#overlook of the few houses i thought deserved pictures lol
sunshinepixels · 2 years
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fall neighborhood
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years
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Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
Chapter 6
When The League of Villians discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you're in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
Word Count: 1,988
Trigger Warnings: None really, homelessness? 
A/N: Shit! This chapters later than I wanted it to be! Since I've been back to work my schedule has been all fucky. Usually I try to post every friday but...lol. Anyways, If you like my work, don't be afraid to interact! I love hearing from you guys! Also check out my Wattpad for my original works, and my Patreon if you wanna support me further!
Chapter 5 Chapter 7 
Toshinori watched from the doorway of what he once called home. He watched men in police uniforms, suits and ties, and underground heroes, rush through the apartment. Now living exclusively on campus, the apartment felt like a grim reminder of your absence. Your mother and Xavier poured over pages upon pages of eyewitnesses and anything else that could give them a clue.
Unlike the last time the heroes found and raided The League, there were no signs of known members. Meaning they were either being more careful, or they were no longer in Musutafu. He shuffled into the room, sitting down on the couch and looking outside to large windows onto the city below. Suddenly, the phone rang.
Everyone froze. Heads swiftly turned. Was this news of your disappearance? Had you been found? Detective Tsukauchi was the first to move. Slowly picking the receiver, and placing it to his ear.
"Hello, yes, who is this?" A scratchy voice asked.
"I am Detective Tsukauchi. Who am I speaking with?" His voice was firm and demanding. A dark chuckle came from the other end, sending a chill down the poor mansion spine.
"I think you know who I am, detective." Another laugh rattled from Shigaraki's chest. You watched him from the other line. Everyone sitting patiently around him as they watched him on the phone. You sat beside him, hands placed on either side of you on the couch. Anxiously waiting for your turn.
"Can I-"
"Shh." He hushed you gently, putting a finger to his lips before they broke into a wide smile.
"You see I just called because someone here has a little message for you. It's family business you see, would All Might be available to talk?" He pulled the phone away before letting loose another laugh. The room jumped and coiled in uncontrollable laughter. Like a group of kids making a prank phone call.
"Shigaraki...I swear if you lay a finger on her I'll-"
"Hold on one sec, she's right here. Y/N?" He pulled his attention away from the phone and smiled at you as he handed it over. You took it and gently pressed it to your ear.
"Y/N! Are you alright? Have they hurt you?"
"No...No I'm fine actually." Shigaraki watched you with a clever smile stretched across his face. He leaned back against the couch, resting his head in his hand. Clearly very proud of himself and the torment he caused.
"Where are you?"
"I don't know actually. It's like a repurposed office building I think. I don't know where it is, all the windows are boarded up. They brought me by car."
"By car?”
"Yeah, I don't really know what they're up to. I mean, I do, I just... I don't know they do things weird." Shigaraki's smile slowly started to fade as you critiqued. When you looked up and saw his expression, you felt compelled to respond. "What? You do." You told him. He shrugged you off.
"You sound...alright." Your father said, confused and concerned.
"I guess I am relatively okay. They feed me and clothe me and no ones been really that bad to me yet so...I'm okay I guess."
"She's lying!" You heard a voice chirp from the other line. Your stomach turned. Xavier was there?
"Y/N! Y/N tell us where you are!" Your mother demanded as she wrenched the phone away from your father. Her voice was jarring and rough. You tensed up.
"I...I don't know where I am. I told him it’s like an old office building I-"
"Can you tell us anything else? What do you remember from the car ride?" She was frantic now.
"Nothing. I had a bag over my head the whole time. This place has some electricity and some running water but it’s not to the whole building? It's old... it's been years since anyone has been here-"
"Anything else!?" She cried. You paused.
"No...I...I'm fine otherwise." Shigaraki made a 'speed it up' motion with his hand. "I...I have a message for Detective Tsukauchi, could you put him back on?"
"Let me talk to her!" Xavier begged.
"I don't have much time, please, Detective-"
"Y/N! Baby!" You cringed at the sound of your boyfriend’s panicked voice.
