#ondine feng: musings
exmcrtis · 7 months
you can sit beside me when the world comes down...
(a general overview of what my muses have been up to post-event)
ARTEMIS has mostly been laying low. she was unaffected by the destruction in town, but the emotional damage was enough to convince her she needs to keep her head down, and she's been spending more time at home or at work. she's been feeling more and more lonely these days, and as a result has decided to stop using physical intimacy as a coping mechanism. long story short, she's a reformed hoe.
BELLA has been splitting her time between jerico, the cruz-duttons, and her friends, but has mostly been with jerico. his injuries have worried her enough that she's in full-time panic mode, but is doing her best to hide it from everyone. she's also formed a new friendship with jessie, one that she plans to hold near and dear. just don't tell other people that she has a heart, she'll probably kick you in the shins.
CAIN suffered an eye injury during the earthquake, and has been sentenced to wear an eye patch for the foreseeable (pun intended) future. not being with val during the ordeal freaked him out, and they have been shacking up at his place for the past couple of weeks. he really only leaves the house to go to work, but he's been rendered useless since he needs both eyeballs in order to do his job properly. just call him captain cain and slap a pet parrot on his shoulder.
EZRA did not attend the event, as the idea of being around that many people freaks her out. she happily stayed at home with her books, but often visits the large cracks in town to inspect them. can usually be found staying out dangerously close to dark, but thinks nothing of it.
HALLEY sustained sprains to both her wrist and shoulder, but is otherwise unscathed. she's still quite emotionally stunted when it comes to her family situation, but chooses to distract herself by visiting mo as often as possible. she also spends a lot of time with zarina and knightley, but still doesn't fully open up about her feelings. she also confessed her feelings for saffron and doesn't regret it, but the very thought of liking someone that much terrifies her.
LAVENDER hasn't been doing so great for the past couple of weeks. the disappearance of her mother has left her feeling like a shell of a human, and no matter how much she tries to distract herself, she just can't shake it. she spends most of her time at work or around town, no longer feeling like the commune is home. however, she has no plans of moving out, so she's stuck in a limbo state currently.
LEIA was beebopping around until the earthquake hit, and then she scrambled home. she visits draven and salem more often than not, wanting to make sure that draven is okay despite how heavy things are at home.
LUCA has been hovering around parker as often as they'll let him. he didn't attend the event, but seeing so many people grieving and recovering makes him tense, so he's been spending most of his time at work. he does regular check-ins with all the weirdlings, and while he wants to pretend that he has no feelings, his concern for his little siblings for all intents and purposes outweighs any façade that he tries to put on. basically, this is the best time to try and befriend him.
ONDINE has been trying to adjust to life in town rather than the commune. her life has been uprooted in every sense of the word, and it's caused a lot of trust issues to develop that weren't there previously. she's made quick friends with celia, a good thing considering she's been bringing joei to work with her, and has begun settling into the idea of being around people outside of the commune. ondine wants to believe that she and joei are safe now that there's some sort of separation from absinthe, but she can't help but feel paranoid that something bad will happen at the drop of a hat.
PRUDENCE is living in a current state of grief and sadness. the loss of minnie hit her hard, so she's been trying and failing to find as many distractions as possible. she hasn't been sleeping much (if at all), and the exhaustion is starting to show. conrad's offer for her to stay over at the greene residence whenever she wanted has been accepted every single day since the earthquake. she's started to feel like a burden as of late, but she continues to show up at mason and conrad's door on a daily basis. she worries that she's overstaying her welcome and is waiting patiently for the day when they kick her out. spends most of her time crying but has become a pro at hiding it.
SALEM sustained some pretty serious burns from her shoulder down on her left side. in the past couple weeks she's visited the clinic a few times to make sure she's taking proper care of herself, but unless she's there or at work, she's spent most of her time at home. though draven tries to fuss over her, salem still keeps her focus on him, trying not to think too hard about what happened to her. however, she plans to cover up for quite some time, not wanting to draw attention to her burns. garnering extra attention is too scary.
SARE has spent most of her time working. she tries to check in with spencer even more now, not wanting to feel like a helicopter sister, but also wanting to make sure her little sibling is doing okay. she's finally coming around to the idea of having a closer relationship with sycamore, but she's choosing to take that one step at a time.
VIOLET has been a worrying mess since the earthquake. she's been trying to give saffron space, but has done at least one check-in (even if it's met with a grouchy attitude). she knows how worried rex is and has been spending as much time with him as possible so she can keep both of their minds at ease.
WOLF has been coping with his injury by cracking jokes and annoying arty. his hand was crushed badly by debris, and he anticipates that it'll never gain its full functionality ever again. while it's been extremely painful to deal with, his aversion to going to doctors (and being touched, for that matter) has made him refuse to go to the clinic. he will continue to cope with humor.
