#omfg i am so sorry that this is so looooong
magicalshitposts · 3 years
(Follows specifically HWAOC timeline and that version of Robbie :))
Robbie was orphaned as a really young child (like 5) and had to learn how to survive without parents real quick. He would forage and scuffle through trash to find stuff to eat, only had one pair of clothes and resided in the plains of Akkala (where he lived before his parents died)
The yiga clan were scouting around Hyrule looking for some items to help aid the calamity and a foot soldier happened upon him and wanted to take him to safety. Robbie absolutely did not trust this weird masked dude and the foot soldier had no idea what to do, so he kidnapped Robbie and took him back to the Yiga Clan hideout where a certain very-new-to-his-job top banana was just handed a 5 year old Shiekah with a bag on his head. 
Even though the Yiga clan is most certainly evil and trying very hard to kill two other very young children, they have a huge sense of family and seeing a Sheikah child in pain was not something they could stand for. 
The un-bagged Robbie who was a feral little fucker and bit the foot solider who kidnapped him and Kohga was like ‘ yup, this is my child now.
Robbie eased up very slowly over time and became rather accustomed to living in the Yiga hideout, the Yiga all adored him and would literally do anything for him as he was the only child that resided in the Yiga clan. 
They gave Robbie his own Yiga uniform but they never made him wear it, they also never told him that they were Yiga or what there intensions were as they didn’t want to scare him off or make him hate them.
They took Robbie out on out-of-uniform expeditions, to Gerudo and different parts of hyrule, both Kohga and Sooga went along on the days out but wore non specific masks as their faces were known to the public, Robbie never understood why his family had to hide their faces.
One thing that the Yiga disliked about Robbie was his love for ancient Sheikah tech and specifically guardians, (which were made to kill the calamity they were trying to reincarnate) but they didn't want to stifle his interests. So they did something against their entire core being and took Robbie to go examine guardians. They got him books on the subject. On his adoption day, he always got guardian parts and tools to assemble his own shitty guardians that the Yiga clan wanted to avoid but only praised his good craftsmen ship. They were very proud of all his accomplishments and taught him all they knew.
While it pained all of the Yiga they felt that Robbie would never really be a Yiga. It just never seemed to be in his blood.
Once Robbie grew up he left the hideout and travelled to central Hyrule, there he met Purah and they both got drafted to be Royal researchers to help fight calamity.
Robbie never told Purah about where he was raised because he never thought it would matter but Purah, who had a fair few run ins with the Yiga, complained rampantly about them. It took Robbie a very long time to put two and two together.
He was kinda lost. He knew deep down he wasn't what a Sheikah. The word just never felt right to him, but knowing what the Yiga's goal made him question a lot of his childhood.
He threw himself into his work and made sure to become the best guardian researcher Hyrule could have ever seen.
He fought alongside the champions and built himself a helluva good family
When it came to fighting the Yiga he couldn't bare too and others had to stand in his place.
Then Sooga died. Urbosa tells the others and talks about it like it's the biggest win. Robbie was fucking distraught.
One of the people who made him the young man he is died by the hands of the thing his people wanted so badly.
While Robbie obviously wanted to save the world, taking down Astor would be a nice side effect.
Then Kohga came begging to the princess to let him and the clan fight by their side.
Robbie got transported back to his past (not literally lol). He was absolutely obsessed with spending time with Kohga and mourning the loss of Sooga with him. Any minute he didn't spend working or fighting was spent with with the Yiga master and clan. And they were loving it too. They massively missed their little Robbie
Robbie told Kohga that he knew who they were and was surprised at himself for not putting it together sooner. Kohga and the Clan were scared that this meant that Robbie spending all this time with them was his way of saying goodbye, Robbie assured them otherwise
However things can't stay wholesome forever. Purah realised that the guy who's been attached to her hip for the last 5ish years is spending all his time with people who were once the enemy. She obviously pulled him up on it.
She was hurt when he told her the truth. For so many different reasons. The Yiga clan had tried to kill her, her friends and aid with killing the whole of Hyrule. Hell they'd even tried to kill Robbie, she didn't understand why he didn't tell her, she didn't understand why he still used the title Sheikah. She was confused but tried to understand.
Robbie didn't know why he used the Sheikah title either. It never felt right. The Yiga were so much more free than the Sheikah. They had a real sense of family and joy, apart from the tech Robbie had no interest in the Sheikah. It took some time to come to terms with it for him and those who surrounded him but once the calamity had been defeated and Zelda became Queen he got a formal meeting with to work on dropping his Sheikah title but be able to keep his position of lead guardian researcher in the royal lab.
Robbie then works on becoming a full blown Yiga. Purah in the end comes to terms. She's scared at first, that her best friend might change or try to kill her or their friends. But then she realises Robbie is still an annoying fuck and still the guy she knows she couldn't live without, just happier and feeling freer.
Robbie stopped wearing the Sheikah appointed attire but never changed over to the Yiga uniform. Mainly because the Yiga clan told him not too. Kohga made it clear that the clan (including Robbie) should be free to dress as the please.
Then to solidify his place in the clan, he got a tattoo of the inverted eye. This again took everyone aback a bit but Robbie wears it with pride for himself and his clan so they don’t mind much.
Even though the idea of the Yiga Clan has changed significantly as they are now not hell bent on bringing about the end of the world, and look at that view with a good amount of hate, they still have a large sense of family and take their clan very seriously. Which is something that Robbie loves about his clan. 
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