#okay tbF I MAy have started working on something… but these past couple of weeks I was kinda busy with zine stuff and crafting
redkehlchen · 7 months
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I can‘t believe I made this to motivate myself to actually work on an animatic… and now it‘s been over a year… 🫠
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lordhenry · 5 years
survey 38
What did you do in 2018 that you’d never done before? Fell in love for real lol.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?  Probably not having visa issues.
What kind of computer do you have? An early 2015 MacBook Air.
Do you think about anyone before you go to bed? My boyfriend. I mostly just wonder if he’s okay. I know he gets sad about our situation but keeps it to himself most of the time.
Ever cried on the phone to somebody? I’ve done this so many times over the last 4 months. Long distance is hard. 8 hour gap is hard.
If your partner wanted to hang out with their ex, how would you react? Z easily gets jealous when I talk to people who used to like me, made a pass at me, I used to like or anything like that. I avoid approaching/talking too much to those people to make it easier on him. I think I should expect the same from him in return.
Do you believe that your partner should tell you the truth about everything? What lies do you believe are acceptable in a relationship? I’m 100% transparent to the point that I have told him absolutely everything in my past and my life because I would rather not be withholding information that could maybe potentially be a red flag, for example. So I expect the same, honestly. I don’t know what lies are acceptable, I don’t usually lie save from the common “I’m fine” escape route.
The past 72 hours, have you been under the influence? I drank a little heavily the other night, I guess. Bourbon whisky. A little more than half the bottle. With coca-cola, though, I’m not a complete psycho.
Have you ever had a panic attack? I don’t really know if it constitutes as a panic attack, but one time I had a kind of break-down feeling like I couldn’t breathe, and I was talking to my friend that time, thinking I was going to either pass out or die or at least it felt like that. My heart was skipping over itself, racing, and I was being all dramatic tbf. She said it could have been a panic attack, but I don’t really know and it never happened again so far so idk.
Last time you cried really really hard? Ever since this whole long distance situation with my boyfriend, I have had so much breakdowns lol... probably just a week ago or so.
Will your next kiss be a mistake? Definitely not. 
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months? I’m already in one that’s way past that.
Do you own more than one cell phone? Yeah. I don’t really use the extra one because it’s just for in case my int’l number gets a call or whatever.
Have you ever been asked out? Plenty of times, but I’ve always been rather aloof and picky on top of that.... never had much success until my boyfriend. We just clicked hard, and I found myself wanting to go out with him again.
If you could have one super power, what would it be? Teleport. I would be back in the UK so quick, under the blanket with Z, probably just watching movies lol.
Do you act differently around the person you like? I mean, he’s the person I love the most. Of course, I would be acting differently. I’m not someone who would be described as sweet, but I could be that around my boyfriend, for instance.
What was the happiest age of your life? 20.
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Possibly, but he’s busy with his assessment lol.
Do you believe it’s okay for your partner to look at other people? What about flirting? What are your boundaries when it comes to how your partner behaves around other people? It’s okay to find someone attractive, that’s normal. But flirting and giving them unnecessary attention would be crossing the line for me.
On the other hand, what boundaries do you set for yourself when it comes to the above mentioned? What boundaries does your partner have? Exactly the same. Fair and square.
Do you believe in being in a relationship with somebody if you don’t even know if you see a future with them? I’m not interested in playing around with someone. If I’m with you, I’m with you for the long haul. The moment I start doubting my feelings and start realising that you’re not the one for me/I don’t see a possibility of you and me in the future, that’s the time I back out.
Do you think your partner should buy you flowers, jewellery, etc.? Do you think you should be doing the same? I won’t necessarily expect gifts all the time for no reason, but of course I would appreciate them. I do like buying things for my boyfriend for no reason though, but it’s not like I ask for anything in return when I do that.
Do you feel that the male (in a heterosexual relationship) should actually be dominant in a relationship, or should both partners have an equal say? Equal say or do what ever works for you both, I’d say.
Do you believe that a couple should stay together and work things out no matter what? To what extent are you willing to fight for a relationship? "No matter what” is questionable. It depends on what the adversity is. It’s easy to compromise on the little things. Arguments are normal, but things like abusive behaviour, for example, is too much and I would not stay for.
Have you ever cheated? How did it happen - was it a moment of weakness or was it something well-planned out to avoid getting caught? How do you feel about the way things turned out because of it? Never. It’s the one thing I would never ever do.
How much change do you think is necessary in a relationship? Do you believe you should just accept your partner for who they are? Or do you believe some change is necessary for a relationship to grow? Partners should grow together. Being with the right person means improving and learning together. If you’re the same all throughout your relationship, it’s a bit questionable whether you have improved as a person or stayed the same the whole time. My boyfriend and I learn from each other all the time, I think it’s neat. Change is good if it’s a good change. I’ve changed some bad habits that he pointed out, and he’s done the same. It’s all good.
How do you handle jealousy? How does your partner handle jealousy? Reassurance. He is easily jealous but I know how to handle that. I don’t get jealous all that often, but when I do, I have a legitimate reason. For that, I just need reassurance as well and proof that I’m talking nonsense, if necessary.
How do you feel about snooping through a partner’s belongings? Do you ever feel that it’s acceptable? How would you feel if a partner snooped through your belongings? Z always tells me that his things are my things as well, but even so, I don’t really snoop, and neither does he.
Do you know anyone who is pregnant? Z’s mum.
Do you think you’ll be married in 10 years? I can’t predict the future, but I think my relationship may be heading towards that. 10 years is a long time, I think it’s very possible we would already be married before then lol.
Will you have sexual intercourse within the next week or two? Ever heard of long distance? Definitely not for the next few months.
What were you doing 2 hours ago? Browsing through YT and Netflix, just trying to have something to do.
Were you single on your last birthday? No. I had a great time clubbing with my friends, then an even better time the following day with my boyfriend. Then another great evening with both friends and boyfriend where we proceeded to get even more shitfaced! 10/10 would do again.
Are your nails painted? Yeah, nude shade.
Do you regret a past relationship? Before Z, I tried to go out with a classmate in uni who liked me. Halfway through our 3-month something, I started realising I probably didn’t even like him as more than friends and would never learn to. I didn’t have experience with dating, and I got curious to finally give it a try with someone decent. Learnt the hard way that that is not enough though. I kind of regret that because I hurt a good guy by trying it out, and I didn’t mean to. I knew I had to stop trying and broke it off because I wasn’t really feeling it. I mean, we didn’t even really go out on real dates let alone anything else really. It was that dead for me... I was stupid not to realise sooner. It was only for 3 months though so I’m still a bit glad for not letting it drag on and for acting on it.
What did you/are you having for dinner tonight? It was minced beef with veggies over white rice.
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