#parachutist trousers
warehouse-staff-blog · 11 months
こんにちは 名古屋店 コジャです。
WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 1224 1940'S USMC PARACHUTIST TROUSERS 無地 \35.750-(with tax)   ※ONE WASHは\1.100- UP
WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 1224 1940'S USMC PARACHUTIST TROUSERS ステンシルプリント \37.950-(with tax)   ※ONE WASHは\1.100- UP
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個人的にPANTSが気になっています。 今ならお気に入りのパネルボーダーTと合わせるかなぁ。
179cm,69kg SIZE:33(ONE WASH)
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179cm,69kg SIZE:33(ONE WASH)
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173cm,60kg SIZE:32(ONE WASH)
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173cm,60kg SIZE:32(ONE WASH)
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179cm,69kg SIZE:33(ONE WASH)
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バックポケットが無いので物足りないですが、 これで便利さを求めてポケットがついちゃうと、 VINTAGEにはないのになぁ~。と、欲する気持ちが半減してしまうのも不思議ですね笑
ワイドシルエットで、 この“本場”の太さが"現代"においてはオシャレ効果を発揮。
ジャケットは時期的にちょっと...と敬遠してしまいますが、 パンツは通年いけるので今はパンツに軍配が上がり在庫が少なくなってきてSOLD OUT間近となっております。
173cm,60kg SIZE:32(ONE WASH)
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179cm,69kg SIZE:33(ONE WASH)
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また、 WAREHOUSEのHPのトピックや「STYLE PHOTO(コーディネート)」取り上げているので御覧下さい。
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〒460-0011 愛知県名古屋市中区大須3-13-18
【営業時間:平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休
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rwood2477 · 3 years
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This is Harry Hudec, a 508th HQ Parachute Infantry Regiment 82nd Airborne Division paratrooper who was a Regimental Boxing Champion during WW2.
Harry was born in Cleveland March 16, 1922. Hudec jumped into Normandy D-Day 1:30 AM and fought on the site of Hill 30 between Chef du Pont and Picauville.
He was wounded in the leg on June 15th and took refuge in a farmhouse where a family hid him in their stable and cared for him for four days until the farmer warned him that "the Boche were coming".
Harry hobbled down the road and was fortunate to meet up with other Americans who then had him evacuated.
Harry remained friends with the farmer and family over the years and visited the farm on June 6, 2004 during the D-Day Plus 60 observation.
He jumped again in Holland on September 17th and survived the fierce fighting in the Ardennes.
Ready for a combat jump, note that he is wearing a captured German canvas MP40 machine pistol magazine pouch for use with his M1A1 Thompson magazines. On his shoulder he has his Airborne 1st Aid packet strapped to his web gear and his parachute is the updated T-7 with quick release.
His combat uniform is the M43 OD set with rigger modified canvas pockets on his trousers. On his left jump boot his M3 fighting knife is strapped to his ankle in typical Airborne fashion and he is holding his M1C Parachutist’s helmet.
Harry was also a boxing champion, with an extraordinary physique for a paratrooper since he measured 2.07 m. (6ft 8inch)!
Harry passed away in 2007 at the age of 85 and is buried at the Memorial Park Cemetery
Sedalia, Pettis County, Missouri, VS.
(This picture was most likely taken in April, 1945, Frankfurt, Germany, during practice jumps).
Colour by Colourised PIECE of JAKE
Caption: https://battlefieldmuseum.org/product/airborne-soldier-52/
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Officers of 2nd Parachute Battalion Capt. R. Stark, Lt. J. Brayley, & Maj. R. Ashford. Tunisia, December 1942. (Second image zoom) Maj. Ashford. Note the Fairbairn–Sykes knife on his left thigh. These are the first ‘Trousers Parachutist’ the ‘37 pattern standard issue that were modified at unit level to a high specification & level of workmanship. Buttoned ankle straps have been applied to the left outside thigh to facilitate the carrying of the Fairbairn Sykes knife (see images 3&4) & a large chamois lined front left thigh pocket applied for the carrying & protection of precious maps. Other modifications would include multiple ammunition & dressing pockets and in some cases an alternative internal jet pocket on the thigh to house the Fairbairn Sykes knife. Major Ashford was killed a few days after this photo was taken. #fairbairnsykesfightingknife #fairbairnsykes #paratroopers #paratroopregiment #uniform #trousersparachutist #paras #37pattern #denisonsmock #camouflage #ww2 #1942 #vintagephoto #vintagemenswear #vintageworkwear #vintagestyle #ruggedstyle #formfollowsfunction https://www.instagram.com/p/B_uXnveDNpi/?igshid=40odxgllzqbg
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jermaine-main · 5 years
War veteran, 97, meets Charles after parachute jump to mark Arnhem operation
A 97-year-old Second World War veteran who parachuted out over the Dutch city of Arnhem where he was captured in 75 years ago has been congratulated by the Prince of Wales.
