#peacemaker kurogane omou michi
pmkscanlations · 1 year
PMK DVD Booklet Interviews 6
Here’s the last part of the PMK Omou Michi DVD booklet interview series. It also includes a final word from Nanae Chrono himself! Thanks one final time to @/pmkloveadmin and their kind friend yuunsoba who provided the raws for these interviews! Please enjoy!
Please tell us your genuine first impression when you were told you’d be in charge of the theme song for this work.
It’s THE JETZEJOHNSON’s Kojima here. Since I’m a fan who enjoyed the original work, I picked it up right away when I received the request. I’m very honored. The request was for “a ballad with English poetry”, with scenes from the original work appearing as a flashback montage. It was a really happy production time for a fan, since I got to create the song and lyrics while imagining what scenes and whose point of view to write from. As an aside, my biggest favorites are Tatsu-nii, followed by Yamazaki and Hijikata(-sama). I’m so sorry.
What did you have in mind when making the music? Did you stick with your initial concepts? Please tell us if you had any difficulties or points that you paid extra attention to.
After getting the request, I decided on the concept for the world of the lyrics immediately. After that, I decided on the point of view. The song is based on “a certain word” which can apply to any character, and I focused on creating “a feeling which is interchangeable for anyone”. The first part overflowed with big hopes, dreams and ambitions, so this is a song in which we – or the characters – can look back on the “beauty”, “ephemerality” and “glitter” that made up their beliefs. The main character of this song is watching the slow fall of the world by themselves from the dirt of a castle somewhere. Past that red-stained horizon, it’s easy to imagine all of the friends who ran together with them. I think that scenery is very ephemeral and precious.
Please let us know if there are any particular parts of the song that you want us to pay attention to.
The title means “rust”. These characters are just running through the end of the Tokugawa period, one of the greatest periods of unrest in our history, without seeking the “right answer” – just valuing their own beliefs. The song’s main character is looking at the setting sun and asking, “what was the right answer?” And their “technique is rusting”. What do they see when they hold their sword in their hand, when that sword and their skills are no longer needed by the times? We’ll see the answer to that for all of them in this movie.
Finally, please leave a message for the fans who watch this series.
The song “Rust” by THE JETZEJOHNSON will be released after screening. Please check it out at your local shop or online distributor! If you listen to the song and then watch the movie again, you might see it in a different light. On top of that, I made this not only with this first part of the movies in mind, but also drew ties with the currently ongoing Hokujou Arc. It’ll be great to listen to this as background music while re-reading the original, now that you’ve seen the film. Finally, I’m a big fan of Tatsu-nii (the gun is mightier than the sword), but please listen to the song not just imagining Tatsu-nii’s perspective, but also Tetsunosuke and Hijikata(-sama).You might see a different point of view. Especially with Hijikata’s POV, it warps to Goryokaku… No, never mind. Well then, please watch part one to the end!
Ryosuke Nakanishi (Music)
Please tell us your genuine first impressions when you heard you would be in charge of the music for the Peacemaker Kurogane movies.
I was really honored and happy! There are a lot of gadgets with a lot of general purpose that we use when making music for TV animation, so I was a little nervous and worried about carefully expressing the scenery and emotions of each scene for the movie versions. But when I was shown the dynamic storyboard and script for the opening scene, my anxieties melted away and I was more and more inspired. I remember learning about the end of the Edo period as a child in school. I felt that I really wanted to express the chaos, hope and feelings of the characters as well as possible.
Due to the series being set at the end of the Tokugawa period, the music likely differs from modern music. Did you have any troubles with this? Also, do you have any favorite music you’d like to share?
This was my first time composing music for shamisen. To really nail it, I listened to a lot of songs performed in the kabuki and geisha districts between the Edo and Meiji periods. It was interesting to learn how many love songs were sang in the geisha districts at the end of the Edo period, which is when the story takes place. Up to now, I only managed to capture the mood of traditional instruments, but this time I had a great opportunity to study them seriously. I had the idea of wanting to express love with just Japanese scales and instruments, so please enjoy it in the movie.
What requests did you receive from the director?
I received orders to act freely and not get too hung up on the idea of making it super Japanese. Of course, I pulled away from Japanese music a bit while making it, but I think I managed to incorporate various phrases and instruments into other songs without getting trapped by genre.
