#ollie 🐶 x claire rp
claire-connolly · 2 years
*I’m walking five dogs as I head to the dog park and I open the gate to let them in, releasing each one at a time and the little white Pomeranian takes off in your direction, yipping wildly* No!!! Hey get back here, you little brute!! Don’t you bite anyone, Draco! *I yell as I chase after him* ~ Ollie // @oliver-jones-anon
*My eyes widen as I see the tiny Pomeranian barreling towards me and I scoop him up into my arms as soon as he’s close enough for me to do so* Hello little guy! You’re just the cutest thing aren’t you! Tell me, where are you running from and better yet, who are you running from? * I tease and pet his head, taking a dog treat from my purse and giving it to him*
// @oliver-jones-anon
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claire-connolly · 3 years
// Hello Everyone!!
I Just wanted to say that this is where I’ll be housing anything and everything having to do with my witch OC Claire Connolly!!
The Claire Files:
Childhood and Craft
Random OC Questions
Anything under #The Claire Files is background and info on Claire!
I will/do RP from here but everything will be tagged appropriately for anyone to block so dashes don’t get clogged
White Wolf!Bucky x Claire RP
Zemo x Claire RP
Eliza x Claire RP
Wren x Claire RP
Ollie 🐶 x Claire RP
Alejandro x Claire RP
Claire RP
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