A crowd of thousands applauded Sandy Cortmann, from Aberdeen, as he tandem dropped with the Red Devils on to Ginkel Heath, near Arnhem in the Netherlands, on Saturday.
He was just 22 years old when he parachuted on to the same drop zone in September 1944 as part of Operation Market Garden, one of the war’s most significant and ill-fated operations.
The Prince of Wales, the Colonel-in-Chief of the Parachute Regiment, accompanied by Princess Beatrix of The Netherlands, met veterans of the operation on Saturday, to mark its 75th anniversary.
After landing Mr Cortmann, still wearing his red flight suit and returning to the area for the first time since the war, waved to onlookers and a mass of cameras from his wheelchair as he took his place for a memorial service on the heath.
The Prince of Wales, wearing a multi-terrain patterned shirt and trousers and maroon beret of the Parachute Regiment, laid a wreath during the service bearing the handwritten message: “In everlasting remembrance, Charles.”
He later shook Mr Cortmann’s hand as he met several of the last band of surviving veterans from Operation Market Garden.
After speaking to the Prince of Wales, Mr Cortmann described his jump as “thoroughly terrifying”, adding: “When the door opened I thought, Christ, what a way down.”
But he said it was “absolutely wonderful to see the ground so far below, my God”.
Asked if the parachute drop had been like the one he made more than seven decades before, he said: “I can’t remember much about the jump in 1944, we were just a bunch of young lads out for a good time if you like, but it turned out rather terrifying in the end with the guns and mortars and things opened up. They were all aimed at us.”
Mr Cortmann’s friend and ex-paratrooper Gary Haughton, 52, who lives in Aberdeen, said the Prince of Wales had congratulated the veteran and said: “He puts me to shame, I should have been up there with him.”
“He can’t be everywhere,” Mr Cortmann joked.
Mr Haughton said watching the war hero take to the skies was “breathtaking” and it had left him with the “biggest smile”.
He added: “His teeth were intact, his glasses were intact, his hearing aid was intact and he wants to do it again next year.”
During the memorial service civilian and military dignitaries gave moving speeches before the laying of wreaths.
Charles held a salute and veterans were helped to stand, some holding hands, as a lone bugler played the Last Post and a minute’s silence was observed.
Operation Market Garden, portrayed in the 1977 Hollywood film A Bridge Too Far, saw 35,000 British, American and Polish troops parachute or glide behind German lines in a bid to open up an attack route for allied forces.
The subsequent fighting around Arnhem saw more than 1,500 Commonwealth soldiers killed, nearly 6,500 captured and five Victoria Crosses awarded.
On Saturday, three jump waves were due to take place involving 1,500 parachutists from the UK, Netherlands, US, Germany, France, Poland and Belgium who will drop on to Ginkel Heath.
One joint-nation jump was to form the culmination of Exercise Falcons Leap, hosted by the Royal Netherlands Army, to train Nato airborne forces to launch parachute operations together.
Minister for Defence People and Veterans Johnny Mercer also completed a tandem parachute jump with Mr Cortmann and the Red Devils before the memorial service started.
The parachute jumps are part of a host of commemorative events in and around the Dutch city of Arnhem this week, the site of bloody fighting during Operation Market Garden.
Speaking ahead of the service, John Jeffries, 97, from Richmond in North Yorkshire, said he was injured dropping on to Ginkel Heath 75 years ago.
“I got shot here, I couldn’t get up. I had to lay there almost three quarters of an hour before medics came to pick me up.
“I got shot coming down as I came out the plane.
“I was bleeding quite profusely.”
On the flight over Mr Jeffries remembered German anti-Aircraft fire shaking the plane.
“We had ack ack firing to the plane and making it rattle, we didn’t expect to get here the way things were happening.”
The war veteran said it was “absolutely brain numbing” to return to the Netherlands and praised the support of the Dutch people.
Of their commemorations he said: “So many people and so much love, care about it.”
Mr Jeffries was later applauded by the service crowd as two young children helped him lay a memorial wreath.
Albert John Few, 94, originally from Tottenham in London, was on a Dakota aircraft landing jeeps during Operation Market Garden.
He was sent into a forest to recover panniers and later woke up in hospital.
Today he can not remember how he got there and how long he had been receiving treatment.
He praised the “kindness” of the Dutch during the war.
