#orphaned but i figured i should very belatedly list this again for archiving purposes
fractalkiss Β· 28 days
object permanence
[fic] 1418 (fernando/lance), explicit, 4k words
Lance doesn't need a rundown on Fernando's reputation or another firsthand account of things about him that pissed Esteban off while he was at Alpine. In the winter, Lance had looked forward to coming to the factory and to engineers’ meetings. Fernando takes up plenty of space and attention in a room for a guy who's like, a head shorter, and Sebastian has two more championship titles to his name, so that's not all of it. Fernando wears shirts that fit him, hums along absently to old Spanish pop, and keeps the cocktail skewer on the right at a perfect 3 o'clock in his drink, the flex of his big-knuckled fingers slow and restless. Fernando is vocal about his faith in Lance to drive well.
read on ao3
didnt make a fic post for this so i'm archiving now
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