#of course this au always needs its healthy share of professor kink
kingdomvel · 5 months
Oooh kisses! Can I have either "I think I deserve a kiss" or getting caught kissing (or both👀)?
(And if you want a specific AU, maybe streamer au? But I'll take anything :D)
aaaah I love the streamer au, i think it's not appreciated enough.
Your wish is my command, streamer Anakin with professor Obi-Wan (this is more important in this one) for you:
There is a knock on the door.
“Come in” Obi-Wan calls out. It must be Cal, he should have arrived ten minutes ago to talk about doing his PhD with him starting next year.
The door to Obi-Wan’s office opens, but it’s not Cal at the other side.
“Anakin” Obi-Wan says, surprised. Anakin hardly ever comes to the university. Obi-Wan can’t always give him the attention they both want, and there is always the chance someone will recognize Anakin and interrupt them. That hasn’t stopped him from slipping into a couple of his classes though, back when they had started dating.
“Hello Professor.” Anakin greets with a smile, he slips through the door and closes it behind him. “You forgot your food at home.” He says as he opens his backpack and takes out Obi-Wan’s lunch from inside.
“You didn’t have to come all the way here for that.” Obi-Wan says, his eyes stuck on Anakin’s hand, on the ring on his finger. That had been quite a commotion, when Obi-Wan had missed class for a couple of days at the end of the semester and then had come back the next week with a ring on his finger.
“But I have.” Anakin circles the desk to stand in front of Obi-Wan, who swivels the chair so he can face him. “Because I am the best husband in the world, who wants his beloved to not have to eat the food at the cafeteria he despises so much.” He continues talking as he comes closer to Obi-Wan, until the only way closer is to sit on Obi-Wan’s lap, straddling him. Obi-Wan immediately brings his hands up to his husband. First to his waist, and they move up as Anakin lowers himself to his lap, slipping under his hoodie. “I think I deserve a kiss, don’t you?”
Anakin’s hands move from Obi-Wan’s shoulders to cross behind his head as he leans forward, until his lips are brushing Obi-Wan’s.
Obi-Wan has half a thought about how they shouldn’t be doing this here, not at his university, at his office. But he can’t stop, not when he has his beautiful husband on his lap kissing him.
Anakin leans back, just enough to whisper against Obi-Wan’s lips. “Is this where you tell me to drop to my knees and earn my extra credits?”
Obi-Wan groans, because of course Anakin had to bring that up now, and kisses Anakin again, one of his hands moving form his body to his neck so he can’t move away again.
“Sorry for being late Professor, I-“
The sound of the door opening makes the both of them jump on their place. They turn towards the door where Cal is still with his hand on the doorknob, half a step inside the room, completely frozen in place as his cheeks get redder by the second.
“Sorry- I- I’ll come back later” he says as he closes the door again.
Obi-Wan drops his head forward into Anakin’s chest with his eyes closed. He can feel the vibrations of Anakin’s laugh against his forehead.
“Who was that?” Anakin asks.
“That was Cal.”
Anakin makes an acknowledging noise, Obi-Wan has told him about Cal before.
“Do you think that maybe he won’t tell the university about this if I take a picture with him?”
“It’s worth a try, I think he is bd1.”
“Nice.” Obi-Wan can hear the smile on Anakin’s voice.
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