#papa has been gone a long time. chris has not but he’s not in danger either. the worst of the pain has already passed.
willowfey · 2 years
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 3 years
Once in a Blue Moon
Written for @tropetember day one: Friends to Lovers Fandom: 911 Pairing: Eddie x Buck Rating: Teen  Warnings: Alive Shannon, background Shannon/Taylor Word Count: 1,471 Summary: Love like the one between Eddie and Buck was rare and only came around once in a blue moon. You can also read it on AO3
It was inevitable that the two of them would end up like this. From the moment Evan "Buck" Buckley had laid eyes on Eddie Diaz he knew he was in trouble. The man was handsome and just Buck's type and Buck 1.0 would have been flirting with him in an instance but he was still in love with Abby, she had played a role in changing him into the man he was now, who wanted something more than a fling and one night stand and it scared him that this new man at the 118 could cause such a reaction in him so he fell back on his asshole behaviour and tried to keep Eddie at a distance but that didn't work because Eddie was determined in making friends with him.
Eddie is like a thunderstorm that comes out of nowhere bringing him gusting winds, flashes of lightning that lit up the sky and cool rain that is welcome on a warm day. He also brings with him the son in the form of his son Christopher.
The moment Buck met Christopher he fell in love with the little boy that was pure sunshine and he met dad Eddie and if he wasn't gone on Eddie already watching him be the best dad for his son he whatever fight that was left in him was gone. He was crushing on his best friend and he didn't know what to do about that.
Eddie and Christopher became what Buck had been looking for a family and Buck was so afraid that he might lose him that they would leave him behind. So as his love grew for Eddie his fear of losing them had him staying quiet, he was just happy to be a part of their lives.
"You are an idiot."
A sigh escaped Eddie at his ex-wife's helpful comment. "Yes, you have told me this several times." He reminded her as he turned to face her.
A sigh escaped Shannon as she crossed her arms over her chest, "Eddie, Buck is in love with you just as you are in love with him, don't you think it is about time that you two did something about it. Hell Christopher is days away from starting to plan your wedding and Athena has agreed to help him."
Eddie could only stare at her in shock, "Athena?" Athena Grant is without a doubt one of the scariest women he has ever met and he knew that she wasn't playing around.
"Yes, Athena who is Buck's mom has decided that she is tired of watching you two pine and mope around one another. Not to mention the rest of us. Christopher wants Buck to be his papa, his second father. He knows that you love his Bucky and that Buck loves you and he can't understand why the two of you are taking forever in getting together. We both know that it is you who is going to have to take the first step because Buck is afraid of losing you and Christopher and he won't tell you how he feels he will put on a smile and pretend that he is happy with the way things are, just like he did when you tried to date Ana."
Eddie winced at the reminder of his ill-fated and thankfully short romance with Chris' former teacher. She was pretty and smart but she saw Christopher's limits and didn't want him to find his own way to do things and she had a deep dislike of Buck, which Eddie couldn't understand Buck is a puppy in human form and he had been nothing but welcoming to Ana, even when Ana started crashing their movie nights and inviting herself on their outings with Christopher.
It had been Christopher who spoke up and said enough was enough, he wanted time with his Buck and his dad not his Buck, his dad and Ana. When Ana had suggested that Buck needed to take a step back and let Christopher get used to her being in Buck's place Eddie had been horrified he couldn't do that, he couldn't picture his life without Buck and he knew that their relationship was going nowhere, that Ana didn't fit with them.
Eddie couldn't deny that he felt happier with Ana gone and he could see that Christopher was and even though he wouldn't say it out loud so was Buck.
"Eddie, you deserve to be happy and so does Buck. Think about it." Shannon told her ex. She had found her second chance of happiness with Taylor Kelly of all people now it was time for Eddie to find his happiness. Love like the one between Eddie and Buck was rare and only came around once in a blue moon she hated for them to miss out on it.
The thing is Eddie couldn't remember what it was like not to love Buck. The younger man came into his life when he was struggling to stay afloat being in a new city, starting a new job and being a single father to the world's greatest kid he was drowning and then along came this ray of sunshine who offered him a life raft, who had supported him since, who told him what an amazing dad he was every time he began to doubt himself, who introduced him to Carla and who loves his son as much as Eddie does.
Buck was everything to Eddie and Christopher. The three of them had made themselves into a family and even his parents approved of Buck, they love and adore him and his dad kept dropping hints of when Buck would become a part of their family.  
Eddie will also admit that he is a possessive and jealous man when it comes to Buck. He felt that jealous the first time Buck talked about Abby, he could see how loyal he was to her even though she had left him behind and when she came back with a fiancé after ghosting Buck for so long and used Buck's former feelings for her as a way to guilt him into making him promise to save Sam Eddie had been jealous that Abby still had such a hold on Buck and angry on Buck's behalf because once again Buck had been left behind by someone he loved.
Then there was Ali and she had been sweet and even though it burned him up to see Buck moving on with someone other than him he kept quiet as he was dealing with Shannon being back and them divorcing and figuring out how to be co-parents to their amazing son and making sure that Christopher knew that while they were no longer married they will always love him.
Then the bombing and Buck's leg being crushed and Eddie could see nothing else but Buck in pain and him unable to help him. Eddie remembers holding Buck's hand as the truck was lifted off of him, he remembers wanting to take the pain away from Buck.
He remembers Buck calling him and telling him that Ali had broken up with him because she couldn't handle it. Eddie had hated her for hurting her friend, in some ways Ana reminded him of Ali they both wanted the hot fireman boyfriend, the hero they could brag about but had no understanding about the danger they went into every day.
"Eds? What has gotten you thinking so hard?" Buck was looking at him, they were on truck cleaning duty and the sun was hitting Buck just right that made him glow and Eddie felt his heart skip a beat, Buck was like his own personal sunshine.
"I'm in love with you." Eddie couldn't control the words that escaped him.
Buck blinked at him as if he was taking in the words before a shy smile appeared on his face, "I'm in love with you too."
"Great now kiss." Hen shouted from above where she, Bobby and Chimney were watching and listening with interest.
"Come on Eddie we know you want to," Chimney added, a grin on his face.
"I will allow it this one time," Bobby added.
"Well, how can we say no to that?" Having Bobby's permission Eddie moved and pulled Buck into his arms, the other man melted into him as if he was made to fit in Eddie's arms. The kiss was soft and sweet but full of emotions.
"Later when we are alone I will give you kisses that will make your toes curl," Eddie whispered in Buck's ears as their teammates cheered above them.
Buck's smile was soft and sweet, "Does that mean I should tell Athena and Maddie to hold off planning our wedding?"
A teasing grin appeared on Eddie's face, "At least for a few more months."
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silverwhiteraven · 4 years
Borne of the Stars - Chapter 10 - An MLB Kryptonian AU
Tag List:  @eve-valution @weird-pale-blonde-person @kris-pines04 @soulmate-game @abrx2002 @amayakans @vixen-uchiha @heldtogetherbysafetypins @raisuke06 @dorkus-minimus @captainartsypants @mopester-is-here @moonlightstar64 @annabellabrookes @maribat-is-lifeblood @toodaloo-kangaroo @the-navistar-carol @elspethshadow @chocolatecatstheron​ @ivymala07
[ Summary:  The day isn't over yet, and it's time for everyone to navigate a whole new experience. Is this a Supervillain on the Paris’ hands? ]
[ Posted on Ao3 ] [ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 9 ] [ Chapter 11 ]
The rest of the school day had gone by in a blur, full or more reviews, more introductions of all new teachers, and more less than subtle energetic dares. Almost as soon as the last bell rang, the first day finally over, the courtyard outside the school was flooded with students. The majority of them were having their post-summer reunions with their friends. 
Marinette, Nino, Alya, Adrien, and Lila had fallen right into their usual grouping as they left the classroom, Kara tagging along behind the first two. The Parisian duo were excited to have their shared secret friend officially join their main circle, suspecting she would make quick friends out of not just them, but the rest of the class as well.
Lila started up a retelling of one of her summer travels, but only got a few sentences in before the building around them began to tremble, and the street beyond the courtyard sounded like it was starting to split apart. 
“Woah, I didn’t know Paris was due for an earthquake,” Alya mused as their group and others instinctively huddled a bit closer. Kara’s arms were instinctively on Nino and Marinete’s shoulders to keep them steady. 