Finally, please leave a message for the fans who watch this series.
I tried very hard not to be defeated by the lively characters on screen and their delicate, swaying emotions. Please go to the theater and have fun!!
When I received the offer for a Pisume re-animation, it was around the time I was getting serialization back on track. For me, I was just drawing in the hopes of getting old readers to come back and forgive the follies of the past, so my immediate strong thoughts were, “huh!? Are you going to make this into an anime now?! Will people even watch it?!”, which I felt more strongly than anyone. To be honest, all I could think about was the negative idea that “this will definitely fail…”
But as I got to know the enthusiastic people on the production committee and the technical capabilities of WHITEFOX, and learned more about the specific compositions planned, my feelings began to change. They went from “I’m thankful but mostly I’m just sorry” to “this is seriously a great honor, I’ll give it my all, too”. In the past, I pushed onward with a sense of obligation. But now that I’m involved in the main production, the exhilarating feeling I have gives me more of a sense of purpose, so it seems more like an exciting mission.
It’s another TV anime that was broadcast long ago. All of the voice actors who took care of us during the drama CD have a chance to reunite now, and I can’t wait for the movie’s release! There are the character drawings, the movement of it all – not only the voice acting, but everything from the accessory designs to the backgrounds are really wonderful, so I would love it if you watched it again and again!
Even though this is just a shounen manga drawn by an inexperienced person who isn’t super familiar with history, it’s a great honor to release a new animation in the year of the 150th anniversary of the Meiji Restoration, which borrows the names and parts of the lives of people who actually existed. I’m grateful from the bottom of my heart. Please watch the second part of the movies, too. Thank you for reading this far.
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animecatoftheday · 5 years
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Today’s anime cat of the day is:
This fancy lad from Peacemaker Kurogane: Omou Michi!
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mylovegamesanimemix · 6 years
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camiwan · 5 years
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newsintheshell · 5 years
Crunchyroll, in arrivo i lungometraggi di “Peace Maker Kurogane”
I due film tratti dal manga di Chrono Nanae sono usciti in Giappone l’anno scorso.
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Crunchyroll ha annunciato che aggiungerà presto al catalogo i due lungometraggi animati, di 60 minuti ciascuno, tratti dal manga “Peace Maker Kurogane” di Chrono Nanae, sequel dello “Shinsengumi Imon Peace Maker” edito in Italia da Star Comics. 
Dal 27 marzo, tutti gli iscritti alla piattaforma (esclusi quelli residenti in Asia e territori con lingua tedesca) potranno vedere, sottotitolati in italiano, “PEACE MAKER KUROGANE - Belief” e “PEACE MAKER KUROGANE - Friend”. 
Anche se la Shinsengumi ha subito una grave perdita per via dell'incidente all'Aburano Koji, i suoi membri si preparano a mostrare la loro devozione per lo Shogun, Tokugawa Yoshinobu. Nel frattempo, la corte imperiale proclama la fine dello shogunato Tokugawa e Yoshinobu si ritira a Osaka. La Shinsengumi si prepara a combattere, ricollocando la sua base nell'ufficio del magistrato Fushimi.
Keiou 3 (1867) – la tumultuosa era dello shogunato ha fine.
Ichimura Tetsunosuke, soldato della Shinsengumi, è cresciuto accanto alla giovane Saya e, malgrado la sua mente fosse con lei, come facente funzione del vice comandante Hijikata Toshizou cerca di condividere il destino del suo amico, l'ufficiale medico Yamazaki Susumu, e del suo fratello maggiore Tatsunosuke, insieme a quello del resto dei membri della Shinsengumi...
I due film sono usciti in Giappone l’anno scorso e sono stati diretti da da Shigeru Kimiya presso lo studio White Fox (Goblin Slayer, Steins;Gate).  
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if anyone knows where i can watch peacemaker kurogane omou-michi PLEASE lmk
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animationandmup · 7 years
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Visual for the new anime film series based on Nanae Chrono's Peacemaker Kurogane manga, which will be split in two films. The first film, titled Peacemaker Kurogane - Omou-michi (Path of Thoughts), is slated for June 2, 2018. The second film, titled Peacemaker Kurogane - Yūmei (Fate of Friends), is slated for next fall.
