#on that note I think it should be said that games aren't just for hardcore hobbyists who want to brag about their skillz
dokidokitsuna · 2 months
Been watching a playthrough of the recently-released Princess Peach: Showtime! It's very cute and fun; I must say I was pleasantly surprised by how it ended up being structured. ^^
The other day I heard that some people were mocking the game, calling it too easy and silly and childish, and most notably, comparing it to the Kirby series. Well, as a Kirby fan, I take that as a compliment! :D The similarities ARE noticeable, and if HAL were to try making a Kirby game that leaned into PPS's particular strengths-- theatrics, characterization, episodic storytelling, and a heavy emphasis on REALLY COOL VISUALS-- I would be overjoyed. ^^
Since Kirb is kind of a simple character with a limited (and already well-established) range of expression, I doubt they'd try it with him, but I think any one of the franchise's fan-favorite side characters would fit right into the formula. MK, DDD, Magolor, even Bandana Dee could work. I'd really love to see them in a game like that...now I have something else to wish for and dream about, I guess~
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semi-imaginary-place · 7 months
random fe3h tips
On classic a few characters have plot armor like Byleth, the Lords, and some of the retainers in certain conditions but for most characters, they become unplayable after reaching 0 hp. If in part 1 the characters will still be seen in the monastery but become unusable in gameplay they will die offscreen during the timeskip. If during part 2 unless they are special they'll die onscreen. Plot wise because of the death mechanic, pretty much no one is written to be plot essential, this isn't a Dragon Age game, there are a few plot decisions depending on the route but for the most part you are on a train ride and nothing is stopping the train. Because the game is designed so that almost anyone can die, no one besides the lords and Byleth is plot critical, so no one else is super involved in the plot but the in house students get lines in the cutscenes.
There is no story effects to recruiting, you are on a one way ride. The one real change is recruitment specific unique battle dialogue. This is a Fire Emblem thing from back when there were only battle maps. Getting the unique dialogue is for hardcore people as getting the dialogue is essentially giving yourself an extra goal for the map so most people don't bother to get it all, also it can be tricky to get. As for who to recruit just go with whoever you like best. You should be playing this game 4 times at least so you will eventually play everyone. Lords as can never be recruited onto different routes, some other characters have restrictions so you can not get every character or every supports in 1 playthrough. FE3H was always meant to be played in multiple playthroughs, don't try and do everything in one playthrough. That said my best recommendation for recruits is to go for people who have supports with the Lord and retainer. For Blue Lions this is Dimitri and Dedue so go check who they have support with that are outside of the Blue Lions.
Paralogues can be route locked and lords are always locked to a single route. Some recruits show up in cutscenes but most don't. Some supports have route dependent dialogue but most don't change much or at all. The biggest changes are in monthly monastery dialogue where units will comment on the current or past situations, units will have several months of unique dialogue for each route. Units will also have unique dialogue when facing off against specific enemy units which of course will be route and recruit dependent.
3 Hopes is like a nice side dish it complements 3 Houses nicely but doesn't stand on its own merit. The writing quality is similarly good but the gameplay is completely different. I enjoyed the story and found that it added to 3 Houses. Try the demo and see if you like it. If you don't like the gameplay or don't like the price you can always watch a playthrough on youtube or something. Three Hopes really does remind me more of an expansion pack than a whole separate game. Hopes does not stand alone, you miss like half the story if you haven't played Houses first, it complements and enhances Houses but it can't exist independently of Houses. Hopes doesn't end and for an expansion pack that would have been fine as it'd tie into the main game's story endings but it doesn't work when the devs try to make Hopes its own separate game. And its a shame because I do think the writing that is there in Hopes is pretty good and the what if scenarios it presents are very interesting. Ideal scenario is having played all 4 Houses routes before staring Hopes, but as long as you've played at least 2 you'll get a lot out of Hopes. Please note that Azure Gleam the blue lions route in 3 Hopes is based on both AM AND SS.
The best dancer is the character you aren't using, your most useless unit, so whatever character you never use that should be your dancer. A dancer is primarily dancing not attacking so high damage characters like Hilda and Lysithea are wasted in dancer since they are better off killing enemies.
