#pediatric tongue tie
tonguetie25 · 3 days
If you’re a parent, you’ve probably wondered if your child will need orthodontic braces! You definitely desire, your child to have a healthy, white and bright dazzling smile with no crooked teeth, right?
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Explore our compassionate approach to pediatric tongue tie care at Little Dental Pediatric Dentistry in San Antonio! Our skilled team focuses on diagnosing and treating tongue tie in children, enhancing feeding, speech, and overall oral health. Count on us to deliver gentle and efficient solutions for your child. Book a consultation now to empower your little one's healthy growth!
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Is My Child Tongue-Tied?
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When we say, “tongue tied,” most of us think of a situation when we are too excited to express ourselves verbally. Although not a medical condition, tongue tie is the name for a fairly common condition that limits the movement of the tongue – medically referred to as ankyloglossia.
Before we are born, a strong cord of tissue called the frenulum is positioned in the center of the mouth and guides the development of the oral cavity. As we grow and develop, it thins and recedes to a small thin piece of tissue that attaches the bottom of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. In some children, the frenulum is especially tight or fails to recede and may cause difficulty with tongue movement. Ankyloglossia or tongue tie can cause eating or speaking difficulties in some children.
In infants, tongue tie can present with trouble sucking or poor weight gain. In breast-fed infants, it can cause trouble with latching, or the mother may experience pain when the baby is nursing. Some mothers give up nursing because of tongue tie that is not recognized. In toddlers and older children, tongue tie can be a cause of trouble with speech articulation, especially consonant sounds. Signs that your child may have difficulty due to tongue tie include a V-shaped notch at the tip of the tongue, inability to stick the tongue out past the gums, or simply difficulty licking an ice cream cone or lollipop.
Because a shortened frenulum restricts the range of motion of the tongue, a frenulectomy may be recommended. A frenulectomy is a surgical procedure performed to clip the frenulum and release the tongue. In infants a frenulectomy can be performed as a simple office procedure with topical local anesthesia. Older infants and young children often require anesthetic gas for the procedure, but older cooperative children can also have the procedure safely with only local topical anesthesia. Although it is considered a safe and simple procedure, risks of a frenulectomy may include infection, scarring and excessive bleeding.
This procedure results in increased tongue mobility and problems with eating and speech are greatly improved. After surgery, most patients experience effective symptom relief and restored full movement to the tongue. In some cases, tongue exercises may be recommended to improve the movement of the tongue after a frenulectomy.
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bestdentist4kids · 1 year
Book Now Posterior Tongue Tie & Pediatric Orthodontist in Philadelphia
If your child has a posterior tongue tie, it can affect their oral growth and development. When children have untreated posterior tongue ties, they could have difficulty getting food and liquids into their mouths, leading to choking or aspiration syndrome, which can result in pneumonia. Contact Us: (215) 333-9697
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Beyond the Baby Smile: Decoding Lip and Tongue Ties in Today's Pediatrics
At Kusek Family & Implant Dentistry, our dentists in Sioux Falls SD specialize in lip and tongue-tie procedures, to help little ones' smiles stay healthy from the start!
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Safeguard your little ones today! While lip and tongue ties may seem minor, they can significantly affect children's oral health and development. Challenges in breastfeeding, speech development, and oral hygiene may emerge, potentially causing pronunciation issues and dental concerns. Early recognition and intervention are vital for comprehensive pediatric care.
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dhanvantarihospital · 2 months
The Best Maternity Hospital in Borivali for Exceptional Care - Dhanvantari Hospital
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Dhanvantari Hospital, a renowned name in the western suburbs of Mumbai, is a leading maternity hospital that has been serving the community since its inception in 1999. 
Founded by Dr. Tarun Doshi with a vision to provide specialized medical services to the local population, the hospital has been carrying forward its legacy under the guidance of Dr. Bhavesh Doshi (MS MCh Pediatric Surgeon) and Dr. Deepika Doshi (MS Obstetrician and Gynecologist). This blog post will delve into the reasons why Dhanvantari Hospital is considered the best maternity hospital in Borivali.