"Hey, babe. I'm fine." You tried to brush him off.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"I'm alright, I guess. A little tired. Scared." You had to remember the last part.
"I can't imagine what you're going through without your meds."
"Oh. Yeah. My meds. I'm losing my mind." You said in a flat, sarcastic tone. It made the others snicker.
"Just remember your breathing exercises we did, okay? Do them with me now, okay? You ready?"
"One, two, three, in.........out. Okay? One, two, three IN! . . . . . . . . OUT! One, two, three, in . . . . . . OUT! Okay? Do them with me. Remember to align your chakras!" He went on like this for a solid minute. Unable to contain yourself, you covered your mouth with your hand and held the speaker out so the whole room could laugh at him. Even Shigaraki, who turned away to laugh joined in on the fun. "Y/N?"
"Yeah?" You smiled through.
"We're coming to get you, alright? Just hang tight a little longer."
"Don't worry, okay?"
"I love you, sugar muffin."
"Right. So Detective Tsukauchi."
"Okay, yes, here he is...I love you!"
"Love you too." You chuckled, your hand playing with the flesh between your brow as you laughed at him.
"Y/N." Finally.
"I just, have a message from the villains." You told him with an awkward smile.
"Go ahead." You looked up at your captor.
"They say if All Might doesn't come forward soon, they won't be giving me back." You watched his smile widen. "They want the world to know the Heroes' failures. It's either me or the truth. Your choice." And with that, you hung up the phone. The room fell into a satisfied and relaxed state. A sense of victory went around the room as smiles and giggles greeted you. 
"Who the hell was that last guy!?" Toga shouted as she laughed.
"Oh, that was Xavier, my boyfriend."
"Ooh! Boyfriend! How Sweet!-Gross!" Twice added.
"You've never mentioned a partner before, Y/N." Mr. Compresss added. You shrugged.
"I guess I forgot. Being kidnapped and all."
"You've been pretty forgetful latley haven't you? First your meds, now this. Anything else you care to share with us?" Dabi questioned.
"Not that I can think of. I guess sometimes I forget I should be scared nowadays." You paused before turning to look back at Shigaraki who wore a satisfied grin as his eyes wandered around the floor. Clearly dissociating. “Shigaraki?” 
"...what happens to me, if they don't comply?"
"They will."
"Are you going to kill me?" He rolled his eyes.
"No. I'm not going to kill you. Especially now with that quirk of yours."
"Are you really questioning why I'm not going to kill you?" He took the phone in his hand and dusted the object. He stood and started walking out to another room.
"I just...aren’t I a pain in the ass to keep around?" You asked the room. A few answered with a nod, others stayed silent.
"Come on. I wanna show you something." You stood and followed him down the hallway. You followed him through the building, through the parts that were inhabitable and rotting. He took you up a few flights, up to the very top just before the roof. There was a large room filled with old desks, chairs, computers, etc. He stopped in front of a large window that overlooked the city. "Come here." You stood beside him and looked out the window at the people walking around. You saw an old alleyway that housed a few homeless people as they went about their day. A few passers-by ignoring them and rushing past. "What do you see?"
"A group of homeless people. Why?"
"And what about him?" You watched as a man, well dressed and well-kept walked down the street. He starred at a man who begged him for money, then laughed in his face before walking away.
"Some asshole." You noted. He smiled.
"The world is littered with them. And it’s the heroes that encourage it, they demand it. They created a world where we steal and rob and ignore each other assuming someone else will take care of it. Heroes created a society that requires you to assimilate, to obey. If not, you're thrown away like trash." He grumbled as he watched the homeless man. 
"Is that...what happened to you?" You asked. He didn't answer. "What about her?" You watched as a woman passing through stopped to give the homeless man some change.
"What? You think she deserves a pat on the back for the bare minimum?" He snarled.
"What good does that one act do, huh!? He'll have a meal and live to see another miserable day. She solved a minor problem, she's not doing any real good. And she doesn't deserve anything for it."
