#otp: kuraleo
pomnavi · 3 years
Chapters: 3/?
Fandom: 血界戦線 | Kekkai Sensen | Blood Blockade Battlefront  
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Klaus von Reinherz/Leonardo Watch
Characters: Leonardo Watch, Klaus von Reinherz, K.K. (Kekkai Sensen),
Tags: Christmas Presents, Sweaters, Knitting
Leo wants to get Klaus a present for Christmas, but he’s not sure what to get him (and he’s woefully low on funds). Plus, would getting your (super hot) boss (that you may have a crush on) a present be coming on too strong? He’s not sure what to do, until K.K. gives him a great idea >:)
Chapter 1: Inception of a Bad Idea
Chapter 2: An Attempt was Made
Chapter 3: The Final Result
Leo stared at the work in his hands with worry. He had initially planned on making a sweater, and had even gone to the trouble of getting Klaus’s measurements from Gilbert secretly after explaining the situation to him.
There were only a couple days left till Christmas though, and he had messed up a few times and needed to undo and redo project at least twice. So far, he only had about 6 inches of the bottom of the sweater done, and hadn’t even started on the sleeves. Leo thought back on the past month; there just wasn’t enough time between Libra and his part-time job, especially when he couldn’t use the downtime at the office because Klaus was there.
It was clear to Leo that it was too late to try and finish it with the time he had left. He thought about scrapping the idea all-together and using what little money he had left to try and buy Klaus a present, but once he deducted Michella’s allowance, and his food and living costs, he only had about twenty dollars.
But he didn’t want to go that route. He really wanted this present to be special, and to maybe try confessing his feelings at the party. Even if he went Christmas shopping now, Leo didn’t have any good ideas about what he could get Klaus that would be special and within budget.
Also, what did you get a man that was so rich he had a private butler?
He groaned, rolling over in bed with the knitting supplies strewn about. The pattern book fell out of the supply bag, right next to Leo’s head.
Leo grabbed the book with one hand, and leafed through again, looking for ideas. Maybe he could turn it into something else?
Leo stayed up late right before the day of the party, putting the finishing touches on his present. He wrapped it carefully with a goofy wrapping paper design that had cartoon reindeer and tiny santas all over it. He then sharpied on “To Klaus” on the little card attached to a red ribbon with the nicest handwriting he could muster, before setting it aside with his suit and passing out for the night.
Christmas day had arrived, and Libra’s hard work securing the city had paid off. There was little chance of a catastrophe big enough to interrupt the party happening, Steven made sure of that. Leo wasn’t needed at the office today, so he spent the rest of the day in a mild panic, going over what he would say to Klaus over and over again.
About an hour before the party started, Leo was mostly dressed and ready, but he was seriously debating just not showing up when he heard a firm knock at the door. Leo used his all-seeing-eyes and saw Zed, standing there patiently in custom formal wear, holding a discreet gold paper bag with tissue. He quickly opened the door.
“Zed? What are you doing here?” Leo asked. Zed gave a small smile before entering Leo’s tiny apartment.
“K.K told me to come get you for some reason. She didn’t say why, but I figured we could share the taxi to the party hall.”
Leo groaned but closed the door behind his friend. Zed walked in, and calmly sat on Leo’s only sitting area in his apartment, his bed. He motioned for Leo to come join him. Leo knew that Zed wasn’t stupid, and that the rest of the office had an idea of what his problem was. He sat next to his friend and buried his head in his hands. Zed patted him on the back.
“Today is going to be an important day for you right?”
Leo nodded.
“I don’t know how it’ll turn out, but as Huma say, ‘Sometimes you just have to man up and go for it’” Zed said with humor.
Leo smiled a little at that. “That’s something you definitely heard from Zapp!”
“Right, and sometimes that idiot has a point.” Zed sighed. Leo looked up at Zed and saw his face soften as he kept speaking. “Between the two of us, I thought I was going to be the one to make the first move. But that idiot knows just how to mess up my plans. He told me while we were walking to lunch one day, like he was talking about the weather! No preamble, no indication of any feelings beforehand, just the most ridiculous confession in Huma existence.”
Leo grinned. “That does sound like Zapp. What did he say?”
“He said, and I quote,” Zed put on his best Zapp impression. “Hey Zed, wanna date? I’ve got a movie and wine at my place, let’s hang out tonight.”
Leo laughed. “That’s literally the worst thing I’ve ever heard. But I guess it’s tame for him”
“Yeah, I know. But it was fun.” Zed readjusted his tie. “And I got my revenge later anyways.” Zed checked the time and then stood up. “Leo-kun, we really must get moving if we don’t want to be late. I know telling you not to worry won’t mean much, but it’ll be fine. The rest of Libra will have your back if you feel like drinking to forget later.”
Leo brightened at Zed’s words. “That’s right, the drinks are free tonight!”
Zed rolled his eyes and gathered both his and Leo’s presents. Leo stood up and put on his jacket, finally fully dressed and ready to tackle the ordeal ahead of him. They locked up his apartment and headed downstairs.