“I don't think that's an earthquake,” Adrien replies breathlessly as he looks out towards the road. Kara’s grip tightens and the two can feel her tense as they all take in the white, red and blue glows emanating from the ground.
Alya rushes forward to a clearer view beyond the other students, steady on her feet despite the shaking ground. The rest of the group follows, and they hear her sucks in a breath, watching as she tenses. Those who know her see it for the excitement it is before words start pouring out. 
“Guys, I think it’s a supervillain,” she gasps out as she turns back to them, her eyes wide and full of newfound energy. Even Kara, who didn't know Alya as well as the others, could recognize the flame of a reporter ready to get out on the field. 
Her phone was out before anyone could respond. “I need to get footage, this is so awesome!” Then she was turning on her heel and dashing towards the road. 
“Alya, wait!” Adrien cried out in alarm, tripping as the ground trembled harder for a moment before Nino caught him. 
“Dude, we need to get somewhere safe, this could be dangerous.” The worry was clear in the musician's voice as he helped Adrien to his feet, staring off after Alya.
“But Nino, Alya could be in danger!”
“I know, I’ll go-”
He was cut off by Kara. “No, you guys stay put, I’ll go after Little Miss Camera over there; I’m used to this kind of thing, I’ll make sure she’s safe.”
“But Kara,” Marinette protested, equally worried for the grounded superhero as the reporter.
“I got this, Buttercup, trust me; I wont do anything to make my cousin mad and I’ll just make sure we both stay out of trouble. And you guys? Stay safe. I’ll text Karen and Babs make sure you're in a good place before they, uh, do anything else.” Nino and Marinette both knew what she meant by anything else, but they still couldn't help but want to stop Kara as she turned on her heel and ran after Alya faster than the first girl had taken off. 
The two shared a thought about going grain in the hair from having heroes for friends as they glanced at each other in distress. 
“She’s right you know,” Lila speaks up meekly, the concern and fright clear in her voice. “We should really get somewhere safe. I don't think any of our parents would be happy if we got hurt…” Adrien winced at that, him and the others already picturing how angered his father would be at Adrien’s friends if something really did happen. Not to mention how he would punish Adrien for it, even if it was purely an accident.
Marinette then gasped and looked back towards the road. “My parents! The bakery! I should get home to make sure they're okay!”
“Shoot, Chris, I was supposed to pick him up from school, the lil’ dude must be terrified right now!”
“You two should really go check on your families then!” Lila looks at them both, mirroring their concern for their loved ones before turning it to Adrien. “We can go find somewhere to hide, I trust Nino and Marinette to be safe. We don’t want your father getting mad if you’re caught up in all this.”
Adrien’s hand was fiddling with the pin on his shirt as he looked at his friends with equal concern and worry. “I- Alright,” he concedes with a sigh. “But maybe we should split up first, more likely to find a good place separately. We can text each other if we find a good spot?”
Lila seems to pout, but nods quickly as the ground shakes in another hard burst, already looking ready to sprint for safety, Adrien in tow or not. 
The small group of four looks at one another, gaining confidence and determination from each other, ready for their tasks ahead. A second passes before they each turn away and head off, their paces varying from smooth runs to staggered jogs over the unsteady ground. 
Marinette was one of the unsteady ones, bumping into other panicked students and pedestrians as she made her way back home. It felt like an excruciatingly long time to get back to the bakery.
As she went, her eyes kept drifting to the glow on the streets. Oddly enough, she realized that they followed directly down the middle of the roads, and the cracks in the streets were those glowing sections rising up out of the ground. The main color she saw was white, but as she passed one of the major roads, the glows going down the emerging lines were blue. In the distance, she saw one of the highways glowing red. She also realized that the roofs of many of the buildings glowed with their own unique colors, too, her mind working as it picked out a pattern.
As her thoughts mulled over themselves, Marinette’s foot slid off the corner of the curb as she went too close, and she fell into one of the parked cars. The chain of her necklace caught on the side view mirror, pulling taunt as she went down sideways, failing to brace herself against the car. The chain snapped, and her shoulder hit the asphalt hard, her back glancing off the curb. 
She hisses in pain, but gasped as she watched the large locket hit the ground, snap open, and bounce under the car with a clatter. Sitting up quickly, ignoring her new scrapes, bruises, and likely ruined shirt, she reached under the car, pulling the open locket out from under it. 
It had opened diagonally along the main seam, and she realized it had been lined on the inside with the same velvet from her Kryptonite box to protect whatever had been inside. 
She glanced under the car once more, spotting a gleam of silver from behind one of the tires and reached for it. It felt like a smoothed, uneven stone, though it gave her the slightest shock of static as her fingers wrapped around it. It quickly warmed in her hand as she pulled it out, but she didn't spare it a glance as she slipped it back into the locket’s hold and shut it with a snap. She sighed in relief as it stayed closed, showing the lock had remained undamaged. 
She stood back up, making note to tell Kara about the locket and chain being damaged as she tucked them away in her pocket, and resumed her sprint back home. Though much more careful of the curbs this time. 
She finally made it back to the bakery, bursting in through the front door. “Papa, Maman!!” 
She found patrons and shelter seekers alike huddled inside. Her parents were making rounds to make sure everyone was alright, and securing anything loose from being shaken from their places, though the shaking had died down into only the slightest of tremors. Her parents turned to her in surprise as she came in and made her way to them, where they enveloped her in a hug. 
“Marinette!” They exclaimed together in relief, letting her go after a few moments. 
“I’m alright!” She reassured them before they could ask, smiling to them both. “I just came to make sure you both were okay in the bakery. I’ll go upstairs and make sure nothing has broken, you two can stay down here. I’ll come right back if the quakes get worse again.”
The two glance at each other before looking back to her, pride filled smiles overtaking their worried looks. No sooner than their shared nods did Marinette dash through the bakery and up into the housing of the building.
She was relieved to see most everything still in their general places. The home had been ‘Marinette-proofed’ for years enough, and a bit more recently ‘Supergirl-proofed’; it would take a lot more than a strange, glowing earthquake to knock everything over. She headed up to her room, flipping on her computer to the news as she went around righting the few things out of place. She took a moment to go up to the balcony, noticing the new perspective it gave her on what was happening.
The glows from atop buildings revealed themselves to be symbols, even her own balcony had a risen symbol glowing in it’s center. 
The pattern to the colors she saw finally clicked.
“A map,” she breathed out in awe, looking out over her city. Churches, shops, restaurants, schools; everything was marked with symbols and color indicators. The roads were all lined, the colors indicating the type of road, from major highways to minor backroads. 
She went back down into her room, glancing at the news on her screen as she pulled out her phone. Félix may have had an accurate feeling about today, and his mentioning of Clark was something to consider. 
Marinette paused as she opened her contacts, seeing for the first time a small black box painted with red sitting squarely on her desk.
Picking it up, certain that it hadn't been there earlier during lunch, she flipped it open, only to be greeted by a burst of red and white light.
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7 S2
City of Monsters PT 1
*'At the private lab of 'Liv Amara, the woman is waiting by the capsule of the real Liv Amara. This has not been going at all with her plans: Not one bit had gone her way. 'Liv' groaned internally as she recalled all the gold confiscated by Nozako Mizichio, and that's because she had fallen behind her payment to the Madame. To which she and Chris learned about the healing potion and seen just how powerful it truly is. That is when Big Hero 7 just had to barge in along with... the thing..
'Liv': *Shudders* Keep it together... that thing can't talk.
* Now all that is left is this: get the herbal medicine from Cora's family... by marrying into her family. She could still hardly believe that Mizuchi Mizichio is the long thought dead son of Nozako, thus making him the current lord of the clan. But here he is, living like a pauper along with the old hag and his daughter... his daughter Cora.*
'Liv': I'm running out of time, *To the real Liv* Please, hold on a little longer...
*The doors open to reveal Chris coming back with a slight frown on his face.*
'Liv': Well? What does Mizuchi think of his new bed?
Chris: Well...
*He then went on to explain that the presents he sent to Mizuchi over time had done the opposite effect: Instead of making him curios and seek out his admirer, he chose to ignore it and spend time with his family... especially his daughter.*
'Liv': UGH! That's all he ever thinks about! Just about how his daughter!
