#oc: ro sanchez
luucypevensie · 2 years
Finally, we have the Juniors of the new generation of New Directions
First, we have Lana Chang
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FC is Arden Cho. Lana is Mike’s cousin who comes to stay with him and his parents after being kicked out of school for being a “problem child”. However, she really isn’t one; she’s just frustrated by the fact that no one is willing to help her learn the material she was supposed to understand. Later on, with help from Mike and Thea, it’s discovered that Lana is actually dyslexic, which was why she was struggling so much. Once the problem was solved, she began to slowly bring her grades back up. Lana really is a protective and loyal person once you earn it from her. Avery was the first person to do so, and Lana loves her so much that she learned ASL for her. She also loves comic books, which helped a lot with her reading skills.
Next, there’s Paul Wayland
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FC is Matthew Daddario. Paul is a fellow Titan football player that Finn takes under his wing. He’s not much of a talker; he’s more of a man of action. However, when Paul says something, it’s meaningful. It probably surprises some people that he’s incredibly good at debate, which is why he becomes the student body class president (it probably also surprises people that he really cares about his grades). That’s probably why Paul becomes one of the de facto leaders of Glee Club, along with Sam and Blaine.
Then, we have Rosario “Ro” Sanchez
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FC is Jeanine Mason. Ro is extremely ambitious like Rachel Berry, but not for musical theatre. For as long as she could remember, she has always wanted to be a doctor. As a result, she worked hard to maintain a 4.0 grade point average while also being a cross country star. Ro also works at Breadstix to make more money to get into college. However, when she’s persuaded to join Glee by Betty, she learns that it’s okay to have fun and let loose every once in a while.
Finally, we have Omar Malik
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FC is Mena Massoud. Omar is the son of an ambassador who moves to Lima, so that he and his son can get to know one another better. Omar is well versed in politics, so he knows how to navigate the social standings. He’s also an outspoken activist for Muslim rights and equality for all races, which turns him into a target for homophobes and racists. Being in Glee Club, though, provides him a safe haven. It doesn’t hurt that Omar also loves to sing.
Tagging: @connietheecunning, @kendelias, @richitozier, @stanshollaand, @arrthurpendragon, @lizziesxltzmxn, @anotherunreadblog, @anobscurename, @witchofinterest, @darknightfrombeyond, @sunlitscrib
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dorkousloris · 4 years
thoughts on a particular oc who is a RO for a wip i’m writing, also she was originally Carmen but because I remembered I literally had a another OC with that name so she’s now--
“Alejandra Sanchez.”
Alejandra looks up, her eyes were a moment of confusion before she recognize the voice to the face of--
“Ah, old friend.” She smiles warily as the man chuckles, leaning on the counter.
“Never thought to see me?” The man chirps, quirking a eyebrow and she rolls her eyes.
“I don’t know, I had a feeling you were coming to my shop one of these days.” Alejandra says, as she put the unfinished board away, “So, what brings you here?”
“I want to see how’s my favorite skater doing here, can I?” He tilt his head and she sighs, rolling her eyes.
“Former skater,” She corrects him, “And nothing much, working on a new set of decks, that’s all.” 
“Oh come on,” He frowns as he voice his passion, “You do know you were one of the best, one of the kind, what could--”
Alejandra grimaces at that, and through she kept a smile, “You truly forgot, do you, amigo?”
“Uh,” He blinks, then he realize his own words as he felt flustered, “Ah, I-- I meant it as a positive--” 
“Stop, stop,” She drawls, raising her hands to make him shut his mouth then tilt her head, “That accident is why I’m still here.” 
Then she glances down, she could see her right prosthetic leg in sight. 
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