#out of complete transparency: i am a pale Indigenous American mix. still Non-Black tho. idk if my Non-Whiteness/-Asianess matters here
hideaway-or-safehouse ยท 8 months
idk, im Non-Black, but every anime/manga edit or fan-art or cosplay i see making a character Black (think Satoru Gojo, Trafalgar Water D Law, Yor Forger, Qifrey, Hinata Hyuga, and so many more but those are the first I can think of) just... beats their original design. to me, at least. everytime. im just like "goddamn, you made a fun character to watch even MORE fun to look at". Black anime content creators are just magic, it's exactly like they say, jfc, never stop. you're re-writing every palm-colored anime/manga character in my brain you touch until im so re-wired that when im making my own anime and manga fan-content, im like "im gonna explitly write descriptors clarifying/draw this character as dark-skinned". like Law is a dark-skinned man with vitiligo, idk what you want me to say, so many of them just feels BETTER this way, like looking more themselves. idk how to explain it as a Non-Black person. but every time a Black anime fan says "๐ŸŽถThey're gonna be Black today๐ŸŽถ", i feel like that grandma from Mulan going like "wHAT ABOUT FOREVER??". let them be Blasian, when applicable (bc some of these characters are Fantasy-Ethnicities and/or Non-Asian afterall). let them be dark-skinned, add texture to their hair, yeah??? their re-designs (every variation btw, bc sometimes diff creators have diff ideas, in case that wasnt obvious) just slap so much harder than the og. to me. anyway. idk
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