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teamgensokyo-blog · 7 years
Trailer video for anime film "Peacemaker Kurogane: Omou-michi" (Path of Thoughts) revealed!
It will premiere on premiere on June 2nd, 2018!
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pmkscanlations · 1 year
PMK DVD Booklet Interviews 5
Thanks to @/pmkloveadmin and their kind friend yuunsoba who provided the raws for these interviews! Here’s the fifth set; please enjoy!  I’ll be posting the final set tomorrow!
STAFF COMMENTARY Kimiya Shigeru (Director)
I believe the production work has currently reached its climax, but please tell us your frank impressions as the director of the Peacemaker Kurogane movies.
I’ve always wanted to direct something based on the end of the Edo period, so I was delighted to come across this. In particular, I’m a fan of the Shinsengumi, so seeing all the typical characters like Kondo and Hijikata made me excited. I’m also glad that I got to know the lesser-known member Ichimura Tetsunosuke through it.
In working on this movie, were there any things you kept conscious awareness of?
Above all else, I tried not to change the flavor of the original work. I also thought carefully about the art setting and tools etc., because even though it’s a fictional work, the audience won’t be immersed without creating the world view of the Bakumatsu era. Finally, I was careful not to turn the enemies into mere villains. After all, even with the differing factions, the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate was an era where everyone simply lived according to their own ideas and ideals.
Tell us about a scene you had a particularly hard time directing and put a lot of time into. Please let fans know if there are any points in particular that you want them paying attention to.
There are plenty of parts that mirror real historical fact, so I took care to pay extra attention to Saito’s death chronology records and its consistency with historical timelines. I had the hardest time deciding how far to adjust historical facts and which parts to arrange. Though it’s a small detail, I tried to add a natural Tennen Rishin-Ryu flair to the way they drew and cut with their swords.
In a nutshell, how would you describe Peacemaker Kurogane from the view of a director?
An ensemble drama full of tragedy. As far as easily understood examples go, there’s the budding love between Saya and Tetsunosuke, the brotherly love between Tetsunosuke and Tatsunosuke… All of the main characters in this work are fighting for someone else while suffering. I think even Suzu, who has fallen into the dark path of revenge, still does it out of his admiration and affection for Toshimaro Yoshida. I think there’s something for everyone to enjoy, no matter what relationship diagrams and so on they think up for their favorite characters.
Finally, please leave a message for the fans who watch this series.
In part two, the Shinsengumi will be swallowed up by the times as the battle of Toba-Fushimi starts. It focuses on the previously invincible Shinsengumi suffering its first defeat, and the friendship between Tetsunosuke and Yamazaki, who are each struggling with their own ways of life. Last year marked the 150th year anniversary of the Meiji Restoration. I would like to consider this work a bouquet dedicated to it.
Eiji Umehara (Script & Series Composition)
Please tell us your first impressions for being in charge of the script for this work.
It was a very meaningful and rewarding script to do. I remember rushing to buy Shinsengumi-related books at the bookstore on the day I got the script order. The original work is quite dense and complex. If you move this, you can’t draw that, and if you add this, then that becomes a contradiction. On top of that, it has some heavy drama. While scripting, I often thought things like, “Chrono-sensei often draws things like this, huh?” and “the staff who chose to make this into a movie were brave”.
Where did you stick close to the source material, where did you struggle, and where did you pay the closest attention to?
I always asked, “do they both reflect the feelings of the characters?” The plan was to start filming immediately after the Aburanokoji Incident. So at this point, for example, Shinpachi and Sanosuke had just lost Heisuke, Tetsunosuke discovered the depth of Suzu’s darkness, Tatsunosuke saw how powerless he was… Everyone’s feelings and situations were quite dire. After writing, I was immediately thrust into having to put them all together in the movie and it was a bit more of a barrier than I expected.
As the screenwriter, are there any scenes you want people to pay particular attention to?
First of all, probably the scenes with Tetsunosuke and Saya in general. Even with all of the various things happening, these two make up the main axis of the drama in the first part. Then, the scenes with Hijikata and Okita. As I mentioned, because the original work was so dense, I didn’t have much space to add original elements. However, I wanted to dig down and see a bit more in-depth interaction between these two in particular, so I added back a few scenes that would have been omitted originally.
