titansandothers · 1 year
So I just thought of a cute Beast Boy and Raven bonding moment. I think it would take place sometime during the first season, at least after the two confirm they're friends in Nevermore. Also Car Trouble because big brother Cyborg.
So Raven's acting a little irritable. She may have gotten hurt in battle or missed a meditation or something.
Beast Boy, trying to cheer her up, does something a little different and gets out a chessboard. He begs her to teach him to play. He's tried before, but never managed to learn. Raven relents and the two begin a game.
Despite being given the run down, BB has difficulty remembering what is what and has to ask a bunch of questions.
Raven gets increasingly frustrated as she was already on edge and ultimately quits.
When BB gets upset with her for just giving up on him, she snaps at him and insults his intelligence before walking away.
She was going to head to her room, but Cyborg beats her there, arms crossed.
So I just thought of a cute Beast Boy and Raven bonding moment. I think it would take place sometime during the first season, at least after the two confirm they're friends in Nevermore. Also Car Trouble because big brother Cyborg.
So Raven's acting a little irritable. She may have gotten hurt in battle or missed a meditation or something.
Beast Boy, trying to cheer her up, does something a little different and gets out a chessboard. He begs her to teach him to play. He's tried before, but never managed to learn. Raven relents and the two begin a game.
Despite being given the run down, BB has difficulty remembering what is what and has to ask a bunch of questions.
Raven gets increasingly frustrated as she was already on edge and ultimately quits.
When BB gets upset with her for just giving up on him, she snaps at him and insults his intelligence before walking away.
She was going to head to her room, but Cyborg beats her there, arms crossed.
He basically tells her what she did was uncalled for, not fearing her death glare. When she starts to complain, he points out that while she could have been upset about being pushed to play the game, snapping at him for trying to learn something new for her sake wasn't okay. Beast Boy is not really the type to play chess. He was putting aside what he liked to specifically do something he knew SHE liked.
After getting his message across, he stepped aside for Raven to enter her room.
While still annoyed, Raven does feel regret and begins meditating. When she feels better, she tracks Beast Boy down when he's alone and apologizes. She tells him she appreciates what he was trying to do, even if that wasn't the moment to do so. He also might not be the brightest, but he uses his brain in other ways, so there's that.
Beast Boy forgives her, of course, and wants to try again sometime. Raven agrees. From then on, the two play chess about once every other week or so.
Anyway, I thought of a panel I saw in the Teen Titans tie in comic where the two are playing chess and Beast Boy appears deep in thought about his next move.
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margiehasson · 4 years
Il giorno più “solitario” dell’anno
11 novembre: la Giornata Mondiale dei Single “ereditata” dalla tradizione cinese per il giorno più solitario dell’anno, quello interamente composto dal numero 1 (11.11). Un giorno solitario, ma con orgoglio, stando all’ultimo sondaggio di StubHub, secondo il quale il 55% dei single è felice e fiero del proprio status. Ad esempio, la canzone preferita pare essere Single Ladies di Beyoncé, seguita a grande distanza dal classico dei calssic, I will survive di Gloria Gaynor (13%), mentre al terzo posto, a pari merito con l’11%, So what? di Pink e Mi sento bene di Arisa. Vietato poi confondere il Singles’ Day dell’11 novembre con la nostra Festa dei Single del 15 febbraio, che si configura come un vero e proprio anti – San Valentino. Secondo il 46% degli intervistati, infatti, il Singles’ Day è un giorno per celebrare l’orgoglio di essere single e tutti i vantaggi che questa situazione sentimentale comporta: se per il 10% il più grande è l’assenza di una suocera, è tuttavia il maggior tempo a disposizione da dedicare alle proprie passioni a mettere d’accordo il 52% dei votanti.  Abbandonati dunque i cliché delle scorpacciate di gelato sul divano, le attività dei single si connotano di un senso libertà: c’è chi osa con il viaggio dei propri sogni (46%), ovviamente in solitaria e chi invece optao per una giornata di coccole in una spa esclusiva (25%). E dal momento che il 24% afferma come plus di questo status la maggior propensione a conoscere gente nuova, mentre un altro 12% vede nel Singles’ Day una scusa in più per uscire in cerca dell’anima gemella, la piattaforma ha chiesto da quale artista si farebbero tentare per un appuntamento: al primo posto spicca Shakira, che ha convinto oltre il 21%, seguita da Rihanna con il 16%. Sul fronte maschile, invece, il più gettonato si è rivelato Nek (14%).
