winesconstantly · 6 years
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I don’t really talk much about him. A part of me died when he did. It’s been a lot of years since he took his own life. Most of the pics I have of him have been lost in the multiple moves I’ve made. He lived a crazy life. Was one who’d give you the shirt off his back while he was stealing your wallet. He took risks. Never played by the rules. Drank too much. Drove too fast. Took every drug and every dare. He would’ve turned 57 this April 18, and would have hated becoming an “old man”. This pic is his sky diving tribe. He’s the one in front in flip flops, of course. Like I said, crazy. I miss his sense of humor and his great smile, but most of all I just miss my big brother. #onecrazydude #skydivingfool #missyoubigbrother
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tborn1 · 10 years
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My friend #ZackHoward just sent me this photo of him in #Jaws yesterday ! #insane , #surfing #onecrazydude #Maui
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