#ok and then shawn drags gus over to the couch and goes through the entire binder  - editing it and filling it with his own ideas
captainsjack · 3 years
gus has been planning his and shawn’s wedding since the 8th grade.
it started out innocent enough, just gus thinking about how he’d like his wedding to be - colour schemes, ties, food, etc, and eventually he even made a little binder of magazine cut outs and his own written ideas, with colour coded tabs, each section cross-referenced with various forms of organization. and then, eventually, somewhere along the way, he realised he was probably, most likely, in love with his best friend, and all of the sudden that ambiguous figure in front of the altar now had shawn’s face, and then gus started thinking about what shawn would like at his wedding - their wedding.
and the binder then became more detailed and more packed with papers, and it was something gus turned to along the years whenever he was feeling particularly depressed about being in love with his best friend.
he keeps it under his bed, hidden away, and only pulls it out when there’s something more he wants to add or when he really can’t stop thinking about how much he loves shawn.
when shawn leaves after high school without saying goodbye, gus almost burns the binder. the only reason he doesn’t, is because it’s actually filled with some good ideas and he doesn’t want all of that to go to waste. so he keeps it under his childhood bed while he’s at college, and the person in front of him at the altar isn’t shawn anymore - it can’t be. no matter how much he wants it to.
when gus packs up his stuff after graduating, after he’s finally found a job and a decent place, he doesn’t really think twice about packing the binder too. he just takes all his things, and the binder is in a box of other important papers that gus brings along.
gus hasn’t thought about the binder in years. when shawn moves back, they fall back into their rhythm pretty quickly, and soon enough, gus realises that those feelings from so long ago never really went away.
the longer shawn stays, the harder it is to stuff those feelings down, and it’s not long before gus is looking over the binder once more. (he’s reread and edited his vows plenty of times, and now gus considers writing a new draft - one that wasn’t written by a 12 year old). as he reads it over again, he realises that he was in love with shawn before he even could put words to it. the unnamed person at which the vows were directed, ones he’d written 20 years ago, everything he’d written about him, were all things he could say to shawn - things he wanted to say - and it was clear to him that the person he was describing had always been his best friend.
they’re at gus’s apartment one night, and apparently gus had been a bit careless this time, because shawn walks out of his bedroom (having just changed his shirt - he’d spilled salsa on it and gus was Not going to have whatever shawn couldn’t or wouldn’t wipe off get all over his couch and pillows) holding the binder, a confused little smirk on his face, and he asks “dude, what’s this?”
gus freezes as he realises what shawn’s holding, and can barely restrain himself from physically punching himself in the face for not putting the binder back under his bed where it belonged.
“nothing,” he chokes out.
shawn flips through a couple more pages, tilting his head a little, and gus is absolutely frozen - his mind completely circuiting out, and shawn looks at him and says, “wow man, you put a lot of thought into this!”
a part of gus relaxes, because, oh, good, maybe shawn hasn’t seen the parts with him in it, maybe he just thinks this is gus planning his own wedding. so he stumbles out with a “uh, oh yeah. i kinda forgot about that, i think it’s from high school,” and turns back to putting their dishes away.
and shawn still has that irritating little smirk on his face and he looks back down at the binder and says, “yeah, cool wedding, but why’s my name in it?”
gus thinks that somehow, all of the oxygen in his apartment has disappeared, and he’s looking anywhere but shawn, when he quickly says, “i have to account for best man stuff,” and hopes to god shawn buys it.
shawn hums lightly, still looking curiously at the page, as he casually makes his way over to gus. “i’m pretty sure vows aren’t directed at the best man.”
shawn flips through a couple more pages, and gus is absolutely, completely silent, seriously considering just running the fuck out of the place and starting a new life in mexico.
he’s staring at the bowl of apples on the table, body frozen solid, and gus is quite sure he hasn’t breathed in about 3 minutes.
shawn looks back up at gus, tilting his head a bit, and gently puts the binder down on the table.
gus hasn’t moved.
he hasn’t moved, and he’s not planning on moving - he’s perfectly content standing here pretending he doesn’t exist, until he feels shawn’s hand on his face, feels the warmth of his shoulder as it brushes his own, and then shawn’s lips brush against his lightly.
gus is still frozen, but shawn moves closer to him and presses his lips against gus’s again, this time a bit harder. and he kisses him again, and again, and again, until, finally, gus kisses back.
as shawn pulls away once more, hands curled around gus’s neck, his nose brushing his, he smiles against gus. “i like september better, august is too hot,” he murmurs.
eyes still closed, hands slightly loosening on shawn’s hips, gus is only half aware of what’s going on when he says, “but i like summer colors.”
shawn pauses in consideration, lightly pressing another kiss to gus’s mouth. “june then,” he says.
and as gus finally opens his eyes, his brain finally caught up to speed but still filled with so many questions, he smiles softly at shawn and says, “deal.”
shawn grins back and kisses him again.
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