L'articolo Il giorno più “solitario” dell’anno sembra essere il primo su Glamour.it.
Il giorno più “solitario” dell’anno published first on https://lenacharms.tumblr.com/
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bispajoice-blog · 7 years
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titansandothers · 1 year
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titansandothers · 2 years
BBRae Ship AMV Compilation
Here are some Beast Boy/Raven ship videos I’ve made. They aren’t all complete and some are obviously older than others, but I figured I’d share anyway. (Not in chronological order.) Enjoy!
(Turns out I can only upload five videos per post.)
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titansandothers · 2 years
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titansandothers · 2 years
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Melvin takes on the superhero name of Manifest as she gets older. As she better controls her powers, she can adjust Bobby’s size at will, usually keeping him as a little teddy to carry around. While she once had her doubts, she knows Bobby is not a crutch. She managed to create a sentient being who also reflects her own ability to love and protect herself.
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titansandothers · 1 year
Cat Outta The Bag
(This is a brief sequel to Kitten Kaboodle, taking place not long before Osmosis Woes.) The five Titans watched with bated breath as their newest adversary took on their greatest challenge yet. A giant mutant approached, multiple pairs of legs carrying the creature towards its target. Its antennae poked at the team’s newest member, detecting vital information about her. She held her stance, braced for a fight. This wasn’t her first time with such a creature, so she was mostly able to keep her cool. Still, the Titans worried for their newest friend. The creature finished its examination and gurgled its approval. Beast Boy let out a breath he’d been holding and managed a smile. “Haahh… Phew! Good boy, Silkie!” Raven proceeded to toss a yarn ball between the two, watching as her kitten batted at it, Silkie following suit. “Guess your shape shifting really did help them adjust,” Cyborg grinned, patting the changeling on his shoulder. “Yeah, Silkie’s seen me as a cat all the time and I turned into Silkie a bunch for Cinder,” Beast Boy beamed. “I am glad they are getting along,” Starfire announced. “One less worry for the Tower,” Robin nodded. “I’d still keep an eye on them when they’re together,” Beast Boy recommended. “Just until they reeeeally get used to each other. And Cinder grows some more.” The other Titans nodded in agreement. Beast Boy really did know best with this sort of thing, after all. “Are you guys hungry yet?” Cyborg asked for the third time that day. Robin let out a slight chuckle. “Yeah. I can probably eat now. Let’s go see this world famous barbecue place of yours.” “All right!” Cyborg shouted. “You sure you don’t wanna come, BB? They might have salad or somethin’.” “Who goes to a barbecue place for the salad?” Beast Boy scoffed. “I’m hangin’ back and making my own veggie B-B-Q!” “Raven?” Cyborg looked over. “Maybe after the excitement surrounding the place calms down,” Raven mused. “I’ll see you guys later.” “Suit yourself,” Cyborg shrugged. “More for us!” With one more cheer, Cyborg had essentially dragged Robin and Starfire to the exit. Beast Boy watched as the three left before turning his gaze back to the animals. “I had a feeling you were gonna go with no,” the changeling began, giving Silkie a few playful pats. “So I went ahead and planned some non-tofu stuff, if you want some. I know how you feel about fake meat.” “That sounds good, actually,” Raven replied with a slight smirk. “As long as it’s not tofu, your stuff is usually edible.” Beast Boy stopped what he was doing to look up at Raven with wide eyes. Did she realize what she had just said? Did she really just give him this opportunity? Whatever the case, he was taking it! A toothy smile practically devoured his face as he replied with, “Why, thank you, Miss Pancake.” Raven’s eyes widened, remembering too late that she couldn’t cook and her attempt at pancakes that year or so ago resulted in lumpy inedible sludge only Starfire could stomach. Beast Boy was cackling now, rolling onto his back. “You walked right into that so hard!” he wheezed. “That never happens! Why did the others have to leave before you gave me that opening!” “Don’t worry about it,” Raven’s brow twitched. “It’s not that funny.” “Aw, c’mon,” the changeling sat