State-of-the-art Infrastructure and Facilities:
Dhanvantari Hospital is equipped with world-class infrastructure and facilities, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care. The hospital offers 24-hour emergency services in the fields of Obstetrics-Gynecology, trauma, General surgery, and Pediatric surgery. The medical equipment installed at this hospital is the latest in technology and procured from internationally reputed manufacturers, ensuring that patients have access to the best medical care.
Expert Team of Doctors and Staff:
The hospital boasts a team of highly dedicated and skilled doctors, nurses, and paramedical, and technical staff who are committed to providing exceptional care to patients. Dr. Bhavesh Doshi, an M.Ch Pediatric surgeon, has completed an observership in minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery under Dr. Liem. 
Dr. Bhavesh also brings rich experience in working as a consultant at Sion Hospital, Bhagwati Municipal Hospital, and other reputed institutions. Dr. Deepika Doshi, a Gold Medalist in MS, brings with her academic excellence and is trained in USG from Wadia Hospital, Mumbai. 
Comprehensive Maternity and Pediatric Services:
Dhanvantari Hospital is the best maternity hospital in Borivali, catering to the needs of women, including antenatal care, pregnancy care including High-Risk Pregnancy, Delivery including high-risk delivery, and other Gynaecological problems including infertility, uterine fibroids, Laparoscopic hysterectomy. The hospital also handles all pediatric surgery procedures, including Pediatric Laparoscopy, Thoracoscopy, Pediatric Urology, and daycare procedures for problems in infants like Phimosis, Hydrocele, Hernia, Undescended testis, Tongue-tie, and Suturing.
Affordable Medical Costs:
Named after Dhanvantari, the God of health, the mission of the hospital is to bring expert healthcare to all the mothers and children in need. The hospital does not have fancy interiors that add extra-large overhead costs, making healthcare expensive. Instead, the hospital focuses on providing excellent care at affordable medical costs, ensuring that the benefits of modern healthcare reach every level of society.
Meet Our Expert Doctors:
Dhanvantari Hospital Best Maternity Hospital in Borivali has a team of highly qualified on-team doctors who are well-versed with the latest technology and offer to precisely fulfill your medical needs. The hospital has expert doctors in the fields of Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Laparoscopic Surgery, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.
For round-the-clock emergency services and expert medical care, reach out to Dhanvantari Hospital by Contacting Us at +91 9324263464.
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gudhealthtipss · 3 months
Understanding Tongue Sucking: Causes, Consequences, and Effective Solutions
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Tongue sucking is a common habit observed in both children and adults, often overlooked but potentially harmful if left unaddressed. This article delves into the underlying causes, potential consequences, and effective strategies to curb this habit and promote oral health.
Causes of Tongue Sucking:
Tongue sucking typically stems from various factors, including psychological, developmental, and environmental influences. In children, it may arise as a soothing mechanism or in response to stress, anxiety, or boredom. Moreover, certain oral issues such as improper alignment of teeth or ankyloglossia (tongue-tie) can contribute to the development of this habit. In adults, tongue sucking may persist from childhood or emerge as a coping mechanism for stress or other emotional triggers.
Consequences of Tongue Sucking:
While tongue sucking may seem harmless, it can lead to significant dental and orofacial complications over time. Prolonged and vigorous sucking can exert pressure on the teeth, causing misalignment or malocclusion. Additionally, it may interfere with the normal development of the palate and jaw, resulting in speech impediments or difficulty swallowing. Moreover, chronic tongue sucking can contribute to oral hygiene issues, such as increased plaque accumulation and heightened risk of dental decay.
Effective Ways to Stop Tongue Sucking:
Addressing tongue sucking early is crucial to prevent long-term dental problems. Parents and caregivers can play a pivotal role in identifying and addressing this habit in children. Positive reinforcement, encouragement, and praise for not engaging in tongue sucking can be effective strategies. Additionally, consulting with a pediatric dentist or orthodontist can provide valuable insights and personalized interventions, such as habit-breaking appliances or behavior modification techniques.
