#ough... my two worlds colliding
tottenhamhotsperm · 5 months
as a wrestling and kpop fan I feel obligated to talk about this
the song strong machine j is dancing to is perfect night by le sserafim, a kpop girl group. here's a side by side comparison with a fancam of miyawaki sakura, one of the members. she is legitimately called kami (god) by her japanese fanbase which tells you a lot on what you need to know about her popularity. he was probably paying homage to her as a fellow japanese.
however, the plot thickens. here's another video of a wrestler:
someone look familiar? that's sakura.
sakura, although now an extremely popular kpop idol promoting in korea, has had several side quests in life. she started as a member of hkt48 at just 14, an idol group under the main group akb48 which quite literally has hundreds of members. they run on an "election" system, where the general public gets to vote for their favorite members and the most popular members generally get more opportunities/performances/merch/etc. so to stand out, she had to take some liberties whether it be pretending to be extremely shit at jump roping or have comically bad running form to garner laughs.
it's important to realize that japanese idols are seen more as entertainers rather than performers. rather than focusing their energy on perfecting their singing and dancing, they're more like a jack of all trades working more toward making their audience feel energized.
the clip of sakura wrestling is actually from a drama akb48 broadcasted called tofu pro wrestling where sakura inherits her dad's tofu shop only to find out she could only pay back the debt he left behind if she won a wrestling championship. so not only did sakura, but SEVERAL other members under the akb48 umbrella learn puroresu and perform in front of a live audience. great stuff.
she then goes on to become one of the most popular members of the group and travels to korea in 2018 for an idol competition show called produce 48, which brought together members of akb48 and korean kpop trainees who would be voted into a temporary girl group.
sakura, who was extremely popular before even going on the show, was voted into the final group called iz*one. (there was voting manipulation but sakura would've been in the final group regardless so I won't go into that.)
as an iz*one member she gains a massive korean fanbase while simultaneously maintaining her japanese fans. once iz*one's contract ended in 2021 and disbanded, sakura decided to stay in korea and would later join le sserafim in 2022 where she is now promoting.
all that and she's only 25! I've barely grazed the tip of the iceberg that is sakura's career, but it's honestly a treat whenever i find out about some batshit crazy stuff she's done in her decade-long career.
miyawaki sakura, one of the most popular celebrities in japan, was once a wrestler! something to think about whenever you listen to iz*one/le sserafim.
also here's a photo of her in the audience during kenny vs okada wk 11 LOL
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amiharana · 10 months
show you what devotion is, deeper than the ocean is. 🤍
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AHHHHH i can finally show you guys this AMAZING piece i commissioned from my incredibly talented good friend @senchee!! i asked sen to draw totk link as jeon jungkook of BTS in one of his promotional pictures for his new solo song ‘seven’ ft latto (which you should check out, banger song) and it turned out SO BEAUTIFULLY 🥰🙏 thank you so much to sen for your gorgeous work 🥺🫶 this is gonna keep me fed for like. ever. i love u sm ♡
(original reference photo of jungkook under the cut ^_^)
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abimee · 6 months
i need to flesh out tock's lore more cause theres a lot of stuff that sort of floats around about her that i dont know if i want to make canon to her or not but i do want something concrete. especially in regards to her and luka cause endwalker brought some tasty ideas forth
like i personally really like the general comcept of her and luka's footsteps being out of sync in terms of parallels between wol!luka and wol!tock but their paths still paralleling each other, since mags started playing this game much earlier than me, but since we experienced endwalker together they momentarily came really close to this sort of nebulous/metaphorical/magical idea of their worlds "touching" --- they exist in each others lore as non-wol counterparts (luka in tock's lore is just a catboy back home who likes to go fishing and isnt an adventurer, and tock in luka's lore is a dwarf on the first who wants to write music about luka's adventures since she herself cant leave kholusia), but even their wol selves are interconnected in a way
ultima thule is where they truly get to "meet" in a way --- i do however like the idea that their paths became one earlier in endwalker though, but it was in ultima thule that these two seperate universes could collide since ultima thule is a nest at the edge of the universe, so its here where two distinct worlds could only ever truly meet. and thats where the depiction starts of Tock sort of "feeling" someone here
even though i technically experienced ultima thule first irl, i like to imagine Tock hearing an echoe (for the song, Echoes in the Distance) of someone else walking alongside her, and a sort of metaphorical foot path she follows after this apparition (coming back to Footfalls), and it gets loudest at Base Omicron. I always played around with the idea that the graha tia in Tock's universe of Shadowbringers who gave his memories to Tock's Graha was in some way connected to Luka, so Shadowbringers was where Tock first felt this sensation of someone beside her, since Shadowbringers was the endgame when i started playing. Its nothing either of them are fully aware of, but Graha is one of the "bridges" between their two universes that is papee thin yet there
and of course at the walk up to the elpis flowers I think that sensation returns, and simce dynamis is what manipulates ultima thule and made these apparitions of others appear, that the little piece of wol!luka that exists in wol!tock's heart made his existence manifest to her side, not as his own person/recreation of him, but more like dynamis drew down that barrier that these two from colliding, yet neither were fully present --- Tock was still in her timeline and Luka in his, but in ultima thule their footfalls briefly lined up and the two becames, as they say, "close in the distance"--- and as Tock walked herself up the path to meteion, luka was doing the same in his own timeline, and they briefly walked together through the hardest and final test of their hope
From there the concept becomes fuzzy because i always try to keep tock and luka as wols seperated so i dont wanna step on mags own oc lore, since luka is not mine and hes got his own rich and complex meanings for endwalker and ultima thule, but sometimes i like to think about what it wouldve been like if in that moment of using the azem stone and standing before meteion Tock saw Luka, the true Luka, for the first time.
but this is all again not necessarily canon because mags is always putting crazy good thoughts in my head and due to not writing down my endwalker thoughts and how. OUGH endwalker is im always reworking these ideas and moments because ultimately all i need is to know that where tock walks is the same path luka walks and they both walk forward together even if they dont know it. Because to Tock Luka is a catboy back home she needs to return to because hes waiting for her return with a warm meal and to Luka Tock is a dwarf on another start he needs to return to because she'll have a new song for him. But little do they know they are so much more to each other in places close in the distance
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