#orit strook
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Minister of Settlements
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intersectionalpraxis · 2 months
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Israel's Minister of Settlements and National Missions, Orit Strook: "The entire Land of Israel is ours and we are its, and for this reason there will not be a Palestinian state in the Land of Israel because there is no such thing as a Palestinian people, there is no such nation."
I am continually baffled. This is ethnic cleansing. The IOF is committing war crimes and crimes against humanity DAILY in Palestine. This is beyond EVIL and horrific. Israel also didn't exist until 1948, so the very fucking nerve of a sentiment like this. These genocidal monsters are appalling.
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tieflingkisser · 2 months
Israeli settlement minister: ‘There will never be a Palestinian state in the land of Israel’
Israeli Minister of Settlements and National Missions, Orit Strook, said during a speech in the Knesset on Monday that “there is no such such thing as a Palestinian people” and that “there will never be a Palestinian state in the land of Israel”. Strook added that according to her, the vast majority of Israelis oppose the establishment of a Palestinian state and that such a state would be an “existential threat” to Israel and the “peace and order of the whole world”. The far-right minister, who lives in an illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank, has made similar controversial statements in the past.
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fiercynn · 25 days
🤩 What's the most meaningful comment you've ever received?
okay so i posted the first chapter of my bad buddy fic the reality is you last november, and i was trying to use the creator's notes to draw attention to israel's genocide and the fight for palestinian liberation. as part of that i linked to a post where i talked about pinkwashing. i got this comment in response from ao3 user PatPranAmargh that was both super meaningful and taught me things i hadn't known about israel's pinkwashing, so it very much sticks with me. there was a lot of lovely stuff in the comment but here's the most relevant part i hope people will read:
I’ve been an activist for the liberation of Palestine for over 10 years now, and I hope I can add more information to your story about the pinkwashing. The Israeli government used data obtained from Grindr to blackmail Palestinian gay men to work as informants or be outed to their communities. Vice made a documentary about this. Israel is known to use it’s ‘gay agenda’ as a means to further sell the idea of Israel being like other ‘progressive’ western countries to further gain sympathy and support from that same West. Meanwhile the religious Jewish leaders in Israel have always pushed back against the adoption of a gay pride or rights for queer folks. Orit Strook, one of the incoming ministers of Netanyahu said just last year that doctors should have the right to refuse the treatment of gay people out of religious beliefs. Zionist legislator Simcha Rothman, went even further and said hotel owners should be able to refuse rooms to gay groups. The Israeli government released Yishai Schlissel, an Orthodox Jew who stabbed people at the 2005 pride in Israel, unmonitored after serving 10 years, for him to just repeat the same atrocities in 2015 and yet again stab multiple people during pride and killing a 16 year old girl. Then there’s the anti black racism in Israel. How Israel admitted to have forcibly sterilised black Ethiopian women because they didn’t want to have a generation of black Jews. Look up the June 2nd riots of Ethiopian black Jews in 2019. After their version of George Floyd. Mind you , all of these things are fact checked and written about by Haaretz (one of the biggest leftist newspapers in Israel). Unlike Israel, we don’t need to make up propaganda about how horrible the government is. Their actual behaviour is horrible enough. No need to make things up. “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🇵🇸“ * No that doesn’t mean free from Jewish people as some of y’all have been told, because one doesn’t stop a genocide to start another one. It means free from occupation.
(just adding a note that while haaretz may bill itself as "leftist" it is still very much a zionist publication in my understanding)
fanfic ask meme!