WYLIE is doing the worst of them all. minnie's death has left her feeling like she barely exists, and she cries most of her days away. she has stopped going to work all together, and when she is around other people, she mostly stays quiet until someone addresses her. wylie feels like there's no point to life anymore, and has no idea how to channel any of her emotions. coping mechanisms don't currently exist, and being around her can only be described as 'miserable'. she misses the love of her life.
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exmcrtis · 4 months
Ondine: 💍 *coughs*
💍 Would they ever get married?
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ondine would love to get married one day. sometimes they feel like they did things a bit backwards; they had a baby and then fell in love. however, that doesn't mean that they haven't always had dreams of being a bride, and once things settle down for her and her family, she hopes to be able to discuss the idea with both esther and absinthe.
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exmcrtis · 4 months
Ondine: ↕️
↕ Are they sub, dom or switch?
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i think it goes without saying, but ondine is the sub in the relationship. she doesn't have a dominant bone in her body, even if she likes to pretend that she does.
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exmcrtis · 4 months
Ondine: Partner
P : PARTNER. what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
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ondine doesn't actively seek out traits for an ideal partner, they just kind of let their feelings lead the way. esther and absinthe hit them like a ton of bricks for different reasons, but their personalities drew ondine in without so much as a second thought. however, the traits that ondine loves the most about them both is how loving and compassionate they both can be. she feels privileged to be able to love them both so much.
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exmcrtis · 5 months
💭 ondine/koda
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"seeing you around town still freaks me out a bit, if only because i'm having a hard time not spilling the beans to absinthe that i met you. i'm scared to approach you in public just in case other people are watching, because i know that means you won't be safe just like i'm not safe. but i can already tell that joei loves you, and it's hard for me to keep her away from people that are her family, especially because i have to do it all the time. i just hope that, someday, i can actually sit down and talk to you the way i want to, because i'd like to have you in our lives."
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exmcrtis · 5 months
💭 ondine & finch
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"i regret moving out of the commune. seeing you every day was one of my favorite things and it genuinely made me happy, and now i feel like i have to schedule time to see you and i hate doing that. i wish i had never left, and i wish i could still take care of you in the ways that you let me take care of you. i hope someday i can make it up to you and tell you why i left so quickly, but for now i have to keep it a secret and it's eating me alive."
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exmcrtis · 5 months
Ondine: 🦷 Esther, Absinthe, Raziel
🦷 - lick, suck, bite.
lick: esther suck: absinthe bite: raziel
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exmcrtis · 6 months
🐞 ---- Do they believe in love at first sight? If not, what's the reason? (ALL >.>)
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artemis absolutely believes in love at first sight. will not be elaborating at this time. don't even ask her.
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bella already answered here.
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cain for sure believes in love at first sight but will never openly admit to it. however, if you watch the way he looks at val, it's blatantly obvious.
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dawson believes in like at first sight but not love at first sight. their brain is far too logical for any of that nonsense. their words, not mine.
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ezra has always believed in love at first sight, and felt that it was confirmed after meeting icarus. he's the only person she's ever loved romantically, and he's the only person she will ever love romantically. she firmly believes that he's her soulmate.
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halley believes that falling in love with someone takes time. she's also never been one to trust her own emotions fully and will overthink every little thing whenever she can. she much prefers taking her time with things like love.
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lavender believes in love at first sight, but is reasonable enough to know that it happens to others, but never her. she's in love with being in love and in love with the idea of it, but she's more made to watch from the sidelines rather than ever experience it herself.
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leia has always believed in love at first sight, and she's hellbent on the fact that she can prove it. her only evidence is that she's had a crush on the same boy for years, but in her mind it totally counts.
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luca doesn't believe in love at first sight. he never have and he never will, and you can thank his abandonment daddy issues on that one. however, he's learning that like at first sight is a thing, and it terrifies him.
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ondine definitely believes in love at first sight. how could she not when she's been lucky enough to experience it twice?
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pru has always believed in love at first sight but never thought it could happen to her. and then she met conrad greene and her whole outlook on life changed. however, she would probably never admit any of that out loud, if only because thinks people will find her crazier than they already do.
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salem didn't believe in love at first sight until recently. she's never really been one to develop romantic or emotional feelings for another person, but meeting gio rossi really threw her for a loop.
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sare believes in love at first sight, but she also knows that love takes time. feeling the feelings is far different than immediately acting on them.
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violet doesn't believe in love at first sight, but she does believe in soulmates. until meeting rex, she hadn't ever experienced genuine love, but he's clearly changed her mind about that.
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wolf surprisingly does believe in love at first sight. however, he knows it's because that's the only way he can explain how he fell for arty so quickly.
