#otp- when we kissed i realized why hurricanes after named after people
westonismsx · 5 years
Weston had just wrapped up a conference call with Adam Moreau, their European Investor and now, Partner of Maddox Media company that they launched in Europe a few weeks ago. They scheduled this web conference once a week to catch up on anything that would require Weston’s assistance as they work to fully establish the branch and have operations running as seamlessly as possible. Truth be told, a huge burden had been lifted off his chest as Adam reassured him things were going according to plan and that the man himself was personally attending to everything. Understandably, the wariness was expected as Weston lived across the Atlantic Ocean which mean he couldn’t look over everything as closely as he wanted. The raven-haired CEO had no idea how to even convey his gratitude to the older man until Jhanvi suggested throwing them a welcome party. Needless to say, the very next few days he had flown Adam and his associates to Manhattan and gave them a welcome party, introducing them to their home base company so that his employees would know who had such a hand in making this possible. The party wrapped up last Saturday and Adam left with New York this Tuesday with his associates.  It had gone as well as he had hoped, not a surprise since his EA once again took care of everything so doubts were not even in the realm of possibility for him.
While the party had no complications in itself, save for one incident that remained between himself, Jhanvi, and Clara. Weston hadn’t been thinking when Jhanvi walked in wearing that tantalizing dress, his brain had promptly shut down and he found himself going over to her as she was personally beckoning him. As if she’d worn a dress so lustrous and readied herself to be seen by only his eyes. So, it was no surprise when men approached her, and the raven-haired male had come close to snapping. Barely resisting the urge to go over to male she’d been dancing with and brazenly rip her away from the male and keep her locked right by his side. He had slipped up when he had almost confronted the male to keep his hands to himself Clara had noticed and so had Adam, both who were quick to diffuse the situation. Truthfully, since that incident, for the remainder of the night, he had kept his eyes off of Jhanvi and kept his attention on Clara. Not only for his sake, but for Jhanvi and for the sake of not starting a conflict in front of a man he admired and respected. He owed Adam this night to be flawless and to show his gratitude and by displaying his possessive behavior, he would only ruin it. Thankfully, his childhood friend Clara had knocked some sense to him, pulling him to the side and reminding him of the bigger picture. She’d been pretty vocal about her opinion about his behavior towards Jhanvi and put things into perspective. Reminding him, that she was his subordinate and nothing good would happen by pursuing her, reiterating that if he cared about Jhanvi he would let her be and not put her through the judgmental stares and rumors from others. His auburn-haired friend was right of course, he couldn’t be selfish not when too many things were at stake. He had no idea what had come over him, but seeing her smiling and friendly with another male who was obvious of his attraction to Jhanvi made his blood boil. To do something, anything to claim her as his that all those smiles and looks were only for him. Christ, he needed to get a grip. He had decided to take Clare’s wise words and now was up to him to stick through it, regardless of how painful it was for him. So, the days after, he kept away from Jhanvi once more only being around when required and keeping conversation short which wasn’t a problem since Clara was around keeping him company.
Weston was in the midst of scanning some papers when his cell phone rang, curious he pulled it out and saw his mother’s name flash across the screen. Smiling immediately, he answered it, the delight and affection in his voice obvious in his voice for the woman. “Mom, I’m glad you called. To what do I owe this pleasant surprise?” He couldn’t help but exaggerate but this was typical behavior for him when it concerned his mother. A flash of guilt passed through briefly, he’d been back for weeks now and still had not gone to see his parents who had called and inquired about his launch in the past weeks. His stress and attention wavering elsewhere was no excuse, of course, they were his parents and they were a top priority, Jhanvi included in that list now as well. His mother began expressing her disappointment at his absence and then proceeded to ask if he had forgotten them. Weston quickly silenced her concerns, apologizing and promising he’d visit in the coming week. “I’m so sorry mom, things have been crazy here. It’s not an excuse but you know I love you, and dad too. Tell him I said hi, alright?” He thought his mother wanted to hang up, but she hadn’t instead the topic of the conversation changed to Clara.
A soft sigh escaped his lips, this was a common conversation since he’d finished college, his mother adored his childhood friend and it wasn’t any less for Weston either. He cared for Clara and considered her a friend, she was part of a small group people he trusted. The two had always had each other’s backs growing up and his mother had mistaken that as him one day settling down with her. Weston loved Clara as one might a family member but never once had he thought of her in a romantic sense because he never felt it with her. She was a beautiful, smart, and a genuine woman but she just wasn’t for him and neither was Weston for her. Upon learning that she was in town visiting, his mother had pestered him to give her a chance. It was now he finally considered it. He had been since the last couple of days, as he spent time with her. As much as he didn’t want to, he knew he had to move on, in order for him to even attempt to erase his attraction to his stunning EA, he had to try. He supposed there was no one better than Clara, maybe he had been jumping to conclusions about her without even giving her a chance and he knew deep down his friend had liked him and was attracted to him. She never outright admitted it to him, he wasn’t as oblivious to the glances she gave him, enough for him to know she would want to give this a try. Last night, Weston finally mustered up some enthusiasm to ask her out to dinner tomorrow night. Today would be hard as he would be stuck at the office longer so they decided for Friday, and Clara agreed. “Weston?” His mother’s voice breaking the silence.