Finally, please leave a message for the fans who watch this series.
Thank you all for taking time out of your busy lives to watch. While writing the script, I read and re-read the original series and related books many times and became entranced by the world views there. I’m proud to say I’m a decent Peacemaker Kurogane fan, but I’m sure all of you are even bigger fans that I can’t even compare myself to. All staff members brought their all in facing this behemoth of a work by Chrono-sensei. I’d appreciate it if there were parts that tugged on everyone’s heartstrings even a little.
Yoko Shiraishi (Producer)
This work has numerous different forms of media. How did you settle on a movie?
Actually, I’ve been working on Nanae Chrono’s other series since Vassalord. Though that serialization is ending, I heard about Peacemaker Kurogane starting up again and asked if I could take part. We started with talk of a drama CD first but then eventually started discussing a movie instead. It’s been a long time since I’ve made a movie, so I wanted to draw the main character Tetsunosuke with my full heart. That’s why I designed the movie after the theme of the two partings that occur after the Aburanokoji Incident, and Tetsunosuke growing up during it.
From the producer’s point of view, what is Peacemaker Kurogane? Where does its power lie?
I drew the Shinsengumi head-on, parallel to their historically factual story. The Shinsengumi began its decline after the Ikedaya Incident. In it, characters are running away and worrying without caring about looking cool, which felt very human. I was able to empathize. I also cried several times when reading the original when people would die, because my feelings for that character and those around them were so chaotic. As far as characters go, I like both Shinpachi and Susumu, but Tetsunosuke is the one that makes me feel the most emotion.
Did any scenes or lines leave a particularly big impression on you? Please explain why.
The scene where Tetsunosuke and Susumu use Tatsunosuke’s loincloth to play a prank while they’re practicing shooting. I loved how the three had this relaxed conversation in the middle of an otherwise tense movie. Outside of that, the scene where Okita asks Hijikata, “can I have a rifle too?” Even if Okita’s body is yielding, he still wants to be of use to Hijikata and the Shinsengumi. On the other hand, Hijikata wants Okita to live as long as possible, so he doesn’t want to force him too hard. When feelings differ like that, it’s painful and leaves a deep impression.
Finally, please leave a message for the fans who watch this series.
Thank you for watching part one of the Peacemaker Kurogane movies. Part two begins with the Battle of Toba-Fushimi, and things just get rougher for the Shinsengumi from there. But there are still plenty of scenes well worth watching, like their actions and the appearance of a certain nostalgic person. Please look forward to it. I hope everyone will continue on to watch part two.
Toshiki Denyama (Sound Director)
What was your first impression after reading Peacemaker Kurogane for the first time? Did the drama CD or anime change that?
When I think about the path from prosperity to ruin that the Shinsengumi, which bloomed like a flower in a troubling time, took – it imbues the characters with a sort of endearing sadness as they struggle bravely and desperately to live. The already harrowing story of loss becomes even more poignant in movie form. But it’s impressive that a certain level of transparency exists in depicting the hearts of these characters.
Various scenes exist in this show, ranging from daily life to serious matters of life or death. As sound director, what did you keep in mind while working?
Seeing these characters all trying to move forward with deep trauma, it lit a fire in my heart and I decided it was my mission to bring that theme into my work. At the same time, when drawing the Shinsengumi – a dying force – I always kept “partings” and the reason why “here and now” is so precious in mind to explain the regret seeping through the story. That’s remained the same even through the movie.
There are plenty of interesting characters, but do you relate to any on a personal level? Please tell me why.
It’s the second division captain, Nagakura Shinpachi. Rather than just calling him a favorite, it’s more like I want to watch over him. Historically, he survives, so I’m sure he’ll survive in the series. But then I think about what he would have thought, crossing the turbulent times into the Meiji era. I imagine that the weight of his losses and the proof of his life are immeasurable, along with the depth of his feelings.
Finally, please leave a message for the fans who watch this series.
I think people may not be able to fully realize just how precious the “now” is. Even if you think it’s important now, you’ll have to wait until later to truly feel the weight of that importance. I think that’s why stories like this, which depict the bright souls of people who once lived, shake our hearts. Please stay tuned for more!
