#okay gonna positively rant rn but idk i know tumblr is still shit but idk! these past months that ive been using it made me happy
nightytime · 1 year
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survivor-hosts · 7 years
Ep. #5: “TRICK ASS RAISIN” - Andrew
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For this round, the game was One World and the players will allowed to talk to the members of the other tribe. The tribes competed in Crack the Code with the tribe with the lowest combined amount of guesses winning Immunity. Naicha lost for the second time in a row.  There was a lot of confusion throughout the day about who had what advantage with the members of Jinsei trying to influence the vote as well.  Matt decided to use his vote reveal on Drew seeing that Drew cast his vote against Matt instead of Allision like he said he would.  Matt went to Sam asking her to use the Haumaru idol for him stating that the votes were coming his way.  In a deal to still play the Haumaru on herself, Sam gave Matt the Sapphire Idol to use.  Sam and Matt tied the vote by voting for Allison and Josh to cancel out all 6 votes cast at tribal.  Only Drew and Connor were now eligible to be voted for and Drew was sent home in a 3-1 vote.
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All I wanna say is fuck matt summers for inventing the jeopardy swap.... Luckily we won, but Sam is a big meat shield and it would be nice to have her around that way I'm not seen as a threat and the target is all on her. Thats why I'm contemplating abducting her which is a big move, but risky cause then i have to explain why I did it and how i found the amulet and i dont have the answers to that. I guess I'll see how this tribal goes. I'm really happy to reconnect with Jessy cause I think the two of us could do some mad damage in this game. I'm trying to get info now so hopefully that works. As for MJ, hes cool but I dont think he really tries if that makes any sense. Oh well, hopefully I can last longer since I'm right back to having no alliances again
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*Playstation Trophy Sound* Got Past 13th Place
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Can't wait to be fifth boot
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i see you palawan twist i see you
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miss sam getting the haumaru idol makes things complicated because i want to flip next tribal to work with mj but in order to do that i need lydia to come along. in the event we end up losing sam's gonna be asking what's happening because she needs to know how to use the idol. i'm no dummy and knows that she would want mj to go before anyone on this tribe so i can't tell her that we're voting scott/andrew out because i know she's close to scott, and if i tell her we're voting mj/jessy then flip to work with them, i've lied to sam and she won't trust me. god this idol really just came at the worst time possible. the best case scenario would be to win this round because i really can't deal with this idol getting played against me
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So fuck all of this? Honestly the Solomon one world twist giving me all this tea is life but the tea burnt my tongue and I'm pissed the fuck off. Because I'm literally gonna be advantaged out again! So let's just run through all these supposed advantages: Sam - Sapphire Idol but like could be a Phoenix Idol? Idk Sam's a shady fuck and threw me under the bus to Scott to make him not trust me. "Just know they have a chat without you" IT WAS 9 MINUTES YOU TRICK ASS RAISIN (also has a regal idol? idfk but girl can go) Matt - Regular idol? Idk? Idk how him and Sam would both have a regular idol. Also a vote negator I guess. Wtf? Scott - Amulet Of Abduction that he didn't tell me about. Which ngl? Hurt? Like I thought he was my number 1 and yeah I was skeptical I was his ACTUAL number 1 but. He knew about the map since day 3. And now almost every space is gone and I just hate myself so thank you Scott! Like love him but highkey pissed at him rn because all of these people having the map for so long and everyone having all of these advantages has psyched me out :') Jessy - Obsidian Idol which is the only thing I'm not fully mad about. Except I guess everyone knows about it. But this could be good if we need to break a tie. But could also not work because we're in One World and people could transfer idols and shit to MJ/Lydia/Connah. So now I'm in this fun f3 with Scott and Jessy. Love Jessy. Am now skeptical of Scott. They both know Allison and I are hosting Hoenn on the side but like, I changed my name to Kyoto host hehe. Except everyone has probs noticed oops idc. All I know is that MJ, Lydia, Connah, and Sam are probs together. And I'm really pissed at Sam like? She had no reason to not wanna be with us. I just thought that the older players would be mature enough to not rely on past relationships but instead they're all Obligation Flocking™ and I'm like okay whatever that's fun. Can't blame them for taking the easy way out when at the beginning of this game I was so ready to unapologetically vote out Allison or Drew - 2 very close friends of mine. But hey maybe I'll give them some benefit of the doubt and they'll start backstabbing one another. If they do, I wanna be here for it.
