#oh god why are there like a bajillion different things this game could be tagged as help
elyvorg · 2 years
elyvorg’s Great Ace Attorney Liveblog - Intro
Here’s a game that I’ve become extremely hyperfixated on recently, and something new for my dormant blog!
I originally liveblogged my playthrough of The Great Ace Attorney in a thread on a Discord server, with only one, later two, people there with me for it. But I feel like my experience of the game and the thoughts and speculations I had about it while playing through it for the first time were interesting enough that I figured, hey, why not share that liveblog to a wider audience? So, that’s what I’m going to be doing here: posting the Discord transcripts of my liveblog with some minor reformatting to make it easier to follow, in parts on a daily schedule until I’ve got through the whole thing.
Some background for this: I originally played/watched a fan translation of TGAA1 several years ago (having no idea the games would eventually get a proper localisation). So my playthrough of the first game was not entirely blind, since I remembered the broad strokes of the cases – but had forgotten most of the details – and that part of the liveblog is shorter. I had also accidentally come across a spoiler for TGAA2 at a certain point after playing the fan translation of TGAA1, which I referred to a few times during my liveblog speculations before actually reaching the part of the second game where the spoiler happened. So I definitely do not recommend following along with this liveblog case-by-case during your own first playthrough!
This announcement also comes with a general spoiler warning for this blog! If you’re an Ace Attorney fan who hasn’t played The Great Ace Attorney yet, first of all, get on that, it’s fantastic, every Ace Attorney fan should play it, and second of all, I strongly recommend you block the tag #tgaa spoilers until you’ve done so. I am pretty much guaranteed to be posting more content for this game on here, and a lot of it is likely to be about things that are very spoilery. Please heed this warning; I was spoiled for this game myself, and I really don’t want to be the reason anybody else is.
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lunarlapin · 7 years
Bajillion Questions Meme
Rules: Answer the questions, add your own, and then tag people.
I was tagged by @pikespendragon67! Thank you!
1. Coke or Pepsi: Coke probably
2. Disney or Dreamworks: I’ve always been more of a Disney fan.
3. Coffee or Tea: Both
4. Books or Movies: Also both. They’re different mediums and have their own strengths and weaknesses.
5. Windows or Mac: As many problems as Windows has, I find it more useful.
6. DC or Marvel: I don’t know much about either, but I know comparatively more about Marvel.
7. XBox or Playstation: Playstation. To be honest, I’ve never had much reason to get an Xbox.
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: I haven’t played either yet, but I have some of the Dragon Age games and can’t wait to play.
9. Night Owl or Early Rise: Night owl
10. Cards or Chess: I’m complete garbage at both, to be honest
11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
12. Vans or Converse: I like the way Converse look better
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: ???
14. Fluff or Angst: I totally agree on fluff or angst followed by fluff
15. Dogs or Cats: Both, but large dogs (especially German Shepherds) are my favorites.
16. Clear skies or Rain: Clear skies. Nothing against rain, it’s very relaxing, but I’ve been in Scotland the past four years and seen a lot of it.
17. Cooking or Eating out: eating out. I’m a passable cook, but nothing fantastic.
18. Spicy or mild: Spicy, to the point where I should not be trusted to cook for people sensitive to spice because my idea of “not spicy” is so out of whack
19. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Halloween
20. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: Cold, because a little too hot makes you feel almost ill
21. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?: Teleporting is a good one. Psychokinesis is, too.
22. Animation or Live action: Animation. It’s such an intricate art
23. Paragon or Renegade: I don’t really know either
24. Baths or Showers: Showers
25. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Team Black Panther
26. Fantasy or Sci-fi: Fantasy
27. Do you have three or four favorite quotes? If so, what are they?: Alright, this time I’ll try for a serious answer. Let’s see. “A dragon never yields” is certainly a good one. (Dhurke, why?!) “Pick a god and pray” is a classic. And, let’s see… Actually, Makoto’s entire awakening is a good one.
28. Youtube or Netflix: Youtube
29. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter
30. When Do You Feel Accomplished: I feel it the most when I can see someone appreciating what I’ve done, whether they know it was me or not.
