#oc: melly lovelace
daughter-of-melpomene · 7 months
Now, because I’ve kept forgetting to make this post after I posted about by Narnia babies (and because I said I was going to make it yesterday in order to piss off our new little basically-anon friend and I am nothing if not committed to spiting assholes), I present to you all my three new Ted Lasso OCs who will be joining my boy Will Welton! Unlike Will, these three lovelies are part of an entirely different fic (if I ever actually write it, that is), and this is the first time I’ve had more than one OC in the same story, so I’m really excited to share them with you guys!! Their official intro posts might not be up for a little bit, but feel free to ask me questions about them!!
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— Sam ship.
— The name on her birth certificate is Amelia Euphemia, but no one but her mother is allowed to call her that and anyone else will get a good sock in the teeth if they try it.
— Member of a girl group called Electra Hearts, along with her roommates and besties Ji and Day (the other OC babies). They’re a group that sings covers, usually taking gigs at dingy pubs and clubs when they can get them, and taking a bunch of little part-time jobs to cover the rest of their bills.
— Childhood friends and sweethearts with Jamie, but he dumped her once he started getting big as a football player (mainly because his father got in his head about Melly “distracting” him from making it big, but she doesn’t know that until way later). She never quite got over being dumped like that, because she really loved him, and she’s certainly pretty angry at even the thought of Jamie for a while.
— The girls all move to Richmond when Ji gets a job as the team’s new official photographer, and as such Melly is forced to see Jamie again after years of refusing to watch or interact with the sport of football at all. Over time, as all three girls start to become fixtures at Richmond and close with the team, she and Jamie do start to become friends again, but they’re definitely a lot more snappy and bickering with each other than they ever were before (and Melly becomes wildly overprotective for a little bit when she realizes Ji and Jamie are interested in each other).
— Have you guys ever seen that one quote that’s like “before I am a woman I am a menace to society”? That’s basically Melly in a nutshell.
— She’s feral. She advocates violence as a first response. She carries a pocket knife with her at all times. She once ate an entire banana peal on a dare (from Jamie, of course). She’s a complete bisexual mess and I love her.
— She and Sam are also super incredibly cute together! They’re very black cat x golden retriever and the entire team ships them (including Ted and Beard, of course, because we all know they are the captains of any and all relevant ships going on in the club).
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— Jamie ship.
— The bestest little non-binary sweetheart.
— Member of Electra Hearts along with Melly and Day, but mostly takes photography jobs outside of band gigs rather than waitressing or barmaid jobs like their friends.
— During her revamp of the club after taking over from Rupert, Rebecca sees Ji’s photography site and notices how all their reviews praise their work but acknowledge that they’re very nervous around new people. She hires them as the new official club photographer as another part of her plan to take down Richmond, figuring that putting such a nervous person around a bunch of rowdy athletes will either negatively affect their work or cause them to quit and create a story about how Richmond drove away a talented photographer.
— However, she fails to realize that Ji is a lot braver when their friends are around and once they get to know people, and by the time Rebecca’s scheme starts to fall apart they’re a genuine member of the Richmond family and a sibling/child figure to everyone in the club. (Including Rebecca herself, once she apologizes for hiring Ji for selfish reasons and is forgiven and they actually start getting to know each other.)
— Ji is an absolute sweetheart once they’re comfortable around people, always willing to listen and try to help when someone is struggling and fiercely loyal to the people they care about. Melly and Day like to teasingly call them “sunshine,” and some of the Richmond players refer to them as Ted’s mini-me (said with love, of course).
— They fully expect to hate Jamie as much as Melly seems to when they first start working with Richmond, and they definitely don’t exactly like him at first, but they also see pretty quickly how much hurt and insecurity he’s actually hiding behind his cocky demeanor, and they make it clear that he’s free to talk to them at any point if he needs to, which turns out to be just what he needs, and the more time they spend together the more they seem to fall for each other.
— Ji feels terrible about it at first, having feelings for their friend’s ex, but after Melly goes through a brief overprotective freaking out phase upon realizing that they like each other, she doesn’t hesitate to give them both her blessing, and they actually become a very cute couple!
— Ji might be a sweetheart, but they also don’t put up with Jamie’s shit and encourage him to become a better person, and in that sense they’re really perfect for each other.
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— Poly Roy and Keeley ship.
— Third and oldest member of Electra Hearts, but she’s not that much older than Melly and Ji (they all met at uni when Day was in her third year and the other two were freshmen).
— Generally the one in charge of booking gigs for the group, and the informal “leader” of the trio.
— Not exactly the most responsible of them, though; she’s had a lot of issues in her life and had various shitty boyfriends and girlfriends, so she kind of struggles to trust anyone who isn’t Ji or Melly. (She’s not exactly rude or standoffish, but she generally tries to avoid talking about herself or being alone with anyone who isn’t her friends.)
— She actually does form a bond pretty quickly with Keeley, though, mainly because Keeley thinks she’s very cute and interesting and refuses to let Day keep her at a distance.
— Takes a job as a bartender at May’s pub when Electra Hearts moves to Richmond, and May basically adopts her as a daughter since she doesn’t have a good relationship with her biological family.
— At first she and Roy are sort of just like two black cats chilling together, spending most of their time just sitting in silence doing separate things and counting that as hanging out, but when he starts dating Keeley and Day spends more time as him as a result they actually get close.
— And at some point Day realizes she has feelings for both of them, which terrifies her and makes her withdraw from everyone a little, but eventually Melly and Ji scheme to get her to talk to Roy and Keeley and she learns that they both have feelings for her too.
— They still don’t get together immediately after that, partially due to Day’s relationship trauma and partially because none of them have ever been in a poly relationship before and they’ll need to learn to navigate that dynamic, but once they do they are all a completely adorable throuple that everyone ships! (Other than some nosy sports journalists - NOT TRENT - who Roy has to punch for insulting his girlfriends.)
— Also obviously Roy and Keeley don’t break up in this story, and they and Day live happily ever after! (Literally everyone does in my story, of course, but them especially.)
Alright, that’s it for info about these beauties for now!! Again, it might take me a while to make some official intro posts for them, but if anyone has any questions feel free to send them in!!
(Tagging @auxiliarydetective because she is also a fan of Will, @themaybewoman because they’ve interacted with Will content before so maybe they might like these babes, @purpleyearning because they did ask a looooonnnnggg time ago for me to tag them if I ever made a poly Roy and Keeley OC, and @eddiemunscns because she did say she’d be down to talk Ted Lasso OCs!! <3)
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daughter-of-melpomene · 6 months
Number 21
Thanks a bunch for this ask, Greta!! <3
Number twenty-one on my playlist was “august” by Taylor Swift, and I definitely think it fits with one of my new Ted Lasso babies, Melly Lovelace, and her former relationship with Jamie! Even though they were together for more than a summer, the song still perfectly encapsulates how Melly never really felt like Jamie was hers the way she was his, that he always cared about football and trying to please his dad more than he ever cared about her. The line “you weren’t mine to lose” especially relates to Melly’s feelings about Jamie during that time, because even though she was crushed when he broke up with her and stopped talking to her as he focused more on football, she’d always somehow felt like him leaving her was inevitable. Thankfully, unlike Augustine and James from the song, Melly and Jamie are eventually able to be friends again.
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send me a number 1-100 and I’ll tell you the song it corresponds with on my top 100 spotify wrapped playlist, and the oc/ship it reminds me of!!
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