended) Play Order:
I've renovated all of the residential lots, and just like Early Strangetown, i didn't renovated a iconic lot, i wouldn't do 113 Wright Way justice lol, and i didn't renovate the community lots. But i did add a cemetery for deceased premades.
The neighborhood comes with:
10 Families;
9 Inhabited lots;
12 Uninhabited residential lots;
5 Community lots;
1 Apartment, the Pleasantvista Apartment (renovated);
20 Adult Townies, a mixture of Sims 2 townies, Sunset Valley playables turned into townies and Sims 1 playables turned to townies;
15 Teen Townies, mostly adult OG Pleasantview townies but in their teen years;
8 Child Townies; original teen townies from PV but in their childhood;
5 Toddlers in the Adoption Pool; the original townie children;
Michael Bachelor's clones turned to townies, for them to roam around Pleasantview;
And The Sims 1 Services NPCs make an appearance in this hood!;
The premade deceased sims were given bios, just to add more lore into them! But i gave it to them very early in creation, so for them, expect some inconsistency and bad grammar lol
Some townies were also given biographies, at least to those more important to the story.
As i mentioned, the sims are genetically correct, and i used original faces in PV for the parents, made by @meetmetotheriver for their clean template.
I was also thinking about what if you'd like to play a megahood with both Early Strangetown and Pleasantview? What i would recommend, is to play Strangetown until Nervous and the rest of his generation (Lazlo, Erin, Kristen, Lola and Chloe) are teens, and then add Early Pleasantview, just because there's a Nervous counterpart in my PV, and they should have the same age. But you can do whatever you want!
I know this is a VERY LONG post, but i wanted to thank some people for their help with this neighborhood that's very near and dear to my heart <3
@earlypleasantview and @cozy-sims Early Pleasantview she started making, for basically being the inspiration for my hood;
@jawusa for the Empty Template for Pleasantview;
@meetmetotheriver (again) for the faces for deceased sims from their Clean Template;
And @thepeasantsimmer, @jules-cant-build, again @earlypleasantview and @cozy-sims for helping me out on testing the neighborhood, and spending their time on my sims project lol
Here you can see the stories for the playable families!
Oh, just a FYI, If i ever do a Early Veronaville, it's gonna take a loooong time, in a very far future lmao
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