up. “Can’t you let me have this one? How often do I get to have a smart response?” “You’d have more opportunities for a smart response if your brain wasn’t the consistency of my pancake batter.” Raven rolled her eyes. “Ha! Good one,” Beast Boy grinned, despite having a sore spot hit with her response. “Alright, I’ll let it go now. Just remember that my offer for cooking lessons still stands.” Raven opted to play with Cinder instead of replying. “Right. You’re not a big veggie person…” Beast Boy trailed off. “I’m not a big imitation person,” Raven corrected. “I like vegetables just fine. It used to be just about all I ate.” Beast Boy blinked a few times, brow furrowing in confusion as he stared at her. “...Food on Azarath was all vegetarian,” Raven clarified. “Ooooohhh… Hey, wait! You were a vegetarian?!” the changeling squawked. “Why’d you stop?!” The magus was quiet a moment, wondering if she should tell him the truth. Making her decision, she let out a sigh. “Remember when we first got pizza as a team?” “Yeah?” Beast Boy cocked his head. “You remember how Cyborg teased you for not eating meat?” “Oh, right. Yeah, I remember that. I still don’t get what his obsession with meat is about…” “Well,” she averted her gaze. “I was really self conscious back then. I didn’t want to make a fuss, so I just… tried it.” “But I could’a had a veggie buddy,” Beast Boy whined, shoulders slumping. “You can still have one, you know. Just cut out the tofu and I’d eat a vegetarian meal no problem,” she shrugged. “I just don’t like tofu.” “I can do that,” he smiled widely at her. “Maybe we could make something together sometime so you can make sure I don’t add anything you don’t want.” “Maybe someday,” Raven replied simply. “Whoa. You’re actually considering it,” Beast Boy asked in awe. “Don’t make me reconsider.” “Heh. Got it,” he smiled nervously and returned his attention to their pets. “Atta girl, Cinder. Big ol’ Silkie won’t scare you.” “You sure like talking to animals…” Raven remarked. “Especially since you did it when I was sleeping.” Beast Boy blinked. “Wait. How did you know that if you were asleep?” “I woke up early once and tried to go back to sleep. I stayed quiet so you could leave sooner and we could go back to sleep.” “Oh.” A hint of a blush painted Raven’s features at the memory. This didn’t go unnoticed by Beast Boy, whose ears drooped nervously. “...What did I say?” Raven scoffed, trying to play it off. “You were saying you were proud of me for taking care of Cinder.” The changeling chuckled a bit awkwardly. “Well, I am. I never thought I’d see you caring for an animal.” A brief pause before he continued. “Now that I think about it, I never thought I’d see you good with kids either. Melvin, Timmy, and Teether love you though!” Love. There it was again. “Reminds me of something else you said…” Raven trailed off. “What else did I say?” he asked, cocking his head to the side. Raven thought a moment, looking down at her now dozing kitten. “I should get her to bed,” she promptly changed the subject, scooping the kitten into her arms and heading for her room. “Wh- Hey!” Beast Boy exclaimed, following after her and stopping just outside her door. “What did I say?” Raven looked down with a quiet sigh before meeting his gaze. “I’ll give you a hint… I love you lots too.” With that, her door slid closed, hiding both teens’ flushing faces from each other.
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titansandothers · 1 year
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titansandothers · 2 years
Headcanons:  Amber, Tamara, and Dionne
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The girl we see in Things Change is indeed Terra. Or rather, she was. Having taken on the new identity of Tamara Marshall, the former Terra had since befriended Amber and Dionne. Amber and Dionne were best friends, relating to each other by coming from poor families and managing to get into the school by their smarts alone. When coming across Tamara, an awkward girl struggling with her schoolwork and working through a repressed past, they reached out to her, knowing what it was like to be an outcast in the school. Tamara accepted their friendship and the two did their best to coax the blonde out of her shell. When Tamara really started getting into the groove of things and letting go a little is when Beast Boy appeared. Amber and Dionne were furious when they saw him bring back her unsure frown, as well as try to bring up her apparently traumatizing past. This is why the two are so rude towards Beast Boy. They saw him as a threat to their friend.