In adults, breaking the habit of tongue sucking may require a concerted effort and commitment. Awareness of triggers and finding alternative coping mechanisms for stress or anxiety can help mitigate the urge to suck the tongue. Seeking support from a therapist or counselor to address underlying psychological factors contributing to the habit may also be beneficial.
Tongue sucking is a habit that can have lasting implications on oral health if not addressed promptly. By understanding the causes, consequences, and effective strategies to stop tongue sucking, individuals can take proactive steps to preserve their dental well-being. Whether in children or adults, early intervention and consistent efforts to break the habit can pave the way for a healthier oral environment and improved overall quality of life.
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sendhildental · 4 months
Understanding Lip Tie: What You Need to Know
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Lip tie, a condition where the upper or lower lip is tightly connected to the gums by a thick or improperly positioned tissue called the frenulum, can lead to various challenges for newborns and adults alike. Despite being less recognized than tongue tie, lip tie affects approximately 11% of newborns. Here's a comprehensive overview of lip tie and its implications.
Defining Lip Tie:
Lip tie refers to the abnormal attachment of the upper or lower lip to the gums due to a shorter or thicker frenulum. This condition is categorized into four levels based on the severity of attachment:
1. Mucosal type (Level 1)
2. Gingival type (Level 2)
3. Papillary type (Level 3)
4. Papilla Penetrating type (Level 4)
Causes of Lip Tie:
Lip tie can occur as a result of various genetic conditions affecting bone and muscle development, such as Oro-facial-digital Syndrome, Ellis-van Creveld Syndrome, and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.
Impact of Lip Tie:
The restricted movement of the lips due to lip tie can result in difficulties with breastfeeding, eating, speaking, and oral hygiene. Infants with lip tie may struggle to latch onto the breast and experience challenges in obtaining sufficient nutrition, leading to weight gain issues. Additionally, lip tie can contribute to dental problems like teeth misalignment and cavities.
Signs and Symptoms:
Signs of lip tie in infants include difficulties latching onto the breast, breathing while nursing, making clicking sounds during feeding, and falling asleep during feeding sessions. In older children and adults, symptoms may manifest as gum recession, gaps between front teeth, loss of gum tissue, and crooked or crowded teeth.
Treatment Options:
Pediatric dentists can diagnose lip tie through physical examination and recommend appropriate treatment based on the severity of the condition. Treatment options may include manual therapy techniques, such as lip tie revision for infants, or minimally invasive surgical procedures like frenectomy for severe cases.
In Conclusion:
Recognizing the signs and symptoms of lip tie is crucial for timely intervention and preventing potential complications. Whether it's addressing breastfeeding difficulties in newborns or correcting dental issues in older individuals, seeking professional guidance from a dentist can help manage lip tie effectively and improve overall oral health.
To know more, visit: https://www.sendhildental.com/what-everyone-should-know-about-lip-tie/
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agavepediatrics · 4 months
How to Choose the Perfect Pediatrician for Your Baby
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"How do I choose a pediatrician for my baby?" This question echoes in the minds of countless parents, emphasizing the weight of this pivotal decision. In the expansive realm of parenting choices, selecting the right pediatrician for your little one stands paramount. The task demands meticulous research and a discerning eye for quality and compassion. For those residing in Arizona, especially in the bustling expanse of the greater Phoenix area, the answer often converges on Agave Pediatrics. Celebrated as the unrivaled #1 pediatric care provider, Agave Pediatrics consistently epitomizes excellence, making it a beacon of trust and assurance for families navigating the journey of pediatric care.
1. Begin with Recommendations:
Often, the best insights come from those who have been there before. Parents within your community, friends, or family members can provide valuable feedback based on their personal experiences. Agave Pediatrics, with its esteemed reputation in Arizona, frequently garners recommendations, making it a trustworthy starting point for many families.
