#painter answers
the-purple-painter · 7 months
i love purple 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜💜
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canisalbus · 8 months
what kind of hobbies does machete have, and is there any artist, musical or visual, that he likes in particular?
He's an avid reader and has an impressive personal library. Crowds and big public events aren't his thing but he enjoys going to theatre and opera occasionally. He commissions and collects art, I'd like to believe he's a patron to at least a couple of painters and sculptors. If I had to pick one artist to be his favorite, I think it might be an obvious choice but I'd have to go with Caravaggio, a contemporary of his.
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the-pride-painter · 7 months
paint this demigirl, bi, demisexual n demiromantic plllsss 🙏🙏🙏 i finally am coming out to everyone
Congratulations on coming out!
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This ask has been painted demigirl, bisexual, demisexual, and demiromantic!
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this art is so pretty but idk the artist help :(
Two Fairies Embracing in a Landscape with a Swan — Hans Zatzka
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scrybe-of-tech-p03 · 8 months
you literally say "go ahead bother me" within your askbox and then get mad at people for actually bothering you. DAMN.... they din call you "Scrybe of Logic" For a REASON bRo
It's not my fault a majority of you idiots ask stupid things. Consider it this, it's a promise I'm going to be annoyed but I'm allowing you to, "BrO".
I'm so generous, you don't even realize it.
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the-blue-painter · 8 months
Intro Post!
Hello! I am The Blue Painter, painter of all things blue. My pronouns are She/Her, and for all intents and purpose, my name is Blue.
We have a discord! If you are a painter and would like to join, message me!
The Blue Painter- general tag for all of my posts
Blued Posts- posts that have been blued
Blue Answers- asks
A Different Hue- Posts unrelated to my gimmick/have not been blued.
Group Painting- Post specifically related to another painter.
Blueue- Queue Tag
The hex code of the blue used will be in the tags of a post.
My Siblings In Painting, An Ever-Updating, Eternally Sprawling List
@the-blue-painter (That's me!)
(Let me know if anyone's missing!)
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kiritouyadeku96 · 1 year
hi :) I noticed you like Manhwa's so what one's are you reading? have you completed any?
Hi anon 😊 yep I’m reading quite a few, but have only completed 4 of them!
Pearl boy - completed - literally my favourite one as of right now, I love it 😭 Dooshik and Jooha are my babies and they better get a happy ending! Some say the ending was sad because they basically drowned in the icy lake, and others say the ending was a opening ending so take it however you want…I’m taking it as a open ending so then I can pretend they had a happy ending!
Painter of the night - ongoing - I’m enjoying it, even though it’s depressing the hell out of me right now 😅 because Nakyum poor baby is so hurt!
Low tide in twilight - ongoing - I’m reading it purely for the brothers, especially the baby brother 😭 cutie patootie! Taejoo is handsome but he’s an asshole, and I have mixed feelings about him!
Unfather - completed - distasteful and the ending was even more distasteful!
Love me not - dropped - I really didn’t like the main lead he pissed me off, and I wasn’t enjoying the story so I dropped it. I might pick it up again at some point, but probably won’t!
Sadistic beauty (side story) - completed - I hated it, I really hated it and I don’t know why I finished it 🤷‍♀️ maybe because I was being delusional in hoping it would end well….not how it ended! Which was bad by the way….tragic!
Obey me - completed - it was weird, very weird that’s all I can say about that one it weirded me out 😂!
Jinx - ongoing - I’m going to try and stick it out but the main lead while handsome is a fucking arshole, and I don’t really like Dan either (I can’t believe I said I don’t like Dan when I first wrote this 😭 the lies….I adore him so this hurts) 😅 I’m not actually sure what I feel for the characters yet so I’m holding out, but it might end up dropped! Update: I’m not dropping it 😜 Dan is my beloved next to Jooha & Nakyum(but Nakyum wins top spot), Oh Daehyun…more like oh Damn 😮‍💨🤤 I’m seriously attracted, he has the muscles and the kindness(unlike a certain someone 😑), Heesung over criminalised 🫤 he literally isn’t a bad person like he has his flaws but hardly awful(unlike a certain someone), Potato is precious 🥺 and Jaekyung can eat a brick!
Man slave - completed - it was alright a bit boring and I found the ending rather boring too!
(Crazy thing about me complaining about Jinx’s Jaekyung and Low tide in twilight’s Taejoo being arseholes is the fact that with the Twin, Daehwi and Daekwang from Pearl boy I’m just like “my husband’s 🥴”)
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roxynugget · 4 months
Guys, please, Tango doesn't consider himself a builder in the same way Michelangelo might not consider himself a painter* (see tags). You can accept you're very good at two things, and still consider yourself better at one over the other. It's not negative talk when he calls himself a redstone guy.
