#oops another work that alludes to the Bible
infiniteaugends · 9 months
The first time I heard the crying at the lucine fountain I thought it was kind of sad, but after the quest I’m not so sure. I think that this is a snake and the apple kind of situation. I feel the whole ‘sin’ thing makes biblical allusions (especially with the skewed justice that their god enacts) and that maybe the drowning is because of the people of Fontaine did not uphold justice (if we want to stick with idea of sin). A sort of catch 22 situation with the device that they must believe they are upholding justice, but are simply upholding bureaucracy.
I think that Furina is leading the people astray and fears the divine because she recognizes that. Maybe Celestia (if she is the divine) will punish both Furina and her people in one fell swoop by drowning (or maybe it is a punishment and a cleansing like the Bible)
Anyway, long story short, I do not like Fontaine because I have enough religious trauma and I don’t need to be thinking about it because I’m playing a video game.
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