2. Evaluate the Pediatrician's Experience:
The journey of pediatric care demands seasoned expertise. At Agave Pediatrics, a dedicated team of experienced and compassionate pediatric providers stands ready to address your child's unique needs. Their commitment resonates with a promise to treat every child as their own, ensuring that families receive unparalleled care.
3. Assess the Range of Services Offered:
A comprehensive pediatric clinic should offer a broad spectrum of services catering to various needs. Agave Pediatrics excels in this domain, providing an array of services including regular check-ups, same-day sick visits, allergy testing, lactation services, tongue tie services, and more. Such diversity ensures that your child's health requirements, whether routine or specific, are aptly addressed under one roof.
4. Consider the Clinic's Accessibility:
Convenience plays a pivotal role, especially when it comes to pediatric care. Agave Pediatrics, with its strategically located clinics in Glendale, Goodyear, Scottsdale, Phoenix, and Chandler, ensures that families across the greater Phoenix area can easily access their trusted team. This widespread presence ensures that quality pediatric care remains within reach for numerous families.
5. Delve into Patient Feedback and Testimonials:
Patient testimonials and feedback serve as windows into the actual patient experience. Positive reviews often highlight aspects such as attentive care, timely appointments, and a nurturing environment. Agave Pediatrics, with its stellar reputation, consistently garners positive feedback from parents, further solidifying its position as a preferred pediatric care provider in Arizona.
6. Gauge the Pediatrician's Approach to Care:
Every pediatrician carries a unique approach to care. Some prioritize preventive measures, emphasizing routine check-ups and vaccinations, while others may focus on specialized treatments or holistic health. At Agave Pediatrics, a balanced approach ensures that children receive comprehensive care, encompassing preventive measures, timely interventions, and tailored treatments as required.
7. Consider the Clinic's Technology and Facilities:
Modern pediatric care thrives on cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art facilities. A clinic equipped with advanced tools and facilities can offer precise diagnostics and effective treatments. Agave Pediatrics, committed to delivering top-notch healthcare, continually invests in advanced technology, ensuring that children receive care at par with global standards.
8. Assess the Pediatrician's Compatibility with Your Family:
Beyond qualifications and experience, the pediatrician's compatibility with your family plays a pivotal role. A pediatrician who understands your family's values, concerns, and preferences can offer personalized care, fostering a trusting relationship. Agave Pediatrics, known for its compassionate approach, prioritizes building connections with families, ensuring that every child feels comfortable and valued.
In Conclusion:
Choosing a pediatrician for your baby remains a significant decision, shaping your child's health journey. By considering factors such as experience, services, accessibility, patient feedback, approach to care, technology, and compatibility, you can navigate this decision-making process with confidence. In Arizona, Agave Pediatrics emerges as a beacon of excellence, standing as the #1 choice for pediatric care, dedicated to nurturing the health and well-being of every child.
For more insights into Agave Pediatrics and their services, visit their official website: Agave Pediatrics. Your child's health deserves nothing but the best, and with Agave Pediatrics, you're in trusted hands.
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tonguetie25 · 3 days
A lot of mothers feel anxious when they hear their baby would need a tongue tie release. As a mother it’s your natural instinct to be protective of your newborn.
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draaroncwik · 4 months
The TAO Method - An Airway-Centric Approach to Dentistry
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An airway-centric approach in dentistry is one that doesn’t simply emphasize the teeth and gums, but also focuses on the craniofacial respiratory complex (CFRC). This is the anatomical region that oral surgeons, ear, nose, and throat (ENT) physicians, and speech language pathologists focus on.
In treating snoring and sleep apnea, many dentists fit patients with custom mandibular advancement devices (MAD). These temporarily shift the tongue and jaw forward, such that throat constriction is eased and airway space increased. They may also recommend continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines, which place a mask around the nose and mouth, providing mild air pressure that helps the airways remain open during sleep. Unfortunately, both solutions require cumbersome equipment that, while providing welcome relief, may seem burdensome and interfere with one’s quality of life. They are also typically only applied after the symptoms have already manifested to such a degree that major medical intervention is necessary.
