#painted whitestart
proton-wobbler · 5 months
Warbler Showdown; Bracket 6, Poll 3
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Yellow-crowned Whitestart (Myioborus flavivertex)
IUCN Rating: Least Concern
Range: the Santa Marta mountains of northern Colombia
Habitat: humid montane forest and cloudforest, as well as their edges; elevation 1200-3050m, though generally above 2000m
Subspecies: none
Painted Redstart (Myioborus pictus)
IUCN Rating: Least Concern
Range: mountainous regions of the southwestern US and Mexico, as well as Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua
Habitat: pine-oak woodlands, though in the north they prefer canyon valleys and in the south they can be found in more arid areas
Subspecies: 2
Image Sources: yellow crowned (Jose Illanes); painted (Anon)
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inolienkiki · 5 months
TIL about the Painted Whitestart
this is the bird that nobody can agree on the name of, and I find it hilarious
So, redstarts are this group of birds that got named a long time ago in Europe- the name means "red tail". They do this thing where they flick their tail feathers and show the color to scare bugs out of the undergrowth and eat them. Neat
Anyway, Big Biology found out about another group of birds that also did this, only their tails were white instead of red. Some people decided to call them redstarts too, but others pointed out that they weren't red, and they aren't even closely related to the redstarts. Hence, international ornithologists call them whitestarts now (even if Americans are still holding out for some reason)
Now, the Painted Whitestart is a bird with white wings and a red chest. For a while biologists were pretty sure it was a redstart, since, duh- it's red. Then, in the 60s, ornithologists looked a little closer and noticed, hey, this bird is a whitestart. (It's related to whitestarts, not redstarts). Which should have been obvious since its tail is white, not red.
Nonetheless, people are still arguing over this... search "whitestart" on the Audubon Society website and you get another bird in the whitestart genus, but the Painted Whitestart doesn't show up- it's a redstart, apparently. Meanwhile, the creators of Wingspan- the bird-focused board game that brought this to my attention- very intently labeled it as a whitestart. If people are still this hung up over a name change that happened sixty years ago... what's going to happen when all birds named for people get redesignated? (This is going to happen, and the organization doing it is the same one using the name "painted redstart"!)
Also, *very* important question: if this bird is supposedly a redstart, what's the paint?
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herpsandbirds · 1 month
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Painted Redstart or Painted Whitestart (Myioborus pictus), family Parulidae, order Passeriformes, Cave Creek Canyon, AZ, USA
photograph by Jeff Gresko
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mtindicators · 3 years
Painted Whitestart Bird Sound, Bird Song, Bird Call, Bird Calling Chirps...
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proton-wobbler · 9 days
Warbler Showdown; Bracket 6.2, Poll 2
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Painted Redstart (Myioborus pictus)
IUCN Rating: Least Concern
Range: mountainous regions of the southwestern US and Mexico, as well as Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua
Habitat: pine-oak woodlands, though in the north they prefer canyon valleys and in the south they can be found in more arid areas
Subspecies: 2
Slate-throated Whitestart (Myioborus miniatus)
IUCN Rating: Least Concern
Range: in montane regions from northern Mexico down to central Bolivia, with populations also found to the east in Venezuela and Guyana
Habitat: montane and submontane forests, with varying preferences depending on the region- evergreen or pine-evergreen in Central America, wet highland in Costa Rica and Panama, humid forests throughout the Andes in South America, and tepuis in southern Venezuela; elevation 700-3000m, depending on the region
Subspecies: 12, with varying levels of coloration differences in the belly
Image Sources: painted (Anon); slate (K Togo)
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proton-wobbler · 6 months
Genus: Myioborus
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Slate-throated Whitestart (type species)
Ahh the Whitestarts- or... Redstarts? Well- ok, it's a bit of both, really. "Start" is another word for "tail", and as far as optics go, all the birds in this genus have white feathers under their tails. Whitestart should be the name! And by IOC (International Ornithological Congress) standards, this is the case. But, Clements and the American Ornithological Society (AOS) use "redstart" as the common name, which is confusing on multiple levels. First of all, the name was originally given because of the resemblance to the American Redstart, which belongs in Setophaga- but that bird at least has a reddish tail! The second source of confusion is to a number of other "redstart" species which belong to the Muscicapidae family- the Old World Flycatchers. Changing the common name to "whitestart" all around would certainly simplify things, but in some cases tradition supersedes common sense when it comes to bird names.
The genus name translates to "fly eater", from muias for 'fly' and boros for 'devouring'. As far as warblers go, this is fairly common. Originally some European naturalists referred to the wood warblers as flycatchers, based on the jaunty sallies that many of the North American warblers do while capturing their prey and their superficial resemblance to Muscicapidae.