A/N: I totally missed the holidays as the deadline for this fic, but I'm still hoping to finish it lol.
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pomnavi · 3 years
Chapters: 2/?
Fandom: 血界戦線 | Kekkai Sensen | Blood Blockade Battlefront  
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Klaus von Reinherz/Leonardo Watch
Characters: Leonardo Watch, Klaus von Reinherz, K.K. (Kekkai Sensen),
Tags: Christmas Presents, Sweaters, Knitting
Leo wants to get Klaus a present for Christmas, but he’s not sure what to get him (and he’s woefully low on funds). Plus, would getting your (super hot) boss (that you may have a crush on) a present be coming on too strong? He’s not sure what to do, until K.K. gives him a great idea >:)
Chapter 1: Inception of a Bad Idea
Chapter 2: An Attempt was Made
Leo sat in his apartment the next day after work, browsing through the pattern books that KK had given him. There were a few books that were meant specifically for babies (understandable, given KK’s fawning over her children) but one book was marked with pink sticky note saying “This one is perfect!”. It was a book of patterns for “the boyfriend”, and KK had scrawled some hastily drawn hearts (on small sticky notes of course) next to a few items in the table of contents.
Leo smiled at her thoughtfulness. He was definitely going to make her something in return for the help.
He looked at the items that she’d marked down, but honestly some of them looked kind of… dorky. Like something a grandma would make for their adult grandson. Or a wife for a husband when they were already fifty years old. And that was definitely not the kind of sentiment Leo was trying to get across right now. (Maybe…. Someday….)
He sighed and put the book down, and then sorted through the other items in the paper bag that KK had handed him. There was an assortment of colorful yarn, most of them in pastel colors. He tried imagining Klaus wearing any of the colors as a hat, scarf, or mittens, and started cackling at the image. Klaus in pink mittens while he’s trying to take down a blood breed. Or a lavender infinity scarf while discussing something with a client. Or a mint green hat while coming in to work.
All of it seemed silly, but he had no doubt in his mind that if he earnestly made Klaus those presents, he would wear them no matter how bad they looked. Leo wanted to do his best to make something really nice that complimented Klaus.
He dug through all the different yarn skeins until he came upon a big skein of maroon. He instantly knew that it had to be this color. Klaus wore a lot of red so this would match perfectly!
He grabbed the pattern books again. He started flipping through the pages quickly, looking for a nice design. He happened upon a design for a sweater in the same book that KK hadn’t marked. It actually looked like something Klaus might wear, so Leo decided he was going to try it! He envisioned Klaus wearing it, and blushed a little.
A few days later, Leo came in to work that day feeling peppier than usual. He felt motivated with his plan, and he was busy researching how to knit in the downtime between the crises that usually happened on a daily basis. He had brought some needles and a different color of yarn (a beautiful green/blue mix) in order to practice the stitches and make what was called a “swatch”.
It was earlier in the morning, and it seemed Klaus was busy that day on assignment. Steven was engrossed in his office work. Chain was nowhere to be found (as usual). Zed was in the backroom sleeping in his tank. Zapp was probably hungover. And Leo didn’t know where K.K. was, though he wished he did.
He plugged in his earbuds into his phone, with a video called “How to start knitting” pulled up. Timidly, he grabbed the needles and skein out of his backpack, making sure nobody was around to make fun of him.
Leo played the video, following the instructions and the beginning “swatch” as best he could. His hands slipped and dropped the yarn multiple times, but eventually he began to get a feel for the rhythm, zoning out while casting on stitches. He then continued onto the second row, feeling confident at how well it was going, as well as how easy it was. An hour passed, with Leo quietly knitting while listening to music.
At this point, he had completely forgotten how secretive he was supposed to be. Steven sighed at his remaining work and decided that it was just the perfect time for a coffee break. Gilbert was out too, so Steven made a pot and poured himself and Leo a cup. He was nothing if not a considerate boss… some of the time at least.
Steven grabbed both cups and made his way towards the couches in the center of the room. He saw Leo sitting on the couch, hands moving slowly but steadily, building up inches on his project with a smile on his face. “Hey kiddo, what’re you up to?”
Leo noticed Steven approaching out of the corner of his eye, and took out one of his earbuds. “I’m practicing knitting! You know, for the Secret Santa!” He grinned back at his boss.
“Oh? For who?” Steven slyly asked. He placed the cup in front of Leo on the table, and Leo carefully put away his work before picking it up.
“You know I can’t tell you that haha.” He sipped at the coffee. Not as delicious as Gilbert’s, but still a decent strong brew. Perfect for the impromptu all-nighter that they sometimes had to pull for Libra work.
“Well, you can’t say I didn’t try to figure out who got me! I’m scared if it’s K.K. though” Steven said, imagining the worst possible present the sniper could get him. Leo smiled fondly.
“I don’t think K.K. would give you a bad present though, she’s really nice! She even gave me the idea and supplies for my present.”