A pioneer of the airway-centric approach to dentistry, NYU professor and author Dr. Michael Gelb has developed the multifaceted TAO (TMJ, airway, and orthodontics) method of treating patients with complex issues that require increasing the size of airways, resolving temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues, and utilizing innovative orthodontic device therapies. Instead of treating these distinct issues in silos, they are integrated within one holistic way of viewing how patients breathe, sleep, and function from an early age.
When the TAO method is applied with young patients as a diagnostic and treatment journey, the hygienist takes on responsibilities as a de facto “oral PA.” Using the fascial, swallowing, and tots (FAST) approach, they conduct myofascial screening that looks at speech and swallowing together in identifying orofacial myofunctional disorder.
The airway-centric team approach begins with the discover that an infant lacks the “suck, swallow, and breath” reflex. They are not able to swallow and breathe simultaneously, which can impact successful feeding, whether on breast or bottle. Airway-focused therapists apply techniques that tie the oral motor and sensory systems together and grow the airways. This enables infants to breath nasally as they move beyond sucking to swallowing soft foods (at around 3 months). Similar issues also occur with the transition to solid foods at around 6 months of age. Through the use of a FAST pediatric feeding screener, issues with breast feeding can be identified early and steps can be taken to ensure that they are corrected.
Changes to infants’ faces in the first couple years of life are also monitored. Issues such as mouth breathing, combined with nasal resistance, can indicate a likelihood of potential airflow issues such as sleep apnea developing later in life. As early as two and a half or three years of age, TAO-trained professionals may recommend non-invasive myo-training oral appliances, such as HealthyStart or Vivos, as a way of training the tongue to go up and the lips to press together. This helps convert kids from mouth breathers to nasal breathers at night. This contrasts with traditional approaches, in which professionals would typically wait until around 12 years before introducing orthodontic appliances to the oral health care matrix. The key with the TAO method, as Dr. Gelb describes it, is “intervening as early in life as possible for those at risk.”
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motherhoodchaitanya · 5 months
Tongue-Tie in Infants: When Is Surgery Necessary?
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Tongue-tie, medically known as ankyloglossia, is a condition that has garnered significant attention in the realm of pediatric oral health, particularly in India. It’s characterized by a short frenulum—the tissue connecting an infant’s tongue to the floor of their mouth. This condition can restrict the tongue’s movement, posing challenges for the infant in basic activities such as feeding and speaking. Understanding tongue-tie is critical for parents and healthcare providers, as it plays a pivotal role in an infant’s early development and maternal health. If you’re in Chandigarh and facing concerns regarding tongue-tie, consider consulting a Pediatrician in Chandigarh for expert guidance.
The importance of addressing tongue-tie lies in its potential impact on an infant’s feeding and speech development, two crucial aspects of early childhood growth. In the Indian context, where mother-baby wellness is a growing focus in healthcare, tongue-tie poses unique challenges. Given its prevalence in newborns, awareness and knowledge about tongue-tie, its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options are essential. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of tongue-tie, guiding parents and caregivers through the intricacies of this condition.
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bestdentist4kids · 1 year
Lip And Tongue Tie & Pediatric Dentist Near me in Philadelphia
The lip and Tongue Tie is a closed-loop vest device that can be used for children with tongue thrusting and lip protrusion. The clear plastic tube goes around the child's head and then comes down over their tongue. This eliminates the need for lip surgical correction, which can be painful, expensive, and disruptive to daily activities. Contact Us: (215) 333-9697
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bestdentistkids0 · 6 months
Lip and tongue tie Philadelphia
Best Dentist 4 Kids in Philadelphia specializes in addressing lip and tongue ties in children. Our pediatric experts provide comprehensive evaluation and gentle treatment, prioritizing your child's comfort and well-being. 👶👄👅
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drvladimirpastouk · 9 months
Understanding the Comfort and Recovery of Tongue-Tie Surgery
Tongue-tie, medically known as ankyloglossia, is a condition in which the strip of skin beneath the tongue (the lingual frenulum) is shorter than usual, restricting the range of motion of the language. This condition can affect infants, children, and adults; in some cases, it may require surgical intervention. One common concern for individuals facing tongue-tie surgery is whether the procedure is painful. This article will explore the pain associated with tongue-tie surgery and provide insights into what to expect during and after the procedure.