Chris: I did look in a little bit. I think he's so attached to Cora because she's whats left of Akemi.
'Liv': Akemi?
Chris: Mizuchi's first wife... and Cora's mother... And I have to admit... She was quiet a beauty, no wonder he's not interested. If I wasn't dating Lenny and she was still alive I'd totally do-
'Liv': Chris keep your brain off your pants and focus! Of course... *Sighs frustrated* Well, if receiving gifts from an admirer isn't enough... I may just go in face to face and court him personally...
*'Liv's' face scrunches to a frown as she pulls out an old Sycorax ID card of Cora, awkwardly smiling... this girl.. this little girl had grown from a simple tool she thought she could use had now turned into her greatest adversary: if Nozako were to learn of her granddaughter, there will be no doubt the Madame would arrange that all the power and money after her passing, shall go to this little pest, unaware of her own bloodline.*
'Liv': After I get the medicine and marry your 'Papa'... You're gonna wish you were never born!
*The pressure from her hand cracks the ID before falling into pieces underneath her feet.. and surveyed by Liv Amara's capsule, the same blinking light recording for its user... Lenny frowns at the image before he walks down the hall of the castle, where the doors of the Madame open for him to enter.*
* A sunny day of San Fransokyo is passing along normal for the teen couple Hiro Hamada, and Cora Mizichio… well.. slightly normal. They two are chatting to themselves over minute events of their lifes and even potential projects they could build together. And just following behind them is a familiar, stocky, build of a man in green wearing a motorcyclist helmet. The couple passed by a bus stop when they heard soft footsteps behind them, and so when they turned around all they could see were a couple of alley cats yowling as it launches itself to some poor dude. They continue walking together and turn right to a corner... but when he tried to take a turn as well.*
Hiro: Wasabi, why are you following Cora and I?
*Wasabi yelps as he jumps back by the sudden greeting of the couple.*
Wasabi: *Taking helmet and fake mustache off* What? I haven't been-Well-
*Cora pulls out her own phone and shows the pictures of Wasabi around the places they had gone to throughout their hangout.*
Cora: The street car? Our robotics class, lunch with Aunt Cass, and even from my house!
Hiro: Whats going on?
Wasbai:... They're onto us guys!
*The teen couple blink as soon enough they see the rest of the gang come out of their hiding spots and rip off the fake mustaches off their faces. *
Cora: OK... this clearly needs some talking to...also... why didn't you bother taking proper disguises if you are all wearing fake mustaches?
*They all unanimously agree to group up at Hiro's room to talk about the older people's behavior.*
Hiro: So you all been following Cora and I?
Honey Lemon: Yeah.. and more specifically Cora.
Cora: What? why me?
Gogo: Well for one: Noodle Burger Boy trying to kidnap you multiple times.
Fred: To which leads to *Hums out Obake* kidnapping you himself.
Wasabi: There was also the fact that Sparkles captured you guys for views.
Gogo: The time you were poisoned by a yellow diamond back snake. Why did you think I went to the woods with you two and Krei?
Honey Lemon: And the fact Orso Knox took you through out the city?
Cora: Orso Knox only took me cause he thought I was gonna be hurt by Liv Amara! So it isn't technically kidnapping.
Wasabi: Even so, we're noticing a pattern and we just want you two to be safe.
Hiro: Guys, its fine, we can handle ourselves! Baymax, tell them we don't need protection.
Baymax: *Lighting belly with images of the couple in danger* That would be untrue.
Hiro: Really Baymax? Really?
Honey Lemon: And Liv Amara is out there and she's been a little to forward with you Cora.
Gogo: And we promised your dad that we would protect you...And we promised Tadashi too.
* Hiro and Cora look at the team with widened eyes before looking at each other and both recall their own promise to be by each other's side...and Hiro's mind went to the open house where Cora is screaming for help in the clutches of-*
Cora: Hiro?
Hiro: *Snapping out of it* Wh-what?
Cass: Heyn kids!
*Cass comes up to Hiro's room holding a tray of cookies and a glass of milk. She places the tray onto a space of Hiro's desk before leaving downstairs to continue working. The gang took this as a time to leave the couple be and talk later. And so after they left, the two teens are left on their own, thinking over their past kidnappings before Hiro spoke.*
Hiro: *To Cora* They're right..
Cora: What?
Hiro: I mean... they have a point. You remembered what happened with all of that!
Cora: So do you, and you were kidnapped too.
Hiro: Cora , Liv Amara is out there and who knows what's she's planning. I-I can't risk loosing you again like in the open house! I can't...
*Cora blinks before she lets out a soft smile to which she kisses his cheek, causing the boy to snap out of his melancholic frown to a surprised blush.*
Cora: Babe, whatever comes next, we're here for each other.
Hiro: Yeah.. *Wraps arm around Cora's shoulder* We are...
*'Liv' is currently walking down the hall of her building, turning her head to see how everyone's process is going. She shakes her head at Karmi's lab, at work with a set of 'viruses' that needed to be used for a cure. She should had realized how much of an idiot that Karmi was when she learned that the teen believed that viruses are living organisms rather than non-living set weapons that only attack other living cells.*
'Liv': *Wondering out loud to herself after passing through* Why did I ever give her that internship?
Chris: *Appearing right behind* You thought it would be funny.
*'Liv' couldn't help but chuckle at that.*
'Liv': Anyway, you got things ready?
Chris: Yup. It should be ready to use by the time of your*Winks* 'date'.
'Liv' nods as Chris heads out to complete his other tasks while she pulls out her phone to see that the text she sent has been replied. After reading it she smirks as she types out a response.*
Meet me at La Moulin Rouge Café at 8.
That's when she gets a response*
OK. Done.
*Later on in the day, Hiro and Cora join up the rest of the gang at Fred's patio accompanied by none other than-*
Gogo: What are you doing here Kage?
*Kage rubs his arm gingerly as he looks around the patio with the gang accompanied by his Baymax at his side. Cora steps up and speaks.*
Cora: Papa and Grandmama are busy tonight so Kage will be with us for a while.
Wasabi: Where exactly?
Hiro: Cora's grandmother said something about checking on the ocean for Orso Knox and Mothra-
Fred: Mothra? That's the name you guys came up with?
Cora: Well we can't just keep calling her the creature. And its a name she likes... Papa is...he's...
Kage: *Sighs* The stalker wants to meet up with my brother tonight.
*The gang look at Kage in surprise at hearing those words.*
Fred: Hold on, giant dad is gonna go ahead to meet up his stalker tonight?
Cora: *Disheartened and sarcastic* Yup. *Sighs* hopefully Papa could make the stalker stop it... he's been getting uncomfortable with all these expensive presents.
Kage: Well... *Clears throat* Lets just focus on now. If you try to think of something you have no control of you'll drive yourself in circles. Besides, I do recall Ice-Frost taking over night patrol while you all train am I right?
Cora: Yeah... you're right! We just need to focus on our training right now!
*Hiro nods in agreement with his girlfriend as they whisper to each other. Kage lets out a small content smile until he spots Gogo's suspicious stare directed at him.*
Gogo: *Low voice* We're watching you Kage...
Kage: *Neutral* Understood...
Hiro: OK, while we're still not thrilled about the secret babysitters service, you were right about new threats out there so...
Cora: We-
Fred: *Jumping in front of them excitedly* Did you guys make upgrades?! Tell us you made upgrades!
Baymax: Hiro and Cora made upgrades.
*Soon afterwards the skymaxes arrive carrying their upgraded suits to the foyer. Kage slightly hums, curios about how Hiro and Cora had integrated to their suits to tackle more dangerous foes. They all dress up in their suits and for the most part.. it looks relatively the same.*
Fred: Hold on... they look the same.. so whats different?
Cora: You'll see~*Sing song*
Hiro: Wasabi? Press that button.
*And when Wasabi does he got himself a plasma shield and a plasma dagger coming from both his armor.*
Wasabi: Ooh~! I got a Plasma shield and a Plasma dagger!
Cora: *To Gogo* Wanna try out your disc Gogo?
*Gogo tries to takes the disc from Cora's hand only for the blue haired teen to drop it... and turn into a hover disc.*
Gogo: Hover disc, nice!
Fred: Woah! That is too cool!
Honey Lemon: *Looking at her boots* New boots?!