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animenewsblog-blog1 · 7 years
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Peace Maker Kurogane, il primo trailer del film Il sito ufficiale per la serie di film anime, basata sul manga Peacemaker Kurogane di Nanae Chrono, ha pubblicato un trailer per Peacemaker Kurogane - Omou-michi (Path of Thoughts), il primo film della serie. L'uscita è prevista per il 2 giugno 2018. Il secondo film, intitolato Peacemaker Kurogane - Yūmei, è previsto per l'autunno 2018. WHITE FOX animerà la serie di film. http://www.animenewsblog.eu/2017/10/14/peace-maker-kurogane-il-primo-trailer-del-film/
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mylovegamesanimemix · 6 years
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camiwan · 5 years
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newsintheshell · 7 years
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“Peacemaker Kurogane: Omou-michi  ” 
Film anime, 2 giugno 2018
Primo dei due film che andranno ad adattare il manga “Peace Maker Kurogane” di Chrono Nanae (sequel di “Shinsengumi Imon Peace Maker”). Il secondo film si intitolerà “Peacemaker Kurogane:Yuume” e uscirà nell’autunno del 2018.
Tetsunosuke Ichimura (adolescente): Yuki Kaji 
Susumu Yamazaki: Takahiro Sakurai 
Tetsunosuke Ichimura (bambino): Yumiko Kobayashi
Toshizo Hijikata: Jouji Nakata
Souji Okita: Mitsuki Saiga
Shinpachi Nagakura: Kappei Yamaguchi
Sanosuke Harada: Kenji Nomura
Heisuke Todo: Kousuke Toriumi
Hajime Saitou: Takashi Matsuyama
Kai Shimada: Masami Iwasaki
Isami Kondou: Takaya Hashi
Saya: Mikako Takahashi
Suzu Yamatoya: Shinnosuke Tachibana 
Regia: Shigeru Kimiya
Sceneggiatura: Eiji Umehara 
Character design: Sayaka Koiso
Studio: White Fox     
Nanae Chrono ha inizialmente lanciato l’opera nel 1999 sotto il nome “Shinsengumi Imon Peace Maker” su Monthly Shonen Gangan.
Nel 2001 la pubblicazione è passata da Square Enix a Mag Garden, riprendendo la serializzazione sotto il nome “Peace Maker Kurogane” sulle pagine di Monthly Comic Blade. Si sono susseguiti poi altri spostamenti per poi stabilirsi nel 2014 su Monthly Comic Garden. Mag Garden pubblica l’opera anche in via digitale sul sito Magicomi.
Nel 2003 Gonzo ha prodotto una serie tv anime di 24 episodi ispirata al manga.
Sito ufficiale Twitter ufficiale
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pmkscanlations · 1 year
PMK DVD Booklet Interviews 1
Thanks again to @/pmkloveadmin and their kind friend yuunsoba who provided the raws for this booklet! I’ll be posting the interview translations in parts over the next few days. Please note that I’ll just be doing text posts due to the newer, stricter restrictions re: posting magazine images & the scan donator’s request! Thank you and please enjoy the first set!
Please tell us your genuine reaction to the announcement of the movie project.
Peacemaker was a project I took on along the way while auditioning about 4 years ago. It was a great honor to portray an older Tetsunosuke, who showed great growth even in the original work. At the same time, I was very nervous. I was involved with the drama CD initially, so this was my first time doing post-recording for the anime side of things. I dreamed of working as a voice actor when I was in school, so being able to do this was deeply moving for me.
Please tell us your genuine reaction to your first read-through of the script.
This makes me sound like a total newbie, but I just thought, “Uwah! It’s a Peacemaker Kurogane script!” (laughs). The drama CD script was just paper, so I was delighted to see a fully bound script with a picture of an adolescent Tetsunosuke on the cover. While Kobayashi Yumiko kicked the whole thing off with a line from a young Tetsunosuke, there are plenty of heroic scenes between then and the main storyline, so I felt like making the tonal change would be quite difficult. There are scenes of tragedy and scenes that make you laugh, and throughout it all, I was reintroduced to the variety of expressions these characters wear. As Tetsunosuke, I was also left thinking “what will happen next?!” because of how it ended. I’m sure everyone who watched felt the same, but I’m just excited for the continuation.
Quite some time has passed between the drama CD and the movie, but please tell us if you carried over any impressions from then into your acting this time.
