#or whether he finds clocks gauche (which is hilarious to me because DUDE. CLOCKS.)
recurring-polynya · 2 years
Re: clock in captaon's office, i think byakuya just intrinsically knows the time via some finely tuned internal sense thanks to senbonzakura, but ONLY in the spring. When it's not spring he needs to look outside and calculate the angles of sunbeams and cast shadows and stuff. All of his subordinates can suck it bc if their soul pagers can check the time then why would he, kuchiki byakuya, ruin the perfect aesthetic of his office by installing something so crass as a clock. ~LexiLopezi
[int., Squad 6 Offices]
Byakuya: ...which made *me* three minutes late, and ruined the entire evening. I fear I can never have firefly squid again without thinking about it.
Renji: Y'know, I happened to mention your "perfectly calibrated inner timeclock but only in the springtime" thing to Akon at pub trivia the other night--
Byakuya: At what?
Renji: --and he said that probably what's goin' on is that you experience time funky.
Byakuya: I experience time correctly, Lieutenant.
Renji: No, no, see. Most of us, we're kinda hooked into the natural flow of time. Like during the winter, when time speeds up during the day and slows down at night, so we can rest more in the sleepy part of the year. But you feel time as this, like, steady beat, like this artificial order imposed on the universe. Which. You know. Tracks.
Byakuya: That sounds like, as Rukia would say, some hot nonsense. My sense of chronology is perfectly attuned with the vernal rhythm.
Renji: Yeah, because the equinox, which is in the spring, is when the day and the night are the same length, so it's the one time your weird brain clock happens to line up with the real one.
Byakuya: ...
Renji: Akon says that's actually how they keep time in the World of the Living. That's actually how time works in the world of the Living, atomic decay, so on and so forth. He says there's an entire team of people at the Twelfth whose job it is to try to keep our clocks synched with the ones in the World of the Living. He says you should come down and have a chat with them, they're real nice and they always have interesting snacks.
Byakuya: I really do wish you would stop fraternizing with that man.
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