"It doesn't matter unless you do something to change the bigger picture. She can give all the change she wants, take him in for all I care. But she only helps one person! She won't do any real good unless she demands change for them! Unless she actively works to make sure people like him don't end up like that!" You took a few steps back as he yelled.
"Alright! You don't have to yell at me!" You barked, the tension in the room coming to a climax when your quirk pulled a few chairs and tables closer to you. Making a horrible screeching sound as it did. "I understand." You finally spoke when the two of you had calmed down.
"If All Might doesn't come forward and tell the truth, you'll be working with us."
"What? Why? My quirk is dangerous and volatile. I have no control, I'd be practically useless."
"That's why your training starts today."
"What? You wanna be a slave to your quirk forever? Because if you wanna go back on your meds, you can. But I doubt you want to keep living in fear of yourself." You thought for a second before answering.
"I...I don't know..." He slowly started to approach you.
"You don't have to be afraid anymore. I can help you."
"How? You hardly have control of your own emotions as it is. You think you could help teach me to control mine?" You chuckled.
"If my research is right, this isn't about control, it’s about distribution."
"If you could learn to express your emotions properly. Let yourself be free from the fear of your own quirk, you could learn to repurpose that energy, and gain anatomy."
"Those disgusting bastards!" Xavier growled under his breath as his nails dug into the sleeve of his button-up. He rattled with rage in the corner as others worked. Your mother paced back and forth, spewing theory after theory.
"She sounded...fine..." Toshinori said in disbelief.
"Clearly she's traumatized beyond repair!" Your mother declared.
"Everyone." Another detective called. The room fell silent. "I think you should hear this." Pressing play, the sound of your recorded voice played out.
"In......OUT! One, two, three, IN.........out." From the other line, the sound of soft snickering and laughter could be heard. Your laughs being the loudest.
"Is she, laughing?" Your father asked.
"She's laughing...with them," Xavier observed.
"What!? Laughing? A reflex! She's disturbed! She's hysterical!" Your mother shouted.
"They're turning her," Xavier said softly. "They're corrupting her...without her meds she's left defenseless and scared. They're taking advantage of her good nature!"
"We got it." Detective Tsukauchi declared.
"Got what?"
"Well, it was difficult considering it was a prepaid wireless phone but...We've got her location."
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable
@kamenoyaki @hentaiqween101 @skzero-99
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sophies-surveys · 7 years
Then and now. Answers from my first ever survey from December 2013 and my answers today.
What is the last thing you said to the person you like? Then: I just told him that I’d see him later. Now: “I love you too”
How old will you be on your next birthday? Then: 21. Finally. Now: 24.
Are you one of those people who just doesn’t care? Then: No, I care. Now: Same. I care.
Did anything “cute” happen today? Then: yes, my kittens behaved adorably haha Now: Not really lol.
Who are you more like, mom or dad? Then: my dad. Now: Idk. I see bits of both in me. Maybe even more of my mom now.
Name 8 things that make you happy: Then: getting a home cooked meal, my kittens, sunny days, getting my paycheck, surprise visits from my best friends, the feeling of accomplishment after hard work, having time to play tennis, bonding moments with my favorite person in the world- my grandma. Now: Days off, going hiking, weekend visits from my boyfriend, visiting my family, cooking, still the feeling of accomplishment after hard work/getting something done, getting free stuff, and Saturday nights with my cohort.
When was the last time you had seafood? Then: I had some shrimp last night. Now: I can’t remember. I might have had some fish several weeks ago.
Have you ever been in a love triangle? Then: ehh, not really. Now: No?
How bad are your hangovers? Then: I’ve never really had a bad hangover. Now: Still not had a bad one.
Do you think Taco Bell is nasty? Then: kind of, yes. Now: No, but it’s not my favorite.