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titansandothers · 1 year
Kitten Kaboodle (15/?)
“I can play with her now?” Starfire gasped excitedly, immediately zipping into Raven’s room the moment Beast Boy closed his mouth. “Hey, wait for me!” he laughed, following her back to Raven and the kitten. By the time he made it back, Beast Boy could see Raven handing over the feather toy to Starfire. “Oh, this is most exciting!” Starfire squealed, jiggling the toy above the growing kitty. “You are not hissing at me. That is good, yes?” “She’s having too much fun to hiss,” the changeling laughed. “I think you visited enough times that she got used to you. When she’s done playing, do you want to try petting her?” “Oh, yes!” Starfire exclaimed. “I want to enjoy her company as much as I can before she must be re-homed.” “About that,” Raven began, “I’ve been looking into it and I know someone who can take her.” “Oh…” The changeling and Tamaranean uttered simultaneously, shoulders slumping. “I had just begun playing with her,” Starfire lamented. “It’s okay, Star. You’ve still got some time before we have to hand her over,” Beast Boy attempted to comfort her, hand on her shoulder. “Plus, I can turn into a kitten whenever you want!” “You’ll both be fine,” Raven assured. “Once I get the owner’s collar on her, I’m sure you’ll adjust.” “Makes sense, I guess? It’s like her wearing the collar will hammer it in that she’s someone’s pet.” Beast Boy nodded. “I’m glad you think so.” Raven reached into a drawer and pulled out a shiny deep purple kitten collar. “Because I have it ready.” “Aw man, already?” Beast Boy breathed through his teeth. “Alright. We had to do this eventually…” The changeling picked up the kitten, allowing Starfire to pet her a few times, before handing the feline over to Raven. “Goodbye, little one,” Starfire sighed. In one try, the magus clicked the collar onto the kitten, as though this had been previously practiced and adjusted. “Goodbye, little one,” Raven repeated. “Hello, Cinder.” Taking Cinder from the magus, Beast Boy looked at the collar quizzically. His ears twitched at the sound of the bell and a small tag clinking against it. Holding it between his fingers, he read the tag’s engraving aloud. “Cinder. If lost call… our phone number?!” the changeling squawked before smiling so wide it almost hurt. “Dude! No way!” “Are you being truthful?” Starfire beamed. Raven nodded. “But, what about Robin?” Beast Boy asked. “What about him?” Raven shrugged. “If we were able to keep her three weeks without him noticing, what does he have to complain about?” “Huh.” the changeling blinked a few times. “...Good point.” “And do you really think Robin can tell me what to do?” the magus added with a smirk. “Dude, I don’t think anyone can tell you what to do!” he laughed, as did Starfire. “Wonderful!” Starfire clasped her hands together. “When will we tell our friends of the Tower’s new animal companion?” “No real point in hiding it now,” Raven shrugged. “Whenever, I guess.” “Why don’t we just tell ‘em now?” Beast Boy suggested. “I’m kinda getting tired of being sneaky.” Raven looked between her two teammates before shrugging. “May as well.” “Joyous!” Starfire took to the air and flew off to retrieve the last two of their team.
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titansandothers · 2 years
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Dance Dance and bonus Nyeh!
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titansandothers · 1 year
Kitten Kaboodle (6/?)
