vhscorp · 2 months
Le charme est bien plus important que la beauté car la beauté se fane alors que le charme, lui, perdure…
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fabiooli · 2 years
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Cores de sexta-feira
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perdurance (derogatory)
it took me 5 or so play sessions to find that goddamn place only for it to just be a tiny bit northwest of worlebury i wish it the worst death
i feel there have been way too many events where a tux is needed so autumn has been persuaded to wear it. the person who hates fancy having to wear fancy idk i think its funny plus this hair?? ack
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airlock · 11 months
y'know, I've been hearing about the new Zelda's $70 pricetag a lot -- but I've also been enduring a rough patch at uni, so I haven't been able to do any of the thinking or researching that I'd want to do before throwing my lot in there. regardless, there are two... fragments of points that I've had bouncing around in my head for a while, and I never see anyone getting close to them, so I figured I might as well lob them out to the internet to see if they'll bounce around enough to inspire some completed thoughts in anyone
the first thing: while Nintendo was the one that decided to take the first shot here and now, with a very highly anticipated title in one of its absolute flagship franchises, the matter of fact is that bumping up the Standard AAA Game Pricetag -- and to $70 exactly, even -- has been a talk in the industry for many, many years now. it's not a coincidence, or even just the industry's typical unparodiably vulture-like behavior, that as soon as Nintendo took the first shot, other studios were tripping over themselves to pin their next big releases at $70 as well.
(if you ask someone speaking for the studios, they'll probably tell you that $60 has been a downright generous pricetag for a long while now given how much production costs have soared in that time, and even $70 is still a steal all things considered. a less charitable point of view would invite you to consider why production costs are increasing so much anyway, despite that consumer satisfaction has long stopped increasing proportionally to that metric. is it an oversight, or a decision in the service of someone besides the consumer? that's not a rhetoric question, incidentally -- I did say these aren't finished thoughts.)
the second thing: first worlders have been much worried about what a price hike in games would mean for children, and to that I say: you may have more insight on the present situation if you look to countries where this sort of thing already has or still does happen.
I can say at the very least that, for a solid while here in Brazil -- that solid while having peaked around the 00s -- economic factors made the seemingly reasonable pricetag worldwide an oft-unthinkable one for most consumers (and the few that could actually afford videogames straight-up were still a stingy lot regardless). and what we did about it was... rampant piracy. and I don't just mean downloading shit, I mean that parents were buying their kids the sketchiest disks you can imagine to pop into their PS2s at home that probably weren't 100% the legit article either. owning a completely legitimate copy of any game was seen as some sort of Collector's Edition kind of rarity, even. anyway, I'm not exactly making predictions about how your first-world markets are going to adapt when/if videogames seriously slip out of the average consumer's grasp -- again, unfinished thoughts here -- but if you've been thinking about it, then this kind of thing may be worth studying up on.
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tetha1950 · 2 months
La presencia perdurable del Señor Jesús...
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El Salvador que murió por usted permanecerá a su lado.
Mateo 28.19, 20
La vida puede parecer a veces un rompecabezas complicado, con muchas incertidumbres y desafíos. Pero aquí está la buena noticia: Cristo nos dice en el pasaje de hoy que siempre está con nosotros, pase lo que pase. Su presencia es como una brújula confiable, guiándonos en la dirección correcta mientras navegamos por los giros y vueltas de la vida.
Experimentar la presencia de Dios no se trata solo de asistir a la iglesia cada semana o ser parte de un grupo de estudio bíblico mensual; es algo diario. A medida que nos acercamos constantemente a Él, el Señor se acerca a nosotros (Stg 4.8).
Si alguna vez ha tenido un amigo confiable que fue fiel para caminar con usted en tiempos difíciles, sabe lo invaluable que puede ser tal compañía. El Señor Jesús es el amigo más grande y amoroso que podríamos tener, quien nos guía, conforta y fortalece. En su presencia, podemos encontrar paz, valentía y la certeza de que nunca estamos solos.
Tome en serio las palabras de Mateo 28.20. A medida que avanzamos en la vida, recuerde que Jesucristo siempre está presente. Ya sea que las cosas vayan bien o no, en los momentos cotidianos y extraordinarios su compañía es constante. Él está siempre con nosotros, incluso hasta el fin de los tiempos.
