#oh my god the endless Takes on my dash and they're all about absolutely Nothing
dizzibell · 9 months
honestly im ready to fight the entire dick gr*yson fandom
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staytiny-angel · 6 years
Inside/Out -Two
Inside/Out - Two
Rating: E
Main Pairing: Dean Ambrose/Cassandra Lincoln (OC)
Side Pairing: Seth Rollins/Finn Balor
Warnings: (for entire story) Language, Homophobic slurs, Smut, Violence, nongraphic mentions of Stalking, Attempted Kidnapping and Domestic Abuse.
Summary: Mechanic Dean Ambrose is about to be released from prison after serving three years for manslaughter after nearly beating Randy Orton, the Mayor’s son to death after Orton attacked his ex-girlfriend, the daughter of the town’s pastor Cassandra Lincoln. Having fallen in love with Cassandra himself over the last three years, Dean will stop at nothing to protect her from the still lingering threat of Randy Orton and the judgemental views of their small town.
Authors Note: This chapter is dedicated to the thirsty girl crew in the group chat. They are without a doubt the best cheerleaders a bitch could have.
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2 years, 330 days ago
Hey Cassie-girl,
Books are always appreciated, Doll. I've never read the Harry Potter series before even though Seth has been on me to read them since we were kids. They're his favorite. Speaking of my brothers I hope I'm not overstepping but since Seth, his husband and Roman decided to move to Haven for the duration of my sentence, I asked them if they'd look out for you. I'm so sorry doll but even though I'm in here I heard that Orton is getting out of the hospital finally and I don't trust him. You know what Seth and Finn look like from my trial but Ro was still serving overseas so I'm enclosing a picture of him that they let me print out in the library.
Stay Safe Doll,
2 years, 326 days ago
Hi Dean!
Those two new guys sound REALLY annoying and they actually call themselves the B - Team? How....strange. The Pastor is being weird and controlling again. I caught him trying to steal one of your letters out of the mailbox before I could get to it, So I bought a post office box. I don't trust him not to try again. I hope this letter finds you as well as you can be under the circumstances and that you enjoyed the newest care package I've included with this letter. It took quite a bit of research to find things that fit the state's requirements.
Talk to you next week
Present Day
"AMBROSE!" a guard yelled, "Let's go!"
Dean carefully folded up the worn letter and placed it in the box with the rest of his Doll's letters. 3 years in Statie had gone by quicker then he could have imagined thanks to his beautiful Cassie.
The last thing he could have imagined happening when he'd shown up to a routine roadside assistance call was to come upon an attempted kidnapping but that's exactly what had happened.
*"Randy let go of me!" Dean had jumped out of his truck when he'd realized that the pretty African-American girl was being forced into the fancy sedan parked next to the convertible he'd been sent to retrieve. Looking closer he recognized both Cassandra, the Pastor's daughter, and Randy Orton, the son of Haven's mayor. *
"AMBROSE!" the guard yelled again "Wake up outta Lala Land inmate, don't you want to go home?"
"Course I want out Gallows. Gotta go marry my girl." Dean said with a grin. The prison Grapevine was far-reaching and though not all the guards were as fair or nice to him Gallows and his partner Anderson were old friends of his brother in law and knew the exact circumstances of his incarceration so the two had done their best to make his 'Vacation' at the state penitentiary as trouble free as possible.
"Well then get your shit and let's get you the fuck out of here."
Cassie fiddled with her hair and fidgeted as she waited, she had just gotten a text from Anderson saying that Dean would be out in a few minutes and it was taking everything she had to keep it together. She was startled out of her thoughts by the sound of the door built into the gate opening and the sight of a tall, built man with sandy brown buzzcut hair walking through carrying a box.
This was it, after three years of just letters, phone calls and supervised visits where they couldn't even hold hands, it was time for her and Dean's life together to truly begin.
Dean squinted as bright Florida sunshine blinded him momentarily. Blinking away the spots he looked across the parking lot and froze because sitting on the hood of her bright blue convertible waiting for him was Cassie.
Dean and Cassie stared at each other for an endless moment both unsure of what to do now. They had spent almost the last three years waiting for this moment.
Cassie moved first, hopping off her car and dashing across the parking lot. "DEAN!" She yelled happily.
Dean dropped the box just in time for his future wife to slam into him, wrapping his arms around her waist he picked her up and covered her mouth with his.
Cassie couldn't believe this was really happening, Dean was free, in her arms and currently kissing the absolute daylights out of her.
Finally parting, both panting from lack of air, bright blue eyes stared into chocolate brown for a moment before Dean spoke.
"I love you, Doll" he rasped " I didn't want the first time I said it to be while I was locked up, but goddamn do I fuckin' love you."
"I love you too, Dean." She whispered eyes filling with tears.