Raven preferred to meditate in the mornings, but the kitten needed her attention… Perhaps she could do both? After all, it could be up to two hours before Beast Boy wakes up. With the kitten cupped in her hands, Raven crossed her legs and hovered in the air. She preferred to meditate with her eyes closed, but she would just have to try something new today. “Azarath Metrion Zinthos.” She was highly skilled in meditation. She could do this. “Azarath Metrion Zinthos.” Her eyes stayed trained on the kitten, its little back rising up and down with its breaths. “Azarath Metrion Zinthos.” It was pretty consistent. “Azarath Metrion Zinthos.” Almost soothing. “Azarath Metrion Zinthos.” Like a metronome. “Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zin-” A quiet tentative knock at her door. “Beast Boy?” the magus guessed. The green teen poked his head just through the sliver between the door and wall, ears down in caution and an apologetic smile on his face. “Sorry. I heard you meditating, but-” The changeling paused, noticing the little kitten in Raven’s hands. “-the kitten needs fed…” “Then come feed it,” Raven replied simply, descending back onto her bed, then walking towards Beast Boy. “Is it okay?” he asked. “If you’re holding it willingly, something must be up.” “I think it’s fine,” she assured. “It started crying and I wasn’t sure what to do.” Upon handing the kitten over, it began to cry once more, not pleased with being moved from its cozy spot. “Huh. That’s new. Animals usually cry when I leave them alone,” Beast Boy chuckled. “It must be warming up to you. Shame we have to give it away.” “Don’t get any ideas otherwise,” Raven warned. “I know, I know,” Beast Boy sat down and brought the bottle to the kitten’s mouth. “It’s no big deal. I can see animals whenever I want at the shelter. I just thought it was neat to see an animal you tolerated enough to hold.” “You weren’t here and it was crying,” she reminded, trying to imply she was doing so out of necessity and not desire. “Oh. Heh. Right. Well, I guess that’s for the best. We gotta get this little kitty to the shelter. Besides, we already have Silkie.” Raven nodded. “And you need a full night’s sleep.” “Right,” the changeling yawned. “You know we have training today, right?” “If I’m lucky, I can get little kitty to the shelter and back in time.” “I don’t think you’ll do well if you’re half asleep.” “Oh, right,” Beast Boy yawned again. Raven looked down a moment, thinking quietly to herself. “...I could cover for you.” “What?” “I heard you coughing last night. You need to rest today.” “You heard m-? Oh. Ohhhhh!” Beast Boy perked up. “You’ll lie to save my butt!” Raven let out a hint of a laugh and nodded. “Thanks, Rae! I owe ya one!” he voiced his gratitude with a wide toothy grin. “I’ll hold you to it,” she smirked.
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titansandothers · 1 year
Kitten Kaboodle (14/?)
Ordinarily, the more people knowing about a secret makes it harder to keep. In the case of Beast Boy, Raven, and Starfire, however, it made keeping the young kitten a secret much easier. They were able to cover for each other much easier and, as the kitten aged, she needed less frequent feedings (even if it required more formula and ultimately wet food). “She’s gotten so big,” Raven remarked. “She used to fit in your glove.” “She still might,” Beast Boy shrugged. “She just wouldn’t be happy about it.” That earned a small chuckle from Raven. Or perhaps it was from watching the kitten playing with the little feather toy he dangled above the kitten. “Hard to believe she could barely open her eyes when you brought her home.” “Yeah. I’ve taken care of lots of animals at the shelter, but it still gets me every time. Like, wow…” “Yeah. It’s been kind of neat to watch her grow up,” Raven admitted. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were growing attached,” Beast Boy teased. Raven gave him a look, retorting with, “And you’re not?” So she really was getting attached… The changeling smiled softly. “I am. Can’t blame ya there.” “Right,” Raven took the toy from Beast Boy to have a turn from herself. “I can see how you can like animals. It’ll never be my thing, but, I have to admit, I’ve had a little bit of fun with this.” “Do I still owe you then?” the changeling smirked. “Oh, yeah. Definitely. I’m never getting that sleep back,” Raven deadpanned. “Aw… Fair enough,” he shrugged. “Do you know what I owe you yet?” “I’ll figure something out,” Raven assured. “Right. Oh, yeah! We should go get Star.” Beast Boy perked up. “Why?” the magus raised a brow. “Kitty’s old enough to socialize now! We wanna get her used to other people and animals. I can take care of the animal part easy. Plus, she’ll recognize my scent on each one and adjust easier!” “Makes sense,” Raven nodded. “You can get Starfire. I’m busy.” Beast Boy watched her play with the kitten and let out a chuckle. “I can see that. On it.” He gave her a mock salute and a wink.