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wylie used to believe in love at first sight, but she no longer does. how could the universe be so cruel as to give you something so precious only to rip it away unexpectedly? safe to say that wylie doesn't believe love is real at all anymore.
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exmcrtis · 7 months
♥ - Ondine & Esther :O
Send me a ♥ and I’ll fill out
If we kissed?
[🥰] Quickie. [🥰] Tongue. [🥰] Softly bite your lip. [] We wouldn’t. [🥰] Long and meaningful. [🥰] Let’s hit up the bedroom. [] You remember last time? [] Awkward… [] Lol no.
Would I go out with you? [🥰] Yes, definitely. [] No. [🥰] I want to, but it wouldn’t work. [] Maybe. [] Nope, you’re like family. [] You’re cute, but probably not. [] Just simply not my type. [] If I knew you better. [] Already did. [] I don’t know.
If we took a picture together, we’d be… [] Hugging each other. [🥰] Just chilling. [] Holding hands. [] Kissing. [] Acting dumb. [🥰] Normal picture. [] You holding me from behind.
You are… [🥰] Cute/Pretty. [🥰] Good looking. [🥰] Sexy. [🥰] All of the above
You + me + room = … [🥰] Movies. [🥰] Cuddling. [🥰] Hanging out. [🥰] Kissing. [🥰] Playing games. [🥰] Everything. [] Wouldn’t let you in.
You should… [🥰] Hit me up. [🥰] Be mine. [] Marry me. [] Reblog this so I can send you a heart. [] be studying
If we got married, I’d… [] Divorce you. [] Make kids. [] Take your money and bounce. [🥰] Smash every day. [] I would cheat on you. 🥰[] Be faithful. [] Kill you in your sleep [] We wouldn’t
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exmcrtis · 7 months
📝 - Ondine & Esther
what color reminds your muse of mine?
bright blue, like the color of their eyes.
what song reminds your muse of mine? 
sister golden hair by america.
what scent reminds your muse of mine? 
something sweet but not overpowering. that could be all in her head though.
what sound reminds your muse of mine?
the sound of cards shuffling and small hisses. 
what setting reminds your muse of mine? 
a dining room table set up to play go fish under dim lighting.
what feeling does your muse associate with mine?
curiosity. deen wants to know esther more but also knows to take things at a snail's pace.
what animal does your muse associate with mine?
a feral cat.
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exmcrtis · 7 months
♥ Sin/Ondine (you should have expected this one)
Send me a ♥ and I’ll fill out
If we kissed?
[💫] Quickie. [💫] Tongue. [💫] Softly bite your lip. [] We wouldn’t. [💫] Long and meaningful. [💫] Let’s hit up the bedroom. [💫] You remember last time? [] Awkward… [] Lol no.
Would I go out with you? [💫] Yes, definitely. [] No. [💫] I want to, but it wouldn’t work. [] Maybe. [] Nope, you’re like family. [] You’re cute, but probably not. [] Just simply not my type. [] If I knew you better. [] Already did. [] I don’t know.
If we took a picture together, we’d be… [💫] Hugging each other. [] Just chilling. [] Holding hands. [] Kissing. [💫] Acting dumb. [] Normal picture. [💫] You holding me from behind.
You are… [💫] Cute/Pretty. [💫] Good looking. [💫] Sexy. [💫] All of the above
You + me + room = … [💫] Movies. [💫] Cuddling. [💫] Hanging out. [💫] Kissing. [💫] Playing games. [💫] Everything. [] Wouldn’t let you in.
You should… [💫] Hit me up. [💫] Be mine. [💫] Marry me. [] Reblog this so I can send you a heart. [] be studying
If we got married, I’d… [] Divorce you. [💫] Make kids. (they're ahead of the game) [] Take your money and bounce. [💫] Smash every day. [] I would cheat on you. [💫] Be faithful. [] Kill you in your sleep [] We wouldn’t
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exmcrtis · 6 months
Ondine - 🐙
🐙 ---- Is your muse a hugger? Do they enjoy physical affection whether it's platonic or romantic?
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ondine's love language is first and foremost physical touch, so you can always expect a hug from them. it's how they greet everyone that they're comfortable with, always ready to throw their arms around someone and give them a tight squeeze. beyond just hugging, they always have to be touching someone else, and they very much find it comforting when they're making contact with another person. ondine would like to blame it on the fact that she's the mother to an affectionate toddler, but she's just always been this way.
as for romantically, ondine's touches are a little different. they're far softer and a little more suggestive. she's never been particularly good at verbally expressing what she wants, but she's never had a problem hinting at it when it comes to touching the other person. the only people that ever experience her romantic touches are esther and sin, and she plans to keep it that way.
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