Understanding Tongue-Tie Surgery
Tongue-tie surgery, also known as frenotomy or frenuloplasty, is a relatively simple and quick procedure to release the tight lingual frenulum. The surgery is typically performed by a qualified healthcare professional, such as an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist, a pediatric dentist, or a pediatric surgeon. The primary goal of this surgery is to improve the individual's ability to move their tongue freely.
Local Anesthesia: Ensuring a Pain-Free Experience
Before undergoing tongue-tie surgery, patients, particularly infants and children, are administered a local anesthetic to numb the area. This ensures that the patient does not experience pain during the procedure. The anesthesia may be issued as a topical gel or an injection. The anesthesia method choice depends on the patient's age and the surgeon's preference.
Minimal Discomfort During the Procedure
During the surgery, patients may experience some mild discomfort, but they should not feel any pain due to the effects of the local anesthesia. The surgeon will use sterile instruments to cut the tight lingual frenulum carefully. The procedure usually takes only a few minutes, and patients are often surprised by how quick and straightforward it is.
Post-Procedure Pain: What to Expect
After the surgery, it's common to experience some discomfort or mild pain. This discomfort typically arises from the healing process and the surgical wound at the incision site. The extent of discomfort varies from person to person and depends on factors such as age, pain tolerance, and the surgical technique used.
Managing Post-Procedure Discomfort
While the post-procedure discomfort associated with tongue-tie surgery is generally manageable, it's essential to follow the post-operative care instructions provided by the healthcare professional. These instructions may include:
Pain Medication: In some cases, over-the-counter pain relievers or prescription pain medication may be recommended to alleviate any discomfort. Always follow the dosing instructions provided by your healthcare provider.
Ice Packs: Applying a cold compress or ice pack to the outside of the mouth can help reduce swelling and alleviate pain.
Gentle Tongue Exercises: Your healthcare provider may recommend performing gentle tongue exercises to aid healing. These exercises can help prevent the reformation of adhesions and promote optimal tongue mobility.
Soft Diet: Consuming soft foods and liquids in the days following the surgery can help minimize irritation to the surgical site and make eating more comfortable.
Oral Hygiene: Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial to prevent infection at the surgical site. Your healthcare provider will guide proper oral care during the recovery period.
Quick Recovery
One of the significant advantages of tongue-tie surgery is the relatively quick recovery time. Most individuals, including infants and children, can resume normal activities and feeding shortly after the procedure. While some discomfort may persist for a few days, it improves rapidly.
Parental Concerns for Infants
For parents of infants undergoing tongue-tie surgery, the most significant concern is often the well-being of their child. It's essential to remember that infants cannot communicate discomfort or pain verbally. Therefore, parents should closely monitor their baby's behavior after the procedure. Signs of distress may include increased fussiness, difficulty feeding, or excessive crying.
If you notice any concerning symptoms or if your infant appears to be in significant pain, it's essential to contact your healthcare provider promptly. They can guide you in managing your baby's discomfort and ensure the healing process is progressing as expected.
Tongue-tie surgery is generally not a painful procedure, thanks to local anesthesia. While some discomfort may be experienced during the healing process, it is usually manageable and short-lived. The benefits of improved tongue mobility and reduced speech and feeding difficulties often far outweigh the temporary discomfort associated with the surgery.
If you or your child is scheduled for tongue-tie surgery, discussing any concerns or questions with your healthcare provider is essential. They can provide specific information about what to expect before, during, and after the procedure, ensuring a smooth and comfortable experience. Ultimately, tongue-tie surgery can be a life-changing intervention that enhances one's quality of life by improving tongue function and mobility.
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carepluspediatric · 1 year
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