Hiro: Chem boots!
*Honey lemon squeels in delight before hugging Hiro and Cora tightly. After the bubbly chemist lets go she tests out her chem boots and found to her excitement she could indeed let out any type of chemical compound by the stomp of her boots. She stomps her boots to create an ice slide to which she happily glides through.*
Honey Lemon: *To Gogo* Sweetie look! Oh boy, I can't wait until Miyuki sees this!
Gogo: I do... and ya know. It would be interesting if we three could race? My new wheels versus Miyuki's ice and your chem boots.
Honey Lemon: Sounds exciting!
Fred: *To Hiro and Cora* What do I do?
Hiro: How do you feel about head lights?
Fred: Head lights?
Cora: See that little button in between your costume's eyes? You'll see.
*Fred manages to find the button as he turns around, and soon his costume's eyes let out a bright light that had temporarily blinded the others.*
Fred: Sorry guys! But oh my god this is awesome! I need to come up with a good battle quip just for this... maybe face bright justice!
Gogo: *Using her hoverdisc as a shield* Turn it down! *Softly* Idiot.
Fred: Did Gogo just call me an idiot?
*Soon voice replays of Gogo's description of Fred rings inside his suit... and that could only mean one thing.*
Fred: Do I have-?
Hiro and Cora: Super Hearing?
Fred: This is like Christmas, and my birthday, and the human fist punches up the mirror all rolled into one! Lets jump for joy Honey Lemon.
* Fred and Honey Lemon join hands as they do indeed jump up for joy. Kage hums again, impressed by the work put into their suits. He turns to the teen couple and note somethings similar between their own suits.*
Kage: So, I see you added a lot of new equipment to their ultra suits. If I may ask, what did you two add to your own?
Hiro: Simple, We added over some of the powers Sora helped us create along with a new ultra powered magnetic disc.
Cora: My own gloves can now ooze to escape tight grips and *turns to her back to see the back plate armor sprout a shark fin* open up fins to swim through water easily. *To everyone else* And all the suits are made by a counter-bioluminescent fabric and coating!
Kage: Hmm... that is very impressive... I'm proud of you two.
*The teens look up when they heard that, but when they do Kage is by his Baymax's side talking. But even so, they heard his words clearly... he's proud of them...*
Hiro and Cora: *Slowly giving a small smile to Kage* Thanks.
Honey Lemon: Oh wait! What did you give Baymax?
Cora: ITs a surprise.
*Mizuchi is staring heavily into the café window, his eyes furrowed as he thinks about all the possibilities that could happen if he does go inside to meet his... admirer. Days. Days of presents and love notes, with poems connected to biology and marine biology. flustered as he is to receive such notes and tokens of... affection. This was uncomfortable on so many levels. Besides, as of now his focus are on his brother and his daughter. He just needs to talk to them so they never bother him again.*
Mizuchi: OK... Here I go...
*Mizuchi enters inside the café, looking around until he founds the clue the person left on their message: A bouquet of roses adorned with yellow carnations. He goes to the table and sits on the opposite side. The person lets down their bouquet.*
'Liv': Its so nice to be out on out date isn't it Mizuchi?
Mizuchi: *Shocked* M-Miss Amara?!
Mizuchi: You-You were behind-
'Liv': All those presents left on your doorstep? My apologies but I've been so busy with my schedule that I couldn't think of any other way to contact you for this date.
Mizuchi: A date... Of course...
'Liv': Why don't you sit down Mizuchi?
*Mizuchi looks at the chair before he does, his brows still furrowed as he thinks over what he should do next. This is Liv Amara: The woman who had been a bane to his daughter, her boyfriend, and their friends. He knows by know that Liv Amara is more than guilty for all the crimes she committed. But he also shouldn't let her know about it unless he risks all of their lives.*
'Liv': So.. tell me all about your week. I would love to hear it.
*At the remote beaches of San Fransokyo Kaguya is with Orso Knox and Mothra as they converse over their thoughts.*
Kaguya: That was a close one when my Cora fallen ill... her mermaid blood is of dependent of the sea as mine.
Knox: I know. At least once a month you go to the ocean and swim as to hydrate yourself and continue building white cells while you thrive on land.
Kaguya: I had hoped Cora's sudden illness was not related to it.. but I was wrong.. it has gotten stronger. More unpredictable. Now with the witch running around and Mizuchi dealing with his stalker, who knows what else could be revealed about cora's blood?
Knox: I agree, so long as that witch roams freely, no one would ever be safe.
Mothra: *Chirp*….
*Kaguya turns her attention to Mothra, who is staring down at her hands with drooping feelers.*
Kaguya: Are you alright Mothra? Do you need to sleep?
*Mothra gives out a chirp that sounds similar to a child muttering 'I don't know'*
Kaguya: Hmm... I will give my healing tea for you two once Big Hero 7 defeat Liv Amara. You have my word.
*Mothra chirps happily as she hugs the old mermaid tightly, to which Kaguya chuckles slightly while Orso Knox lets out a smile. After some discussion, it was decided between Big Hero 7 that they go out in the field while Kage and his Baymax look for any evidence to corner Liv Amara. Soon enough, they all managed to catch up with Miyuki Frost, already dressed in her super suit.*
Fred: The city was dark...but their hearts were.. light!
*Fred turns on his headlights while Ice Frost and Gogo were jumping round the roof tops with Fred. Miyuki is quick to create a puff of snow to land on safely.*
Fred: Oops! Sorry Gogo! Sorry Miyuki! But you guys have to admit, the quip is getting better.
Wasabi: *Via Comlink* Everything OK over there?
Gogo: Define OK.
*At Wasabi and Honey Lemon's side they were at the top roof of Noodle Burger Boy restaurant while Hiro and Cora are on Baymax flying through the sky.*
Honey Lemon: At least we know we're all out there for each other. *To Hiro and Cora* Now remember you two, if you guys are facing any of Liv Amara's monsters-
Hiro: That we contact you guys immediately and stay close to Baymax.
Cora: We know Honey Lemon, thank you.
Wasabi: At least with all of us out there we could catch each other's backs.
Miyuki: You got that right. So far everything is fine over-
Fred: Wait! I'm getting something!
*Fred turns up his volume to hear what Fred is hearing.*
Wendy: Get away from me! Help!
Fred: I can hear her screaming all the way across the city!
Miyuki: Then lets get a move on!
Gogo: Couldn't agree more.
*Wendy Wower didn't know what just happened. She was just locking up her building for the night when she was confronted by some fungus looking little man. When he grabbed her wrist she simply ripped his hand off her.. only for him to grow in size, appearing like a cross of his old Mayoi and his disgusting smile.*
Wendy: Let me go you fungus freak!
Sparkles: Nope, lets just focus on the abduction right now.
Wendy: I'm not going with you freak!
*Reaching for a small vial she manages to spill sodium chloride onto his hands to which he yelps in pain as Wendy takes this as the time to run. But she really should have accounted for another thing... the growl of the rock bear chimera is enough to stop Wendy in her tracks. Mizuchi and Amara sit quietly at their table as they wait for their own orders to arrive. So far tonight was not going so smoothly, for both Mizuchi and 'Liv Amara'. Neither of them could talk beyond simple topics like the weather or their work. Their talk about their work is especially brief. Mizuchi could not find an appropriate time to tell her to leave him be without appearing to be threating while 'Liv' can't make him more relaxed for her plan to work. *
'Liv': So.. how is your daughter?
Mizuchi: Hmm?
'Liv': Cora, how is she?
Mizuchi: she's fine right now. She had gotten over a very hard fever and is taking it slow.
'Liv': Oh,poor girl! Well, I'm glad she's OK. She was my favorite intern at Sycorax you know... she delivered very interesting notes.
Mizuchi: I know... How have you been recovering since the Orso Knox attack Liv?
'Liv': I'm happy to say that our repairs are finished and I am close to finding the motherload of cures.
Mizuchi: Is that so?
'Liv': yeah. It may appear something so ordinary like tea... but one look closer and it opens up a world of possibilities for this cure... it makes it seem like magic.
*Hiro and Cora are soaring through the sky the rest of Big Hero 7 try to track down the helpless victim trapped in whoever's clutches its in tonight.*
Cora: OK, its seems that Hiro and I have the best chance to catch up to save her!