(Ps. Charles Stanley).
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drondskaath · 2 months
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Convulsing | Perdurance | 2024
Australian Black/Death Metal
Artwork by Jay White Art
In memory of K.G. Bartlett
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annalegend · 1 year
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sharkrillettes · 2 years
already seen so many people talk about a roger or ace seraph and i’m??? i’m not seeing it happening i’d be genuinely fucked up if it did like i’d straight-up fight oda
the wg is so obsessed with heritage and bloodlines and shit they went to extreme lengths to completely exterminate roger’s bloodline and they’d bring it back just for their latest little superweapon project? makes NO sense
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foxenhund · 2 years
@perdurant​,  continued   ...   from here.
sherlock traces the spine of coincidence   :      meetings in strange lands,  where both could pass as unfriendly nomads     (     they had met in the heat of summer,   which only felt fair now that england winter had come to claim them with too cold winds and the devastating sprinkle of rain      ).    there are very few lasting things for sherlock   ...   he runs away too quickly to be held in one place.    but there are old haunts that are as familiar to him as his own skin.     his cheek rests upon one now,   the sharp curve of her shoulder matching the swoop of his back.   there is a significant distance between them,    but the ache of boredom lets his body twist with ease.
‘‘     one of us,  i fear,   must stay awake.      ’’       the bus will be delayed.   already,  the lamps flicker above them,   casting imperfect light upon the growing puddles     (     rain stops the entirety of london in its tracks,   which is rather inconvenient,   considering the frequency with which the skies open up and hell itself pours down in a cold drizzle     ).     the excitement of the past week has kept him awake,   but his strings have been cut now   :       he can barely muffle the yawn that leaves him.      she is warm and soft beneath the pressure of his body,     a very nice swap for a pillow.     ‘‘    let’s draw straws.   ah,  or something more fair     ⁠———    the first one to run out of types of bees must stay awake.   i’ll start   :     the hairy - footed flower bee.     ’’
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truthsaved-a · 2 years
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@perdurant​   sent  :  💋 lmfao good luck
evening jog was taken to clear his head from the thoughts swirling around inside of it but he found himself near where she lived after running for quite some time.   he wiped sweat from his brow and blew a curse up at the sky  —  and then he made a decision based purely on the nag of  instinct and stupidity.   sneakers picked up once more,  carrying him down the sidewalk until he stood in front of her door.   he  almost  thought clearly enough to turn around until his hand raised and pressed the doorbell.   there was no slipping away unless he kicked it into high gear and managed to run far enough she couldn’t see him.   but she probably had one of those doorbell cameras and would see it was him when she ran the footage back.  
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the door swung open and that was when he became hyperaware of the state he was in as he stood before her.   gray zip up hoodie,  matching sweats,  and his running shoes.   but thankfully not as sweaty as he could have been if it were a hotter season and time of day.   evening saved him.  eyes the color of fresh coffee stared up at him curiously and he could only lift his shoulders minutely.   it was an almost imperceptible shrug.   hazel gaze flickered to her forehead which was nearly healed from it’s encounter with fine granite.  he raised his hand and brushed away the hair on her face to get an unobstructed view.   but,  it was an  excuse   —   he could see it well enough as it was.   mulder wasn’t sure if he wanted to be invited in or if he just wanted to make sure she was okay.  in that moment,  he realized he had been holding his breath as well.  it was released in a soft breeze that blew across the top of her head disturbing any dark baby hairs there.   he backed away a half step just as she took one further back into her doorway as if inviting him in.  or did he read into it?  either way the distance was closed easily with long stride and he dropped his lips to hers.  the action was automatic which caused him to worry.   all he had to do now was wait for a movement of rejection or acceptance. 
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truffata · 2 years
💥 🍧 🌱
💥  what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
anger, one hundred percent.  it’s the one emotion that she’s never really been good at feeling or dealing with, in part because it’s pretty rare that she actually ever reaches that point.  she gets peeved by little things or the quirks that some people have, but it’s just annoyance that she feels, and it’s easily resolved.  actual anger sends her spiralling a little, because it makes her feel out of control of herself and her surroundings, and if there’s one thing she hates, it’s that sense of helplessness.
sylvia’s the kind of person who is super hard to anger, but once you push her past that limit and she reaches her boiling point, it’s very difficult for her to reel it back in.  it’s not quite the same as seeing a shy and quiet person finally speak up or get angry, because she’s far from shy or quiet, but she is usually quite a bubbly person, if not a little prone to anxiety.  to see her blow up, throw things, raise her voice ... it’s a bit of a scary experience, both for other people and for herself.
