#opp: emma duval
murderselfies · 5 years
HALLOWEEN – at the end of class
Jake Fitzgerald walked down the hall of University with a purpose. In high school he always felt like a bigshot and college was no different for the basketball player with a wicked three pointer and crass sense of humor. He was by all means, the quintessential frat boy. However, at the moment Jake was still just a pledge for the fraternity he’s been trying to get into. Meanwhile his girlfriend Brooke and her friends were already a part of a sorority and if Jake didn’t get into a frat soon, he was afraid some Delta Phi would sweep her out of her Jimmy Choos. Which brings Jake to plan A: throw a massive party at his casa while a masked serial killer threatens the small town’s safety. As a horror movie lover, Jake knew it was a BAD idea, but did he care? Hell to the no. Jake knew if he pulled this thing off he’d be a LEGEND.
Speaking of legends, Jake spotted Emma coming down the stairs but with no besties in tow? What gives? “Yo, Em!” Jake hollered in an effort to grab her attention. “Have you seen Brooke? I was supposed to give her a ride. If you know what I mean?” a slow smirk darkens the male’s eyes as he goofs off. However, he’s also dead ass serious. Brooke owed him some lovin’ since she cock blocked him on the way to school by bringing Riley Marra. Which, would complete the perfect trio of: Emma, Riley, and Brooke. “Also, you’re comin’ to the Jake’s party tonight, yes? Because I already told some of the fraternity bros you’d be there. I also told them you were a virgin but ready to lose it.” Jake didn’t really know shit about Emma’s sex life, or if she was a virgin or not, but it sounded good for the fraternity. Who doesn’t wanna be somebody’s first? @lcokingfortrouble
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