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Okay so, a lot of shit went down so I need to dive right into it. Not gonna lie I was really happy to see Sam make it out of there alive and that they voted out David, cause I was scared as to what would happen. And I was surprised to see David come for Sams life at the end of that. Her target is growing bigger and bigger with each passing moment, which is a huge concern to me. Now in the moment I thought I did the right thing by doing this, but I revealed to Sam that I have the Amulet of Abduction and told her I would use it on her if she was ever in danger. We decided not to use it this round, but to wait until the next cause she found the Harimau Idol, so she has to automatically play that this round. Jessy also approached me and revealed the map to me. I wasn't surprised she did this, but I was surprised that she wants to lead an army against Sam and her other allies. Which I'm happy I'm not the only one that realizes her threat status, however I don't think I'm in a position to really go after her. Like I feel like I could be like how Matt Summers was in Adversaries if I flip. Cause they have all of these advantages, and I don't want any of them to screw me over. Most importantly, I dont want to be the first person to be Sapphire Idoled out twice so I need to do my best to maneuver around all these advantages. So Jessy and I made an alliance with Andrew to potentially lead the resistance against these big threats and we agreed that one of them needs to go during premerge. I think I'm in a good position because I don't have like a big duo. In Maluku, my duos were Mattica and Maria and they made flipping to the favorites 10x easier. This time around I don't really have any strong significant allies, but I would rather be at the end with people like Jessy and Andrew over people like Sam and Lydia. I kinda just feel like I'm Sam and Lydia's secret lapdog just because they include me in somethings, but not everything. Like I don't appreciate how close they are with Connah/MJ/Matt Summers when all three of them don't ever converse with me unless I go an initiate the conversation. And if I'm going to align with people, I need to know that I can trust them. For now I'm gonna act like I'm with Sam/Lydia, but I dont see it lasting too long. If we lose they'll want to vote out either Jessy or Andrew and I don't want to see them go.
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[18/06/2017, 11:12:22 AM] Josh: should i start calling you wonnor [18/06/2017, 11:12:26 AM] connor: no. [18/06/2017, 11:12:30 AM] Josh: just a 1 letter difference to winner tho :~) [18/06/2017, 11:12:43 AM] connor: uh [18/06/2017, 11:12:44 AM] connor: no [18/06/2017, 11:12:46 AM] connor: its two
For the past 7 days or so this game has been making me anxious and i'm not sure why! i dont like checking chats or even Skype. Yesterday I took a nap, woke up and saw a PM from Lydia and I'm like "HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH right im playing TS". I dont know why i feel like this!!!!! This dosent happen at all. I've played too many games to know that. I suspect it's the one year gap between Gens and this one. The stress is 3 much 5 me. Anyways I needed to rant but here's game stuff now lol. Idk what to expect this coming round. I dont feel comfortable on Naicha. I have Connor, I know but I have a feeling is hiding something. I want to work with Sam because in the long term I want to work with Lydia and slide under the radar. I HOPE it's the Sri Lanka twist so everyone gets a fresh start but I might be taking for granted the position I have in Naicha. I do not like having control and not being in the loop. If we factor in everyone. It's an Old School feel on a New School game and I can't keep up with modern Tumblr Survivor. I'm gonna get eaten alive in this game. Wont be surprise if i go out premerge again lol
I love suffering
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Honestly I'm just so happy we won because.... I can still hide in the background for a bit. I know if my tribe were to go to tribal, I would have to pick a side to work with. Do I go with Jessy/Andrew, or do I go with Lydia/Connah/MJ. And honestly if we lost I probably would have stuck with Jessy/Andrew because I really don't... trust MJ. Like he makes no effort to like talk to me, which I could reach out to him but idk its kinda awkward so I might do that tomorrow. But like I don't see why people expect me to work with people who I have no relationship with. As for Connah, I actually am starting to like him. He's been approaching me for once and we actually hold decent conversations which really caught me by surprise. Like I thought he was faking everything but turns out he's being legit. Which is good for the Sam/Lydia side of things, but I'm also starting to get the feeling that they are wary of me. I don't blame them because if they are suspicious they have every right to be. If it wasn't for Jessy dropping the T about them I probably would have been their goat. I'm thankful Jessy clued me in on what's really been going on just because now I have the chance to really impact this game. I just hope all of these advantages don't become the death of me. At least the Haumaru idol gets played this tribal so thank god.
