#odd dream but I did take melatonin since my brain is a quite an ass and doesn't shut off. no thoughts just awake
I must've had the saga of all dreams today. The continuity of it between brief awake states is something I haven't experienced all that often. It was rather fascinating. I will be brief in a few portions for length and memory's sake.
At the beginning of this dream, I had gone to this art museum. It was exactly the same one I had been to before. Just a different season. It was winter now and my pink dress was meant for summer. After the gallery, my parent and I went through the snow to the sculpture garden. There was a tower back here that we went up. It was meant to be a small exhibit. Going in, I saw a box and mirror together. This is where I was struck by a feeling of urgency. That I was told I needed to leave this place, this area, and go elsewhere. It directly lead into the next portion.
I was doing normal stuff at the time. Mostly with my partner and family. It was a little odd since there was an inclusion of lilo and stitch experiments/cousins. Something earlier told my partner and I that we had to move from our current state. It was urgent and we needed to go in a day's time. This saying was merely a reminder as it had happened earlier. We needed an item from one of the cousins and I snatched it away from them. It was ours, a small green gingham blanket. My partner and I went home together. Evading a 3rd party. My family left together in a different direction. It didn't matter as we both ended up at the same place.
My partner and I talked while we were at home. I paced about what we should do. They suggested I start packing all my necessary items. I looked at them and go "So I basically take what I can and want?" They nodded and took my hands in theirs, squeezing them gently. I go to pack and end up leaving without them and instead with my family. My brain decided on Wyoming as the destination. That was the "safe place". I knew I was feeling sad to leave a place I was fond of though.
Small pitstops along the way were mainly filler material. Primarily stopping at a secret witch library with fancy technology. I went in for a while to look for space-themed books and geography items. I did not stay long even if were kept hidden from authorities. Another portion was where it was just my partner and I. At a grocery store that ended up being a religious service in a different area. Really odd since it was set up like a town. They served crappy hashbrowns. The last stop was at a place in another state as we were nearly there. Primarily a department store of sorts but quite rundown. We met someone slightly famous and it got weird.
Finally we made it to this beckoning brown house. It interrupted my dreams within dreams several times. It was where I knew I needed to go. The house itself was frankly shuttered down and ominous. Not a warm welcome. I had gone in first only to find out by someone who did occasional upkeep that it was haunted. It was. I heard but did not see the spirits. Dogs in one area, and people in another. I yelled to keep them in line and they went silent. I thought of banishing them and doing a large cleanse as something icky lurked there. My partner arrived shortly after I entered. We were setting up our new room on the 2nd floor. Apparently an elderly woman who owned the house died in it. Not something great. I spoke out asking if they could be a kinder presence and make the room safe. I did feel a noticeable difference in the energy and talked to my partner again. We chatted about we were in unfamiliar territory.
Towards the close of the dream, I looked outside through an attic window. Much less foreboding than the rest of the wood paneling interior. I could see the sun outside as were surrounded by trees and a few other houses. I didn't think much at the time but felt at peace.
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