#oh ive been busy coming up with wild ass hcs for alejandros family and characterization its bound to seep into other stuff
kijosakka · 27 days
Assistant Noah AU: How would Alejandro react to learning that Assistant Noah was originally a contestant in Season 1, but Noah tricked his team into voting him off super early... But Chris somehow found out, and Noah became Chris Mclean's Assistant as a punishment... How would Alejandro feel about learning this? 😅
assuming the timeline here, and that initially the circumstances of noah’s elimination is the usual ‘i was promised a 5-star resort, i didn’t get one, i’m going to get one’ and assistant noah’s usual Spite i think there is something interesting to be found there:
alejandro is the villain of world tour; the antagonist. with it comes a drive to win, so it’d be easy to say while he may respect it, he would look down on a play to just, get yourself out of the game. that being said, that reaction is more in-line with someone like heather, and alejandro is an opportunistic villain — i can see him respecting such a play, and admiring it in some way.
^ adding onto this, while i'm not sure this is too inline with what we're given in canon, alejandros motivations seem to be less about fame or money (seeing as his father is a diplomat) and more about proving a point specifically to his brother.
and, while not refined in the slightest, there is a degree of skill involved in nuking a single social situation so hard you get yourself voted out near-unanimously. and alejandro, different from someone like say heather, understands using the game to a different ends than what's being promised by it, ergo; respect and admiration.
(maybe even moreso since it is a very isolating move -- at least when he plays charmer villain he's hoping to get a good chunk of cash from it. all noah was hoping for was a luxury summer and he didn't even get that.)
not to mention it speaks to more character beyond the action itself -- a character i do think alejandro would, at the very least, be intrigued by. building off the previous assistant noah ask, i'd imagine alejandro would use it as a point of teasing, assuming it to be a kind of sore spot for noah.
which he isn't entirely wrong about -- since it wasn't so much a choice and more of a 'do this or else' i can see noah here being leagues more salty about his job and the circumstances thereof and looking back not-so-fondly on how he even landed it in the first place.
anyway in conclusion: it makes alejandro stumble harder into being a smitten loser and noah remains Bitter
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