#piccolochichi for life
chiccolofans · 10 years
Chiccolo obv for the ship thing
Makes the Bed: Chichi - Piccolo did it for a while until he realized that she just unmade it and remade it because he “doesn’t do it right.”
Has sole possession of the TV Remote: Chichi! Piccolo puts on nature shows and the History Channel for hours on end so Chichi doesn’t let him have control of the channels very often.
Stays up until 2AM Reading: Piccolo is more likely to do this, as he needs less sleep and Chichi typically passes out quickly.
Is the Bigger Cuddler: Depends on the location. In private, Piccolo. Otherwise, Chichi.
Does the Laundry: SURPRISE! Piccolo does the laundry! He finds it oddly calming, probably because it’s logical and methodical.
Mows the Lawn: Piccolo
Better at Budgeting: Chichi, as Piccolo has very little concept of money
Instigates the Sex/Who is Kinkier: This is pretty even, in both regards! Piccolo would be the kinkier of the two. 
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shirepower2012 · 10 years
Think piccolo would be possessive over chichi at all (assuming they were together?)
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But not in a “you’re mine and no one else can have/touch/talk to you” way, just in a “I love you to pieces and if anyone hurts you I will screw them up soooo badly” way… Ugh anyway, yes, Piccolo is definitely the possessive type, but he isn’t overly-possesive. He is a baby and his family is his life.
(Chichi is also more than a bit possessive herself, haha)
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shirepower2012 · 10 years
you still doing one shot prompts? met at a concert au where chichi asks to sit on piccolo's shoulders cause he's the tallest guy there and she's too short to see the stage
The thrumming base was carried by the concrete floor of the venue, connecting each person present through the sheer power of the music.
Bodies surrounded her on the floor – seats were too expensive, so she had braved the mosh pit – jostling the petite girl more than she would have wanted.
A particularly excited concert-goer bumped into her, upsetting her balance. Chichi was knocked violently backwards, a cry tearing from her lips, only to be drowned out by the music. Something rather surprising happened then, and her squeak of surprise was cut off as, rather than hitting the floor, a pair of strong, emerald arms caught her and set her back on her feet. Recovering quickly, Chichi turned to see who exactly had saved her. 
She smiled up at the tall young man, a Namekian, and tried to mime her thanks. He smirked and nodded, shrugging his shoulders and turning his attention back to the stage. Chichi followed his lead and returned to watching the band, doing her best to avoid further jostling. However, it was not long before she found herself being knocked around once more by other attendees. A hand on her shoulder pulled her back and slightly sideways. Confused, Chichi turned to see to see who had her shoulder; it was the same young man who had caught her. He gestured for her to stand in front of him, and she nodded thankfully, thankful the opportunity for a somewhat peaceful viewing.
Chichi’s newfound acquaintance was an effective bodyguard, and she was able to actually enjoy herself on the floor. It was still crowded, hard to see anything, but at least she was no longer being buffeted back and forth like a buoy tossed about in the ocean! Glancing around her, she noticed several people – mostly young woman – sitting atop a friend or lover’s shoulders. She frowned. On the one hand, they undoubtedly could see quite well. On the other…they were further blocking others’ lines of sight. The girl frowned. Well…it was not like she could join them, after all, she lacked a boyfri – Chichi’s eyebrows rose, and she turned to look at the handsome Namekian behind her. She touched his arm, and he looked down at her, one brow raised. It was useless to try and speak, so she pointed to a couple not far from them, indicating his shoulders and offering a sheepish smile. He stared at her, and she was unsure if he was amused or perturbed by her request. A blush flushed her face, and Chichi began to turn around, prepared to never look back at the man, when he caught her arm and crouched down.
Her eyes widened, and a grin split her face. Careful to not dig her heels into her good-looking acquaintance, Chichi put her hands on his shoulders, sliding her arms around his neck. He was so tall… If she truly sat on his shoulders, no one behind her would be able to see anything at all! The Namekian stood up slowly, hooking his evidently-powerful arms under her legs. Chichi’s gasp was drowned out by the music, but she tightened her arms around the man’s neck. She was surprised to feel him give one of her legs a gentle, almost reassuring squeeze. The girl relaxed slightly, and rested her cheek against his ear, her chin on her bicep.
From her new vantage point, Chichi was finally able to loose herself in the music. It was a band she had followed for several years, but had never before seen live. She basked in the enjoyment, the pure energy of the music rolling around her and through her. Chichi sighed, enjoying the feeling, sound, heat, and rhythm of the event. A part of her brain reminded her that it was odd for her to be so trusting of strangers, but the more dominant mind had ceased to care. She happily accepted the handsome man’s companionship, and readily used his superior height to her advantage.
He shifted his grip on her slightly, adjusting and settling again.
The remainder of the concert passed with her clinging to the back of a stranger like a baby koala, humming along with the music and ensuring that she kept her hair out of his face. It would not be fair, she thought, to have her hair blocking his field of vision when he had been so kind as to hold her up all night!
Occasionally, Chichi’s hazel eyes drifted to the stranger, taking in his good looks and smiling to herself. He had a chiseled complexion, as if he were a masterful sculpture carved out of jade stone. His ears were long, perhaps a bit too long for his face, but it somehow gave him an elegant air…
At long last, the band left the stage after two encore songs. Wild applause erupted throughout the stadium before people began filing out into the night.
Chichi slipped down the young man’s back, bouncing on her feet to recirculate the blood in her legs.
“Thanks!” she said, smiling up at him and extending a hand. “Chichi.”
The young man smirked, taking her hand and nodding.
“Pleasure to meet you,” Chichi beamed and fell into step beside Piccolo. “Do you wanna grab drinks? My treat! Since you let me sit on your shoulders for half of the night.”
The young man looked slightly surprised, before nodding slowly, an almost shy smile tugging across his lips.
“Well, who am I to say no to drinks?” Piccolo replied, rolling his shoulders, “especially if you’re the one buying.”
Chichi laughed,
“Like I said, it’s the least I can do!”
That was fun!! Who knows… I could very well add on to this AU, I like it!!
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shirepower2012 · 10 years
This is my baby and I love it to pieces.
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