#omg darrens silly faces are precious
datshitrandom · 2 years
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Klaine moments by episode | 2.15 Sexy
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Jason Momoa is wearing a PINK tuxedo at the Oscars. According to Abby's color "signs", he must be gay, and in a suffocating closet marriage!
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The CCers have spent the week claiming that Darren got married so that he looks less “queer” (they are so thoughtfully inclusive until Darren can legally clarify where on the LGBTQ spectrum he identifies himself) #“no homo”. He needs to look less queer so he can get “straight roles or a superhero role”. As if to prove the ccers are full of crap, Aquaman, Jason Momoa wore a pink tuxedo to the Oscars. We know pink is Darren’s color and OMG, it’s so gay.
This trope is silly of course. Ajw- “who has incredible insight”- claims she doesn’t believe he wants to play a superhero-thats too simple I guess. Or maybe she remembered “if he gets married, it’s his decision ”. Whether the Chairman of the Board believes it or not, I saw a lot of comments repeating the “he got married in order to play straight roles or a superhero” trope.  At some point when they were raging over the wedding and trying to figure out WHY? WHY? the trope was born and the minions were all over it. 
I found this post when looking for a post to show the trope.  I know ajw is denying it here, but this thread is pure gold and if you haven’t read it-or even if you have- do yourself a favor and give it a read. It is the definition of ridiculous.  
ajw720 answered:
Anon, trust me, I am here and I am supporting him, I didn’t leave even though i was tempted to and I am finding this difficult because her smug face makes my stomach churn, but I do have the right to have questions.  
This action very much confuses me as I watched him fight and I cannot figure how this happened. I agree, i think there was extreme duress and threats.  I would guess his ability to work was threatened because I do not buy for one second he did this to get straight roles or superhero roles. I also would not be surprised if they threatened C as well.  There are powerful people that have enormous influence in the industry and they have a lot to hide when it comes to the closeting of D, the closeting of CC (again KEY), the extreme abuse of D, the continuance of keeping him tied to a beard that is harmful to his emotional and physical being.
One of the goals i believe is that TPTB want us to believe that this is entirely his fault.  And right now, in the public eye, to those who know he is queer, that is the assumption.
I have incredible insight into the situation and I am well aware of what his vile team, bosses, and beard have put him through, to some level and so I am extremely concerned about this latest move.  But i am not going anywhere. Quite frankly, I am one of the handful of people that is keeping this fandom in tack, something I do think he needs right now. But I do think we all have a right to be critical and to be confused without being harsh.  And I am very much trying to walk that line because I cannot fathom being in his shoes. And the fact that C is still supporting him tells me this is not something he wanted even if he agreed to go along with this sham.
I’ve had my time to be angry with him, and I will admit that was my initial reaction. I hate that he felt this was his only option. It breaks my heart that he’s in this situation. I very much fear for his safety, as I don’t think many people understand just HOW powerful TPTB are and what happens to people that come to be seen as a liability (apparently Darren signed a contract with the mob)
All of that being said, I will never walk away when he/they need us most. But, I too, have many questions that I wish we could get some resolution for.
Oh, and just for the record? I don’t think I’ve ever had a stronger desire to punch a condescending smirk off someone as I did when those airport pics surfaced. I didn’t feel that way about the “wedding” photos because, well, she did an excellent job making herself look ridiculous and the GA did all the tearing her to shreds for me.
Nobody is mocking him. But we don’t have to be hypocrite if we are against something. The fact that almost all the people of our fandom are still here in a way or another despite everything I think it’s very telling about the support. Despite the fact of being pissed or annoyed because of the sham wedding.
Fact is, TPTB literally have laid him out at the altar as the sacrificial lamb to atone for all of THEIR sins.  And it sucks, and we have a lot of emotions about it. Mine vary literally from one minute to the next (and yes i accept that i care too much), but now that the wedding is over and there is a “marriage” lavender or not, I am concerned how the next few months/years play out.  Because has to deal with her demands that were bad enough as the public gf and fiancee. What will she be like as the wife?
If we go by history, we can pretty much extrapolate what she may be like. The question I would love to know is what safeguard did D get out of all this? If this is is just and extension of his previous contract, he must have gotten something in return? Now this I can but speculate on but I can strongly assume it includes protections for his true relationship with C. I can see a career path as a second measure.
Two me, the scary bit is the power on industry can hold out someone in a country were freedom is held so high. How can a contract supercede fundamental rights?
Regardless of everything D faced a yes or no question. Yes, marry and face the consequence and, no, come out an face the consequence. Yes and no a simple facts in life. No must have been a super hard pill to swallow, but in all this, somehow, I believe he had a win we may never see.
Not everything is black and white. With D ww see a prime example the question now resolves around not what was but what will come. We will see D rebelling as we have come to known…tongue in check…as the picture goes.
We are all here to support D and C in our own ways. Some ar vocal and direct, while others are mor subtle. In our own ways we have their backs. Going forward as a community that is all we can do.
Unfortunately I’m someone who maybe harsher right now. Am I sad for him - yes because he’s made himself look fool. (wait chrisdarebashful just said “Nobody is mocking him!”)
I believe he knew it would be a spectacle. I believe he spent this year distancing himself from the wedding arrangements during interviews. He knew how this sham wedding would look and the shit storm it would produce amongst his fans and I think at some point made his peace with it. I’m not sure how he managed that but I think he did. (let’s be honest here- NOT his fans, just amongst the ccers) 
Maybe all his choices in this instance were equally shit, but there are more people involved here than just D. When did his forced choices have to impact so many people?
I’m less concerned with the rebellion. Tbh I saw the nail varnish and sighed and rolled my eyes.
@flowersintheattic254 you know more than almost anyone the extent of my feelings and why. And I agree, no matter the options, this isn’t the choice I would have made. Life is the most precious thing we have. So I do have a really hard time comprehending it.
And I still would like to know why he did some of the things he did before this happened. You know precisely what I’m talking about.
I’m jus trying really hard to get clarity and answers.
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