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titansandothers · 1 year
Osmosis Woes (7/?)
Too hot… or too cold; the teen had no idea. His insides were on fire and awash with pain while his skin was sticky and damp with sweat, freezing him and drenching his covers. He attempted to throw his covers off, only for the slightest movement to shoot pain throughout his entire form. He wasn’t sure what hurt more; his muscles or what he was certain must be some serious injuries. He had to check the damage… Beast Boy slowly and painfully lifted his covers to see his side, only to scream out at what he saw. The scream barely made noise, coming out as more of a weak screech that devolved into coughing. Each cough wracked his body with pain, lungs burning and throat itching as his injuries screamed with the motions. When the coughing ceased, he simply looked at his shaking hand. With most of his uniform removed for the sake of tending to his injuries, he could see his own skin… his own pale skin. The bruising and stitches meant nothing compared to this. As much as it pained him, he needed to see all of it. Fighting against the sheer agony of the act, he sat up and got out of bed, staggering as he headed for his bathroom. Barely bracing himself against the sink, Beast Boy took in the sight before him. Exhausted blue eyes stared at him from the mirror before flicking upwards at the blond hair damp with sweat clinging to his scalp. Lifting a hand up, he brought a finger to his lower lip and brought it down. He still had the tooth that jutted out, but it was no longer large or sharp. Shaking, he took a step back to see more of his body. Pale… very pale… bruises… stitches… This was bad. Turning, he forced one foot in front of the other, painfully making his way out of his room and down the hallway. Bracing himself against the wall, he entered the Main Ops room to see the other Titans. “Guys…” he practically whispered, unable to speak fully. “Something’s… wrong…” The group was barely able to take in the sight of the deathly pale teen before he collapsed to the floor. “Beast Boy!” the team yelped in unison, all approaching to help the teen up and back to the med bay.
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titansandothers · 1 year
Mad Mod History (Unfinished)
Neil Richards, also known as Mad Mod, is currently a lonely, bitter old man trying to adjust to being in a young man’s body. More often than not, he prefers taking on his groovy villainous persona over confronting his new reality. Neil’s life began in London, England on January 29, 1915. He was the first and only child of Margaret and Alexander Richards. Not long after Neil was born, his father left to fight in World War I, ultimately losing his life in battle. Though his mother was devastated, she was very strong willed, especially in her time, and did her best to provide for and raise Neil by herself. While Neil was primarily taught by his school teachers, his mother was certain to share her important beliefs and values with him as well. Among these were women should be treated as equals, different does not mean inferior, stand for what you believe in, and be your true self. As radical as his mother’s beliefs were, Neil held onto them, even when society tried to convince him otherwise. He was a mama’s boy and, if nothing else, he was stubborn. During his school years, it became apparent that Neil had an exceptional mind. He was quick to learn and had a great memory. Despite this, he was considered a difficult student. Not only did he ask questions the teachers weren’t ready for, he would sometimes upstage them when he studied in advance. He also vocally opposed the teachers when he believed they stepped out of line. Neil was no stranger to being struck with rulers. Though many of the children his age disliked and bullied Neil for his views, intelligence, appearance, and the like, he wasn’t without friends. The girls saw him as odd, but a few appreciated the way he treated them and would give him the time of day. He also shared some of their interests, reading books aimed at girls in addition to the ones aimed at boys. The boys saw him as someone who was weird and made them look bad. However, when it came to certain games, Neil’s natural speed and smarts proved beneficial to them. These games occasionally led to camaraderie. It helped that the redhead was particularly funny. In addition to the games he played with other children, Neil entertained himself with taking things apart, putting them back together, puzzles, reading, and mending clothes. With his love of learning, Neil continued his schooling after the age of fourteen, even though it wasn’t mandatory. In February of 1931, his mother fell ill. While Neil insisted she rest and did his best to care for her, her insistence on pushing herself and the freezing weather led to her condition worsening. She ultimately passed away, leaving Neil an orphan at sixteen years old. Devastated, the teen sought out what family he had left, winding up with his maternal grandfather. His grandfather was someone his mother intentionally kept away. Neil knew this, but was desperate for shelter and family. The old man was initially