#oh it is on baby i hope yall enjoy the little excerpts im going to just spit out here and there
the-girl-who-barks · 10 months
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Everyone say hi to Jerry!
He's the only angelestial of his kind (as far as he knows since his creator abandoned him). Hes a curious, pranky, funny fella.
Since he was born and left alone in the void, he learned to create creatures thorough his magical god like powers. His tears or bits and shards of his soul bend the void into existence, however they are not sentient, only alive.
He craves attention and also desire to find or create like minded beings. Beings like the ones from earth, which is right next to his dimension.
Jerry is not allowed to touch or go to earth, there is a barrier that prevents him from leaving the void he was born in, leaving him stuck alone with his souless creations.
His creator never returns for him, he assumes his creator had also created that blue thing. The blue thing releases souls, and they fuse together with his souless creations.
He created his first soulful being, one that would be his best friend and close companion. Together they continued to use earthly souls for their own creatures and beings. Jerry began creating a world of his own. He wonders if his creator would be happy with him.
As time goes on, he gets glimpses of the future, a very scary future. He knows something terrible is going to happen, however he refuses to believe it to be true. It's just a nightmare he keeps having. He just doesn't want things to end. He doesn't want to be alone ever again.
He hides his true anxieties behind a mask of prankery and sillyness, but his subordinates can tell there's something wrong.
He will never tell though and it would be too late anyway.
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