The last time you saw your best friend, what did you do? Then: I have three best friends. The last time I was with Janelle we were in the emergency room with her son, who was sick. The last time I saw Brianna, we were visiting Abby, our other best friend. Now: Holy crap. I barely talk to Janey and Abby any more. I’d probably consider my boyfriend my best friend now lol. Last time we were together we stayed the night together and then I had to get up in the morning to go back home and he had to go to work. 
Have you ever lost someone you wish you didn’t? Then: god yes. Now: Yes.
Say something to someone without stating names: Then: I wish you had more time for me. Now: I feel like you don’t care if we’re friends anymore..
When was the last time you smoked pot? Then: January Now: ^^^ lol that same time. January 2013.
What jewelry are you wearing? Then: I’m wearing the necklace I inherited from Ava. And my watch that I just got for Christmas. Now: None.
Someone tells you that you deserve better than the person you currently have a thing for. You say? Then: I think he’s wonderful. So I’d appreciate it if you kept your thoughts to yourself. Now: You’re wrong.
Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence? Then: hmm. Haley, perhaps? Now: No idea.
What’s an inanimate object in your house that holds significance for you, and why do you find it so significant? Then: My jewelry box. It used to belong to my aunt, then it belonged to Ava, and now it belongs to me. Now: Same thing,
What’s one thing that you really want to do? Then: I kinda want to spend some time with Bri. Now: Go home. See my boyfriend and my family and not worry about work or school or money or anything.
Worst thing you’ve experienced in the last year? Then: Losing Ava. Now: The past year hasn’t been bad. I guess it would just be stressing out about money and school.
What’s bothering you? Then: Nothing really at the moment. Now: I feel like I’m never going to get through this last semester of classes. I’m stressed about money, and about trying to move.
What are you doing tomorrow? Then: Maybe going on a date with Dominic :D we might postpone that until Saturday though, I’m not sure. Now: Going to work.
How long have you known the last person you spoke on the phone to? Then: about 6 and a half years. Now: 7 years.
Are tattoos a turn on? Then: No, not for me. Now: Nope.
When someone calls you in the middle of the night, do you remember the conversation? Then: Yes. It might be a hazy memory at first, but it’ll come back to me. Now: Yes.
What made your day? Then: Nothing specifically. I guess just the fact that it’s a well earned lazy day and I’m glad not to have to go anywhere or do anything if I don’t want to haha Now: Nothing.
When was the last time you saw your father? Then: a few hours ago. Now: About 2 weeks ago?
What kind of vitamins did you take as a kid? Then: Flinstones vitamins! Now: Obviously that answer is not going to change... Flinstones.
Spill it. What is on your mind? Then: I’m thinking about what day this week I want to go shopping, and about the date with Dominic, what that will be like… Now: How cute my previous answer was because that date went damn well and I’ve been dating him ever since. Also I need to go grocery shopping today and get some work done.
Is the last person you texted someone who is close to you? Then: she’s my best friend. or one of the 3 anyway. Now: Yes. My boyfriend.
Why do you think so many people are scared of spiders? Then: Because they’re ugly and hairy and have a lot of legs and eyes and can sneak up on you. Now: Same. And some are poisonous.
Two days from now, where will you be? Then: Maybe out with Dom. Maybe still at home. Who knows? Here: Or around town anyway.
Do you honestly speak your mind no matter what? Then: No. There is a time to speak up and there is a time to hold your tongue. I can appreciate both. Now: Same.
If someone you wanted before, came back now, would you take them? Then: No. Now: No.
You’re drunk, who’d take care of you? Then: Hopefully whatever friend I’m with. Now: Probably Dom.
Do you know someone who is CONSTANTLY texting? Then: yes. It seems like everyone is constantly texting these days. Now: Idk if they’re texting but most everyone seems to always be messing around on their phone.
Are you happier now or in summer? Then: Now. Now: I’ll probably be happier this summer lol.
What do you miss most about your past? Then: Some of the people who were there with me. Now: Yeah, some of the people I was close with, some of my family members who were still around, and just the fact that it was a simpler time when I was younger and didn’t have to worry about money, bills, where I’m going to live and whatnot.