“They got nothing and they wanted to give everything,” he said, holding back tears.
Also at the ceremony was Joe McAllister, 95, from Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire, who dropped into Ginkel Heath on the first day of the operation.
He was later hit by shrapnel and wounded in the legs.
Lying in a ditch for six hours he was eventually taken to hospital by German soldiers.
His wife Florence, 81, said: “He saw a car coming and he thought that was it. It was SS men and they sought help for him.”
Charles later joined 94-year-old Frank Ashleigh, who piloted one of the gliders during the assault.
During the operation, around 600 gliders landed in the area of Renkum, next to Arnhem, transporting soldiers, vehicles and supplies.
Mr Ashleigh said the replica glider was “perfect”, recalling that the plane had been “beautiful” and “very docile” to fly.
Commenting on Operation Market Garden, he said: “We were told it was going to be a fairly easy operation, it was in fact very tough, we were outnumbered and gunned.”
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literary-structures · 7 years
Although Lucette had never died before – no, dived before, Violet – from such a height, in such a disorder of shadows and snaking reflections, she went with hardly a splash through the wave that humped to welcome her. That perfect end was spoiled by her instinctively surfacing in an immediate sweep – instead of surrendering under water to her drugged lassitude as she had planned to do on her last night ashore if it ever did come to this. The silly girl had not rehearsed the technique of suicide as, free-fall parachutists do every day in the element of another chapter. Owing to the tumultuous swell and her not being sure which way to peer through the spray and the darkness and her own tentaclinging hair – t, a, c, l – she could not make out the lights of the liner, an easily imagined many-eyed bulk mightily receding in heartless triumph. Now I’ve lost my next note.Got it.The sky was also heartless and dark, and her body, her head, and particularly those damned thirsty trousers, felt clogged with Oceanus Nox, n, o, x. At every slap and splash of cold wild salt, she heaved with anise-flavored nausea and there was an increasing number, okay, or numbness, in her neck and arms. As she began losing track of herself, she thought it proper to inform a series of receding Lucettes – telling them to pass it on and on in a trick-crystal regression – that what death amounted to was only a more complete assortment of the infinite fractions of solitude.She did not see her whole life flash before her as we all were afraid she might have done; the red rubber of a favorite doll remained safely decomposed among the myosotes of an unanalyzable brook; but she did see a few odds and ends as she swam like a dilettante [the name of the ship Lucette has just thrown herself from] Tobakoff in a circle of brief panic and merciful torpor. She saw a pair of new vair-furred bedroom slippers, which Brigitte had forgotten to pack; she saw Van wiping his mouth before answering, and then, still withholding the answer, throwing his napkin on the table as they both got up; and she saw a girl with long black hair quickly bend in passing to clap her hands over a dackle in a half-torn wreath.A brilliantly illumined motorboat was launched from the not-too-distant ship with Van and the swimming coach and the oilskin-hooded Toby among the would-be saviors; but by that time a lot of sea had rolled by and Lucette was too tired to wait. Then the night was filled with the rattle of an old but still strong helicopter. Its diligent beam could spot only the dark head of Van, who, having been propelled out of the boat when it shied from its own sudden shadow, kept bobbing and bawling the drowned girl’s name in the black, foam-veined, complicated waters.
Vladimir Nabokov, Ada or Ardor (p. 387-8)
The moment in the novel when Ada’s unfortunate sister consumes a number of sleeping pills and launches herself from the rail of the cruise ship, the Tobakoff, into the Atlantic ocean.
The spelling intrusions (“n, o, x”) and extra-character addresses (“…Lucette had never died before – no, dived before, Violet – from such a height”) that punctuate the Lucette-focalisation come from outside the main narrative – the novel’s form is supposed to be that of a memoir written by Van Veen and typed by his secretary Violet Knox; thus, “no, dived before, Violet” is Van literally talking to his secretary from outside of the primary fabula.
