#oh I could’ve put ‘actual’ groups but I’m mclazy lol
ps-dipper · 2 years
idols the dippers dislike and idols they’re interested in?
[ARLOW] ::
“Let’s keep this short guys. No need to be spreading drama. As for me I don’t like Kurou. He can get away from shying away from his leading role in public because it’s ‘cute’. I got backlash, it’s not fun.” Arlow mumbles looking off to the side before stretching.
“I don’t know what that means but I guess people that think their weird but they are just misunderstood and cute I guess, I don’t know…”
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Kurou can be found at @/nf-allstars
[TARŌ] ::
“I’m the get along type. Everyone is a friend to me except those that pick on others for no reason.” Tarō sighs folding in his arms.
“Interested? Remi! I don’t know what it is about her but I wanna know more… if I had to pick another It’d be Kōta how are you like a prince that ran away to be an idol it’s weird.”
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Remi can be found @/kitty-kittyz and Kōta can be found at @/nf-allstars
[JIAN] ::
“Oh, I can’t stand Jiyo. How are you going to date some hybrid from Canis and not the literal boy of your dreams can you not tell by the way he looks at you like your his whole world?” Jian exclaims as if she’s watching a soap opera take place.
“I’m interested in the quiet but will snap types. So anyone that’s like that has my interest peeked.”
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Jiho can be found at @/nf-4lck and Canis can be found at @/ps-canis (coming soon)
[XINYI] ::
“Idols I don’t like, Sookie. Just kidding, I know she’ll probably say me! However, if I may be so bold it’s Yejun. How can you not feel guilty at all the stuff you’ve done, talk about shallow and self-centered. I hate those kinds of people…” Xinyi says rather quickly before his eyes light up at the second question.
“If interested means crushes I’ll let you in on a secret. The only reason I know about hashtags situation is because I have a crush on Liling. She’s so brave and strong plus I know she’s probably the shy but opens up type. I wanna be the one that can make her laugh, ya know? And if not her then… anyone in general that thinks I’m fun to be around.”
You can find Yejun And Liling at @/hshtag
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[RIM] ::
“I can’t stand anyone. They all just seem fake to me except my own group members of course.” Rim says bluntly rolling his eyes.
“Interested? Anyone interested in me must be out of their mind…”
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“Ahah, I have a short list but it’s simple. Xinyi definitely him I can’t stand him or anyone like that for that matter. Goofy and never serious.” Sookie snaps before recollecting herself.
“Idols I’m interested in? Not too sure yet, most haven’t interacted with us but I’ll tell you my type. Which would be people that put up with my antics and/or can dish them back.”
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[AERI] ::
“I get along with people! Well I like to think that way. I guess idols that are pushy to their other members or put others down.” Aeri says confidently before going back into a thinking position.
“Idols I’m interested in… I guess I have a type for the ‘bad’ but softie types so any of those— like Rim!”
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