Honey Lemon: But you guys are still faraway!
Hiro: Its fine! We thought of a back up.
*Hiro presses a button on his chest and soon an extra set of turbos comes flying through and ready to land on Baymax. Hiro and Cora climb down before getting back up. Once they charge up the turbos, they were ready.*
Cora: Blast off!
*And blast off they did. The extra set of turbos sped through the air as Hiro and Cora scream in a mixture of fear and delight, a scream associated with rollercoasters. Before they knew it they were all at San Fransokyo bridge where they see in front of them... a very large, stocky build of Sparkles holding Wendy Wower in his hand.*
Fred: Woah! Have you been hitting the gym?! You look jacked!
Sparkles: Haha! Thank you!
Miyuki: Never mind that! Its time you freeze where you stand!
Hiro: Big Hero 7 has beaten you before Sparkles. And we'll do it again!
Cora: You can bet on it!
Sparkles: A bet? Ooh~ Very interesting. And you are right, seven heroes and one villain... boring.
Momakase: But three villains~
*The team look around to see that Sparkles is not alone. Joining him soon are none other than Momakase, and the rock bear chimera.*
Cora: Oh no...
Sparkles: Plot twist!
Sparkles: Ladies and gentlemen! Its the entertainment event of the season! The defeat of Big Hero 7... plus one Ice Frost.
Fred: That's kind Big Hero 7 Phase three stuff, and we're only in phase two right now so-
Cora: Fredzilla duck!
*Momakase launches through the air to slice apart Fred but he dodged in time. Momakase gave a brief look that spelled out the following.*
Momakase: Once I'm done with him, You're next Bastard Child!
*The other members of the gang see the rock chimera of Bessie come charging up towards them.*
Cora: We can't get near it or our gear is fried!
Miyuki: Then leave him up to me!
Hiro: Ice-Frost wait!
*But Miyuki is already zooming forward to fight head on, turning her head briefly to tell them what she's doing.*
Miyuki: Bessie here can only deactivate tech right? Well lucky me my powers are au natural! So you guys focus on Momakase and Sparkles!
Hiro: You got it!
*Fred continues to hop away from Momakase until she kicks him on the side and is ready to strike down when Wasabi's plasma shield gets in her way. *
Momakase: Ooh~ I see you brought new toys.
Gogo: Sure did.
*Gogo and Honey Lemon choose to go after Sparkles with Gogo throwing her disc at the guy while Honey Lemon uses her chem boots to skate to Wendy Wower in his clutches. With quick thinking and a great aim from her chem bazooka, Honey Lemon freezes Sparkles while Gogo snatches Wendy before she is encased in ice along with him.*
Wendy: Nice shot Chem Princess!
Honey Lemon: Thank you doctor wower!
*Wasabi continues his sword fight with Momakase, both giving their all before Wasabi exhausts himself from dodging so much.*
Momakase: You're not much a challenge are you?
Hiro: Nope, but he is!
*Momakase turns around to see Hiro and Cora jump off Baymax while Miyuki continues to freeze and dodge the chimera.*
Hiro: Over Drive mode Omega Danger!
*And so, with his new ultra armor, he transformed into his new and improved over drive mode.*
Momakase: Oh how cute, don't you remember what happened last time? It didn't go over so well.
Baymax: With Kage's assistance, Aqua Girl built me an extra battery reserve.
Momakase:...Did you just say Kage?
Cora: Baymax rocket fist!
*And soon enough, Baymax charges forward and knocks out Momakase down for the fight.*
Gogo: Wait a minute... Kage helped you on making the battery reserve?
Hiro: I was there! Nothing bad happened.
Miyuki: Guys!
*That's when they all remember Miyuki and her fight with the rock chimera. She is clearly near exhaustion as her body starts to warm up. With quick thinking Hiro contacts Miyuki.*
Hiro: Ice Frost! I have a plan. I'll set up a trap while Cora gives the signal for you to come over where I am!
Miyuki: Alright!
Hiro runs off to the clearing of the traffic where he shoots out two magnetic discs that pin to the sides of the bridge. Cora gives the signal by having her suit reflect the light from the street lights.*
Cora: Come on!
*Cora joins Miyuki as they both run to Baymax as the rock chimera charges at Hiro. But before its very aura could destroy his upgrade, Hiro is quick on his feet and uses the magnetic pull to fly himself up in the air... while Bessie the rock chimera crashes through the gate and into the sea below.*
Wasabi: Woah...
Fred: haha! I am impressed!
Honey Lemon: *To Wower* Are you alright?
Wendy: Woweroos always are.
*That is when the ice casing of Sparkles breaks off and frees him... but at the cost of his jockey build. Now he is back to being his short, pathetic self. He quickly runs off along with momakase, who turns her head and glares at them.*
momakase: You all got lucky...
Cora: Is it really luck? Or are we just good at kicking your ass?
*The two finally leave as the rest of the team check over Wower.*
Wendy: Thanks you guys.
Cora: No problem, lets just get you home.
*After delivering Wendy back home safely, they all meet up at Fred's place to recover from their late night out as Kage now finds himself, along with his own Baymax, in charge of their rest. He remembered the shocked faces the rest of the team expressed when they revealed that their Baymax told momakase that he built the battery reservoir with Cora and Hiro. But after more reassurance and talking, they are cool for now. Chris is at the building checking over the injuries Sparkles and Momakase had gotten.*
Chris: She's definitely not going to like you failed to destroy Big Hero 7.
Momakase: Oh bite me. Where is Liv Amara anyway? You do know we are due for our payment as well!
Chris: Oh.. she's getting there.. Oh! Look at the time!
*He soon uses a syringe to inject Momakase to sleep before she could utter out a question towards him. It had been a long night for Liv and Mizuchi as they now leave the café where news of Big Hero 7 winning is sprawled across every billboard.*
'Liv': *Under her breath* Damn it you had one job!
*But she is quick to hear Mizuchi's sigh of relief... Looking closer to Aqua Girl and the man... They do look similar...what if..*
'Liv': I say you must be really proud of your daughter saving the city again, aren't you?
Mizuchi: *Distractedly* I'm always proud of my Cora, no matter what she does.
*When those words leave his mouth he is frozen still. Soon the weight of what he revealed comes crashing down as he sees 'Liv' smirk at him. She points to an alley down the road as to chat in private, to which he reluctantly followed. Once at a distance where no one would hear them Mizuchi is the first to speak, and with a dangerous glare soon growing on his face.*
Mizuchi: If you lay a hand on my daughter or her boyfriend Hiro-
'Liv': So Electro-Magnetic Alpha is Hiro Hamada? huh.. it fits. Anyway, if you want me to be quiet, then there's one little bit I need you to do... a proposal of sorts.
Mizuchi: I would rather die then be mutated by the likes of you!
'Liv': Oh no... this isn't a business proposal, I already have goons for that... What you need to do Mizuchi, if you want your precious daughter and her wittle boyfriend safe... is marry me.
*mizuchi's eyes widen in shock at her words, not expecting this to be the blackmail.*
Mizuchi: Marry you?!
'Liv': Yes... by marrying you, I can be in line for your mother's gold and power!
*Now his heart is beating faster than mach 2.*
Mizuchi: Y-You know about-
'Liv': I was admittedly shocked to learn that you are Nozako's son and that you lived your life in squalor with your family. But that can change.
Mizuchi: And what makes you say that?!
*That is when Chris hops up to mizuchi's shoulder and injects him with a paralysis serum to which the tall man falls down to his knees before 'Liv' and Chris. Chris then hands 'Liv' an object... a lipstick. After applying them on she walks up to Mizuchi and holds up his head.*
'Liv': ITs alright... by the time we say I do, you'll be wrapped around my finger.
*Morning is rising up at last as the first to wake up is Cora. She notes how she is cuddling next to Hiro with a blanket over them as they slept on their fully charged Baymax. The gang had been given separate mattresses to sleep on, courtesy of Heathcliff, while Kage sleeps on with his baymax. Cora then sees her phone with a text from her grandmother, explaining she got home last night but couldn't find her or Mizuchi. Slightly confused, Cora explained that she had stayed up all night and is recovering at Fred's house, though she points out that her papa could simply be at work already.*
Hiro: *Yawning* Hey... morning.
Cora: Good morning..