Whitestarts heavily inhabit the northern portion of South America, with some species trailing down the Andes and a few others coming up through Central and North America. The Painted Whitestart reaches into the United States, though just along the southwest border with Mexico. Their typical habitat preferences are mountain forest, woodland, and shrubs.
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Painted Redstart
(for simplicity sake, I'll continue to use Painted Redstart as this bird's common name. Clements is the source for eBird/Merlin, etc., so most American birders will recognize this as a Painted Redstart, and it's already been featured on the blog as such. For the others, I'll be using 'Whitestart' in the polls, but tagging for both names)
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proton-wobbler · 7 months
Bracket 1: Setophaga-A
Grace's Warbler vs Barbuda Warbler
Hooded Warbler vs Myrtle Warbler
Golden-cheeked Warbler vs Olive-capped Warbler
Vitelline Warbler vs Chestnut-sided Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler vs Bay-breasted Warbler
Townsend's Warbler vs Yellow-throated Warbler
Cerulean Warbler vs Goldman's Warbler
Elfin-woods Warbler vs Tropical Parula
Black-throated Blue Warbler vs Kirtland's Warbler
Bracket 2: Setophaga-B
Pine Warbler vs Blackpoll Warbler
Bahama Warbler vs Arrowhead Warbler
Adelaide's Warbler vs American Restart
Palm Warbler vs St. Lucia Warbler
Yellow Warbler vs Plumbeous Warbler
Cape May Warbler vs Hermit Warbler
Prairie Warbler vs Black-throated Green Warbler
Magnolia Warbler vs Audubon's Warbler
Northern Parula vs Black-throated Gray Warbler
Bracket 3: Myiothlypis
Russet-crowned Warbler vs Citrine Warbler
Pale-legged Warbler vs White-lored Warbler (run-off)
Two-banded Warbler vs Flavescent Warbler
Gray-headed Warbler vs Santa Marta Warbler
Cuzco Warbler vs White-striped Warbler
Buff-rumped Wabler vs Choco Warbler
White-browed Warbler vs Riverbank Warbler
Gray-and-gold Warbler vs Black-crested Warbler
Gray-throated Warbler vs Roraiman Warbler
Bracket 4: Basileuterus
Fan-tailed Warbler vs Three-striped Warbler
Golden-browed Warbler vs Golden-crowned Warbler
Yungas Wabler vs Three-banded Warbler
Pirre Warbler vs Tacarcuna Warbler
Rufous-capped Warbler vs Costa Rican Warbler
Black-cheeked Warbler vs Chestnust-capped Warbler
Bracket 5: Geothlypis
Beldin's Yellowthroat vs Mourning Warbler
Kentucky Warbler vs Black-lored Yellowthroat
Common Yellowthroat vs Southern Yellowthroat
Gray-crowned Yellowthroat vs Altamira Yellowthroat
Bahama Yellowthroat vs Black-polled Yellowthroat
Olive-crowned Yellowthroat vs Hooded Yellowthroat
MacGillivray's Warbler vs Masked Yellowthroat
Bracket 6: Myioborus
White-fronted Whitestart vs Tepui Whitestart
Spectacled Redstart vs Brown-capped Whitestart
Yellow-crowned Redstart vs Painted Whitestart
Golden-fronted Whitestart vs Slate-throated Whitestart
Collared Whitestart vs Paria Whitestart
Saffron-breasted Whitestart vs White-faced Whitestart
Bracket 7: Leiothlypis & Cardellina
Virginia's Warbler vs Lucy's Warbler
Tennessee Warbler vs Nashville Warbler
Colima Warbler vs Orange-crowned Warbler
Red Warbler vs Pink-headed Warbler
Red-faced Warbler vs Wilson's Warbler
(solo/sit-out) Canada Warbler
Bracket 8: Vermivora, Parkesia, & Oreothlypis
Blue-winged Warbler vs Golden-winged Warbler
Northern Waterthrush vs Louisiana Waterthrush
Flame-throated Warbler vs Crescent-chested Warbler
(solo/sit-out) Bachman's Warbler
Bracket 9: Odd Ones Out
Semper's Warbler vs Prothonotary Warbler
Ovenbird vs Black-and-white Warbler
Swainson's Warbler vs Whistling Warbler
Connecticut Warbler vs Worm-eating Warbler
Bracket 10: Not-"Warblers"
Red-breasted Chat vs Yellow-headed Warbler
White-winged Warbler vs Olive Warbler
Green-tailed Warbler vs Grey-throated Chat
Yellow-breasted Chat vs Wrenthrush
Rose-breasted Chat vs Oriente Warbler
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