When I played Tetsunosuke in the drama CD, it was the Hokujou Arc, so I didn’t have a chance to play the lively Tetsunosuke that everyone thinks of until now. Because of that, it was a really tough place to start, and I had to overcome my concerns and anxieties that I wouldn’t match up with the mental image everyone had. The “Tetsunosuke” in me is energetic, bright, and able to face any conflicts head-on, just like the version depicted in the movies. So I was happy that I got to play both the young version and the adolescent version that I imagined. With these fresh feelings, I was able to take that along with the “Tetsunosuke” created by Kobayashi Yumiko and really dive into the character.
What scene do you think has the biggest impact, and what scene do you want people to pay attention to?
I was happy to see a young Tetsunosuke at the start. It paints a good picture of the events that led him to the current story arc that the movie covers. After that, I very abruptly went into a montage of famous lines and scenes, so I got to say a lot of high-impact things in every way (laughs). I think that’s how I was able to manage the switch to the energy of the Shinsengumi’s sharpness and the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
I think the most notable scene is where Tetsunosuke goes to buy Saya’s freedom! Naturally, the story is full of tons of interesting drama, but I think that stories about pure love are universal regardless of era or rank. I think this will become particularly important to Tetsunosuke, who will surely be embroiled in battles from here on. Even the flashback scene between those two in happier times reminded me of just how big of a presence Saya has in Tetsunosuke’s life.
The scene where Hijikata talks to Tetsunosuke about Saya’s miuke* is impressive, isn’t it? To Tetsunosuke, what kind of person is Hijikata Toshizo?
From Tetsunosuke’s childhood, Hijikata has been an overwhelming presence. As a man, human being and warrior, he’s unbeatable, you know? That’s why I think there are both parts he admires and parts that he can’t understand. I think Hijikata is a lot like a father to him in that respect. Tetsunosuke didn’t carry out his orders with full obedience and backtalked instead of respecting him. I’m sure that Hijikata will become an even more important person in the future, and Hijikata will likely undergo changes himself, but I hope their relationship will carry on as-is.
This is a story about the Shinsengumi’s great ambitions. After this, what sort of challenges do you want to tackle?
2017 was the year of climbing Mount Fuji and having unprecedented peach wars. With that all done, I’m mostly focusing on myself and my daily life again. I want to handle each job as a voice actor with precision and care.
Also, I’ve been saying this for ages, but someday I want to master conversational English. I like to travel, and learning English would help me expand my circle of communication and enjoy the world even more fully. So I’d like to study when I have time.
Finally, please leave a message for the fans who watch this series.
Thank you for viewing the show! It’s delightful to see that a work I have such strong personal ties to has made it to theaters, and that so many people have come to see it.
Many dramas cover the history of the Shinsengumi. With the amount of time they’ve spent together and all of their meetings and partings, it feels like they’re really here, and I hope you can enjoy this first part of the movie set.
How will this Tetsunosuke, with all of his growth, handle the conflicts that may appear with Suzu, Saya, and the Shinsengumi that he views as a family? Fortunately, the development will continue, but I think the glimpses of their will to live and hope are charm points of the series. Please watch over us until the end. Thank you!
INTERVIEW 2: YAMAZAKI SUSUMU (Voice actor: Sakurai Takahiro)
Please tell us your genuine reaction to the announcement of the movie project.
Even though it’s been a long time since the anime, my first thought was that I’m happy to be involved in the franchise even all these years later. I still remember the original TV series, so seeing Tetsunosuke grown up gave me a sense of time passing by in both the show and also real life. Because of that, it all feels fresh even though it’s a continuation of an old story.
Please tell us your genuine reaction to your first read-through of the script.
It was really nostalgic (laughs). The cast’s feelings toward the work is strong, and I was reminded all over again of how this story has the power to connect people. Even though about 15 years have passed since the anime, I didn’t feel the gap. Despite the strong nostalgia, there was no confusion or stumbling. I think it must be because Kobayashi-san and Kaji-kun are there supporting the foundation.
Quite some time has passed between the drama CD and the movie, but please tell us if you carried over any impressions from then into your acting this time.