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the-writing-mobster · 5 months
were there any fic ideas you never ended up writing that you regret not doing?
also, do you have any other undertale ships? {:
Ah! Thank you for the ask dear heart! Let's see...
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Of course I have fics that are still deep in my drafts, and I also have a few unfinished fics currently published ON Ao3.
I don't really regret not publishing certain fics because it's not really a matter of if more than it is a matter of when. A few of these old ideas just need way more fleshing out and just aren't ready for the limelight.
And that "not if but when" mindset is carried over to my unfinished fics as well, like Baby Face and YWIW.
They'll eventually be completed. (Although tbh, I'm not so sure about ywiw now, may have to go and really take a good long look at that one and the goals I want to achieve with it. For YWIW, I guess I regret some of the choices I made with Frisk's character arc. Like I accidentally walked back on things that I shouldn't have. Sequels are hard, y'all.)
Now for my other UT ships? Hmmmm...
I'm gonna come out the gate swinging and say that I, first and foremost do not ship Asgore and Toriel. I think their dynamic is more interesting as a divorced couple. Boom. That'll stir the pot some.
(I have a lot of weird UT ships tbh)
Now, moving on to what I actually ship:
Asriel x Papyrus / Papsriel / Boneblossom
This stems more from how I wrote their dynamic in wdyw part 4 + ywiw. See, when Frisk and Sans are off doing hard main character work, Papyrus and Asriel were alone together a lot, working through both of their collective daddy issues together (their fathers were big ole villains and they were consoling each other about their relationships with their fathers, it was actually very sweet) Ergo, I began to ship.
But also, if you look at the game, there are instances of Asriel and Papyrus befriending, and Asriel manipulating him, or growing fond of Papyrus in his own way as Flowey. Yeah there's the problem of "well technically Asriel is a child!" Which like... Okay, he's also dead and immortal at the same time. In wdyw he died at an older age so... 🤷🏻‍♀️ It depends on where you take the story. I could also just ship them platonically. So yeah!
Undyne x Alphys / Alphyne
This one is obvious. They're canon. They're beautiful. I love gay people. I love lesbians. I am a gay people. I am a lesbian. I love them.
Also, low-key, I also just like to explore more of their dynamic than just lovey dovey sapphic stuff. The highs and the lows. And they're perfect to do that with.
Nick x Sans / Nicecream Guy x Sans
This one is unorthodox, but it's because of Baby Face. They're so gay in that fic like it's unbelievable. If not Sans, then definitely Nick. Like they've definitely explored each other's bodies at least once.
Also in wdyw, they have a more complex, complicated friendship since they're more like long lost friends, and the whole "you betrayed our ideals by joining Asgore's military" and Nick "you joined a rebellion that will never win, you've doomed yourself to martyrdom." Sans saving Nick from prison & the purge, ugh, they're so complex, I love em!
Nick is definitely gay. I know we were pushing for Alick but honestly... That boy is gay. And I really believe that. I think the only better pairing for him would be Napstablook, or... And I guess I'll concede to years of shipping before me... Burgerpants/Bryan. Because Bryan has that like, newly joined rebellion, starry eyes, just found out his crush was brutally murdered by one of Muffet's assassins, etc, and then there's Nick, shining hero of the revolution. I think it could work really well.
Muffet x Toriel / Muffriel / Spiderscotch
Bro even the name screams lesbian, wtf? This is like Everlark's alternative ship name being peenis.
BRO THEY LIVE IN THE RUINS TOGETHER, MUFFET SET UP SHOP IN THE RUINS. TORIEL BAKES PIES AND MUFFET BAKES FUCKED UP SPIDER DONUTS. THEY'RE A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN. (And I'm purely talking about classic, but who's to say that wdyw Muffet wasn't sneaking into the queen's chambers after killing her own husband and poisoning Toriel's daughter right under her nose? UGH THE DRAMA!!!!)
Ugh, I love my gay ships.
Anyway, Toriel is the sweet, albeit very flawed, old money, cottage core wife, and Muffet is the manipulative, borderline Machiavellian, macabre, new money, goth wife and they're PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER. I've never been more serious in my life.
Anyway, those are my UT ships that are not Frans. Don't come for me, I know they're unconventional (except for Alphyne) but I love them each dearly.
Old pencil drawing I did:
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the-pastel-painter · 8 months
so, I guess I should do an introduction, right?
So uh, hi! I’ve decided to make a painter blog! (*゚▽゚*)
I’ve never done a gimmick blog like this before, so sorry that this intro is bad!