What do you say during awkward silences? Then: Nothing..? Because it’s silent? lol. Now: ^^
Have you ever felt like you were too nice and way too often overlooked? Then: No. Now: Not really.
What are some ways you cope with stress? Then: Eat, I’m a stress eater haha. Other than that, I don’t know… vent to a friend, suck it up and deal with it… ? Now: Eating, venting, and also running/exercising.
How do you get your morning energy? Then: It’s natural, I guess. I’ve never really had a problem being energized in the morning. Now: By having a good night’s sleep lol.
Would you date a smoker? Then: I’d rather not but, eh, I guess it’s not a dealbreaker for me. Now: Probably not.
Would you ever settle into a relationship that wasn't right for you? Do you know friends who are in relationships just so they have someone to sleep with at night? Then: I don’t think I would. I’m too much of a commitment-phobe as it is to settle. I can’t really think of anyone off the top of my head who does. Now: No, I still don’t think I would. I don’t think any of my friends are in relationships just so they “have someone to sleep with at night,” but I do have a lot of friends actually that I feel are trying to either jump into a relationship or jump into getting married because they think they should be there at that point in their life and I think they’re more eager to be someone who is in a relationship or have a wedding and be someone who is married than they are eager to actually spend their life with that other person. It seems like it’s more about being able to claim they’re in a relationship, being able to have a wedding, and being able to say they’re married and hit that milestone than it is about actually living your life with that other person and I think that’s foolish. Idk if that makes sense.
Do you have any favorite cancelled TV shows? Then: Not really. Now: The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. The Golden Girls. 
Would you take a dirty picture of yourself for someone you are dating? Then: Very doubtful, I think. Now: Lol welp. Been there, done that.
Do you use earplugs or a sleeping mask when you sleep? Then: lol no. Now: No.
Facebook vs. Twitter: Which social media site do you prefer? Then: Facebook. I don’t have a twitter. Now: ^^ Same.
Have you ever found unfavorable information about someone on Google? Do you think the internet could damage your reputation? Then: Creepy as it is, I found out my high school boyfriend’s father is a sex offender through Google. Scary. The internet can definitely damage reputations. Now: Whoa I forgot about that honestly ^^. 
How picky are you when it comes to choosing who to kiss or not kiss? Then: quite picky. Now: Picky.
What do you hate most about moving? Then: Packing and cleaning all your stuff. Now: Figuring out the logistics of it all, like making sure you can get in the new place by the time you leave the old place. Figuring out how to move the big stuff like beds and couches. I need help physically moving those things and I also need some other method of transport because my Prius is not going to do it. 
Do you feel that having sex anywhere but a bed is more exciting? Then: Can be. Now: In theory, it is, but I actually would prefer a bed.
Do you have an Ebay account? Then: No. Now: No.
Would you tell someone the truth if you knew it would hurt them? Then: Yes. But I guess it depends. Now: Depends.
What do you think about hookah? Have you ever done it? Then: I’ve done it and I really like it. I think it’s fine as long as you don’t do it regularly, then it’s just too much.. Now: Haven’t done it years, probably wouldn’t again.
Do you prefer shopping alone or with other people? Then: Either. Now: Depends. If I’m looking to buy clothes for myself, alone is honestly better. Christmas shopping and things like that are more fun with other people.
Can you be too old to enjoy something? Then: Yes. Now: Yeah.
What have your roommate experiences been like? Then: Pretty good. For the most part, I’ve only lived with people I know. We get on each other’s nerves sometimes but it hasn’t been too bad. I’ve never had a truly bad experience. Now: Haha. Last year I lived with people I didn’t know ahead of time for the first time in my life and it was terrible. They were absolutely slobs, and I hated being around them. I’ve got wonderful roommates now that I’ll be sad to leave, but then I knew them before moving in.
Do you drink 5 hour energy drinks or any other kinds of energy drinks? Then: No. Now: No.
In your opinion, is it ever okay to get back with an ex? Then: I guess so, depends on the circumstances. Now: Yeah, sure.
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