*Soon the rest of them wake up before Cora receives an incoming call... from Grandville..*
Cora: Professor Grandville?
Hiro: What's she calling us about?
*Hesitantly Cora answers the phone.*
Cora: Professor Grandville?
Grandville: Cora! Have you and Hiro seen the news?
Cora: News? What news?
Grandville: Look at Sycorax's blog right now! A new post is up and about!
Cora: Grandville.. whats going on?
Grandville: I had just gotten to work when I saw Miss Karmi muttering on about a wedding at Sycorax! I checked over myself and my god! Cora you are in danger!
Cora: W-what? What wedding?
*Hiro is quick to pull out his phone and look up the blog and immediately finds what is this post Grandville is talking about. And immediately... his heart freezes still.*
Fred: Hiro? Hiro? Cora? Whats going on?
*Wasabi turns the TV on to show Bluff Dunder on the new with a picture of Liv Amara... and Mizuchi Mizichio, smiling together happily with the border drawn with hearts and flowers.*
Dunder: It has been 10 hours since the post on Sycorax's blog has announced that not only is Liv Amara engaged to this dashing... fellow.. Mizuchi Mizichio,but that the wedding shall be in three days and invites all to join for this joyous union. Here is a small clip of this announcement.*
*The clip shows Liv Amara, held close by Mizuchi like a couple, as he looks at her tenderly before she smiles*
'Liv': I know that it is a huge surprise to learn of my fiancé, but the moment I met him I knew that we were meant to be. He is a great man with a lovely daughter.
*Cora is shaking in fear even with Hiro holding her still, with the team staring in fear as Kage could only gape flabbergasted and scared. But while their expressions are of fear, everyone else has been congratulating Liv Amara on her upcoming wedding. Karmi delighted over the fact that she could play a role on her idol’s wedding day, at the moment not caring that the man Liv is marrying is infact Cora’s father. The whole city blissfully unaware of the lives she had destroyed... and the ones coming her way.*
'Liv': *Smirking evilly* I do know for sure that in the end, we'll be one big happy family.
A.N: Dun Dun DUUUUUUUUNNNNN! Yup, didn't see that coming huh? thank you for reading Big Hero 7! Love you!
11 notes · View notes
firefightingryan · 5 years
Taken \\ Del Hayes
Who: Ryan Hayes, Meghan Hayes, Sophia Hayes, Marley Rose, Rory Del Monico (@waywardxson) and Grace Del Monico What: Sophia’s mother comes back into the picture and forces her way into their lives. Luckily she has people watching out for her that get her safely back in her father’s arms. When: Tuesday, December 3rd Where: Pop’s mostly. Notes: Rory/Grace are BOLDED, Everyone else is regular. Word Count: 4,790 
Ryan was exhausted. It wasn’t a 24 hour shift today, but it’d been an early one. Thankfully, Puck had been able to drop Sophia off at daycare in the morning. He really didn’t know what he’d do when they were back on similar shifts, but he’d make it work just like he had up until now, he just liked that she was with someone she loved so much, someone he trusted so much.
He was still in his casual uniform when he made his way to the daycare to pick up his daughter, something he knew would make her smile because even with her anxieties during the nights lately about his job, she loved showing off her firefighter Papa out and about.
When he walked in the front door and up to the sign in/out desk, he wasn’t expecting the confused look on Nancy’s face.
“Ryan? Didn’t expect you here… You already had Sophia picked up about … an hour ago. Did she forget something?”
The blood rushed from Ryan’s face. He hadn’t. Sure, Puck had dropped her off and had picked her up more than once, he’d known Ryan was going to pick her up today. He hadn’t scheduled Marley or Riley to pick up either, not even this entire week. Nothing made sense right now.
Nancy wasn’t a stupid woman and she knew without a word from Ryan that something was horribly wrong. “You didn’t send that woman or that note, did you?” She asked him, staying as calm as she absolutely could.
“What note?” Ryan asked, not even registering that he himself was talking. Nothing felt right. His daughter was somewhere and he had no idea where. For the first time in almost five years, he could not account for the exact whereabouts of the only person who mattered more than anything. When Nancy handed him a note that he’d apparently sent with a mystery woman he instantly looked at the signature and yeah, it did look like his, but it wasn’t. He’d never signed or written a note. He would have called. Finally he actually took the time to read the note.
Nancy and Darlene, My shift was unexpectedly lengthened today and I will not be able to make pickup time but this is a really good friend and coworker of mine, Christine, and has kindly offered to help me out today. I apologize for the unexpected change in plans and you ladies know how to reach me if you have any concerns. Thank you so much, Ryan Hayes
It wasn’t his handwriting but he knew exactly who it belonged to. The note crumpled in his grip and he could feel the heat rise in his body. “I never would have sent a note,” he told Nancy firmly, and a little louder than necessary, causing Darlene to pop her head out from the daycare floor. Ryan whipped around to face the older woman, someone who’d clearly failed him and his daughter. “No,” he told her, “you let my daughter leave with someone you’d never met. You let my baby girl out of your sight because you got a forged note from her mother who walked out on her before she was even three months old. Her mother who gave up all parental rights and has not had contact with her. If anything happens to her I swear to G-” Ryan stopped in his tracks. He couldn’t even think about that, about something happening to Sophia. He didn’t know what Meghan, Meghan Christine, his ex wife, was capable of, but she couldn’t hurt his baby girl. She couldn’t hurt a child, or at least, that’s what he had to tell himself.
Without another word he was out of the daycare. They were no use to him now. He got in his truck and slammed the door and got out of the small parking lot without even putting on his seat belt. He wasn’t even two minutes away when he pulled over. He had no idea where to go or what to do. They could be anywhere by now. He had no idea if Sophia was happy or terrified. He had no idea what kind of state Meghan was in, other than completely insane to do something like this. He pulled out his phone and began searching through his contacts. He knew he could call Puckerman. Without too much though he clicked the name of his best friend and let it ring. He didn’t know what he’d say but it just kept ringing. Voicemail. Of course. He was probably busy with something with Beth. Ryan hung up without leaving a message. This wasn’t something he could leave over voicemail. He threw his phone down on the passenger seat in anger. He was lost. If he couldn’t get to Sophia, nothing was worth it anymore.
Ryan slammed his hands against the steering wheel. He’d never felt anything like this in his life. Not when his parents had passed. Not when he’d woken up with hearing loss. Not when Meghan had walked out. Never. The only thing that could make everything better would be holding his daughter in his arms and that wasn’t in the cards right now. He tried to think about where Meghan could possibly take her. The firehouse was obviously out of the question, there’s no way Meghan would be that stupid. This had clearly been a planned thing. She’d obviously been here a while and he’d missed it. Riverdale wasn’t that big, how could he have missed that.
Ryan wasn’t exactly sure how long he’d been sitting on the side of the road when his phone started to ring. Without checking who it was, he answered, think it was Puck returning his call. “Puck?” He answered, trying to sound as normal as possible. “Listen, I need your help right now.”
“Not Noah,” the voice on the other end replied.
“Marley?” Ryan replied, taken completely aback. “I actually can’t talk right now. I need to-.. There’s just something I-..” Ryan couldn’t even finish his sentence. He couldn’t speak the words. Sophia’s missing.
“Are you working?” Marley inquired. “This’ll be quick. I just wanted to ask if you knew someone named … Christine? She’s here. With Soph. She said she was a coworker of yours but .. I’ve literally never seen her in my life… Maybe I’m thinking too much bu-”
“I’ll be there in ten.” Sophia was at Pop’s and Ryan couldn’t get there fast enough.
“So Papa had to work late again?” Sophia asked the blonde woman, Chris, from the backseat of the car. She couldn’t help but sound a little disappointed. He’d promised to pick her himself yesterday before she’d gone to sleep.
“He did. But we’ll have plenty of fun together. He’s told me all about you!” Meghan lied, peaking a glance at her daughter in the rear view mirror. Truth was, she didn’t know a thing about the child in her backseat, her child. She couldn’t even see herself in the child, she was like Ryan’s little twin.