But yeah, I’ll paint your posts pastel colors! (╹◡╹)♡
Inspired by my fellow painter blogs!
About me, I guess ^w^
-She/They pronouns
-Call me Pastel please!
-Paragirl, lesbian, and polyamorous
-I plan to post atleast once a day, hopefully more!
-I’m the 22nd(?) painter
-NSFW blogs DNI directly please =(^.^)=
Uh, so yeah! Hi! Nice to meet you all! I hope I can get along with all my fellow painters! (*^ω^*)
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Yo i suggest putting “eyestrain” in your tags- certain people with epilepsy / photosensitivity or overall sensitivity TO these colours. I stumbled upon your account randomly and even then it was a little overstimulating for me- cannot imagine someone with photosensitivity. Especially ones with red, given the wavelength shape. But all of them are considerably harmful and cause physical pain. I understand you are named “Highly-Saturated-Painter” but sometimes given the feeds, it can pop up randomly on other peoples’ feeds. I highly suggest going to check out PhotosensitiveDespair (think that’s their user) they are run by a bunch of folk who have conditions mentioned above. I’m not affiliated with them, i just find their content extremely educational. Adding the eyestrain tag, allows for people to have blocked the tag to avoid the content to avoid the possible harm / death that can be caused by photosensitivity but mainly epilepsy. Thank you.
Sincerely, A disabled person <3
oh sorry
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the-purple-painter · 2 months
hey what the fuck man
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uhm hi-
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onlycosmere · 11 months
Wait Design is back in SP3??? YES! YAY! LOVE MY SPOILER SPREN!
She certainly is, and she's amazing.
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the-pride-painter · 8 months
Hello! I'm the pride painter! I paint posts with pride flags!
#The Pride Painter for any of my posts or reblogs
#Prided for any posts I've prided
#Pride Talks for any posts where I don't pride anything
#Pride Painter Answers for asks
Other Painters:
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teecupangel · 1 year
desmond reincarnated as Ezio's twin brother? Like, I know that he didn't have a twin, but imagine if he absorbed them in utero or smt.
Now, the two would be opposites, considering Desmond would have a 'i don't give a shit about anything' attitude. But he would also be amazing at anything he does, meaning Ezio would have this sort of rivalry growing up to compete with Desmond's amazing ability to do anything he sets his mind to.
Giovanni quickly realises Desmond knows about the Brotherhood but assumes it's because he went through the paperwork left out on his desk. And Desmond just... doesn't care. He even says no when asked if he wanted to join. Because he was just done with everyone and just wanted to sleep forever.
But what if he was also really good at art. Like not in a Leonardo kind of way, but a way that he has a photographic memory that he can just kinda... print anything on paper with scary accurate detail. Which catches Leonardo's attention because 'holy crap this kids good' and begins trying to get Desmond to become a sort assistant, because anyone else would see his talent and try to snatch him up for themselves.
Ezio sees this as another failure on his part and decides to become Leonardo's bestie to finally one up his brother.
Mind you Desmond is completely oblivious to this little rivalry the two of them have.
It’s most definitely my EziLeo heart going in overdrive but just imagine Desmond mistaking Ezio’s ‘aggressiveness’ to be Leonardo’s best friend (and patron, maybe?) as Ezio having a crush on Leonardo and trying to flirt with him but not knowing how so he, as a good brother, try to help him out by trying to hint that Ezio might be interested in him to Leonardo.
Leonardo would be doubtful of that but the more Ezio tries to be his friend, the more he thinks… Ezio is being a bit too desperate for it to simply be ‘friendship’ right?
And maybe… just maybe… there may be something more.
Which Desmond tries to fan because inserting one’s self to their sibling’s love life is a much better endeavor than being an Assassin as far as Desmond is concerned.
And Desmond is getting more famous because of his paintings and, at some point, he’s seen less as Leonardo’s assistant and more as Leonardo’s peer.
This only makes Ezio more desperate to find a way to one up his brother so he commissioned Leonardo to paint him something.
And he remembered how Desmond has been trying to paint a portrait of himself with a frame of flowers (he saw his preliminary sketches), not knowing that Desmond was actually trying to paint Altaïr which was meant to be part of a set of three that was meant to be Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton but he keeps pushing it off because he can’t find the right frame to use (the flowers being an experiment).
So Ezio commissioned Leonardo to paint a portrait of the subject in a flower frame.
The subject: Leonardo himself.
And now Leonardo believes that this is Ezio’s way of proclaiming his love in the weirdest nondirect way he had ever known.
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the-aroace-painter · 4 months
Oh hey! Fellow aroace in their blog name person!
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