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reneenicolegray · 5 years
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@BarbraStreisand wore this elegant Bob Mackie jumpsuit to the 23rd Annual Grammys, on Feb 25th,1981. She presented the award for best rock male vocalist alongside Barry Gibb to Billy Joel for "Glass Houses”. That night Barbra & Gibb also won the "Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group" Grammy for their hit single "Guilty." The ceremony was held at Radio City Music Hall. Bob Mackie & his lifelong partner Ray Aghayan (1928-2011) had previously designed many looks for Barbra including for The Judy Garland Show & “Funny Lady” (1975). In 1919 Italian painter Ernesto Michahelles invented the jumpsuit as we know it today. He dubbed it the “Tutu” because of it’s T shape. It was worn by parachutists & skydivers. Coco Chanel brought her own take to this look in the 20’s with her resort wear “lounging pajamas”. Not to be outdone, her rival Elsa Schiaparelli began to create jumpsuits cut from green silk. Though they were met with positive reactions, luxury jumpsuits were put on hold due to the war. In 1937 the image of Rosie The Riveter in her jumpsuit became a symbol of empowerment for women. The jumpsuit returned in the 60’s and 70’s with many designers adding the look to their collections. More women started wearing flowing pantsuits during the liberation movement, as they gave the ease of pants but illusion of a dress. Stars like Abba, Cher, Elvis, Bowie and Mick Jagger helped make the look iconic. By the 80’s jumpsuits had gotten bolder with supersized shoulder pads, bat wing sleeves & tapered pants. These became statement outfits and were the epitome of looking effortlessly cool. Barbra’s Mackie jumpsuit is made from ivory crepe & features intricate beadwork at the shoulder pads, comprised of fringed Czech bugle beads, faux pearls, & claw back rhinestones. The V neck gives way to gathering at the empire waist, creating pleating which continues down the trousers. There is an attached knot front self belt. The sleeves feature eight roulou button loops and covered buttons, and there is a zipper closure at the back. This jumpsuit sold at auction in 2004 for $1,350.00 USD. #streisandstylefiles #barbrastreisand #grammyawards #bobmackie #fashionhistory #jumpsuit https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw-G_LjnpYF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t5kr069vjvyb
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kokania3 · 4 years
Playsuits and Jumpsuits: For Women at Work?
Can playsuits and jumpsuits have a formal role? Would you be happy putting your lien with someone wearing a playsuit, even if it was a woman? It's a tricky one to answer, because as the title suggest, the playsuit was not necessarily designed with occupation in mind, and the jumpsuit was seen as the perfect garment for the fashion-conscious freefall parachutist. (Which means the analysis to the question is yes if you're a freefall parachutist.)
The modern everyday meaning of the two clothing are cousins of dresses and suits, both of which are perfectly viable office wear. But would you take your cousin to work with you? And let's not forget that the meaning of what is "formal" is as much of a moving aim as you're ever likely to encounter in style terms. As boldness in general is toning back its obligation to appear formal, the meaning of formal wear is itself becoming more open to interpretation. Somewhere in the middle the two will meet with an enormous explosion of laid-back businesswear, and anyone who hasn't got their toe on the heartbeat of way is going to be a casualty.
But that's for the near future. What about now? Can you really turn up at the chamber in a playsuit? It's tempting to opinion that depending on the context, the solution is probably yes. After all, the earth of playsuits and jumpsuits is itself pretty diverse, with some very straight lines and fitted silhouettes on one aspect and loose, flowing, floral construction on the other. A neat and tidy playsuit could definitely be a replacement for a skirt suit, and likewise a jumpsuit would pass unnoticed in an habitats where trouser suits were expected. You can always corrosion a blazer or cardigan if the seeming works, and this will type the illusion complete. There are a number of styles in the studio at the moment, but as with any timeless look, a good place to find a great garment is in a vintage bandage store.
Office business does not necessarily automatically mean traditional formal any more, either. Even in procedure environments where men have been expected to wear a suit, the leeway offered to women has usually been pretty generous, with trouser or skirt options, and a blouse, knitwear or jacket on the torso. So it's not such a huge leap for girlfriend to wear a jumpsuit or playsuit that's at the more tailored conclusion of the spectrum. Try it out in front of the mirror, have a good look at what your colleagues are wearing (as if you don't already), drafts out the looks on the city streets at 8:30 a.m. and see how you could pull off the look.
Best of all, if someone suggests a drink or a nourishment after work, the subtleties of the manner mean it can, perhaps with a little accessorising and a tease of the hair, become a rather smart observing passages of casual wear. While your colleagues are shedding their uncomfortable jackets and loosening their collars and cuffs, you'll already be picking your starter. And as the evening ends, it'll be good to know that your clobber is designed for leaping - but hopefully into a taxi.
