#ok well. felix has a cool undertone. BUT ITS NOT OLIVE. its like. purple-y almost.
snekdood ยท 3 months
its wild to me how western european beauty standards even effected me as a child. my blonde, blue-eyed ass. i'd tan and come inside to look at my skin and it was "darker" in a way thats not conventionally understood as beautiful, I thought I was "supposed" to have more red and orange pigment when I tanned
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like this
but instead it was more like
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this and it always made me feel insecure on a subconscious level, like i wasnt the "right type of tan" or something :/
anyways, everyone with olive skin is beautiful and fuck them other color undertones sdjkhbvsfgdvghsdfhgvdfshvgfdgshv
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