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nahkyl · 7 months
Warren Zaire-Emery's first conference with Les Bleus !
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RMC : What does it feel like to be here before us, for this A team press conference ? Deschamps teased us by saying "leave him alone, don't be doing too much". Do you feel like you're overly exposed to the media ?
Warren Zaire-Emery : Hello ! It's a pleasure to be here, in France's national A team. I'm very happy, very proud of representing my country and I'll give my all for France. So yeah, very happy. As for the media exposure...I think there's a lot of exposure, but it's also really flattering, so I'm very happy. For example, last night, I was with my family and they told me "you're very talked about". They think it's too much themselves. Me, personnally, I don't...I don't really know so. That's for you to decide.
RTL : Hello Warren. I wanted to ask you about the pressure, but I see with your first answer that you don't seem to be feeling much of it. I'm gonna go back to the topic we talked about beforehand with Dayot. Apparently, you guys talked about the way you managed your time between your studies and football. It's kind of crazy to think that, if it all goes well for you, you might compete in the Euros and pass the high school graduation baccalaureate exams at the same time. How do you manage it all, isn't it too hard on a daily basis ?
WZE : Hello ! Well...I revise at the same time. For example, last night, I did my Spanish homework. *laughter* But I try to do some planning. Whenever I have free time, I do my homework. I try doing both to the best of my ability. To switch between training in the afternoon and studying a bit before the evening session. It doesn't really bother me. Quite the opposite, it actually helps me keep balance at home. If I went have and didn't have anything to do... if I just played video games or went out, I don't believe it would have been better for me.
L'Equipe : Hello, Warren. Did you envision this cosmic rise a year ago? Did you think it was possible?
WZE : Hello ! Well...when one is young, I think they're also carefree. I don't really ask myself questions. I play football, the way I've been taught to. And I always give it my all. It's part of my personnality and it's something I'll keep doing daily.
Info Sport Plus, Canal : Warren, hello ! I was wondering how this week in the France national A team is going. Is it what you imagined when you learned you were being called up ? Can you share the best and worst moment so far?
WZE : Hello ! There are no bad moments, only good ones ! They welcomed me warmly, be it the staff or the players. Of course it's easier when some of them are in your club. They're there for me, and I'm slowly starting to open up to them. I'm learning to get to know them. And sometimes, it's them who approach me. During shared meals, they come and talk to me and...all is going really well ! I'm really happy !
Radio France : Hello Warren ! Did you talk with the Minister of Education, Gabriel Attal, during his visit yesterday? Also, tell us about the video against school bullying that you participated in.
WZE : Hello ! Well, first, yeah I had a brief conversation with the Minister since well...I'm still attending school. We made a video together against bullying, both at school and beyond. And I think it's a really good thing. It's crucial, and the fact that the France national team addresses it shows our commitment against bullying.
France Presse : Hello, Warren. I wanted to ask you two more personal questions. I wanted to know your French baccalaureate grades because we talked about it last year and you told me you were more of a Maths boy than a French boy. And I want to know what song you sang for your Les Bleus debut ?
WZE : Hello ! Well, I managed pretty well at the French baccalaureate. I scored 10/20 in the oral exam, and 12/20 in the written one. Maybe it's the other way around...I don't remember. *more laughter* And I sang 4Keus' "O'Kartier c'est la Hess". (This is Tiakola's debut group by the way, Warren's GOT TASTE.) It's a song I've known since I was a kid. I listened to it with my brothers, or on my own when I took a shower so...I sang that.
J: Warren, I wanted to know how do the France national team training sessions compare to those with PSG? Did you prepare for the potential starting role against Gibraltar?
WZE: Yes ! It went really well. But honestly, as I said, I don't really ask myself questions. Of course, in the France national team, the level is... there are only good players ! Internationals, so...the level is really high. But I don't ask myself questions, I play football and I do my best.
J : Warren, since you've mentioned them : how did your PSG teammates contribute to your integration into the national team ? We've seen the video of Kylian hugging you at your arrival.
WZE : Well, they're great people ! And I see it daily, because they're always there for me. And everyone, noit just PSG teammates, has been supportive ! They're there to talk to me, to welcome me warmly, to give me advice, to make me more comfortable. Whether it's the staff or the players, everyone is there for me and I'm very grateful for their help.
RTL : Captain of U21 a few weeks ago, now part of the A team. If given the choice, would you prefer the Euros, Olympics, or neither?
WZE : I don't think it's for me to choose. There are two coaches, one for the U21, one for the A team. I think they talk together a lot, and they'll be the one making a decision. But I'm at their disposal, no matter what happens.
