#pip I am giving u a kiss on ur lil penguin cheek muah
campirebites · 2 years
🎁🐷 for the ask game
🎁 Best gift you ever received and why
Probably my first ever stuffie. Her name is bunny and she’s older than I am so that’s probably my best gift as I sleep with her every night. But gifts that have made me feel most special are my moms sending me to visit my best friend for my birthday and someone very special to me made me a bracelet I wear every day🥰
🐷 Junk food you can never get enough of
Soda. If I could I would have a lil sodie 24/7 Dr Pepper I loooove yooooouu bleehhh 😭 but also Reese’s pieces and McDonald’s fries 🍟 🥰
for the ask game ❤️
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