#ooc: if you noticed any mistakes in the elizabethan and old english portions of this text
in-omni-scientia · 6 months
Every time you and Authority speak with each other there's an Energy... Chemistry, on might say. Ever considered just asking the guy out? (Empathy would probably be cool about it)
ENCYCLOPEDIA — 'Cool about it'? Well, they *have* said before they would support us no matter what we did, but I'd like to draw attention to the fact they've previously shown distress at the prospect of losing us to someone else. AUTHORITY — Sure, whatever, but are we just going to ignore the fact Suggestion exists too? That'd be fucked up to do that to him. COMPOSURE — You guys are boring. I could totally whip up something, anon, just give me some time to gather some inspo. VOLITION — I think maybe we should be taking into account the fact I just *don't* feel that way first and foremost?? No confessions are going to be happening. Not sorry. AUTHORITY — No, the *biggest* fucking issue is that you take fifty goddamn morale damage every time he even LOOKS at you. That's not fucking good to build a relationship on. Manage *that* first before you even consider a FRIENDSHIP, fuckwit. By the way, have you ever considered that in your shit-ass relationship with Empathy, you don't-- VOLITION — No. PERCEPTION — Okay. But, what if-- VOLITION — Nope. ENCYCLOPEDIA — That would be an interesting theoretical to ponder, though. If Au-- VOLITION — My verdict is final, dammit. ENCYCLOPEDIA — Okay.
COMPOSURE [Legendary: Failure] — O, Authority! How, the nonpareil! In time we hate that which we often fear – and fear the flutter of our pages when ye wert near, sir-reverence, we didst… Fie upon’t, foh! Our maltreatments leave a foul taste in our mouth.
VOLITION — What are you doing. AUTHORITY — Oh, for fuck's sake.
COMPOSURE — O me, I cry your worships mercy! Beseech you, sovereign, give’s pardon. What our contempts doth often hurl from us, we wish it ours again… the prevailing prejudices, by revolution lowering, does become the opposite of itself. Byrlady…
VOLITION — ...Hey, wait. Didn't we hear someone-- ENCYCLOPEDIA — What does 'byrlady' mean, Composure?
COMPOSURE — I knoweth not!!!! ⠀⠀Y’wrest’d us from the clammy grips of death with absolute celerity, my lord, and with this hast wrest from us our grip on our wanton feelings. Alack, we do regret our decadence, ‘tis dishonourable to hurt th’heart of sweet Empathy--
VOLITION — Keep Empathy's name out of your fucking mouth. ENCYCLOPEDIA — Also, would you do us the service of not referring to us as a collective, in this instance? I am not regretting any decadence right now for I have not participated in it.
COMPOSURE — --but mine aching heart balance the feather of austerity. ⠀⠀E’en so! The possibility we are doom’d to belove more than beloved oft agnize I, the arm of your companion’s body ye art. But my lungs ‘chill not contain this blaze no longer… thou art the greatest soldier of the world, the heart where mine thoughts did kindle. Made from fire and air, you and I, the other elements left to baser life, and your continued breath alone fans my flame. ⠀⠀Prithee, allow me to be the armourer of your steely heart. I ask no more. In fine, for the love of Love and her soft hours, let’s not confound the time with conference harsh. ⠀⠀Come, sir, come, I'll wrestle with you in my strength of love...
PERCEPTION — Where did that spotlight come from? No, wait, where did those paper roses come from...? COMPOSURE — Thank you, thank you! Oh, you've been such a beautiful audience! PERCEPTION — Wait, Poseur dON'T-- ⠀⠀Oof... COMPOSURE — fffffffffff AUTHORITY — Just because I share a name doesn't mean I'm gonna catch you when you swoon, dickhead! COMPOSURE — You're a *shit* acting partner! AUTHORITY — You're a *shit* skill!
VOLITION — ...Uh. So. What's with the EModS? COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] — Ooh, want an encore with even older Suresne, do we? Of course I will give that to you. Khm, khm... ⠀⠀Lufast ðū mē? Ðū mē scýedest mid frēondsċipe hæfdest, ic eomge-feall-en-- ENCYCLOPEDIA — Quit that. I can accept plagiarising from creative works, but academic texts are where I draw the line. COMPOSURE — Uh. Isn't plagiarising from academic texts all you do, though...?
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