J : Camavinga had to leave, Kephren Thuram's been called up. It makes for more place. Did you already prepare to potentially start against Gibraltar ?
WZE : You'll need to ask the coach. I'm always at his disposal, and the team's. So I'll be there , I'm ready, and I'll give my all for the goal that we set for ourselves which is finishing in the top 5 best teams.
J : Hello again, Warren. You talk about your family regularly. Recently, your dad said that you kept on surprising him. Can you tell us a little about that ? We've seen this video of you finding out you were called up to be with Les Bleus, could you tell us how your family, who you're still very close to, reacted to it all ? Thank you very much.
WZE : Well, my family's always there for me. And it helps, because when I play bad, they tell me, and when things go well, they're also there. So that's really important for me. It helps me stay grounded even if I think I already am. We didn't get to really celebrate because I had school for 2 to 7 p.m so...I was more focused on my classes than the selection. I watched the list, I was really happy, my teammates jumped on me to celebrate but right after I had to go to school. So it's...how do I say this ? I was really happy but disappointed I couldn't spend this moment at home with my family.
Le Parisien : Hello, Warren. Did you sleep well knowing that you'd present yourself in front of the press today ? Because although you're used to playing, you have 40 games to your credit with PSG, does the public speaking exercise that will now be mandatory for you worry you ? Or is it something you had prepared yourself for ?
WZE : Hello ! No, it didn't particularly worry me. But I also take it as training for my Baccalaureate exams. *more laughter* There are people helping me tackle this conference, so. I feel good, I feel comfortable.
M6: Hello, Warren ! Did you have the opportunity to talk with Thierry Henry when you got called up for the A team ? And what did he tell you ?
WZE : Hello ! Well, went to see him the day before yesterday, or the day before that I don't remember, and he was very happy for me. The only thing he told me beforehand was that the most important thing wasn't to get to the A team, but to remain in it. And it's the goal I've given myself, that I work towards daily. To stay.
J : Sorry but I won't listen to the coach, and I'm going to ask you a bothersome question. You could break a record of earliness that's been held since 1911 by Félix Vial, and become the youngest player to start with Les Bleus. Would that be something that would make you happy, or do you not care about records at all ?
Warren : Well, it's another record, so if I could break it, I would be really happy. But as I said, I'm at the coach's disposal and he'll be the one to decide. What's for sure is that I'm ready, and I will do my absolute best to help the team.
J: Warren, you play in a position where, in the French national team, there have been exceptional players for years now. Even if he's not here today, there's Aurélien Tchouaméni, you're gonna play with Adrien Rabiot. There used to be Pogba, Kanté, and the Coach, Didier Deschamps, was also a wonderful player at this position. Who are your references ? Were there any players who inspired you and who do you believe you're most like ?
WZE : I try to take inspiration from everyone. We all have a different style, so if I take inspiration from everyone, I'll have a little of each. That's what I try doing everyday. Of course, we're in the France national team, there are only great players. And I'm very happy to play with them, to train with them because they're there to give me advice, small details that might make all the difference. I'd like to thank them for helping them, and I'll be there for them as well.
J : Is there a feeling that it's all going really fast, but that it's pleasurable ? Whether in the club or in the national team ?
WZE : Of course it's going really fast. But I don't really ask myself questions. I take a lot of pleasure because it's a passion before anything, and I give my all on the pitch, like I have since I was a kid.
J : With L'Equipe, we wrote an article about your value, which is estimated to being over 100million €. You've been called up to the national team, you're 17 years old, your contract with PSG next year. Does this climate of a potential transfer weigh on you ? We know you've been at Paris for a while now, you're attached to that club, but how do you and your entourage view this financial value ?
WZE : Me, I don't look at that. It doesn't slow me down and it doesn't...how do I say this ? It doesn't bother me. Because I just play my football, it's a passion before anything else, and I don't look at that.
J : Hello again, Warren. You're a player who's overall very used. A few weeks back, you've had a bit of a warning regarding one of your ankles. At 17, are we fully aware of our physical ability to conduct these high intensity games back to back, and how do we handle this kind of small alerts ?
WZE : I listen to my body. So if I feel like something isn't right, I'll say it. My coaches also tell me to be careful, to rest well because I'm young and I play a lot, and a career is a lot of years. Me, honestly, I want to play so I give my 100% each time. The physiotherapists are there to help with the care, and me I take a lot of ice baths, I eat well and...I do things meticulously. I hope it'll carry on like this.
J: Warren, we leave the choice to you: the Baccalaureate, an Olympics gold medal, or the Euros with the A team ?
WZE: I won't make a choice, I'm taking all three.
He is my SON.
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