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sassy324 · 2 months
2024年2月21日,以色列定居點部長奧里特‧斯特魯克 (Orit Strook): “以色列土地上不會有巴勒斯坦國,因為不存在巴勒斯坦人民,不存在這樣的國家。” 純粹的、未經過濾的種族清洗。
2024年2月21日,以色列在加薩摧毀了 400 多座清真寺,其中一些清真寺的歷史可以追溯到 1000 多年前。
2024年2月22日,以色列政府以10月7日事件為藉口攻擊加薩和巴勒斯坦人民。對加薩的佔領已經在計畫之中。 10 月 7 日就是這個藉口。要知道,這些事件始於75年前,而不是10月7日。如果你折磨一個民族75年,摧毀他們的生活,竊取他們的土地,流放他們,他們一定會做出回應。他們不會袖手旁觀你們的種族滅絕。猶太復國主義者想要流放加薩人民並佔領加沙,以免歸還。
2024年2月22日,民調顯示: - 60% 的猶太以色列人反對向加薩提供人道援助。- 43.4%的人認為以色列國防軍在加薩使用的“武力太少”(50.8%的人認為這是適當的) 這是種族滅絕的狂熱。
2024年2月23日,一名以色列拉比因奴役 30 名婦女而被罰款 34,000 美元並被判處 9 個月社區服務。 他把這些女人關在所謂的「恐怖之家」裡。 11 名女性拒絕出庭指證他,因為她們受到的創傷太大,無法面對他。
2024年2月23日,約旦河西岸的一名巴勒斯坦公民在睡覺時被以色列士兵殺害,然後他們沒收了他的房子。 如果這不是恐怖主義……那什麼是恐怖主義?
2024年2月23日,“為什麼這裡有阿拉伯人?阿拉伯人在哪裡!他們在哪裡!你是弱智!從來沒有阿拉伯人!” 以色列定居者生活在拉馬拉南部巴勒斯坦村莊米赫馬斯被盜的土地上。他們在今天的襲擊中搶劫了 50 萬謝克爾。
2024年2月23日,耶路撒冷攻擊事件後,以色列部長本-格維爾呼籲限制巴勒斯坦人的行動。 然後他接著說,“根本不存在巴勒斯坦人這樣的東西,它是編造出來的。”
2024年2月23日,1947年,英國中士默文·佩斯 (Mervyn Paice) 和克利福德·馬丁 (Clifford Martin) 被綁架並扣為人質三週,然後被猶太復國主義恐怖分子絞死,屍體上佈滿炸藥。 恐怖攻擊的增加導致英國從巴勒斯坦撤軍,讓猶太復國主義者相信恐怖主義是有效的。
2024年2月23日,「我們永遠不會支持巴勒斯坦國,永遠! 你會死,你的孩子會死,你的孫子會死,但仍然不會有巴勒斯坦國,就是不會有。” 在議會中喊出這句話的人是內塔尼亞胡領導的利庫德集團的成員。
2024年2月24日,配備 M16 和格洛克手槍的以色列定居者攻擊以色列國防軍。 定居者偷走了巴勒斯坦土地和價值 50 萬謝克爾的牲畜。 農民通知了警方,他們同意派遣一批以色列士兵和巴勒斯坦人一起幫助他們奪回農場。 「狗娘養的!阿拉伯人從來沒有進入過這裡!踩著我的屍體!” 士兵們最後撤退了,什麼也沒做。 這就是以色列定居者不斷竊取更多巴勒斯坦土地的方式,而以色列國防軍對此無動於衷。
(加拿大司馬田2024.2. 谷歌翻譯fb:Markss Tang)
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brunomindcast · 4 months
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Gaza October 2023 : Extermination of goyim of civilian babies and children by Israel
Israeli Governement since October 12th, 2023:
Benyamin Netanyahu, Yariv Levin, Eli Cohen, Moshe Arbel, Ytzhak Wasserlauf, Amichal Chikli, Ytzhak Goldknopf, Avi Dichter, Shlomo Karhi, Miki Zohar, Yoav Galant, Besalel Smotrich, Uriel Buso, Nir Barkat, Yohav Kisch, Haim Biton, David Amsalem, Izrael Katz, Idit Silman, Ofir Sofer, Gila Gamliel, Amihai Eliyahu, Meir Porush, Ya'akov Margi, Yoav Ben-Tzur, Orit Strook, Itamar Ben-Gvir, Michael Malchieli, Ofir Akunis, Ron Dermer, Haim Katz, Miri Regev, Avi Maoz, Uri Maklev, Moshe Abutbul, Ya'akov Tessler, Michal Waldiger + Benny Gantz, Gadi Eizenkot, Gideon Sa'ar, Hili Tropper, Yfat Shasha-Biton.
1 115 336 israeli who stand with Likoud , 516 470 israeli who stand with Parti Sioniste Religieux, 392 964 israeli who stand with parti Shas, 280 194 israeli who stand withJudaisme Unifié de la Torah on November 2022
You are bloodthirsty barbarics. You're the shame of the Universe!
No one will cry when your God will call you close to him!
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