#only downside is that armor is a bitch to draw
just-spec · 2 years
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i am very simple, the game has funny dialogue, i will draw it
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List of fave guns
Assualt Rifles:
Sig 550 - sexy as hell, light for its size, has a rotating bolt, reliable, and accurate enough to compete with DMRs. The only downside is the typical Swiss price markup and their tendancy to overengineer some parts (the extractor for one).
Velmat M76 - it’s and AK with all the issues fixed, that should explain its appeal enough.
Sub Guns:
P90 - compact, lightweight, has an extremely high rate of fire, ambidextrous, and may be one of the few modern SMGs that still has it’s own distinguishing merit in the era of compact AR variants. The downsides include the expensive proprietary ammo that is essentially just a 22. with armor piercing capability, and is rather anemic…. but then again lack of stopping power doesn’t mean much when you’re sputtering off 50 of those suckers at 900 rpm at a target 20 feet away.
PP-19 Bizon - I just love this thing. MP5s may be more immediately practical on paper, but the more I look into the doctrine and the reasoning behind it the more I come to conclude that the Bizon serves/served a surprisingly useful roll: essentially that of a scaled down MG for law enforcement and counter terrorism. The idea being that you can’t lug in a large caliber squad support weapon with you when you’re in a firefight with hostage takers and mafia (unless you’re BOBE)-the guns are too unwieldy and have too much penetrating power to be used safely in civilian areas. What you can do is make a heavy, portable gun that fires lots and lots of low-penetrating 9mm ammo in an accurate, controllable fashion. And that’s exactly what the Bizon does. The difficulties in changing our the magazine don’t matter much considering the kind of engagements it was designed for are more often then not short, brutal affairs.
PK/PKM/PKP - probably the best GMP out there on the market. Its everything the GMP is supposed to be and perfected: a simple, reliable, fairly accurate and robust design that’s just as at home in a soldiers arms as it is mounted on a tank, it’s also a weapon that’s easy to scale up and down, meaning that with few design changes it can be fitted for a variety of different calibers and ammunition types. About the only issue it has lies within the classic AK half-open irons it sports, which in retrospect might be better on a machine gun than a rifle in the first place.
Rifles (DMR or otherwise):
SVD - the DMR of DMRs, and one hell of a beautiful gun. Is it super accurate? No, but it’s not meant to be. Like most Soviet era guns it simply performs its task with as little frills as possible while focusing on being utilitarian and reliable. The ubiquitousness of this rifle is such that even in America more people recognize the Dragonav’s profile than that of any other rifle (besides maybe the M82). Like most Soviet designs it has a terrible side-mounting system that’s prone to wearing down and requires specially designed bulky optics to use, which is a bummer. On the plus side the standard optic-the PSO series- are actually quite good, if a little alien to western shooters.
M24 - a glorified hunting rifle with extra tooling, and it couldnt be better. It’s as simple as modern military arms can be, and the lack of moving parts and a solid body ensure that it’s as accurate as they come. Unlike other sniper rifles the M24 acknowledges that the law of diminishing returns is a thing, and that it’s not worth pouring thousands of dollars into a mass produced firearm simply to increase excellent accuracy into impeccable accuracy. The gun is so good that not even the fancy new M110 was able to replace it as our standard sniper rifle, even though it’s a semi-auto AR with a free float barrel, which the military eats up like good ass.
Jericho 941 - a sexy as sin CZ clone that’s far too heavy for what it’s for and has a frankly dangerously shallow slide. But I dont care. It shoots like melted butter, gets fantastic groups, and I’m a weeb, so of course I gotta love it. And as far as I’m concerned people who nitpick modern pistols are the same types who nitpick pant zippers: if they always work when you need them the most, you’re just wasting your time bitching about the color, weight, and draw.
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