#oh yeah forgot i had this in my drafts theres this other beat where izi talks to salamanders might add it if i finish it lol
ask-izi · 2 months
Sparks and Flames
A Death's Heads Reaver, a sundering blow.
So it was that the enemy engine fell beneath Chhota Raajakumaar's clawed strike; Its snarling features were rent, but the worthless traitor still raised its chainfist in a futile attempt to fight on.
The Warlord bulled through, already grasping the Reaver's elbow joint. Princeps, Moderati, and the savage machine-mind behind Chhota yanked the clumsy attack away as one.
Still grasping, the Warlord titan, a blackshield now, cycled the megabolters set into its powerclaw and fired through the traitor's face-grille. Up close, the bolts tore into the Reaver's cabin and detonated within.
A head struck with a slug.
When Chhota Raajakumaar rose amid the dimming light of Nyrcon city, it held the enemy's torn chainfist in its claw. Deep within the warlord's warrior mind, Izi heard the clarion call of Chhota's war-sirens.
The traitors were dead.
Engine kill.
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