#ok i desperately need to do some lil christmas sketchies before its too late
jazzzzzzhands · 5 months
Can you draw Wally plz??
on tablet?
Do I really need an excuse??
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I Honestly wasn't sure what you meant! Because i have drawn him so so many times digitally BUT this one is special BECAUSE! Normally i do do my sketch Traditionally, But i chose to take this ask as a personall challenge to do the WHOLE thing digitally looky at my digital sketch!!
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just like my trad sketches, it is just very very light. Im so used to drawing lightly because i erase a LOT oh and hey, while i'm at it, just take my ding dang time-lapse
ahahaha just in case you guys ever wante to watch me manually color and yes yes, do those shading lines by hand because i love them. oh and ty Ibis for having background elements bc backgrounds are HARD. (But putting the little stickers and bgs together feels like scrapbooking and its fun!!)
If you actually watched me draw, you may get motion sickness from just how much i move my canvas around lmao
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