Yamazaki’s really grown, huh? It feels like he climbed a mountain with his older sister, and from his line about retiring, you can guess that he’s peeled away his old veneer and done some growing up. Since he can see so many things and people around him clearly - including Tetsunosuke - and is someone with many connections, I was struck once again by his importance as a character.
The gap that changed moment by moment and developed into something serious was also deeply impressive.
What scene do you think has the biggest impact, and what scene do you want people to pay attention to?
Okita’s line where he says, “If there are extra rifles... could you give one to me?” really left a big impression. I was wondering what he meant... Whether they’re aware of it or not, I think most characters in this series are desperately trying to live. But among them all, Okita, who gave off a feeling of loneliness, caught my eye. Even though Yamazaki wasn’t in the scene, I couldn’t help but wonder what sort of words he’d have for Okita if he had been. I was also impressed by the unchanged parts, like the Ichimura brothers using Tatsunosuke’s loincloth for target practice, and the way that things shifted bit by bit toward more serious developments.
The Shinsengumi members are all fascinating people, don’t you think? What’s your impression of Saito Hajime, one of the key players?
I used to think that even among the Shinsengumi, Saito Hajime stood out as particularly manic, but he’s really gained a lot of popularity through these stories, hasn’t he? In my mind’s eye, I associate Saito Hajime with Takashi Matsuyama-san’s take on him, which involves the strong image of a slight downer who’s very mysterious. I think that in this story, Saito’s humanity – or backbone, rather – became visible.
This is a story about the Shinsengumi’s great ambitions. After this, what sort of challenges do you want to tackle?
To be honest, I can’t join this challenge... (laughs). I guess I want to play a role I haven’t before. It’d be nice if I could see a version of myself that I haven’t yet. Rather than trying to master something in a totally new field, I think I’d do best with deepening my own strengths.
Finally, please leave a message for the fans who watch this series.
I think that the shape and depth of the story will change depending on who’s viewing it, but if you feel something when you watch it, I hope you can cherish those emotions. There’s also a sequel, so please keep an eye out. Thank you!
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pmkscanlations · 2 years
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A bonus short comic that came with admission during the screening of PMK’s first movie! Thanks to user minareirei for being kind enough to provide the raws!
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pmkscanlations · 1 year
PMK DVD Booklet Interviews 3
Thanks to @/pmkloveadmin and their kind friend yuunsoba who provided the raws for these interviews! Here’s the third set; please enjoy!
INTERVIEW 7 SHINPACHI NAGAKURA ( Voice actor: Yamaguchi Kappei)
Please tell us your genuine reaction to the announcement of the movie project.
It was a work I really enjoyed, so I was happy to gather together under the flag of sincerity with everyone once more.
Please tell us your genuine reaction to your first read-through of the script.
”Less work!!” And what I thought after that is~ a~ secret. It can’t be helped, since it’s a story that happens after Aburanokoji, you know?
How was it, revisiting this character after so long? Please tell us your impression of the performance and anything you kept in mind while acting.
Shinpattsan is a role I really cherish. I was a little tense since it had been a long time, but I was able to speak every line from my heart, and I really enjoyed playing my role.
What scene do you think has the biggest impact, and what scene do you want people to pay attention to?
I hope that as you watch the scene in the summary montage at the beginning, you can feel the friendship, tragic parting and overflowing emotions coming from Shinpachi, Sanosuke and Heisuke in every part of it.
This is a story about the Shinsengumi’s great ambitions. After this, what sort of challenges do you want to tackle?
I want to do my best at rakugo!!
Finally, please leave a message for the fans who watch this series.
I’m incredibly grateful to be reunited with everyone and work on this series again in the form of a theatrical release, all thanks to the ongoing voices of everyone who has supported us. As the Shinsengumi, there’s a sad fate ahead of them, but I’d appreciate it if you could watch over their future together.
INTERVIEW 8 HEISUKE TODO (Voice actor: Toriumi Kousuke)
Please tell us your genuine reaction to the announcement of the movie project.
It’s been some time since the TV series, so I was initially quite surprised to hear about it. I was also really happy to get the chance to work with everyone and play this character again.
Please tell us your genuine reaction to your first read-through of the script.
The lively and fun memories of those earlier days popped into my head, you know? But since it’s set in stone historically-speaking, I know what lies ahead for them…
How was it, revisiting this character after so long? Please tell us your impression of the performance and anything you kept in mind while acting.