It had taken Meghan over four years to realize the mistake she’d made by leaving her daughter behind. She’d missed everything. Her first words. First steps. Every milestone that led them to this point she’d missed and Ryan had gotten. She didn’t know what had caused her to walk out on the two of them, Sophia had been planned. But once she’d met that little girl, there’d been nothing. At first they’d been told it was a touch of postpartum depression, she’d connect with her soon. Meghan waited weeks and it never happened and Ryan was so connected to the baby. He was wrapped around her fingers from the first moment he’d laid eyes on her.
Even if it was late, she was determined to get that connection now. Sophia was older now. They could have a conversation. And after an early dinner, they could hit the road and go anywhere Sophia wanted. She figured Pop’s would be an easy stop. From what she noticed over the past few weeks, it didn’t seem to be somewhere Ryan frequently went to so she figured it’d be a safe enough stop. It wasn’t long before they got to Pop’s and as soon as she got Sophia out of the car seat, the four year old ran for the door without a thought. “Sophia!” Meghan yelled out harshly, not wanting the child to be out of reach. As soon as Sophia turned around though, she knew she had to change her tone as not to alarm her.
“Sweetheart, just stay with me. Parking lots can be dangerous and I’m sure your dad doesn’t want to get a call saying you got hurt, right?” Meghan continued, turning on as sweet of a voice as she could manage.
“Okay,” Sophia surrendered, walking back to Meghan slowly and taking her hand so they could walk in together. Meghan threw a smile on her face as she opened the door and guided Sophia in. She knelt down near the front counter and placed her hands on Sophia’s shoulders and looked into the eyes that looked so much like Ryan’s it hurt. Those same little eyes that she got to see open for the very first time.
“You can go pick a seat, okay. I’ll get us some food, okay,” she told her with a smile. Sophia nodded and walked over to the booths before letting out a happy squeal.
“Gracie!” She yelled when she spotted her friend across the diner and ran over to hug the older girl, who was obviously having a meal with her father. “Hi Rory,” she greeted, turning to the man once Grace let her go.
Meghan hadn’t expected Sophia to run into anyone she knew, that wasn’t part of her plan. She was conflicted. Should she stop the interaction now, or just order the food and guide Sophia away after she’d gotten a chance to talk to her friend. The latter would probably cause less alarm in the man, someone she vaguely recognized from the time she’d spent trying to learn Ryan’s routine.
Meghan ordered quickly. Some chicken strips for Sophia and a burger for herself before walking over to the trio. “Sophia, honey, why don’t we go sit over there by the window and let … these two finish their meal, okay dear?”
It wasn't often that Grace ordered french fries with her meal, the little girl much rather preferring carrot sticks, so since she had the random craving for french fries and ketchup, Rory took advantage of it. He reached over and snagged one, warranting him a narrowed eyed glare. Smirking as he chomped on the fry, Rory's attention was drawn away by the familiar voice. He turned just in time to see Sophia running towards them. Grace was up before he could move, throwing her arms around her younger friend.
Rory wiped off his mouth and stood up, scanning Pop's for Ryan but didn't find him anywhere, instead a woman kept her eyes on the three of me. His eyes narrowed slightly, not recognizing her. Riverdale wasn't a big town, and he knew most people, or at least recognized them.
"Hey Ms. Sophia," Rory greeted, giving her a hug. He kept his voice down and asked her where her father was, listening to the story about Ryan's friend picking her up. She started to talk to Grace and, as the woman approached, Rory stood up.
After Grace had been taken, he felt intensely protective of everyone he cared about, including his friend's kids. "Rory," he greeted her, holding his hand out. "Del Monico. This is my daughter, Grace. We're friends of Ryan and Sophia's. Isn't that right, Soph?" He smiled at the girl as his daughter kept her in a close hug. "I'm sorry, I didn't get your name..."
Sophia didn’t want to leave Gracie and Rory alone. Christine should just let them all eat together. Instantly there was a pout on her face, the same pout that usually caused Beth to call her a goblin, but Beth wasn’t here so it was safe.
Meghan wasn’t prepared for petulance. She tried not to let it shake her and turned her attention to the man, Rory, and shook his hand with a small smile. “Christine,” she told him. “I work with Ryan and if you’re friend with Ry, I’m sure I’ve heard stories.” Ry. Meghan hadn’t even thought of that nickname in ages and here she was just spewing it off. Maybe this would be okay. “But like I said, I’d hate to interrupt your meal. It was lovely meeting you.” Meghan reached for Sophia’s hand and started leading her to the furthest booth away from the pair, by a window, just like she’d said.
Sophia stopped abruptly and wiggled from Meghan’s grasp, rushing back towards Rory, essentially hopping onto his lap and holding his face between her tiny hands. “You forgoted to shave, Rory,” she told him seriously. “You need better listening ears.”
Meghan was furious. Why couldn’t her daughter just listen. She placed their food down on the table, slightly harder than necessary, but no more than a few fries left the baskets. She made her way back over to the trio, a little less patient this time. “Sophia, come on, kiddo. You need to listen, remember?”
Rory watched the woman as she introduced herself and he knew something felt off. It wasn't that Rory knew everyone that Ryan knew, but they talked enough that he would have heard the name before. Not to mention, unless she was brand new, the woman most likely didn't work at the fire station. Everything about this sent up his red flags and to be honest, he was about to walk after them when Sophia ran back to him. He chuckled when she clasped her hands on his face.
"Oh, do I?" He asked with a chuckle. "Then maybe you could let me have your ears," he said, giving one of her lobes a playful and gentle tug before pretending to put them on over his ears. "What's wrong? You don't like my fuzzy face? I'm trying to look like Santa." Taking advantage of the distraction, Rory scooted into the booth a little and pat the seat on the other side of Sophia so Grace could sit.
"Daddy said his face will look like a turtle if he shaves," Grace announced, sitting down as she was told.
Rory looked up at Christine and shook his head, "Don't be silly. There's room enough for all of us here. Besides, if you're such good friends with Ry, you must have heard a bunch of stories yourself." He threw the comment back but in the nicest tone possible before he noticed the chicken finger basket. "You're eating chicken fingers this week?" He asked Sophia with a little shock in his voice. "Grace, baby, why don't you share some of your French fries with Soph?"
Smiling pleasantly at Christine, Rory motioned towards the seat across from him. "Please, have a seat. Soph could never be a bother. She and Gracie here are best friends, aren't you, girls?" But despite his smile, under the table, Rory pulled out his cell phone and shot off a quick text message to Ryan. If he was wrong, what harm was there? He tapped out: At Pop's. Who's Christine? Sitting w Soph
“Santa has a white beard,” Sophia quipped back before Meghan walked back over. She didn’t know why, but she would much rather be with Rory and Gracie. She was happy when Rory put her in between the two of them, even if Christine seemed like a nice lady, she still didn’t know her.
This definitely wasn’t going as planned but with a tight smile Meghan took a seat across from the three and nodded. “I didn’t mean she could be a bother,” Meghan backtracked as she took a bite of the burger. It wasn’t great, but it was food. “How could this little angel be a bother? I just know how important it is to spend alone time with your kids.”
Hanging up the phone with Marley, Ryan realized he’d missed a message from Rory. Among them, a question of Christine’s identity. Fuck. The last thing he needed was anyone else dragged into this. On my way. Keep them both there. He texted back quickly, albeit late and he could only pray they were still there.
He went to go turn the key in the ignition and realized they’d fallen onto the floorboard amidst his freak out. Lovely. This was the last thing he needed right now.
Quickly he hopped out of the truck and grabbed the keys before hopping back in, getting back on the road as quickly as possible. Normally, he was adamant about speed limit when driving his own truck, but he also knew exactly how to get somewhere quickly and safely and that was exactly what he did.
It wasn’t long before Ryan was at Pop’s. He all but stormed in, scanning the restaurant quickly, desperation written all over him.
"Don't worry about it. You must know how close we all are." Rory said, making sure that this Christine woman seemed to understand that he wasn't going to back down. He wouldn't keep Sophia a hostage or anything but his dad instincts were definitely sounding the alarm.
His phone buzzed in his pocket as he spoke to the girls, Grace suddenly going on a tirade to inform Christine about a giraffe she saw at the zoo that was also named Christine, and promptly informing her about all of the coolest giraffe facts she could remember. Reaching into his pocket, Rory pulled out the phone and glanced at the message, feeling justified in the way he'd felt.