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i'm playing with a bunch of dummies
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The plan right now is to have a 3-2-1 vote. 3 votes on Matt, 2 votes on whoever Sam and Matt vote, 1 vote Sam. This is to be safe in case Sam plays a Sapphire Idol, or Sam plays an idol on herself. People are concerned about Sam having a regular idol/haumaru idol so it's just a safety net in case those happen. I am not confident going into this tribal council at all. This is an important one and this sets the tone for merge. I'm prepared to get voted out as well.
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This has been crazy, and i'm barely getting this in before tribal, so here's a summary: So Sam tells me her advtandage is a ruby idol but tells others that it is a saphire idol. The challenge was indiviudal so people thought it was the Palawan joint double tribal of doom twist. Josh, myself, Connor, and MJ made and alliance since we are starting to be seen as duos (Me/Josh and MJ/Connor). We lose the challenge and its a regular tribal. I called with Josh to figure out our approach to tribal, with three of us (ending up being myself, Drew, and Allison) voting Sam, Sam and Matt voting another (for Allison), and Josh voting alone for Matt. TBH it's scary but im glad its not my name being the second name, because there is more than likely a buy-back so even if an ally gets voted out, theres a high change they can and will come back. 3-2-1 ensures that if a saphire idol is played, which is probably what Sam has and lied to me about having a ruby idol, Matt goes home. If no idol gets played, Sam goes home. If a regular idol gets played on Matt and Sam plays the saphire idol, we revote. The only way shit hits the fan and allison goes home is Sam or Matt play an idol on Sam. To make sure the plan works tho, I had to take a page from Nick Wentworth and record some calls. I went on 8 calls today alone, and I recorded all of them. Will they be useful? We'll see. To make sure the 3-2-1 works, we had to make sure Sam and Matt vote one way. To do that, I worked a conversation on iMessage with Matt so that he thinks he came up with the idea of voting out Allison (or any one). I let him lead the conversation, saying that I was "ready to make a move" (true) and i was "over naicha" (no?) so that an alliance was made of me, Sam, Matt, and Drew as safety. I made fake receipts with Drew so they think the alliance is legit. So, in summary: I am literally in an alliance with everyone on this tribe.
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When Sam tells u on call she wants to use the Sapphire Idol to save Matt Summers.... tbh I don't see that being a good move moving forward cause there's so many people she has to explain her reasoning's behind that too. I'm actually kinda hoping Matt  goes cause then it breaks up the big Sam/Lydia/Matt/MJ/Connah alliance that everyone is so worried about and it can ease me in this game knowing that I'm not too much on the bottom. Honestly Sam should just worry about saving herself and whatever happens to Matt happens to him. He got himself in that mess and it isn't Sam's responsibility to save him. Moving forward, I'm starting to think it's best that I just stick with Jinsei. While my tribe is filled with threatening people, Niacha seems to be pretty strong moving forward and with Jessy already on the outs I don't see how flipping to them would benefit me long term. But I do need to figure out how to work the A Dora Bowls (Me/Jessy/Andrew) in this game because honestly they're people I want to go to the end with.
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mj and i this entire round
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allison is so funny KLSJSLKSJKL me: MJ king of thinking this is a monarchy allison in my pms: Omg u dislike him too? BKLMSDFMKLSKLMSD i told her ass the Tea. We WORKING TOGETHER to get out these Jinsei hoes + Matt/MJ. jinsei minus a dora bowls at least People who won't vote me out: - MJ (possibly) - Andrew - Allison - Scott (possibly) - Josh - Connor - Drew (possibly) People who will vote me out: - Connah - Sam - Lydia - Matt (possibly)
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