Well, I’m up first… (laughs). I got to dive into the role straight away.
What scene do you think has the biggest impact, and what scene do you want people to pay attention to?
Since the whole story flows alongside passage of time, please focus on the entire piece instead of one single point.
This is a story about the Shinsengumi’s great ambitions. After this, what sort of challenges do you want to tackle?
I wonder… On the other hand, is there anything you want to see me try?
Finally, please leave a message for the fans who watch this series.
They’re all still running forward, so I hope that you all can run alongside them and keep an eye on them on their journey.
INTERVIEW 9 SANOSUKE HARADA (Voice actor: Nomura Kenji)
Please tell us your genuine reaction to the announcement of the movie project.
I was really happy! There was some nostalgia, but for the most part, being reunited with everyone again raised my spirits the most. I’m sure that the big screen will really bring the soldiers to life~ I’m honored to play Sanosuke there. I hope many people will watch this story!
Please tell us your genuine reaction to your first read-through of the script.
It felt like the part of the story going into the Shinsengumi’s decline had finally started. At last~ Kondo-san got injured~! After that, everything just starts falling apart… There was a scene with Heisuke that made me sad, too. I wanted to do more with the Idiot Trio, you know?
How was it, revisiting this character after so long? Please tell us your impression of the performance and anything you kept in mind while acting.
Since Sanosuke is the type to express himself honestly, I want to convey his emotions in an easily understood way! It’d be great if we could have fun as the Idiot Trio as a result, but… Well, the story’s like that… It’s rough~ But Sanosuke values his friends greatly, and he’ll carry on living as the Shinsengumi’s 10th division captain! Please watch him express his way of living with your own eyes and ears!
What scene do you think has the biggest impact, and what scene do you want people to pay attention to?
For Sanosuke specifically, there’s a scene where he tells the soldier that killed Heisuke that he didn’t do anything wrong. I thought his feelings as a captain were expressed well there. Please pay attention to Sanosuke’s one cool scene!
This is a story about the Shinsengumi’s great ambitions. After this, what sort of challenges do you want to tackle?
Unlike the warriors here, I don’t have any big ambitions, but…In the future, I want to discover more possibilities for myself. I can’t say how things will go for sure, but I want to be involved in as many works as possible, and I think it’d be great to create a play that would stick in everyone’s hearts.
Finally, please leave a message for the fans who watch this series.
How was it? It must have been fun! I’m sure it was thrilling! The Bakumatsu period is really interesting! We can’t experience that sense of urgency in the same way these days, after all. Let’s dive into this unique world view together. Please look forward to the next part!
INTERVIEW 10 SAITO HAJIME (Voice actor: Matsuyama Takashi)
Please tell us your genuine reaction to the announcement of the movie project.
“It’d be nice if it gets a movie someday, right?” That’s a common conversation for works that have just started, but very few of them actually make it that far. It’s thanks to everyone’s strong feelings that this series got a movie, even after all this time. Thanks! And congratulations!
Please tell us your genuine reaction to your first read-through of the script.
Saya and Tetsunosuke, Tetsunosuke and Tatsunosuke, Tatsunosuke and Yamazaki, Hijikata and Okita… It’s a script bursting with plenty of things to think about.
How was it, revisiting this character after so long? Please tell us your impression of the performance and anything you kept in mind while acting.
Saito Hajime. He locked away his heart due to the pain of seeing the future. With his quiet and cold manner of speaking, he thought he was going to get through all rough times ahead with ease, but… Ichimura Tetsunosuke... I wonder if I’m overdoing it…
What scene do you think has the biggest impact, and what scene do you want people to pay attention to?
I think everyone should pay attention to Saya. As a character who doesn’t speak, it puts a lot of pressure on everyone around her. Of course, the strength of the viewer is also necessary in these cases.
This is a story about the Shinsengumi’s great ambitions. After this, what sort of challenges do you want to tackle?
Sorry if this is totally out of the blue, but I want to try operating a drone!!
Finally, please leave a message for the fans who watch this series.
What did you think? What’s the summary of everyone’s thoughts on Peacemaker Kurogane? I’d be happy if you liked it even a little. I’d be even happier if you continue to love this work. Saito Hajime is looking forward to the day that we can meet again.
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