He pocketed the phone and then put his arm over the back of the booth, thankful that Sophia seemed invested in Grace's facts. "So Christine, you must have moved here recently," he said. "Where are you from?" But not a single piece of Rory gave a crap where she was from. He just wanted to keep her talking, and so he asked questions until the door finally opened and he sat up a little straighter.
The look on Ryan's face told Rory everything he needed to know. "Ryan," he called out to the other man, throwing his arm up to flag him down.
Meghan couldn’t believe she was stuck here with these people. People Sophia seemed to prefer over her. Intellectually she knew that made sense, she’d probably known them most of her life, but dammit, she was her mother. That had to mean something.
Pretending she was listening to all the giraffe facts she nodded along. When Rory asked her where she was from she hesitated. Telling him she was from Seattle was too much information that he didn’t need. “Boston,” she told him with a nod. She was about to say more when Rory’s face turned towards the door and she saw the last person she wanted to run into.
Ryan couldn’t believe his eyes. He hadn’t seen Meghan in over four years and here she was, the same as ever. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her as he walked over, not even greeting Marley who was watching the entire situation carefully from behind the counter. Ryan didn’t get angry very often and it wasn’t something he liked most people, especially Sophia, seeing.
“Ry,” Meghan attempted, standing up. “You got off earlier than I expected..”
Ryan shook his head, not having any of her lies. He turned to Rory briefly, and asked him to keep Sophia there before grabbing Meghan’s arm and all but dragging her out of the diner to the parking lot.
“Papa!” Sophia cried, trying to make a run for him, but Rory was too big to move past, even with her little hands pushing against his body. Obviously she was no match.
Meghan went with Ryan willingly, not wanting you cause more of a scene than they already had. Once they were outside, she shoved him away from her. “What the fuck, Ryan!?” She yelled at him.
Ryan couldn’t help but laugh in her face. She shows up out of the blue, kidnaps his daughter, and has the gall in her to ask him what the fuck?! “You really are something, aren’t you Meg?” He asked her, closing the gap between them. He couldn’t believe she could do something like, and why now? “What the fuck are you doing here? You walked out on us, remember?”
Meghan didn’t have an answer for him but she didn’t feel like she needed one. Did she need a reason to want to try and bridge the gap between her and her daughter? No. Not in her head anyway. Regardless of the fact that she’d just lost her job due to stalking a coworker with a child Sophia’s age. “She’s my daughter too, Ryan,” she told him, backing up as he moved closer. She wasn’t scared, but she didn’t want to be near him.
Ryan couldn’t believe this. She couldn’t be trying that. “Not according to the law, Meghan. So leave before I call the fucking cops, and believe me, I know each and every one of them. Leave and do not dare come back here again.”
Meghan stood there speechless. He couldn’t do this. She’d figure out another way to see Sophia but for now she nodded. “Fine,” she told him curtly, walking towards her car. This wasn’t the last of her he was going to see, but he didn’t need to know that.
Ryan hadn’t expected her to give up so easily, but watching her leave he nearly hit the ground. It took a solid few seconds before he remembered where Soph was and he rushed back into the diner and scooped her up in his arms, sitting across from Rory and Grace. “Thank you,” he told the other man, not even looking at him as he checked Sophia over quickly.
Rory curled his arm around Sophia to keep her there. He'd almost suggested taking her and Grace into the back office. Marley often let Grace hang out there but Ryan led the woman outside so he simply waited. "One second, Soph.. Your daddy will be right back. He just needs to talk to Christine. Hey, do you think you can help Grace finish coloring this truck?"
Even though he was trying to distract Sophia (and Grace who was now extremely interested in what was going on), Rory still looked up and out the window, curious enough to wish he knew what was going on. At least his paternal instincts hadn't failed him. For all the ways he wasn't able to give his kid everything she wanted, Rory was thankful for that part.
By the time Ryan came back in, it would have been a miracle to keep Sophia in her seat, let alone keep him from his daughter so Rory leaned back and gave them room, looking over at the two as father checked on daughter.
"You don't have to thank me. We were having a late lunch and the girls saw each other." Rory wanted to ask but he didn't think now was a good time to pry. "Christine," he said, "from Boston." Letting Ryan know what she'd told him.
Ryan held Sophia tightly on his lap, only letting her move so she could face Grace and help with the colouring, instantly calmed now that her Papa was back.
He shook his head. “Nope. Meghan. From Seattle,” Ryan corrected Rory. He wasn’t about to use the word mother, not around both of the girls, but he hoped Rory would pick it up, if not, it was a conversation for another time.
He couldn’t believe how lucky he was that Rory’d been here, and thankfully with his own kid, someone Sophia was getting quite attached to. He looked down at his daughter. “Ready to go home, Sweet Pea?” He asked, running his fingers through her dark hair.
Sophia nodded. She wanted to play with her toys and see Chase. But she had a worry. “Is Christine gonna pick me up tomorrow? I like Rory and Gracie more.”
“Don’t worry, baby. I’m going to take tomorrow off, okay?” Ryan assured her, not knowing what his next steps would be. “Thanks again Rory, and please just let me pay for this lunch.” He was pretty sure Rory would object, but he just hoped Rory would see this was important to him.
From Seattle.
Rory didn't need much more than that. He knew the story about Sophia's mother and in his best guess, that's who that person was. Someone who picked up Sophia and left with her. If she hadn't stopped at Pop's... If Rory hadn't had those red flags... Sophia could be anywhere and both men knew it.
"Gracie and I will be around after you have a fun day with your daddy, okay?" He promised her, knowing that if it had been him in that situation, he wouldn't want to leave Grace out of his sight. Hell, it had been him in that situation not too long ago.
Rory opened his mouth to protest. Ryan had only just showed up and he'd already had his and Grace's food, but he could see something on Ryan's face, almost a plea because it was something he needed to do. And in his situation, Rory would have done the same thing, so he simply nodded and knew that he'd do something to pay him back in the future.
"Call us," he said, standing up when Ryan did and clapping his hand on the man's arm. "Anything you need anything. I mean it. A chat.. a drink.. or if Soph wants a s-l-e-e-p-o-v-e-r."
From beside him, Gracie smirked and simply said, "I know what that spells."
Ryan nodded, thankful that Rory swallowed the protests he’d expected.  “Will do, Rory,” he answered, as he picked up Sophia, holding her close. He squeezed Grace’s shoulder. “Be good okay munchkin. I’m glad you were here today.”
Ryan made his way over to the counter to pay for whatever needed to be covered and as he expected Marley rushed over, asking what had happened. He assured her everything was fine, not wanting you add to any stress he could see written all over her face. He left a gracious tip and walked out to his truck.
He didn’t even want to put Sophia in the car seat, irrationally scared that if he let her go, Meghan would take her away. Reluctantly and after a tight hug he did.
“I love you, Papa,” Soph smiles at him, as he buckled her in.
“I love you too, Sweet Pea.”
The whole drive home Ryan drove under the speed limit, eyes peeled on the road for the car he’d seen Meghan leave in. He knew he should make some sort of police report but a big part of him just hoped she’d left for good again. He didn’t want to put Sophia through anymore.
When they got home he made her favourite meal and let her watch as much Paw Patrol as she wanted, tucking her into bed a half an hour later than normal.
After Sophia was safely and comfortably asleep in her bed, Ryan went to one of his most unused cupboards. Pulling out a fairly full bottle of Whiskey, he poured himself a glass, taking a sip without even leaving the kitchen.
It dawned on him that he should probably call the Captain before he drank too much and explain the situation and a sudden need for a leave. The call was quick and the Captain was understanding, telling Ryan to do whatever he had to do to keep the little girl safe and secure.
Grabbing the bottle and his glass, Ryan went to sit on the couch. He rubbed a hand down his face and was met with an unexpected surprise. His face was wet.
Ryan remembered the last time he cried, it was the day Sophia was born, the first time he’d held her he’d cried. And before that, it’d been the night of his parents’ funeral, after the funeral. Ryan wasn’t a crier. He wiped his face and finished his drink, only to immediately refill his drink.
The plan wasn’t to get drunk per ce, just ... to take away the edge. The knife digging in his gut. He could have lost her today. If Rory hadn’t been there, if Marley hadn’t been there... He couldn’t think about it. Tonight needed to end and it needed to end quickly. He didn’t he’d sleep, but one or two more drinks would suffice. For now.
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