Kokania is offering world class apparels , accessories like sunglasses, household items, Vanity mirrors, Digital Cameras, Home Decoration Furniture, sports gear, skin care products. For more Information please visit my website. https://kokania.com/product-category/fashion/women/dresses/rompersjumpsuits/
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「Lot 2193 1940'S USMC PARACHUTIST UTILITY COAT 無地」をご紹介します。
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WAREHOUSE&CO. Lot 2193 1940'S USMC PARACHUTIST UTILITY COAT 無地 OR:\53,350-(with tax) O/W:\54,450-(with tax)
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先日ご紹介しました「Lot 1224 1940'S USMC PARACHUTIST TROUSERS 無地」とセットアップです。
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リバ-ス面のサンドベ-ジュカラ-も雰囲気良いですね。 合わせるアイテムと気分によって両面使い分けることができます。
【営業時間】 ◎東京店【平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】無休 ◎阪急メンズ東京店【平日 12時~20時、土日祝 11時~20時】無休 ◎名古屋店【平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休 ◎大阪店【平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】無休 ◎福岡店【平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】無休 ◎札幌店【11時~20時 】木曜定休
WAREHOUSE福岡店 〒810-0023 福岡県福岡市中央区警固2-11-19 Mビル1F TEL:092-741-7899
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warehouse-staff-blog · 11 months
こんにちは 名古屋店 コジャです。
福岡店より御紹介がありました【ダックハンターカモ】の稀少なツーピース。 名古屋店からは着用画像メインにお届けします。
WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 2193 1940'S USMC PARACHUTIST UTILITY COAT 無地 \53.350-(with tax)   ※ONE WASHは\1.100- UP
WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 2193 1940'S USMC PARACHUTIST UTILITY COAT ステンシルプリント \55.000-(with tax)   ※ONE WASHは\1.100- UP
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昨今はセットアップが安定感あるオシャレと見られがちですが、 流石にこちらのセットアップは強烈です笑
179cm,69kg SIZE:42(ONE WASH)
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デニムとの相性は言うこと無しなのは勿論、 他カラーパンツと合わせて幅広く楽しめますよ。
179cm,69kg SIZE:42(ONE WASH)
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179cm,69kg SIZE:42(ONE WASH)
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シャツのように薄手では無いですが、 秋口からは安心感のある程良い厚みの生地感。
髙木はJKT派。 ポケット等、褐色側がええやん。とのことです。
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173cm,60kg SIZE:(ONE WASH)
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173cm,60kg SIZE:(ONE WASH)
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この時期の入荷じゃなければなー。とお思いの方も多いと思いますが(^_^;) こちらは次回生産の期待は持たない方が良いと思いますよ。無くなり次第終了となるでしょう。
パンツは今からでも存分に活躍してくれますが、 今からのジャケットは暑いからな~。と先送りにして買い逃しのないように。
持ってて損はないですよ。...むしろ買ってて良かった!!となりますっ!(←言い切る自信!!) レアピース、是非御検討下さい。失礼致します。
. . . . .
また、 WAREHOUSEのHPのトピックでも取り上げているので御覧下さい。
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. . . . .
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平素よりウエアハウス直営店をご利用頂き有難う御座います。 ウエアハウス直営店では営業を下記の通り変更しております。
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☞ 『WAREHOUSE直営店の LINE公式アカウント開設』
LINE公式アカウント開設にあたり、 2019年3月26日(火)以降、提供しておりましたスマートフォンアプリはご利用できなくなっております。 お手数をおかけしますが、今後はLINEアカウントのご利用をお願いします。
ご利用されるエリアのアカウントを「友だち登録」して下さい。 ※WAREHOUSE名古屋店をご利用頂いているお客様は【WAREHOUSE EAST】をご登録下さい。
弊社直営店で行っておりますジーンズ等のリペアの受付を休���させて頂いております。 ※ご郵送に関しても同様に休止させて頂いております。再開の日程は未定です。
ご迷惑お掛け致しますが、ご理解下さいます様お願い致します。 ※弊社製品であればボトムスの裾上げは無料にてお受けしております。お預かり期間は各店舗により異なりますのでお問合せ下さい。
〒460-0011 愛知県名古屋市中区大須3-13-18
【営業時間:平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休
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個人的にも入荷を楽しみにしていました 「Lot 1224 1940'S USMC PARACHUTIST TROUSERS 無地」をご紹介します。
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WAREHOUSE&CO. Lot 1224 1940'S USMC PARACHUTIST TROUSERS 無地 OR:\35,750-(with tax) O/W:\36,850-(with tax)
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軍パンらしいズドンと真っ直ぐ落ちる太いシルエットです。 やや大きめのサイズ感なのでいつものサイズの1つ下くらいでいいと思います。
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【営業時間】 ◎東京店【平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】無休 ◎阪急メンズ東京店【平日 12時~20時、土日祝 11時~20時】無休 ◎名古屋店【平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休 ◎大阪店【平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】無休 ◎福岡店【平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】無休 ◎札幌店【11時~20時 】木曜定休
WAREHOUSE福岡店 〒810-0023 福岡県福岡市中央区警固2-11-19 Mビル1F TEL:092-741-7899
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