#ok rambling over. enjoy the smol forgs.
marclef · 8 months
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quick, slightly cleaned sketches of me trying to figure out how the heck i want my Peppino Clones to look. but ehhhh they look nice so i'm posting them.
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blps · 3 years
Pairing: Yamaguchi x reader
Genre: the good old pinning and oublivious love (//∇//) fluff! smol angst ALSO TSUKI POV (most of it anyways)! (And swearing?? Like one bad word)
Summary: Tsukishima has had enough of the both of you. If none will take the wheel, Tsuki will. Watch out for the third wheel.
Word count: ~1.7k
a/n: hello! It’s me again, gere to deliver some fluff! and to tell you that Yams loves you! Enjoy!
He couldn’t take it anymore. It has been two hole fucking month since Yamaguchi finally admitted he had feelings for you. Since that day, Tsukishima was in constant pain from the literal slow burn romance happening. The pain and frustration of watching you two obviously pinning over each other was another form of torture.
Tsukishima tried hinting to Yamaguchi how maybe, just MAYBE you might reciprocate his feelings. However, his childhood friend’s insecurities ran strong regarding his love life. He told him how he couldn’t understand how someone like you could like someone like him. He felt unworthy of your affection, that he wasn’t enough.
From Tsukishima point of view, that was the most stupidest reason, valid, but still stupid. Not only Tsukishima saw this love story from Yamaguchi’s perspective, but also your’s. You have been friends with them since first year. You often hangout with them, went to cheer them on their game and helped out Yachi with manager tasks. Safe to say that you have been around them to develop feelings for the sweet Yamaguchi. Tsukishima always noticed how you offered your brightest smile to Yamaguchi, the natural happiness you two seemed to give each other mutually. If he could see it, how could any of you couldn’t?
Tsukishima only hoped that the lovingly stare when one isn’t looking, or the shyness the both of you acted when you got too close to each other or even better, the pause when one of you wants to finally confess and spill out your feelings only to give up at the last minute, will only stop.
It was after those two month that Tsukishima finally decided. If none of you would confess, he was going to take that burden.
To begin his plan, Tsukishima had to think of the way to force one of you, or both, to confess. He didn’t want to just get the two of you in a room and spill your secrets. No. He at least needed to think things thoroughly for both of your sakes. The problem was that he was far from a romantic. How was he going to set the both of you up?
His answer came the same day at practise. Yachi picked up on how something was troubling Tsukishima and approached him at the end. He told her his plan, well the goal that is. If someone could help him, Yachi was the perfect person to ask.
She immediately was on board, agreeing so quickly he was confident she felt as frustrating that you two weren’t yet together. They agreed to keep it a secret, certain that Kageyama or Hinata would spill the secret out.
The research then began. They searched different scenarios on how one of you could confess. Telling one of you bluntly didn’t work, they have tried. Multiple time. Yachi was good at this, making a list of every scenario that could work.
Forging letters to tell to meet on the roof. The both of you would probably confess if everything turned out well.
Having one of you gush about the other publicly, it wasn’t that hard, and the other would overhear by ‘accident’.
Locking the both of you in a room so you would confess. Less likely but let’s not give out all hope shall we?
Bringing jealousy into the mix.
And the list goes on.
With all of these prompts, it  was left to you and Yamaguchi to work this out.
The plan was going well at first. Yachi designed the cards, perfectly matching both of your handwritings; it was terrifying. The both of you got the letter before the last period. Tsukishima saw how nervous Yamaguchi was. He smirked and thought how he was going to be less nervous once you confess and Tsukishima will finally not witness the obvious pinning.
At the end of the class, Yamaguchi practically bolted out of his seat, Tsukishima trailing him not far behind. It was hard keeping up with him, lucky that Tsukishima knew where he was going, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to follow his friend.
At the rooftop, you were already there, the letter Yachi forged in your hands. Tsukishima hid next to Yachi, the both of them seeing the scene before them.
“I believe you have something to tell me Yams,” you starred hopefully at Yamaguchi, your mind wondering, hoping it was what you thought it was. Yamaguchi on the other hand seemed as if he would pass out any second. Tsukishima, Yachi and you held your breaths, waiting for Yamaguchi to speak. The latter was a blubbering mess, tripping over muttered words and his face turning a beautiful shade of red.