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weebtarurights · 4 years
Itaru Chigasaki R (Taruchi Channel)
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--------This is a backstage story from Mankai Apartment event in which the story takes place in alternative universe and the boys addresses Izumi as landlord/landlady instead of director.
Story Title: “ Number of Views Goddess “
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART 1˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Yuki: I bet it's about the topic of his videos. 
Banri: Must be it. 
Citron: Itaru will do punctual move for his videos. [1]
Tsuzuru: You mean, mutual love? 
Itaru: I haven't said anything yet. 
Chikage: Heh....Is it wrong?
Itaru: No, that’s not it.
Izumi:  Come to think of it, I haven't watched Itaru's videos. What kind of videos are you doing?
Itaru: I am mainly doing reviews on newly-released games, some hardcore and retros. I’m also introducing game goods too.
Banri: Game companies are totally sponsoring it from behind.
Itaru: That's right. I am receiving new games and goods from them.
Izumi: That's amazing.
Itaru: But lately, the number of views and channel subscribers  isn't increasing at all.
Itaru: So I'm looking for interesting video material.
Tenma: Wouldn't it be better if you just show your face?
Yuki:  It's the only way to make it work out.
Kazunari: That's gonna blast the number of subscribers.
Itaru: That’s doable  but I want to avoid showing my face. It's going to cause a lot of trouble.
That's why, I need you guys to suggest video materials that will increase the number of views. I've gathered so many diverse people here so there should be something, right? 
Izumi: Materials for video?
Tenma: How about making reviews about bonsai? There’s no else doing it and it’s refined. I think it’s good.
Chikage: Viewer’s average age will go up all at once.
Tsuzuru: That's way too hardcore.
Tsumugi: How about flower arrangement? It might look gorgeous in video.
Yuki: How about fashion code? Your style isn't bad either and it'll be interesting to wear different clothes.
Chikage: How about trying spicy foods from different countries. I'll lend you my secret special spicy sauce.
Izumi: I see. It might be nice to eat curry from different countries.
Tsumugi: Isn’t that our usual thing….
Banri: You, curry duo, do it somewhere else!
Citron: You can do 1 content a day! It’s virus marketing! [2]
Tsuzuru:  Viral marketing  is no good !
Itaru: Hmm... . My main goal certainly is to try something new. I wonder if it’s worth doing to earn more views.
Itaru: Fashion code and bonsai is all good...
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Next is, spicy curry review…Can I even do this? If only I had an absurd tongue. 
....None of them is good enough. Aren’t these way too strange? It's especially difficult to judge whether it’s interesting or not cuz the target audience is too small.
...Anyways, let’s up it for now…. 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART 2˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Izumi: (I need to buy detergent and toilet paper. Speaking of, we need to change the lightbulbs too.)
Chikage:  Is this supposed to be interesting? I don't understand anything at all.
Tsumugi: Uh...Hmm...
Banri: Isn’t this revolutionary in a sense?
Izumi: (Everyone's gathering around. I wonder what happened...)
Seems like everyone is getting excited. What's going on?
Kazunari:  Itarun made a video following our advice earlier !
Citron: Itaru did his best but it is kinda strange.
Tsuzuru: The comment section is different from usual too. Everyone is rather baffled...
Izumi: Eh? Is that so?
Comment 1: [Taruchi, what a sudden change of  direction.]
Comment 2:  [Why tho ? lol ]
Comment 3: [Somehow, it’s getting off topic, isn’t it?]
Banri: The number of views is also lower than usual.
Tsumugi: I wonder if giving him advice was the right thing.
Tsuzuru: What do we expect? They were suddenly shown a bonsai when they came to see a game live.
Chikage: I think a video about spices is good in its own way.
Banri: Stop being delusional.
Izumi: It's surprisingly difficult to make the number of viewers increase.
Kazunari: Ah, landlord-chan.  Are you going to shop for house supplies?  Can you buy sweets from the convenience store on your way home?
Citron: My manzai notebook is getting stiff too. I want to buy a new one.
Izumi: Understood. I'll buy them.
Izumi: (Seems like we're running out of equipment too. I might as well check the warehouse)
Itaru: It's Taruchi~.
Kniroun's new capsule toy was finally released~. 
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I splurge on 100 pieces this time  so let's start unboxing ~
First one is--- 
Itaru: So far,  I got 15 normal pieces, 3 copper pieces, and 1 silver piece. I got a silver piece so I think my pace is pretty good.
