#okay i'm tagging it cockles because cockles is heavily highlighted
cooloddball · 2 years
Okay. I know I'm late but I've been thinking a lot about Misha coming out as straight. I know you said you would never talk about it but please hear me out. You don't have to post it.
Misha came out. There is no other way to explain his "i'm all three" (extrovert, introvert, and bisexual). This was intentional. It was specific. He could've easily not made any comments, but he chose to do that. That's why I think he was silenced by tptb from whichever hollywood kabul. The thing is, it did not make sense that he waited a whole 3 days before retracting his statement. That was 3 days too long. If, his intention was not to "come-out", he should've addressed it during his panel with Jensen. He had every opportunity to do so during that panel if he wanted but it was crickets on the subject.
And no, he did not take it back because of his kids either because he had to have thought about them before he mentioned that he was "all 3" and waited 3 days to take it back. I think it is actually more damaging for himself to come out as straight rather than coming out as bi. The other thing is how he phrased his retracting statement "unfortunately i happen to be straight" was he disappointed of his sexuality or it was unfortunate that he woke up that morning and decided he was better off as straight? This is exhausting tbh.
I have seen other takes that he un-came out to cool down the cockles rumours because Jensen was becoming more popular. That theory is laughable because a month or so after the incident Danneel (all hail the queen 👸) posted a photo Misha looking at Jensen like he hung the moon and the stars during the cw upfronts. She could've posted the selfie of the 3 of them but she chose both. That I believe was a statement. Also, him coming out did not make Jensen treat him any different, they were touchy and soft as always. There have been gay rumours about Jensen since he was 18 and almost 20 years down the line, none of that has stopped. The other thing is that if anyone wanted to find out about cockles, whether he came out or not, it would take one google search for anyone to find enough proof to create enough suspiscion about them.
The last thing is; he mentioned that he was silenced about the "Castiel's gay declaration of love to Dean." This makes me believe that he might've been silenced about his sexuality for whatever reason.
I want to believe his statement that he is straight but how am I supposed to believe that when I believed him when he said he was bi too?
In conclusion to this long pointless ask, Misha was silenced for whatever reason and it is sad.
yeah i had said i'd never talk about it again. idk why he did what he did but you raise some valid points. there might be more to it than we think.
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