#otylia byalas; trau stitcher
necromatador · 30 days
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Refined drawings would not do the expressions I saw in my mind's eye justice lmao
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necromatador · 1 year
Tonight on Blades Against Darkness
Goon: *tries to stab Otylia* Almera: *stabs the goon* Goon: *turns to Almera for a dramatic sword fight* Otylia: *KOs him from behind with her shovel* Almera: "..." Otylia: "It's like he forgot I was even here!" Almera: "Happens. Sometimes people get stupid in battle."
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necromatador · 8 months
7 for Sidewinder, 23 for Otylia & 2 for Beast!
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Oh Sidewinder is much more of a nerd than I originally imagined him to be! Originally my thoughts on him leaned way more heavily into spooky masked assassin. And of course the introduction of the lichtenburn taint and the Lock magic that he got from that changed things even more, lmao.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Otylia has a hard time with expressing out-and-out anger. She is mostly used to being polite and amiable with just about everyone, even if she is occasionally catty in her own thoughts or when out of the public eye. She bottles it up and tries to avoid it as well, so this means that when she gets to anger, she has to fight very hard not to make it explosive. The two instances of actual real honest anger that she's had since arriving at Ironwood were very out of the ordinary and brought on by extenuating circumstances: the fear and adrenaline rush of her first encounter with real honest-to-god monsters in the ruins that she hadn't felt warned about (which she handled poorly with Sidewinder, but he knew how to defuse her), and the ongoing knowledge of *something* being kept from her about Almera (which she managed to rein in a bit more since she wanted to have a legitimate conversation with Almera about it and she knew that starting a fight with Almera was a bad idea). And obviously from that we get her hardest emotion to process: doubt or uncertainty. She does not do well with not knowing something, especially if she *knows* there's something she doesn't know. It drives her up the wall and very easily frustrates or angers her.
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
Beast has a deep and pervasive fear of getting sick/getting an infection. As such he also has a general aversion to "unclean" places like swamps, sewers, and a lot of inhabited places like cities/towns without sanitation practices. He's surprisingly well-groomed and hygienic for an 18-year-old guy who is also a cursed tabaxi and lives largely isolated (with his immediate family) in the middle of a giant forest.
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necromatador · 2 months
Hmmm, having Thoughts about Otylia and how she is so much a Trau and yet so much the opposite of what Trau strive to be.
Mysterious and secretive VS extravagant and opulent
"A simple doctor" VS so much more
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necromatador · 7 months
My favorite thing about playing both Sidewinder and Otylia is making up noodle incidents and random no context comments about what they got up to as kids when they were the bestest best friends and very close.
"No I'm not going to disobey Otylia when she says no more basement lab for a while and stole the key even though I have lock/unlock magic! She's put me in enough headlocks thank you very much."
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necromatador · 1 year
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This is what happens when you lose to the creature from the "Let Me Do It For You" meme in hyena form.
Be nice to him, Otylia, he's already suffered so much.
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necromatador · 2 months
A list of my TTRPG OCs
Here's a bunch of them for reference if you ever want to send asks!
You can also find them with way more detail over on Toy.House!
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Kesk Amanita (they/them) is a nonbinary minotaur cleric of the god of Plague & Outcasts. They survived a horrible magical disease with no known survivors at a very young age, losing their parents in the process, and were raised in the extremely remote mountaintop quarantine temple by the head of the religious order there, alongside his half-orc child Jukha. They are demi-romantic, asexual, intersex, and have vitiligo.
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Reverence Trouble Malephar (he/him, yes the T does stand for Trouble) is an ex-mafia private eye. He is also a "paladin" of the same deity of Plague & Outcasts as Kesk, though they're from very different settings. I often use Trouble or Trubs to denote his younger mafia self from his older self, who I refer to as Reverence or Rev. He had a bad experience when he tried to skim money off his mafia grift and ended up getting his boyfriend and their team killed in front of him. He also had a girlfriend who disappeared after that and he finds out much later that he has twin kids with her: a daughter named Adventure and a (trans) son named Confidence. Reverence is cis, bi, and polyam.
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Aeron Merla (he/him) is a Kenku Revenant and a rogue/warlock. He lived in the city of Avon's Keep and was a member of the local crime family (Cosa Corax) and the oldest of 14 kids. He was murdered by assassins from a rival group (Cosa Noctua). He was found and brought back by a creature called the Nachtraven, a generally malevolent fragment of the kenku deity The Raven Queen. He ran away from home to try and find a way to fix this because it's generally anathema to the worship of The Raven Queen to refuse death, but he still wants to live. He's kept alive by a small eye-parasite that the Nachtraven implanted in his slit throat. Aeron is cis and gay.
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M'rai Scourgemaw (she/her) is a gnoll wild-soul barbarian. She was raised as a fighter to help out in the Three Scars War on behalf of a kingdom-state neighboring her homeland. She helped lead a group of trained mercenaries known as Blood Battalion, specializing in fighting magic-users. She was nearly killed by an immense major backlash in a fight and was left behind to heal by the Battalion. They never came back and the war finished while she was recovering, leading to her becoming her own merc and eventually getting arrested and thrown in jail. From there she escaped during a dragon attack, helped stop a coup that would restart the war, and discovered that she has a wellspring of raw wild magic within her now. Also she reconnected with the Battalion and her old flame, Amaranthe. M'rai is cis and gay.
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Sidewinder (they/them & he/him) is a Yeremy Copperhead. The Yeremy are a culture of people indigenous to the continent of Ush'dvania, the home of the ancient Witch Kings. Yeremy wear masks to hide their true selves from strangers, so Sidewinder is almost never seen without his mask when around other people. Copperheads are alchemist-assassins and masters of poison and shadows. Sidewinder grew up wandering from place to place helping their mother with spirit-work and healing. They grew fascinated with magic and poisons and eventually moved to Ironwood, a small town on the frontier of the wastes, to set up a home and attract the attention of the Copperheads to earn the right to request membership. He has since: raided the secret warehouses of the powerful Havlan Trading Company at least 3 times, destroyed the entire Strychnine Syndicate's presence in Ironwood, unleashed a still-living Witch King, made friends, started dating the town deputy, and stuck his originally-normal arm in so much magic that eventually it had to be fully rebuilt.
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Otylia Byalas (she/her & they/them) is a Trau Stitcher. The Trau are the fourth indigenous group from Ush'dvania and the only one that doesn't wear masks as a cultural practice. Or at least not physical masks; they culturally respond "I am but a humble [x]" to any particularly probing questions. Otylia and her fathers used to be just as nomadic as Sidewinder and his mother, and the two groups ran into each other fairly often on their travels, becoming friends. Otylia and Sidewinder dated briefly as teens, before deciding to remain as friends only. Otylia moved to a major city to attend medical school, and while there ran into trouble after turning to a life as a resurrectionist in order to properly gain experience. She fled to Ironwood and took up an apprenticeship under Doc Huxelby, becoming the medic on Sidewinder's team and helping him out with a little magi-medical problem as well.
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Exul & Velata
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Hide of the Beast
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