 Next, moving to our 20th piece.. Huh? This is....
-----(Door opening)
Izumi: .... Ah!
Itaru: ......!
Ahh Seriously?! I can't use this video anymore.
Izumi: A-Are you filming your video in this place?
Itaru: Sigh... HP-1 .
Izumi: I don’t really get it but I'm sorry...  Umm... How about editing it?
Itaru: But in unboxing videos, there's the feeling of joy and sorrow while opening the piece. Doing it in one go is my policy.
Izumi: Right? What is an unboxing video in the first place?
Itaru: It's a video where you open blind items one by one. You have no idea what's going to come out so there's a feeling of excitement.
I’m doing an unboxing video for 100 pieces everytime a new product is released.
The number of viewers for this series is stable. That's why it's solid material to earn an audience.
Izumi: It sure takes so much hard work, doesn't it? 
Ah, by the way,  I'll go shopping later. Can I buy new pieces in exchange for the ones you opened earlier?
Itaru: Really? I’ll gladly accept your offer then.
Izumi: Don't get angry if I don't get good ones, okay?
Itaru: It's totally fine! That’s what makes whaling interesting after all. [3]
Izumi: For tomorrow’s agenda, I have a meeting with Sakyo-san in the afternoon and--
Ah speaking of, I wonder what happened to Itaru's unboxing video?)
Kazunari: Haha! This is insane!
Banri: Ain’t this a godly pull?
Izumi: Everyone is lively today.
Citron: Oh ! You're just in time. Itaru’s number of views is footing up! [4]
Banri: You mean, shooting up! Landlord-san helped with the video without knowing.
Izumi: Huh? Ah, could it be the one earlier?
Chikage: This one. Aren't  the views about to reach 1 million?
Yuki: Compared to the hack's previous suggestion, the difference is heaven and earth.
Kazunari: The title is "Kniroun Capsule Toy Unboxing ~feat. Landlord-san". It's going viral! It’s crazy!
Chikage: Landlord-san, watch with us.  The merit goes to you in this one.
Izumi: I-Is it really that great?
Itaru: [The last 20  capsule toys are from landlord-san! Let's see-- Ehh?! Wait? Seriously?! Woah! ]
Itaru: [A super-rare gold Knight-kun came! ]
[Is this a sign for me to continue whaling? Landlord-san is too much of a cheat!]
Comment 1: [ Landlord-san is amazing.lol]
Comment 2: [Taruchi's so hyped. lol ]
Comment 3: [Maybe, landlord-san a goddess? lol]
Itaru: [That's the end of it.  Maybe I should have her pull the next gacha too?]
[Please look forward to my next video. ]
[Ah.. If you like it, don’t forget to  subscribe to my channel~ ! ]
Izumi: Uhh.. I'm glad I could be of help.
Kazunari: Landlord-chan just became a celebrity! Congrats!
Itaru: Ohh, everybody's been watching me? Didn’t it turn out well this time?
Citron: G'job on your video!
Chikage: That's the power of our landlord.
Kazunari: At this rate, the dream of breaking your record again might not be far away!
Itaru: Thanks to landlord-san's help, the numbers are looking good.  I’d love to do more landlord-san series so I’m counting on you.
Izumi: I-I don’t mind helping sometimes…?
Itaru: Thanks !
 Ah, everyone,  subscribe to my channel~! 
Yuki:  ...Just who are you talking to?
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1)Citron refers to"掃除相談” (Sōji sōdan) which literally means ‘cleaning consultation’. In which Tsuzuru tried to correct him to "“相思相愛” (Sōshisōai) which literally means 'mutual love’.
2) Citron used the term "人炎上" (hito enjo) which literally means 'flaming person.’ Tsuzuru corrected him and said “炎上商法” (Enjō shōhō) or Enjo Marketing, meaning ‘flaming commercial law’: an advertisement technique that aims to produce cliche content that are as shareable as possible.
3)Itaru used the term "ドブ" or "ドブる", a slang word for the act of throwing money on several pulls to get a high-rarity items/ cards from a gacha or capsule machines. In short, whaling.
4) Citron mistook  鯉のぼり(carp streamer) for"うなぎのぼり" (on the rise or skyrocketing).
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