“I um.. I-I huh-HAVE A NEW GAME TO SHOW YOU,” his voice raised, loud enough to surprise you. Tsukishima and Yachi face palmed, waiting for your reaction.
“Oh, uh sure, but you could have told me at practise or during lunch,” you chuckled, giving Yamaguchi a smile to calm him down.
“I-I didn’t want Tsuki to know since I always play with him, but, uh, I think you would really enjoy it and uh I know we talked about it before. But if you can’t I totally understand! It’s a bit sudden and-”
“I would love it.” You interrupted him as soon as your brain processed the information. You were so happy, your smile only seemed to grow bigger. You set the date and left Yamaguchi alone, afraid that if you spent more time with him, he would change his mind. (also to calm your heartbeat but you would never admit that)
Seriously, Tsukishima was frustrated. Why couldn’t Yamaguchi just confess on the roof top? Now they had to wait to see if it worked.
Presently, Yamaguchi was rambling on about how he needs to purchase the game, hoping it wasn’t sold out and the fact that the two of you would be alone. For a whole afternoon. Yamaguchi was nervous about being alone with you. Could he even handle that? The two of you had spent some alone time before, but that was before his feelings for you got deeper and deeper. Also the fact that it was similar to a date just made Yamaguchi K.O.
Tsukishima rolled his eyes, but listened to his friend. He had to convince Yamaguchi to follow through with his plan. Just as Tsukishima was going to respond back, the both of them halted, hearing your voice nearby.
You were rambling about your feelings. You didn’t mention the name, but you talked about how he was sweet, gentle, caring, a contagious smile. He was the one you held feelings to. And to top it off, you were going to confess soon.
Tsukishima glanced at his friends, wondering if he caught on to who was your crush. Dread fell over Tsukishima as he saw that his friend got the COMPLETE opposite meaning of your words. Yamaguchi excused himself and left. Tsukishima was over it. All his efforts would never be successful. Why couldn’t the two of you be a couple already?
Yamaguchi proceeded to avoid you the next day. He couldn’t look you in your eyes when you wanted to confirm if your plans still stand. This affected you of course, only putting doubt in your mind that maybe, Yamaguchi didn’t like you back and you read everything wrong.
Tsukishima and Yachi were drowning in sorrow. Their plan was going so well. They needed to fix this mess one way or another. Maybe number 3 on the list was your only hope left.
At practise, when you were at the storage room, they tricked Yamaguchi into going in there while you were there. He was standing still at the entrance when the door slammed behind him. You two looked at the door, then into each other's eyes.
It was quiet for a moment, so many words wanted to be said, but none left either of your mouths. Yamaguchi tried opening the door but it seemed it was locked. The atmosphere was tense, neither of you speaking. You decided to break silence, spilling what was on your mind.
“Did I do something wrong?” Yamaguchi tensed at the words, feeling guilty with the way he treated you. His lack of communication was making you feel sad and neglected. That was the opposite of what he wanted to make you feel.
“No! You did nothing wrong, it’s me.” He still couldn’t look you in the eyes.
“Then tell me what’s been bothering you. If it’s because of the plans we ca-” “I LIKE YOU!”
His sudden words left you speechless. He was still not looking your way, his fists clenched tightly. He couldn’t back down now.
“I like you ok? Everytime we’re together I want it to last forever! You make me happy and when you encourage me to do anything, I feel confident and I want you to feel the same. But as much as you make my doubts disappear, the ones about you never does. I always wonder if you could consider me as more than a friend.  But I know that’s not the case so I’m trying to put some dist-”
“I LIKE YOU TOO!” You screamed, not wanting to continue his sentence. “I do too.” Those words were softer. They weren’t yelled, but held all the relief of and love you could whisper. Yamaguchi looked at you with a surprised look, hoping with all his might that it wasn’t a dream.
You both rushed towards each other’s arms. Yamaguchi held on tight and you did as well. The first embrace from one another was warm and comfortable. His face was buried in your neck, whispering how much he was happy and how lucky he was to be with you. You did the same, hugging as tight as you could, afraid his insecurities would keep him from you once again.
You stayed like this for a while until you heard the doors opened. Yachi was overjoyed and Tsukishima shed a secret tear, gratefull that he would no longer witness the torture of oblivious love.
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