Dean nodded, his gaze filled with unspoken emotion and released her to pick up his box of belongings again. "Let's get the fuck outta here doll. I never wanna see this place again."
The two got in her car and started the long drive back to Haven. After a few minutes of silence, Cassie giggled. Dean looked at her quizzically "Cassie?"
"It's just that we've been talking as much as we could for almost three years. Now that we can say whatever we like....its like I don't have to. We know each other." Cassie said through her giggles.
"Your brothers are at the house. They were gonna surprise you but I know how you feel about surprises." She told him.
"They never learn. I just wanted one day just us before the hoard decends. They knew that. That's why they tried to surprise me." Dean grumbled.
Dean looked like he was deep in thought for a moment as they passed an industrial park that had been abandoned years ago and looked like it was still abandoned to this day.
"Pull in here Cassie-girl" Dean stated.
Cassie looked at him questioningly but obeyed and pulled into the park and behind one of the abandoned warehouses. "What are we doing?" She asked as she shut off the car and turned to face him.
"If I have to deal with my brothers for the rest of the day and night...I want some real kisses from my girl first." He said looking at her, the passionate look in Dean's eyes sending a bolt of heat straight to her center.
"Come here babydoll, Daddy has waited long enough."
Cassie debated with herself for about half a second before climbing over the gearshift and into Dean's lap.
"Christ, fuckin' finally." He gasped as her weight settled on his lap and against his already hard cock. "Gimmie that mouth again doll."
Without any more hesitation, the two began kissing passionately, their tongues tangling, Dean's hands pulling at the back of her shirt so he could get to her skin.
Cassie broke the kiss, gasping for air "Daddy, wait for a second." She grabbed the hem of her purple T-shirt and pulled it over her head revealing breasts covered in a lacy low cut purple and black bra.
Dean groaned "Are you trying to get fucked on the hood of this car right now? Cause if you tease Daddy, Babydoll that's exactly what's gonna fuckin' happen."
"But what if that's what I want Daddy? What then?" She said giving him a pseudo-innocent look.
"Open the door and get off me babydoll, You want Daddy's cock? You got it." Dean growled.
Cassie opened the car door and scrambled off him, already heading to the hood of her car. If she was honest with herself she'd been fantasizing about Dean fucking her on the hood of her convertible since the first time she'd set eyes on him, months before that fateful night when he'd saved her from whatever Randy had planned to do.
Dean came up behind her and spanked her ass fast and hard. "2 years, 2 years of Anderson and Gallows sneaking our real letters back and forth so those fuckheads checking letters at the prison couldn't get off on all the dirty, nasty things I wanted to do to my doll."
He reached under the short black skirt she was wearing "No panties? Really, doll?"
"I took them off when I realized we wouldn't get to be alone at the house right away. You told me to pull over before I could show you so we could stop." She gasped as he started to stroke her already soaking pussy.
"Lean forward, hands on the hood babydoll." He commanded, smirking when she obeyed. "That's Daddy's good little girl."
Cassie heard the jingle of Dean's belt buckle and prepared herself to get fucked hard and fast, only to be shocked when she felt her Daddy's mouth on her pussy instead. Dean had dropped to his knees on the pavement behind her.
"Gotta get a taste first, been waiting for so fucking long." He said swirling his tongue around her hard clit before taking it into his mouth and sucking messily.
"Oh fuck, Daddy please!" Dean grinned to himself, he'd made the not so innocent preacher's daughter forget herself enough to curse, something he knew was very, very rare.
"Do you want to come on Daddy's mouth or cock babydoll?" He asked standing as he replaced his mouth with two thick fingers, thrusting them inside and cooking them to hit her G-spot dead on pulling a short loud scream from his beautiful girl.
"Cock, Daddy. Need you inside of me please." She said on a wail as he hit that spot perfectly once more.
"Birth control?" He asked as he finished undoing his jeans and pulled his achingly hard cock out.
"All set Daddy, please, please fuck me." Cassie moaned nearly mindless with pleasure now.
Dean turned her head toward him, kissing her deeply before grabbing her hips and burying his cock inside her with one hard thrust.
Two loud moans, one deep and gravelly, the other high and almost musical filled the air.
"Oh God, finally. Finally fuckin mine in every single way." He growled setting a rapid pace as he reached around and pinched her clit. He knew damn well he wasn't going to last very long and he'd be damned if his girl didn't come on his cock like she wanted to.
Cassie was primed and ready feeling the pleasure coil almost immediately in her belly.
"That's it baby come for Daddy" Dean groaned feeling her pussy begin to spasm. "Shit, fuck!" He damn near screamed as he began to cum inside his girl just as she fell over the edge herself alternating between screaming his actual name and Daddy.
He laid across her back for a moment as they caught their breath before putting themselves back together and continuing the drive home to Haven.
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