pleased to meet his grandson, seeing Neil as a young man with great potential. He was highly intelligent, seeking to further his education, had assorted talents, and could prove to be an heir, of sorts. His grandfather was a clock maker and a master of the craft. With Neil’s interest in taking things apart and putting them together, the old man believed the teen could follow in his footsteps. While things started out relatively smoothly, his grandfather was a stubborn old man with bigoted beliefs who refused to change his mind about anything while Neil was a stubborn young man who embraced diversity and never hid his beliefs. The two often butted heads and Neil was physically punished for these altercations. Neil grew to despise his grandfather, understanding why his mother avoided him, and only stayed with him long enough to finish his schooling. Upon graduation, the now adult Neil was quick to move out and seek work. He ultimately returned to East London to work for a tailor there. While he hadn’t expected anyone to care for his return to the area, some of his old friends were pleased to welcome him back. While the world may have been facing The Great Depression, Neil was happier than he had been under his grandfather’s roof. He had reunited with old friends, made new friends, freely explored his interests, and worked a job he enjoyed. Over time, Neil became quite good at his job. Not only was he good with mending and crafting clothing, he seemed to have an eye for fashion in general, coming up with his own ideas and helping customers find their looks. During this time, a few people saw Neil as a possible romantic partner. He may have been a bit strange, but he dressed well, was highly intelligent, funny, and skilled. Neil was oblivious to this attraction for a long time, as he just never saw himself as particularly desirable. It took a friend spelling it out for him to realize that women were flirting with him. It wasn’t long after this realization that Neil decided to act, beginning to date his friend, Evelyn. To his surprise, their relationship went well. They were genuinely happy and in love, even considering marriage after some time. Considering they were both relatively young and low on funds, the two decided to wait until the time was right. When World War II began, Neil vowed to follow in his parents’ footsteps, defending his country and standing up for what was right. While he feared what may happen to him, he wanted to make his parents proud. While still to be married, Neil was very much in love with Evelyn. He feared what may happen if he never returned from the war. Not wanting her to mourn as his mother once had, Neil ended their relationship, feeling it a lesser heartbreak. During his time in the war, Neil served as a medic. He wasn’t a doctor, but was quick to complete the training needed for his position. His nimble fingers and experience with mending clothes proved particularly useful for stitching wounds. Though he avoided battle, Neil was still traumatized by his time as a medic. He witnessed the grisly consequences of war on others and felt guilt for those he could not help. When the war ended, Neil returned home to find things had changed. People had aged, shops had gone, the tailor he worked for was no longer in business, and things just felt wrong. What remained the same was Evelyn. Even though they had broken up, to Evelyn’s dismay, she still loved him just as she had before. She welcomed him back with open arms and asked to give their relationship another go. Neil obliged and the two planned for marriage, but things fell apart with Neil’s mental state. He acted strangely, a symptom of his PTSD, and Evelyn didn’t want to make such a big decision while Neil wasn’t in the right state of mind. While no longer planning for marriage, Evelyn stayed in Neil’s life. Though she wasn’t a therapist, she did what she could to help him. It was her suggestion to return to tailoring that was largely responsible for helping him move forward. Though the tailor he once worked for was no longer in business, the reputation Neil had built as a tailor before the war was enough to convince others to help him open his own tailor shop. Despite his change in behavior, he was still able to attract customers. The method that helped Neil recover was a complete fluke. During one of Evelyn’s visits, she came upon Neil repairing a garment. As she spoke to him, she realized he was in a different state of mind while working. He sometimes spoke without really thinking, lacking his usual level of filter. When his trauma was brought up, he was better able to speak about it. The repetitive motions of sewing calmed him while his divided focus kept him from descending too deeply into his memories. While they were unaware of this, at the time, they were almost taking part in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy, in a way. As these sessions went on, Neil’s mood gradually improved. He began to have faith and hope in himself, ultimately reading up on other coping mechanisms, namely breathing exercises. As his mental state improved, so did his customers’ views of him.
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