31. Star Wars or Star Trek: Both again, maybe slight preference for Wars
32. Paperback or Hardback books: Either, though I appreciate the resilience of hardback books
33. Handwriting or Typing: Typing. My handwriting is such a mess
34. Velvet or Satin: Both
35. Video games or movies: Video games
36. Would you rather be the dragon or fight the dragon: Is “befriend the dragon” a choice?
37. Sunrise or Sunset: Sunset is really my time of day
38. What’s your favorite song: I can never decide
39. Horror movies, yes or no: I like them, so long as they’re not the kind where gore is the appeal (e.g. Saw)
40. Long or Short hair: I definitely like long hair better on myself.
41. Opera or Theater: Both. I’ll always have a bit of a soft spot for opera thanks to my violin teacher playing operas all the time and teaching me about them.
42. Assuming the multiverse theory is true and that every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first: Priam here I come
43. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be: Sushi, because favorite food. Also I remembered that Iwai can buy you some
44. Older or younger guys: Older
45. If you could delete any show from TV history, what would it be: That one show where people compete for plastic surgery
46. Singing or dancing: Both, though I’m only trained in dancing. Though I really hate the sound of my speaking voice, I might have potential as a contralto.
47. Instagram or Twitter: I don’t use either
48. Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit: Lord of the Rings
49. If you could create either a sequel or bring back any tv show/movie, what would you choose: The World Ends With You 2? Please?
50. Who is your favorite movie/TV character you look up to and why? Oh that’s a hard one. Someone said I look like Agent Carter the other day, so I was thinking of her. She seems pretty great. Also I should mention Dr. Brennan, since my parents already compare me to her.
51. If you were convicted of a crime, what would it be? Made too many Putin jokes
52. Anime- subbed or dubbed? There’s an art to both, and there’s shining examples of both. The dub of Monster is considered a masterpiece and the definitive version, for example.
53. City or countryside: I’m more accustomed to city life
54. What book have you read over and over? EDIT: wow I apparently missed this one earlier, blame being exhausted. Anyway I used to reread Agatha Christie novels a lot. You'd be surprised as to how interesting it can be to reread a mystery you already know the answer to.
55. What is your personality type? ISTJ
56. Would you rather change a moment in the past or have a glimpse in the future: It’s probably better not to interfere with the past.
57. Would you rather have an ex that you hate start dating your best friend, or have an ex that you’re still attached to hook up with someone you revile? Nonono please no
58. Games you want ported for the Nintendo Switch: The ones you’ve already mentioned, but also No More Heroes 1 and 2, and Final Fantasy XV. Maybe the old Harvest Moon games too.
And my question…
59. Say you’ve been turned into a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon-style. What would you be? In the Mystery Dungeon games, I was Charmander. If not Charizard, then Altaria, Espeon, or Oricorio (probably the Sensu form).
I tag, hmm… @ofanimeandbooks, @yoroimikoto, @charlotteswife, @prophetparadox, @etotheoneeyeowl, and @azuremessenger. Good luck!
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divinitions · 7 years
Bajillion Questions Meme!
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions!
Tagged by @finasol​! Thank you for tagging me! 
1. Coke or Pepsi: I don’t drink sodas, but I guess Coke
2. Disney or DreamWorks: Both!
3. Coffee or Tea: Tea! I can’t really stand coffee ;^;
4. Books or Movies: Definitely books
5. Windows or Mac: Oh, God, Windows hands down. It runs better and is a lot more versatile, and I don’t want my Mac to come crashing down to smoke if it runs any games (which happened to my friend’s acquaintance)
6. DC or Marvel: None, because I’m not a huge fan, but if I must pick, Marvel
7. Xbox or Playstation: Xbox is the one I play more, but I’ve got a good game for PS that I really like
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Uh, both, I suppose. DA2, DAO and the original ME trilogy, but I did not finish DAI (because I found the quests especially redundant, sorry) and ME:A (because I don’t have an Xbox One)
9. Night Owl or Early Rise: More night owl, but I’ve slept for an hour and felt fine, so there’s that
10. Cards or Chess: Cards, because I’ve never learnt how to play chess properly
11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Both, because food
12. Vans or Converse: Converse. I’ve never worn Vans in my life
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: Lavellan, because let’s face it, you get an egg boyfriend
14. Fluff or Angst: ANGST! Angst all the way! I eat, drink, write, read and breathe angst! ANGST IS LIFE!
16. Dogs or Cats: Both, because why not?
17. Clear Skies or Rain: Rain, because it’s soothing and I have a reason to procrastinate, albeit a weak one.
18. Cooking or Eating Out: Homemade food is good, so cooking is preferable. Eating out is great too, I just have to be more careful.
19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: Spicy food. I grew up on spicy food so if I eat stuff that isn’t spicy, it’s not flavourful enough sometimes ._.
