#our last psychosis™ fucked logic up rhe Most and he's still recovering from it ajajdjskad
the-furies · 2 months
System ask questions. All of them.
Which headmates are the iconic couple - probably Inland and Concept tbh!!
Which headmates are the unlikely couple - Vol & PT tbh. quote from the night they became official:
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Which headmates were enemies at first and now best friends and/or a couple - Inland and Auth. they fuckin hated each other for SO LONG AJSKDJCJCJZ no idea what changed between em but I'm glad it changed goddamn
Which headmate is the most different from the body? - i meannnn. All of us tbh DBDJSJFJCJXKD
Which headmates are city folk - Shivers 1000% tbh
Which headmates are country folk - idk actually!
Which headmates have the most unique music taste? - idk actually!! our music tastes r either v similar to each other or not very unique to begin with hmmmm
Which headmate has the most specific role? - either Auth [their role is to Be Cared For And Doted On when up front] or Suggestion [Its role is To Be A Sapient Stim Toy. Its role is to Literally be thrown around and hit. do not worry this doesn't hurt him at all and he enjoys it JAKAAKSJDJFJDJD]
Are there any headmates from a specific state/country/etc different from the body? - I mean technically all us Skills are fantasy French i guess. does that count
Which headmates are emo/punk/goth etc? - Aesthetic-wise? I don't think any of us actually!
What are some pet peeves headmates have about other headmates? - Scio & Cass are super annoyed by Mr. Soot's voice and demeanor tbh if that counts. Like the three do not get along well at all SJDJSJSKFJF
What headmate has a skill that the body doesn't usually, but when they front the body gets it (or almost gets it)? - PT is hella skilled at friendship bracelet making meanwhile the rest of us suck at anything that isn't a chevron or smth really simple HSDJSJDJFJD so all the bracelets we make she's gotta be up front for
What headmate makes the most typos? - I DO AJAKAKSDJFJFJDJD i type FAST and unless I'm typoing my name I don't care to fix em because the typos add Flavour. They add Character. Also i dont feel like fixing em. Also Logic!! due to uhhhhhhhh psychosis shit he's really uncoordinated w the body now and has poor motor skills
What headmate has the weirdest (/pos) way of talking/typing? - idk!! rn we don't really have anyone w unusual typing quirks outside of Logic & his typos [lh] but talking-wise hmmmm. I guess Shivers! She kinda blasts her voice all through the headspace & into our minds when she talks and she is VERY loud but that's expected ig since she embodies the spirit of a city and all. and also Logic again actually, it's not Weird per se but he slurs his words a lot usually as a side effect of our last Big Psychosis Episode™. Also shoutout to Esprit who primarily speaks through barking and other animal sounds, love that 4 you but pleaze stop barking directly in my ear when u front AIAJSJSKD OH MY GOD I FORGOT ABT RHETORIC he sounds like he's choking when he speaks. Which. He is. On. His own neck LMAO
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