Steven raised his brow at that. “Leo, that’s because K.K. practically thinks of you as her own child. That woman would kill me where I stand without a second thought if she thought she had a passable reason for it.”
Leo struggled to hold down his snort while he was drinking his coffee, failing spectacularly and spilling a little on his jacket. He reached into his backpack for some stray napkins.
“Anyways, I got Klaus for my secret santa giftee and-“
“Wait, that’s not possible! I got-“ Leo realized his mistake and shut up, but it was too late.
“Bingo!” Steven smirked like the cat that ate the canary. “Hmnn…I see, you got Klaus huh? Must have been K.K. and Gilbert’s doing.” The older man left the conversation at that, having finished his coffee, and returned back to his work.
Leo could see a knowing smile on Steven’s face, but couldn’t figure out what the expression meant. After finishing his break, Leo went back to working on his swatch, only to be interrupted by Zapp barging into the office like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
“Hey pube-head! You’re coming with me, we got shit that needs doing.”
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pomnavi · 4 years
Chapters: 1/?
Fandom: 血界戦線 | Kekkai Sensen | Blood Blockade Battlefront 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Klaus von Reinherz/Leonardo Watch
Characters: Leonardo Watch, Klaus von Reinherz, K.K. (Kekkai Sensen),
Tags: Christmas Presents, Sweaters, Knitting
Leo wants to get Klaus a present for Christmas, but he’s not sure what to get him (and he’s woefully low on funds). Plus, would getting your (super hot) boss (that you may have a crush on) a present be coming on too strong? He’s not sure what to do, until K.K. gives him a great idea >:)
Chapter 1: Inception of a Bad Idea
It was the end of the day, and Leo didn’t have his part time job scheduled today either. Everyone else but Klaus and Gilbert were out on assignment. He was sitting on the couch in the Libra office, scrolling intently on his phone. His brows furrowed as he looked at the prices on some of the items.
K.K. walked in, boisterous as always. “Klausie~ I finished staking out the target!” She walked over to Klaus’s desk and continued to give him a report on their next threat to Hellsalem’s Lot. Klaus nodded politely and took notes while she gave her report.
“Thanks K.K., that’s probably all for today” Klaus said.
K.K. smiled. “No problem!”
She finally noticed Leo slumped on the couch, doing his best to become part of the background.  
“Leo~ what’s up sweetie!” K.K. called. He didn’t answer. K.K. pouted and walked up, pinching his cheeks.
“Just what is so interesting on your phone that you couldn’t even say hi!”
The pain brought Leo to his senses, with a very unamused K.K. stretching his cheeks. “Ow, ow, ow! K.K., I’m sorry! I’m just shopping for Christmas presents!”
She let go of him and gave an exasperated smile, then sat down next to him on the couch.
“And who would those presents be for hmnn? Any good news with you know who lately that I should know about?” she winked. Klaus turned to hear their conversation better while pretending to finish paperwork.
Leo blushed and put down his phone. “I’m just deciding what to get Michella! Actually, I think I’d really appreciate it if I could get your input on some ideas. Let’s chat while we head out!” Leo got up abruptly and grabbed K.K.’s arm. “Bye Klaus, see you tomorrow!”
Leo speed walked out of the Libra office, K.K. in tow, as fast as humanly possible given his short (in proportion) legs. Once they got to the elevator and the doors closed, Leo relaxed considerably. K.K. started giggling at him.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell him yet! The whole team literally left you two in the office alone the whole day!”
Leo facepalmed, unable to face her. “I tried so hard, but I nearly had a heart attack anytime I tried to say anything! Leave me alone!” He groaned at his failure.
K.K. patted him on the head. “Don’t stress so much, it’ll be fine! Anyways, the office Christmas party will be a good time to try your luck.”
Leo sighed. “About that, I actually was looking at presents for Michella, and I realized I’m not going to have much left over for the party. How are we doing presents again this year?”
K.K. beamed at him and gave him the OK symbol. “Don’t worry your little head about that, we’re doing Secret Santa this time. And I already talked to Gilbert about it, he agreed to rig it so that you would get Klaus’s name.”
“Well that’d be great, except I don’t have any ideas or money for awesome presents. Ughhhh what am I gonna doooo.”
Leo and K.K. stood in silence briefly until the elevator stopped. Walking out together, K.K. pondered the question.
“We~ll since you’re so strapped for cash, I have an old knitting set with some yarn, do you want give that a try? Plus, it’d be so cute for you to give Klaus something handmade!”
Leo opened his eyes in surprise, glowing just a bit brighter. “That’s it! That’s a great idea, thank you so much K.K.!”
“Leave it to me! I’ll sneak it to you along with some pattern books tomorrow.”
And thus, Leo embarked on the journey of trying to knit Klaus a present.  
Notes: I found out about the ''sweater curse" trope and I thought it'd be really cute to do a kuraleo ship fic. Can't believe so many of my fics concern Christmas even though I don't even celebrate lol.
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