🍧  do they still have any objects from their childhood?  what significance does it have to them?  what would their reaction be if they lost it?
hardback copies of all seven of the chronicles of narnia novels; each and every one has an handwritten message on the inside cover from her grandfather, who gifted her one of the books a year from the age of ten onwards.  she cherishes them all, and they’ve been kept on the desk in her bedroom for as long as she’s lived in her apartment, which is essentially since her graduation from cambridge.  while they’ve always been of great emotional significance to her, they’ve become that bit more important to her since the death of her grandfather, as they’re some of the things that make her feel that bit closer to them.  if anything were to happen to them, she would truly ... she would lose her shit.  see the above point for more on that.
she is also!  an absolute fiend for stuffed animals.  always has been, always will be.  her bedroom at the family home truly looks like that of an eight year old’s still, littered with teddies, but in her own apartment she has limited herself to just two  –  one is a djungelskog from ikea, of course, who sits on the couch in her living room (he’s part of the family and the decor, thank you very much).  the other, however, is a zebra about the size of her forearm.  he’s always tucked in right beside the pillows on her bed, and he looks quite rough but it’s only because he’s literally as old as she is.  everywhere she has gone, he has gone with her.  she does not want to think about how she would react if she lost him, because that would require her to think about losing him, and that’s breakdown-inducing.  (she’d react poorly, that’s how.)
🌱  what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
it’s not necessarily one, singular memory, more so a whole host of similar memories that are forever ingrained in her mind.  primarily, all the times that she spent backstage at the ballet while her mother rehearsed or performed.  as soon as she could walk, sylvia was brought in, being doted on by dancers and instructors alike.  and for a young girl who absolutely idolised her mother the way she did, getting to see her perform was a spectacular experience, especially since she saw the whole process of getting from the barre to the stage.  one of the most vibrant memories that she has is seeing her mum dance in the sleeping beauty as aurora herself, because who doesn’t think their mum is a princess at that age?
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2027, c'est déjà demain !
Tout va aller très vite et le risque est très fort de voir la Macronie perdurer… Par Alexandre Goldfarb 🔵 2027, c’est déjà demain ! Tout va aller très vite et le risque est très fort de voir la Macronie perdurer… C’est même tellement évident parce que les mêmes causes, la peur notamment, produisent toujours les mêmes effets. “Pour gagner, il faut risquer de perdre.” Jean-Claude Killy  Mais…
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onlyhurtforaminute · 2 months
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sparklystarfishsuit · 5 months
¿Se podrá esta vez no caer en más de los mismo?
El plan Milei/Caputo: un fuerte ajuste fiscal, falta qué sea perdurable. En la interminable sucesión de ministros de Economía en Argentina, la cruda realidad se manifiesta a través del lenguaje franco, visceral y desprovisto de tecnicismos. El contundente “no hay plata” pronunciado por Javier Milei y Luis Caputo en 2023 es el último eslabón de una cadena que se remonta a décadas de una economía…
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froma59 · 11 months
Resurgiendo: La Historia Motivadora de Tina Turner
Tina Turner, cuya voz ronca y presencia escénica volcánica la convirtieron en un ícono musical, falleció a los 83 años el 24 de mayo en su hogar cerca de Zúrich. “Resurgiendo: La Historia Motivadora de Tina Turner” es un relato cautivador sobre la vida de una de las artistas más icónicas y resilientes de nuestro tiempo. En esta obra, exploraremos los desafíos y las victorias de Tina Turner, una…
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ohisem29onen · 1 year
Blonde trans babe fingers her butthole Mulata top se masturbando She prefers a dildo instead of gym Ebony MILF squirts twice with her stepson's hard dick Sexy pornstar slips a dildo deep her lovely horny vagina Nicole Ray hot redhead latina in sex scene NATI cabalgando de espaldas Praew Fucks Ice And Ice Fucks Praew Solo female masturbation Sugey Contreras
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