bookmans-lavi · 8 years
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bookmans-lavi · 8 years
Accidentally Private
@exorcist-of-the-stars answered:
bookmans-lavi asked:★
For every “★” I get, I will post a fact about my characters.
Nasya hold three journals on her at all times, one for recording the constellations and figuring horoscopes, one for sketches and ideas, and lastly a travel journal. In her travel journal she often sketches places she’s been that she liked to look at, like her own way of taking pictures; she also presses flowers and leaves, as well as takes note of her emotions while there. Due to her lack of reading and writing skills, however, she uses symbols to describe her feelings. Usually doodles that resemble smiley / frowny faces (the same idea as emojis though far from looking similar)
Kyri is unable to stay in one place for too long, she constantly has to move otherwise she feels trapped, which is something she hates. She’s been known to go stir crazy when she’s kept in the Order for tests or on probation. This habit has proven to be quite the struggle after marrying and having children, as there are rules in place that forbid her from bringing both children out at once. The only family time she gets is in the Order, her prison.
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bookmans-lavi · 9 years
Need more activity
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{{Alright guys. My dash is slow, and I’d finally like to expand out from mainly RPing in this fandom.
So can you please reblog/like this if you don’t mind RPing with a canon character (Lavi) from the D.Gray-Man manga/anime?
Thank you much!}}
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