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Christmas, I guess. I don’t really pay attention to both
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: Hot, because I’m used to it
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be: Control and read minds, because it’d be nice to know what they’re pondering about. Otherwise, time manipulation, because I just wanna slow down and chill
23. Animation or Live Action: Animation
24. Paragon or Renegade: Paragon. I always go for diplomatic/persuasive options more than intimidation.
25. Baths or Showers: Showers, much more convenient and efficient, but a good bath once in a while to destress in is good
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Neither, but if I had to choose, Iron Man. 
27. Fantasy or Sci-fi: Fantasy
28. Do you have three or four favorite quotes? If so, what are they?
“Nothing is true, everything is permitted.”
“Stop right there, criminal scum!”
“The Dragon awaits.”
“In the end, you return to the Gods as nothing (Omne reme a di re na).” -iirc, a translation of a line from the DA2 song Mage Pride
I need to remember all this stuff better
29. YouTube or Netflix: Youtube, because I don’t have Netflix where I am
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: None. HP is too black-white for me and while I did like PJ series, it wore down and I got too tired :/ 
31. When Do You Feel Accomplished: Uh, when I BS my way through a paper and get good grades :D
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Not a big fan of both because I don’t follow them
33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: Paperback because it’s generally cheaper. But hardback books are prettier.
34. Handwriting or Typing: Both, really. Handwriting when it comes down to writing quotes and typography, but typing for writing my fics.
35. Velvet or Satin: Satin
36. Video Games or Movies: LMAO I think this one is obvious enough
37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon: If I am a dragon, the Dovahkiin can still kill me. But I’m THE Dovahkiin, so I’d own the dragon
38. Sunrise or Sunset: Sunrise, but I’d pick sunset for Skyrim because c’mon, the auroras are stunning :0
39. What’s your favorite song: Currently Troye Sivan’s “There For You”, but I listen to a multitude and they’ll change soon enough. KARD and Dean have great songs too tho, hnnng.
40. Horror Movies, yes or no: Um, I’ll pass.
41. Long or Short Hair: Long. I like it better that way even tho it’s a pain to deal with
42. Opera or Theatre: I’ve never exactly seen any of these so :/
43. Assuming the multiverse theory is true and that every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first: The Elder Scrolls universe would be great, mainly because I would like to travel across Tamriel, despite the draugrs and wolves, snow bears and mudcrabs. If not, Assassin’s Creed.
44. If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of your life what would it be: Eh, granola. Or salmon.
45. Older guys or young guys: Older guys. I know this is a generalisation, but most are more mature and responsible. Plus, I just can’t see myself with a younger man.
46. If you could erase any show from TV history, what would it be: No opinion on this
47. Singing or Dancing: Both.
48. Instagram or Twitter: I’ve got insta, but tumblr, really.
49. Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit: Lord of the Rings. I liked it better, though I am very partial to it.
50. If you could create either a sequel or bring back any tv show/movie, what would you choose: Eh, none.
51. Who is your movie/tv show character that you are looking up to and why?: None, if it’s TV/movie, but if it’s a game, then the guards in TES IV: Oblivion. They pop up everywhere, anytime, even when nobody’s there. C’mon, that deserves a reward.
52. If you were ever convicted of a crime, what would it be?: Shoplifting a gaming console, the games or taking money from the cash register. Pickpocketing, maybe?
53. Anime- subbed or dubbed?: Subbed, but I like listening to hilarious dubbed ones. Free! for example.
54. City or countryside?: Countryside, especially to those that are very lavish in nature and are situated in terrains that resemble those of Iceland, Alaska or Norway.
55. What book have you read over and over?: Colourless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami and The Book Thief by Markus Zusak 
56. What is your personality type?: You see, here’s the thing: I don’t know. The tests chuck back different results. Most likely ISFP but the tests keep saying ISTP - T
57. Would you rather change a moment in time or have a glimpse into the future?: Change a moment in time.
58.) Would you rather have an ex that you hate start dating your best friend, or have an ex that you’re still attached to hook up with someone you revile?: I’d rather just have the latter. I gotta let the ex go someday and it might just be much easier. Not exactly my problem anymore anyway :/
My Question:
59. Oblivion or Skyrim?: Oblivion has better immersion, better thought out quest lines generally (Companion quest in Skyrim was ??????) but Skyrim’s gameplay is great ( + Thieves Guild is a great questline)
Tagging @dxsturbxa, @damnlettuce and @198cm-of-vetra-nyx
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