“I’m still here and I heard you. If I give her a chance, promise me you will not meddle and let me take my time?” His mother left out a soft snort but didn’t argue, she was appeased that he was finally agreeing to give it a chance. She then proceeded to ask when he’d go out with her, taking a deep breath he spoke, “I asked Clara for dinner tomorrow. I’m taking her to that place you kept insisting on.” Weston couldn’t help but chuckle as he heard his mother’s joy, well, if anything he seemed to make one person happy. He then emphasized to keep her promise and stay out of it until he was ready to share his progress and his mother agreed not wanting to push anymore. The conversation still carried on for a little while longer before he hung to get back to work. Internally, he was still unsure and knowing it wouldn’t be easy moving past Jhanvi especially when he saw her everything and was near her. Fuck, he never hated anything more in his life than he did right now. He wanted her with a need he couldn’t even fathom and he realized he moving from her would not be an easy task. The sooner he accepted Jhanvi wasn’t for him, the better it would be for him and maybe her too.
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westonismsx · 5 years
it was a typical day at the office for Weston Maddox, CEO of Maddox Media Corp. that was currently dominating the marketing world. Anyone who was someone knew the young CEO to be ruthless and uncompromising when it came to his business. Women wanted him and men wanted to be him. From a young age, Weston had devoted his energy into learning everything he could about the media world because when he grew he knew that one day he would rule the world. The raven-haired male worked day and night to get into Harvard Business school and here he was after years working his way up to finally owning his own multi-billion dollar company. Ambitious suddenly seemed like an inadequate word to describe him, he would prefer conqueror. Everyday Weston had more offers for partnerships from competing industries who wanted to merge with Maddox Media. Many wanted the partnership, but of course, Weston didn’t gain the title of ruthlessness from extending his hand to just anyone.
Life was at it’s prime for Weston, his future secured, his parents happily retired, and his brother off pursuing his dream, he had everything he could ever ask for or even wish for. There were very few things he wanted, after all for a man who had everything, what more could he possibly want? Except there was that one thing or rather one person. Jhanvi Yashvardhan. The sultry yet sharp as a whip brunette that was currently his Executive Assistant and the object his affections. He had hired her six months ago after his previous EA quit, needing to move back to her home country in Australia. It was a shame only because Jenna had been an excellent secretary but he understood needing prioritizing one’s family, as Weston did of his own because they were also his world. Luck definitely had been on his side when fate delivered the gorgeous Jhanvi right at his doorstep, quite literally too. He’d known in the first five minutes of the interview process she’d be a good fit, not only were her qualifications impeccable but she had a mind that could rival his in every way. The only problem of hiring had been the relentless teasing she’d done since her very first day as his employee. Weston was smart in that he had never mixed business with pleasure, never dated anyone in his office and never thought about it because his work was far too important to disrupt over a pretty face that presented itself on any day. But damned, if he knew what it was about Jhanvi that had every inch of his control diminish little by little each day. Until the third day of her job, she walked in wearing a wearing tight skirt that did little to hide the stellar curve of her ass and had her mile-long legs on display for him to leer at. it was safe to say, Weston went through the entire day with a terrible hard-on that he had to shut his office so he wouldn’t look at her and take care of his problem. It was by the end of that week he concluded: Jhnavi simply existed to torture him. 
Jhanvi spent the entire six months not only keeping his day scheduled and organized but also managed to tease and torture him all with a smile on her lush lips. Weston swore that sometimes, she knew what she was doing to him. He had tried very hard to not notice her, being polite and generous as an employer would to a good employee. Why? He was the boss, after all, that last thing he needed was to be reported to HR for improper behavior or harassment. More importantly, she was the best EA he had, even better than his last and he couldn’t afford to lose her. So for his work’s sake, he acted like it didn't bother him. Like he wasn’t hard each day by watching her strut around in those ‘fuck me’ heels and tight clothes whilst modest but still turned him on beyond belief. His object of desire was waiting for him in his office that morning when he walked in, bent over in that position that begged for him to press himself against her and feel that ass against his cock. ‘Not now, Weston, now’s not the time’ he told himself as he walked inside and placed himself right in her personal space, as Jhanvi still hadn’t seen him. His palm resting on the edge of his desk, while his body was so precariously close to hers but not quite touching. It was like an inane need to know if his closeness affected her as her’s did to him, Never in the six months she’d been here had he invaded her space like this, even when they were casually flirting and bantering. “Do I ever thank you for all the hard you do, Jhanvi?” Her name was more a drawl, his voice dropping just an octave but otherwise didn’t change. His hazel eyes pinned to her side profile, as a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “Every morning, I walk in you’re here making sure everything is in its place, including yourself...” He was referring to her current position of him leaning over slightly on his desk organzing some important looking papers, all tabbed and ready for him to sign before she sent them off. 
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